1880 Passenger Lists


All Passenger Lists For 1880 Available at the GG Archives. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route.


Our collection contains samples of passenger lists produced and printed by the steamship lines. They are often used to illustrate family history books for immigrants from this period in time.

Coveted by collectors and genealogists, souvenir passenger lists often offered beautiful graphical covers and information not found in official manifests because they focused on the journey rather than the destination.


Front Cover, Cabin Passenger List from the SS City of Chester of the Inman Line, Departing 1880-05-29 from New York to Liverpool.

1880-05-29 SS City of Chester Passenger List

Steamship Line: Inman Line

Class of Passengers: Saloon/Cabin

Date of Departure: 29 May 1880

Route: New York to Liverpool

Commander: Captain Frederick Watkins


Passenger Lists By Year Continued


Please help us make our passenger list collection more complete. We would appreciate a digital copy if you have an 1880 souvenir passenger list. Please email us at [email protected].


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