SS Washington Passenger List - 9 September 1936

Front Cover of a Tourist Class Passenger List from the SS Washington of the United States Lines, Departing 9 September 1936 from Hamburg to New York via Le Havre, Southampton, and Queenstown (Cobh)

Front Cover of a Tourist Class Passenger List from the SS Washington of the United States Lines, Departing 9 September 1936 from Hamburg to New York via Le Havre, Southampton, and Queenstown (Cobh), Commanded by Captain Giles C. Stedman, Lt. Cmdr., U.S.N.R. GGA Image ID # 166d1169ba


Senior Officers and Staff

  • Commander: Captain Giles C. Stedman, Lt. Cmdr., U.S.N.R.         
  • Chief Officer: Edward A. Richmond, Lt., U.S.N.R.
  • Chief Engineer: John W. Rakow
  • Chief Purser: Frank Clyde Arnoult
  • Staff Purser: Serge A. Gagarin
  • Tourist Purser: Gilbert J. Ross
  • Surgeon: John P. Connors
  • Assistant Surgeon: Robert W. Hunt
  • Chief Steward: David Robertson
  • Assistant Chief Steward: Hugo Schuessler
  • Chief Tourist Steward: Herman Mueller



We bid you a hearty welcome on board this great American liner, and we hope you will thoroughly enjoy the voyage.

The MANHATTAN and WASHINGTON are sister ships, the largest liners ever built in America.

These superb steamers mark a new and forward step in the history of the American Merchant Marine. Their popularity shows that discriminating travelers of all lands appreciate our endeavors to provide service and cuisine In keeping with the highest standards.

Tourist Class Passengers

  1. Mr. W. T. Adams
  2. Mrs. Margaret Adler
  3. Mr. Frank W. Adler
  4. Mrs. Frank Adler
  5. Mr. Anbro
  6. Mrs. Ester Anbro
  7. Master Paul Anbro
  8. Mr. Erch Anspach
  9. Dr. Ilie Ardelean
  10. Miss M. J. Armand
  11. Mrs. Edith Ash
  12. Mrs. Anna Augustin
  13. Mr. Ralph E. Baddley
  14. Mrs. Maude Baily
  15. Mr. Henry Baily
  16. Mrs. Baily
  17. Master Henry Baily
  18. Dr. E. Wight Bakke
  19. Mrs. Bakke
  20. Mr. John Barbu
  21. Mr. R. C. Barlow
  22. Mrs. Sophie Basch
  23. Mrs. W. Beamon
  24. Miss Agele Beaudet
  25. Mr. Virgil Bennett
  26. Mr. Paul Bennett
  27. Mr. Bernard Bernstein
  28. Miss Margaret Besand
  29. Miss L. Beuttiler
  30. Mr. Roland R. Blair
  31. Mr. Henry Bock
  32. Mrs. Bock
  33. Mr. A. J. Boese
  34. Mr. Luka Bozanic
  35. Mr. Llewellyn Bray
  36. Rev. James Brimelow
  37. Mrs. Brimelow
  38. Mrs. Julia Brixen
  39. Miss Julia Brixen
  40. Mr. Bernard Bronicardi
  41. Mrs. E. Brooks
  42. Miss E. Brooks
  43. Mr. Paul A. Brown
  44. Mrs. Brown
  45. Miss Florence Brownell
  46. Miss Anne Bruchal
  47. Mr. L. C. Brunt
  48. Mrs. Brunt
  49. Mr. L. A. Brunt
  50. Miss Elizabeth Brush
  51. Miss Nancy Buchar
  52. Mr. Winton Burdett
  53. Miss Frances Burke
  54. Mr. A. H. Burton
  55. Mrs. Burton
  56. Mr. A. Cahill
  57. Mr. Kenneth Callahan
  58. Mrs. Callahan
  59. Mr. Roy W. Carlson
  60. Miss Edith de Cholnocky
  61. Mr. Donald Clarke
  62. Mr. Harrison H. Clement
  63. Mr. James Clynes
  64. Dr. Charles E. Coates
  65. Mrs. Coates
  66. Miss Carolina Coates
  67. Miss Mary Colbert
  68. Miss Honora Collins
  69. Miss Jean Conklin
  70. Miss Margaret Cooney
  71. Mrs. Edward L. Cornell
  72. Miss Alice Cunningham
  73. Miss Mary E. Cuttle
  74. Rev. Dominic Daly
  75. Miss Carolyn Davis
  76. Mr. Edw. Davitt
  77. Mrs. Davitt
  78. Mr. Richard Dawson
  79. Mr. John Dawson
  80. Miss Elsa de Bondeli
  81. Miss Illis Deon
  82. Mrs. Sally Devlin
  83. Miss Ann Devlin
  84. Master Gordon Dickey
  85. Sister M. Paula Dietsche
  86. Mr. Harry Dougherty
  87. Mrs. Edw. J. Doyle
  88. Mr. Edw. J. Doyle, Jnr.
  89. Miss Maureen Doyle
  90. Miss Kathleen Doyle
  91. Mr. A. J. Doyle
  92. Mr. James Doyle
  93. Dr. Bruno Engelmann
  94. Mrs. Engelmann
  95. Miss Angela Ennett
  96. Miss Nancy Ewing
  97. Miss Adah Farler
  98. Miss Mary Elizabeth Earth
  99. Miss Carrie B. Feely
  100. Miss K. Ferry
  101. Mr. Gerald Fitzgerald
  102. Mr. G. Fitzgerald
  103. Miss Mary Fitzgerald
  104. Miss Anna Fitzgerald
  105. Mrs. Minna E. Flynn
  106. Miss Minna Flynn
  107. Miss Edith Flynn
  108. Sister M. Leonarda Foehn
  109. Miss Helen Frank
  110. Miss Anna Frank
  111. Mrs. Gertrude Frick
  112. Miss Patsy Frick
  113. Mr. John Frick
  114. Mrs. Friedel Funk
  115. Sister M. Hilda Gabler
  116. Mrs. R. G. Gadsby
  117. Mr. Patrick J. Ganley
  118. Rev. Phillip Garcia
  119. Mr. James Gardner
  120. Miss Paula Gardner
  121. Mr. Frederick G. Gilbert
  122. Mr. F. Gilbert
  123. Dr. Robert H. Glass
  124. Mrs. Oscar Glass
  125. Master Oscar Glass
  126. Miss Dorothy Golightly
  127. Mr. Godefroy Gossens
  128. Miss Eleanor Gracey
  129. Miss Helen Gramatzki
  130. Mrs. Mary Grief
  131. Miss Elizabeth Ida Grief
  132. Mr. Joseph N. Grimshaw
  133. Miss E. Gruber
  134. Miss Theresa Gunther
  135. Dr. Edward Hambro
  136. Mrs. Ella G. Hamister
  137. Miss Virginia Hamister
  138. Mr. R. R. Hare
  139. Miss Jane Hare
  140. Mr. Theodore Harper
  141. Dr. Joachim Hassemer
  142. Miss Margaret C. Haugh
  143. Mr. Otto Hauss
  144. Mr. Michael Healy
  145. Mrs. Healy
  146. Master Michael Healy
  147. Miss Mary J. Healy
  148. Mr. William Heilman
  149. Dr. Louis Heilman
  150. Mrs. Heilman
  151. Capt. Thomas Henry
  152. Mrs. Henry
  153. Mr. John Herndon
  154. Mrs. Herndon
  155. Miss Carol M. Herndon
  156. Mrs. J. C. Heschele
  157. Mrs. Robert C. Howard
  158. Rev. Frances J. Hogan
  159. Miss Besse Howard
  160. Miss Catherine Howley
  161. Miss Anne Howley
  162. Miss Annie M. Hunt
  163. Miss Josephine Ivers
  164. Mrs. F. Johnson
  165. Mrs. Wm. F. Johnson
  166. Mr. James Johnston
  167. Miss Barbara Johnstone
  168. Rev. John J. Judge
  169. Miss Evelyn Judge
  170. Rev. P. J. Jurastis
  171. Mr. John J. Keane
  172. Miss Elizabeth Kellog
  173. Mr. Grant M. Kennedy
  174. Miss Elizabeth Kennedy
  175. Mrs. Margaret Kerekes
  176. Miss Clara Kerekes
  177. Rev. Geo. W. Keyes
  178. Rev. M. J. Keyes
  179. Mr. Alfred Kirschbaum
  180. Mrs. Jennie Kissam
  181. Mr. Francis Kleyntjens
  182. Mrs. Ida Kornstein
  183. Rev. Michael Lalor
  184. Dr. Willy Levisohn
  185. Mrs. Laura Liebmann
  186. Mr. William H. Lippitt
  187. Mrs. D. H. Lippitt
  188. Mrs. Evelyn Littlefield
  189. Mr. Wilhelm Loewenstein
  190. Miss Charlotte M. Low
  191. Mrs. Hermine Lowy
  192. Miss Anne Lowy
  193. Miss Jean Lynn
  194. Miss Margorie Lynn
  195. Miss Bridget McCaffrey
  196. Rev. Andrew Macauran
  197. Mrs. Dora McGarry
  198. Miss Georgina McGarry
  199. Mr. Neal McLaughlin
  200. Mrs. McLaughlin
  201. Miss Catherine McLaughlin
  202. Master Patrick McLaughlin
  203. Mr. Franklin R. McMillan
  204. Mrs. McMillan
  205. Mr. Brockway McMillan
  206. Miss Ann McNamara
  207. Monsigneur John Maher
  208. Miss Emma Maier
  209. Miss Maria Maier
  210. Mr. Louis H. Mang
  211. Mrs. Mang
  212. Mrs. Ellen T. Mansell
  213. Miss Mary Lee Martin
  214. Miss Francis Martin
  215. Mr. C. B. Martin, Jnr.
  216. Mr. Thomas Matusewicz
  217. Mrs. Matusewicz
  218. Mrs. A. Meares
  219. Miss M. Meares
  220. Mrs. E. Miller
  221. Miss Marion Moore
  222. Miss Ethel Morley
  223. Miss Gertrude Morley
  224. Miss M. Moynihan
  225. Mr. Gilbert H. Mudge
  226. Dr. B. D. Mudgett
  227. Mrs. Mudgett
  228. Miss Rosie Mudgett
  229. Miss Doris Mudgett
  230. Miss Vera Murray
  231. Mrs. B. B. Nichols
  232. Miss Nancy Nichols
  233. Mrs. B. Nussbaum
  234. Miss N. Nussbaum
  235. Miss J. Nussbaum
  236. Miss E. Nussbaum
  237. Mr. David Nussbaum
  238. Father J. C. O'Connell
  239. Miss Anne O'Connor
  240. Mr. T. T. Oddy
  241. Rev. Wm. O'Farrell
  242. Mr. Verl C. Ogden
  243. Mr. Patrick O'Gormann
  244. Mrs. Bridget O'Neill
  245. Rev. Daniel O'Reilly
  246. Mrs. Katherine Pappas
  247. Miss Jenny Perczel
  248. Mr. Raphael Perez
  249. Mr. H. D. Peterson
  250. Mrs. Peterson
  251. Mr. Franklin Phayre
  252. Mrs. Phayre
  253. Mr. Claude C. Pierce
  254. Mr. H. T. Prestholdt
  255. Mr. George N. Prince
  256. Rev. John Purcell
  257. Miss F. C. Ramsey
  258. Mrs. Paula Rauch
  259. Mrs. Johanna Recken
  260. Mr. Sinclair Reid
  261. Miss Mary Reis
  262. Miss Carrie Rich
  263. Miss Clarissa Rinaker
  264. Mrs. Mathilda Robbins
  265. Mr. Bayard H. Roberts
  266. Mr. Brooks Roberts
  267. Mrs. Elsie G. Robson
  268. Miss Barbara Rode
  269. Mrs. Emma L. Rolf
  270. Miss Jean Ross-Howard
  271. Mr. Michael Rrawzoff
  272. Mr. Albert S. Ruby
  273. Mrs. Ruby
  274. Mrs. J. Rudin
  275. Miss Edith Rudin
  276. Mr. Gottlieb Salo
  277. Mrs. Bessie Sampson
  278. Miss Rosalie G. Sampson
  279. Miss Louise Sanntrock
  280. Mr. Geo. Santelli
  281. Mrs. J. 0. Saurette
  282. Mrs. Margaret Schlossnagel
  283. Mr. Charles Schwartz
  284. Mrs. Helen Schwartz
  285. Mrs. Fanny Schwartz
  286. Mr. Morris Segal
  287. Mr. Joseph A. Sexton
  288. Dr. L. Shaffer Mrs. Shaffer
  289. Mr. John F. Shallenberger, Jnr.
  290. Mr. David O. Shorter
  291. Mr. Howard A. Silver
  292. Mrs. Silver
  293. Mrs. Martha Simone
  294. Miss Ada Simone
  295. Mrs. Bianca Simson
  296. Miss Esther Simeon
  297. Mr. E. Smith
  298. Mrs. Smith
  299. Miss Marion E. Smith
  300. Mr. Simon Solomon
  301. Mrs. Solomon
  302. Miss Saydell Solomon
  303. Miss Loraine Solomon
  304. Mrs. Polly Sparrer
  305. Miss Erika Sparrer
  306. Miss Estella Spencer
  307. Miss Jessie Spencer
  308. Mrs. Stefania Staniak
  309. Miss Marion Stebbins
  310. Mrs. C. M. Stephan
  311. Miss C. V. Stephan
  312. Mr. Rene Stinglhamer
  313. Elder Earl Stohl
  314. Mrs. Gertrude Strauss
  315. Mrs. Harriet Strong
  316. Miss Emily Stuart
  317. Mr. James L. Stuart, Jnr.
  318. Mr. Paul Sweezy
  319. Mrs. Sweezey
  320. Miss Rose Szekelyhidy
  321. Mr. O. George Taylor
  322. Mrs. Taylor
  323. Mrs. Grace H. Taylor
  324. Miss B. Thomas
  325. Rev. M. F. Tierney
  326. Mrs. F. W. Tolies
  327. Rev. Floyd W. Tompkins
  328. Miss Bridget Trant
  329. Mr. H. C. Treichel
  330. Miss Louise Treichel
  331. Mrs. P. Troegler
  332. Mr. Edw. Troegler
  333. Miss Anne Tucker
  334. Mrs. Hedy Van Tasser
  335. Miss Van Tasser
  336. Mrs. M. Vaicova
  337. Miss O. C. Wadlin
  338. Rev. Charles Waldron
  339. Miss Ruth Wallerstein
  340. Mrs. Nellie E. Wallerstein
  341. Mr. Leon Wasserman
  342. Mrs. Wasserman
  343. Mrs. Rose Weidler
  344. Mrs. Elise Weis
  345. Mrs. Nan Samson Weiss
  346. Miss Elizat Janet Weiss
  347. Miss Natalie Jane Weiss
  348. Miss Nancy Joan Weiss
  349. Miss Olivia Weisz
  350. Miss E. Werda
  351. Rev. M. J. White
  352. Mrs. Julia Wiley
  353. Mr. Hugo Wolff
  354. Mr. A. Wray
  355. Mr. Fred D. Wright
  356. Mr. Thomas W. Wright
  357. Capt. Phillip Wulfken
  358. Mrs. Wulfken



Passengers who desire to claim refund of Head Tax are required to comply with the following: —

  1. Temporary visitors to the United States should state in Question 24 on the U.S. Declaration Form, which should be completed at the time of booking, that they intend to leave the United States within a period of 60 days from the date of entry.
  2. Note.—If a passenger states on the Declaration Form that the intended stay is to be in excess of 60 days, and later through unforeseen circumstances, leaves within the prescribed period, United States Law stipulates that Head Tax is not recoverable.
  3. Application should be made to the Purser of the westbound steamer for receipt covering the United States Head Tax paid if this has not been furnished prior to embarkation. This is necessary to facilitate refund of the Head Tax after passengers have left the United States.
  4. Passengers should apply to the United States Immigration Inspector at the port of arrival for Head Tax Transit Certificate (United States Form 514) without which form no refund of Head Tax will be considered by the United States Immigration Authorities, even though passengers should leave the United States within 60 days and would otherwise be entitled to refund of the Head Tax under existing United States Law.
  5. Refund of Head Tax can be made only if completed Forms 514 are filed with the United States Authorities within a period of 120 days from the date of entry into the United States as shown on the top right-hand corner of the Form 514. No application for refund of Head Tax will be considered by the United States Authorities after the expiration of such period.

Passengers returning to Europe in vessels of the Company may, on presentation of Form 514 completed and the Company's receipt for Head Tax paid, obtain refund of Head Tax from the Purser, provided the passengers have left the United States within the prescribed period of 60 days and the completed Form 514 can be filed with the United States Authorities within 120 days of entry into the United States.

Refund of Head Tax is subject to strict compliance with the above procedure.

Sailing Permits—Eastbound

Eastbound passengers who are not citizens of the United States must hold Certificates of Clearance (Sailing Permits) issued by the Collector of Internal Revenue for the district in which they reside. In New York Certificates of Clearance may be secured from the Supervising Internal Revenue Agent, Room 131, Custom House, Bowling Green, New York City.

There are no requirements to be met in this connection by U.S. Citizens sailing from the United States.


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