SS Washington Passenger List - 22 August 1939

Front Cover, Tourist Passenger List for the SS Washington of the United States Lines, Departing 22 August 1939 From Hamburg to New York.

Front Cover, Tourist Passenger List for the SS Washington of the United States Lines, Departing 22 August 1939 From Hamburg to New York via Le Havre, Southampton, and Cobh, Commanded by Captain Giles C. Stedman, Lt. Cmdr., U.S.N.R. GGA Image ID # 1ed9c90c7f


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Captain: Giles C. Stedman, Lt. Cmdr., U.S.N.R
  2. Executive Officer: John F. Wilson, Lt., U.S.N.R
  3. Chief Engineer: John Rakow, Lt., U.S.N.R
  4. Chief Purser: Frank Clyde Arnoult, Lt., U.S.N.R
  5. Tourist Purser: Herman Keller
  6. Surgeon: John G. Matt
  7. Assistant Surgeon: Hugh E. Conly
  8. Chief Steward: Hugo Schuessler
  9. Chief Tourist Steward: John D. Thyen


Tourist Passengers

  1. Dr. J. McKee Adams
  2. Sister Mary Alexia
  3. Miss Marjorie L. Allen
  4. Sister M. Ambrose
  5. Mr. Howard D. Anderson
  6. Miss B. M. Andrell
  7. Mother Mary Angelica
  8. Mr. Percy C. Angrove
  9. Sister M. Blanche S. Arendt
  10. Mr. Robert H. Baist
  11. Miss Janet Baist
  12. Miss Ruth E. Baker
  13. Mrs. A. Balke
  14. Master Martin Balke
  15. Miss Mary Balke
  16. Miss K. Balke
  17. Mrs. Grace Ballard
  18. Miss llse Baron
  19. Miss Vivian Barr
  20. Mr. E. Le Verl Barrett
  21. Mrs. B. M. Barrett
  22. Mr. Alfred Barrett
  23. Mr. Robert J. Barrett
  24. Mr. James N. Barry
  25. Mrs. W. Bates
  26. Miss V. Bates
  27. Sister M. Beata
  28. Mrs. Sophie Becker
  29. Miss Helen S. Bell
  30. Miss Sarah Berenson
  31. Miss Olga Berger
  32. Miss H. Berkild
  33. Mrs. I. M. Beyer
  34. Mr. Roger R. Blake
  35. Mr. John S. Blatchford
  36. Mrs. Elfriede Bos
  37. Miss Mary K. Bowen
  38. Dr. Kenneth W. Braly
  39. Mr. Julian Brewster
  40. Miss Rose Bring
  41. Mr. Timothy Brosnan
  42. Mr. Fred R. Bryson
  43. Mrs. Bryson
  44. Mr. Daniel J. Buckley
  45. Miss Cecilia Buckley
  46. Miss Dorothy Bulkley
  47. Mr. H. C. Burke
  48. Mrs. Burke
  49. Master Terrance Burke
  50. Miss Marilyn Burke
  51. Mr. Charles Butcher
  52. Mr. D. Max Butler
  53. Capt. C. E. Byers
  54. Mrs. Byers
  55. Sister Mary Carmella
  56. Mrs. Theresa Carroll
  57. Rev. Patrick j. Casey
  58. Miss Helen G. Chiids
  59. Miss Ethel G. Childs
  60. Mrs. L. G. Ciullo
  61. Mr. Louis Clair
  62. Mrs. John D. Claman
  63. Miss Lily Claman
  64. Miss Rita Clark
  65. Miss Alice Clarke
  66. Miss M. Gertrude Conway
  67. Miss Rose M. Conway
  68. Mr. M. Cramer
  69. Miss Marie Crean
  70. Miss Katherine Crimmins
  71. Mr. Patrick Daly
  72. Mrs. Daly
  73. Mr. M. Y. D’Arlin
  74. Miss Sarah Ellen Davis
  75. Mr. E. R. Davol
  76. Rev. Urban de Hasque
  77. Mrs. George Palmer Delong
  78. Sister Mary de Lourdes
  79. Miss Marion Desmond
  80. Mr. Joseph W. Dewling
  81. Mrs. George P. Diermiser
  82. Sister M. Digna
  83. Miss Mabel Ditter
  84. Mrs. Margaret J. Doherty
  85. Mr. Ross J. Donaldson
  86. Miss Julia Donnelly
  87. Miss C. Donovan
  88. Miss Helen J. Donovan
  89. Mrs. Mollie Downes
  90. Mr. T. J. Downing
  91. Mrs. Downing
  92. Miss J. Dreifuss
  93. Miss Eileen Drinane
  94. Miss Mary Drinane
  95. Miss Dorothy M. Eccles
  96. Miss S. M. Edvalson
  97. Sister M. Emma
  98. Miss Grace M. Fahy
  99. Mr. Robert M. Feely
  100. Mr. William Feely
  101. Sister M. Finbar
  102. Sister Mary Finian
  103. Miss Margaret Fitzgerald
  104. Mr. J. Fleming
  105. Miss Agnes Foley
  106. Miss Betty R. Forbes
  107. Mrs. G. S. Ford
  108. Mr. Ernest Frandsen
  109. Mr. Kurt Frederick
  110. Mrs. Frederick
  111. Miss Louise French
  112. Mr. Donald Frick
  113. Mr. Benjamin Fried
  114. Mrs. Fried
  115. Miss A. S. Furman
  116. Miss Adele Galliver
  117. Mr. Clementine Galoppo
  118. Mr. James Gartland
  119. Father Francis Garvey
  120. Mrs. Delia Gilbane
  121. Mrs. P. W. R. Glover
  122. Miss Patricia Glover
  123. Miss Mary Goerke
  124. Mr. Charles Gordon
  125. Miss Anna L. Grant
  126. Miss Joan Gray
  127. Miss B. Ida Gunderson
  128. Miss Elizabeth S. Hagar
  129. Mr. W. Hahn
  130. Miss M. Hahn
  131. Mrs. Mary Ann Haigh
  132. Miss Barbara Ann Haigh
  133. Prof. Jacob Hammer
  134. Miss Rene Harper
  135. Miss Marie M. Hassion
  136. Miss C. Hay
  137. Sister M. Hertha
  138. Mr. Chas. Hettinger
  139. Dr. H. E. Hillboe
  140. Mrs. Hillboe
  141. Rev. Stephen Hogan
  142. Dr. Robert L. Hopkins
  143. Mrs. Hopkins
  144. Mr. Martin Horan
  145. Rev. M. J. Houlihan
  146. Rev. Timothy Howard
  147. Mr. John Howard
  148. Mr. Eric J. Hussell
  149. Miss V. Hylton
  150. Mrs. Franz Illfalder
  151. Miss Madeline Illfalder
  152. Master Frank Illfalder
  153. Mr. Robert J. Izant
  154. Mrs. Izant
  155. Miss Mary P. Izant
  156. Miss K. M. Jacobsen
  157. Mrs. J. M. Johnson
  158. Miss Judith Johnson
  159. Miss Helen Johnson
  160. Mrs. Irene C. Johnson
  161. Mrs. Donald Johnston
  162. Miss Monica Jordan
  163. Miss A. B. Kansanen
  164. Mr. A. E. M. Katzenellbogen
  165. Miss Anna C. Kaufman
  166. Miss Elizabeth L. Kennedy
  167. Mr. James W. Kenney
  168. Miss A. Elizabeth Kenney
  169. Miss Mary M. Kenney
  170. Miss I. H. Kjolner
  171. Mr. William Kleinberg
  172. Mrs. Kleinberg
  173. Miss Marie A. Kleinberg
  174. Mr. Alexander Klieforth
  175. Mrs. F. Knight
  176. Miss Leah Knight
  177. Miss Charlotte Kohn
  178. Miss Josephine Kohn
  179. Miss Martha Koshina
  180. Mrs. Joseph Koshina
  181. Mr. Karl Kramer
  182. Mrs. Mary Laffan
  183. Master Joseph Laffan
  184. Master James Laffan
  185. Miss S. Lambert
  186. Mr. Gustive Larson
  187. Mrs. Larson
  188. Master Gustive Larson
  189. Miss Patricia Larson
  190. Mr. William Laub
  191. Mrs. Laub
  192. Miss Martha Laughlin
  193. Mr. John J. Lawlor
  194. Mrs. Catherine Lawlor
  195. Mr. J. E. Lawson
  196. Mrs. Lawson
  197. Mr. John Leonard
  198. Mrs. Leonard
  199. Mr. T. J. Liston
  200. Mrs. Liston
  201. Mr. E. J. Long
  202. Mr. John Loughman
  203. Mrs. Loughman
  204. Miss Margaret Loughman
  205. Miss Elizabeth M. Lynch
  206. Rev. Timothy M. McCarthy
  207. Mr. James McConnell-Truitt
  208. Miss Gladys MacDonald
  209. Miss L. S. Macdonald
  210. Miss Viola McDonnell
  211. Miss Helen McDuffee
  212. Miss Florence McGill
  213. Rev. Lawrence A. McGlone
  214. Miss Ruth McNally
  215. Miss Paula Maddoc
  216. Miss Isabel Mahoney
  217. Mr. Hans Mai
  218. Mr. Bernhard Manovil
  219. Sister M. Marcellina
  220. Sister Charles Maria
  221. Mr. Thomas Martin
  222. Miss Veronika Martos
  223. Mr. Frederick Marx
  224. Mrs. Marx Mrs. Marx
  225. Miss Ilse Marx
  226. Mr. Weldon Mathis
  227. Mr. Adolf Michelsen
  228. Mr. Burton S. Miller
  229. Miss Sarah A. Miner
  230. Miss Anne Monahan
  231. Miss Sarah Monahan
  232. Miss L. L. Monnier
  233. Mr. John W. Moran
  234. Miss Irene B. Moran
  235. Miss B. J. Moran
  236. Miss Florence Moran
  237. Miss Dorothy Morris
  238. Miss Margaret Moynihan
  239. Miss Mary L. Mulvihill
  240. Miss Eleanor F. Murphy
  241. Miss E. Musgrove
  242. Miss Mary Newman
  243. Rev. M. J. Nixon
  244. Sister M. Angeline Nollen
  245. Mr. J. Edward Norris
  246. Rev. F. G. Norris
  247. Mrs. Norris
  248. Mr. Thos. O’Brien
  249. Mr. Jas. P. O’Connell
  250. Mr. P. M. O’Connor
  251. Rev. J. O’Connor
  252. Rev. Thomas O’Dowd
  253. Miss Mary O’Leary
  254. Mrs. W. J. O’Neill
  255. Miss Katherine A. O’Neill
  256. Mr. M. W. O’Reilly
  257. Mrs. O’Reilly
  258. Rev. Thomas F. O’Reilly
  259. Rev. Thomas O’Rourke
  260. Miss Margaret O’Toole
  261. Mr. William O’Tooley
  262. Mrs. Albert Oestreicher
  263. Miss Beatrice Oestreicher
  264. Mr. John Ohnesorg
  265. Mrs. Ohnesorg
  266. Miss Margaret Ormond
  267. Mr. Robert B. Pagnam
  268. Miss Marion A. Peacock
  269. Miss Anna E. Peters
  270. Mrs. V. P. Peterson
  271. Mr. Richard Pfau
  272. Sister M. Pia
  273. Mr. H. F. Christian Pieper
  274. Mr. W. J. Poliak
  275. Mr. William La Poten
  276. Miss Breda Power
  277. Mr. Joseph L. Powers
  278. Mrs. Powers
  279. Miss Kathryn Quealy
  280. Miss Nora T. Quinn
  281. Mrs. Helen S. Ranney
  282. Mrs. Regine Raubitschek
  283. Rev. G. P. Raud
  284. Miss Elsie Reeder
  285. Miss Lena Reif
  286. Sister M. Renate
  287. Mrs. Rose Renner
  288. Miss Louise C. Reynolds
  289. Mr. Phillip L. Richards
  290. Mrs. Eva C. Ridgley
  291. Miss Elizabeth Riemann
  292. Miss Laura M. Rischmann
  293. Miss Patricia Robinson
  294. Sister M. Roselinda
  295. Mrs. Gertrude Rosevear
  296. Miss Phyllis Rosevear
  297. Mr. Bruno Roth
  298. Mrs. Sarah Russak
  299. Mr. G. Oscar Russell
  300. Mr. Henry Russenberger
  301. Mrs. Russenberger
  302. Miss Yolande Russenberger
  303. Mrs. Ann Mary Ryan
  304. Mrs. Margaret Ryan
  305. Miss Noel Scanlon
  306. Mr. Otto Schimann
  307. Mr. Pierre Schmitz
  308. Miss Marie Schnieders
  309. Mrs. Margaret E. Schultz
  310. Mrs. Hilde Schwartz
  311. Mr. John Schweppe
  312. Mrs. Jessie R. Scollard
  313. Miss Emily Scott
  314. Mrs. Elizabeth Shea
  315. Sister M. Sienna
  316. Mr. Hermann Silbermann
  317. Mrs. Silbermann
  318. Mr. Moritz Silbermann
  319. Mrs. Silbermann
  320. Miss Eva Silbermann
  321. Mr. Kurt Silbermann
  322. Dr. David O. Smith
  323. Miss Aleda Smith
  324. Mr. Frederick Smith
  325. Mr. P. M. Smith
  326. Mr. W. M. Smith
  327. Mrs. M. Smith
  328. Miss Jean Gordon Smith
  329. Mr. B. E. Stevens
  330. Mrs. Jos. P. Stewart
  331. Mr. Frank Strumpf
  332. Dr. Horace Stunkard
  333. Mrs. Stunkard
  334. Mr. Albert Stunkard
  335. Miss Eunice Stunkard
  336. Sister M. Sylvia
  337. Sister Mary Thais
  338. Mrs. M. Thommen
  339. Mrs. Rowland H. Timm
  340. Miss H. M. Tjellstrom
  341. Mrs. L. M. Todd
  342. Miss Betty Tronsen
  343. Miss Angela Troyer
  344. Mr. William Tuohy
  345. Mrs. Tuohy
  346. Mr. Harold Turner
  347. Miss Lucy Upson
  348. Mrs. Constance Van Valkenburg
  349. Miss Ruth Vestling
  350. Sister M. Visitation
  351. Mrs. Anna Viskos
  352. Mr. Joseph Walsh
  353. Miss P. Watkins
  354. Mr. Maurice Welsch
  355. Mrs. Welsch
  356. Master Claud Welsch
  357. Mr. James Whelan
  358. Miss Susan Whitby
  359. Miss Ann Whitby
  360. Mr. S. White
  361. Mrs. White
  362. Miss C. Bernardini White
  363. Miss Esther Williams
  364. Mr. Charles Winchester
  365. Miss Elsie E. Wishes
  366. Miss Margaret P. Wishes
  367. Mr. J. H. Witcomb, Jr.
  368. Miss Berta Witzemann
  369. Dr. Wiilliam J. Woon
  370. Mrs. Woon
  371. Miss M. Worral
  372. Miss Stella Worrall
  373. Mr. E. W. Wraith
  374. Mrs. Wraith
  375. Mrs. William Wright
  376. Mrs. L. T. Yates
  377. Mrs. O. A. York
  378. Miss R. Zaiser
  379. Mr. Robert W. Zubler


Information for Passengers

The Largest Steamer Ever Built In America From

Hamburg ... ... August 22nd, 1939

Havre ... August 24th, 1939

Southampton August 24th, 1939

Cobh ... August 25th, 1939


We bid you a hearty welcome on board this great American liner, and we hope you will thoroughly enjoy the voyage.

The Manhattan and Washington are sister ships, the largest liners ever built in America.
These superb steamers mark a new and forward step in the history of the American Merchant Marine. Their popularity shows that discriminating travelers of all lands appreciate our endeavors to provide service and cuisine in keeping with the highest standards.
United States Lines.

“ “TRAVELERS abroad are to a great extent un- ' official envoys of their country, and can often influence some of those they meet to return their visit, to the benefit of international understanding, commerce and goodwill


When visiting the United States and Canada, the Offices of the United States Lines are at your service to advise and assist in any way possible.

Travelers with special purposes in view— business, social, educational, etc., are invited to make use of this service, which—gratis of course— will do everything possible to assist in bringing the passenger in touch with the desired persons or firms.


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