SS Manhattan Passenger List - 21 October 1936

Front Cover, Passenger List, United States Lines SS Manhattan, 21 October 1936

Front Cover, Third Class Passenger List for the SS Manhattan of the United States Lines, Departing 21 October 1936 from Hamburg to New York via Le Havre, Southampton, and Cobh, Commanded by Commodore A. B. Randall, Cmdr., U.S.N.R. GGA Image ID # 1ea68bf604


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Commander: Commodore A. B. Randall, Cmdr., U.S.N.R
  2. Chief Officer: Edward A. Richmond, Lt., U.S.N.R
  3. Chief Engineer: Joseph James Ganly
  4. Chief Purser: R. L. Ditmore
  5. Third Class Purser: Clarence P. Gehrig
  6. Surgeon: Frank Stewart
  7. Asst. Surgeon: Saul H. Sherman
  8. Chief Steward: C. A. Carey
  9. Assistant Chief Steward: John H. King
  10. Chief Third Class Steward: Herman N. Wachsman


Ship's Itinerary


  • Hamburg 21 October 1936
  • Le Havre 22 October 1936
  • Southampton 23 October 1936
  • Cobh 24 October 1936


  • New York


Third Class Passengers

  1. Mrs. Sikny F. Allie
  2. Mr. Nathan Berlowitz
  3. Mr. Otto Bethge
  4. Mr. Ivo Van Beveran
  5. Mrs. Wally Bieleit
  6. Mr. Karol Bili
  7. Mrs. Irene Bokor
  8. Mrs. Marga Brilmayer
  9. Mr. Gustav Brommelmeier
  10. Mr. Karl Brommelmeier
  11. Mr. William Brommelmeier
  12. Mrs. Alma Brose
  13. Mr. Nicholas Browne
  14. Mrs. Anna M. Bruch
  15. Mr. Julius Buysh
  16. Mr. James Callan
  17. Mrs. Tessie Callan
  18. Mrs. Nellie Cawley
  19. Miss Annie T. Coen
  20. Mrs. Marie F. Cooper
  21. Mr. Coquyt
  22. Mrs. Coquyt
  23. Miss Annie Crist
  24. Mr. William J. Crothers
  25. Miss Mary A. Curran
  26. Mr. Josef Denk
  27. Mr. Stefan Devan
  28. Mr. G. Devine
  29. Mr. Denis Donohue
  30. Mr. Anton Doupnik
  31. Mr. John Dowaliby
  32. Miss Nora A. Dowling
  33. Mrs. Louise Edenhofer
  34. Master Alex. Edenhofer
  35. Mrs. Therese Eder
  36. Miss Asteria D. Ehrgott
  37. Mr. Karl Engelmann
  38. Miss Ruth Erlenbacher
  39. Mrs. Rosa Falkenbach
  40. Mr. John Fenton
  41. Mrs. Lina Fichtler
  42. Master William Fichter
  43. Miss Bridget Flaherty
  44. Mrs. Bridget Flynn
  45. Master John Flynn
  46. Miss Margaret Flynn
  47. Miss Hannah Flynn
  48. Mr. Richard Frank
  49. Mrs. Frank
  50. Mr. Leo Franqui
  51. Mrs. Romanie Franqui
  52. Mrs. Etel Fried
  53. Miss Roza Friem
  54. Mr. Benedek Gal
  55. Miss Elizabeth Geers
  56. Miss Anna Geywitz
  57. Mr. James A. Ginty
  58. Mrs. Annie C. Ginty
  59. Mr. Joshua Haberman
  60. Miss Anna Halabrin
  61. Mr. Mordko Halter
  62. Mr. Sam Ally Hamood
  63. Miss Elisabeth Hanak
  64. Mr. John M. Hansen
  65. Mrs. J. Harrington
  66. Miss Mary J. Harrington
  67. Master Joseph Harrington
  68. Mr. James Harvey
  69. Mr. Georg Heimerer
  70. Mrs. Heimerer
  71. Miss Hanni Heimlich
  72. Miss Gertrude Hennings
  73. Miss Muriel Hooper
  74. Miss Mary Horan
  75. Mr. L. H. Hughes
  76. Mrs. Hughes and Two Children
  77. Mr. Max Kanthal
  78. Mrs. Charlotte Kaste
  79. Miss Agina Kaste
  80. Master Albert Birdman Kaste
  81. Mr. John Keane
  82. Miss Mary Keane
  83. Miss Jane Keane
  84. Mrs. Magda Keil
  85. Mr. John Kenny
  86. Mrs. Mary King
  87. Miss Frida Klein
  88. Master Otto R. Rentsch
  89. Miss Beatrice Riordan
  90. Mr. Theophil Rivar
  91. Mrs. Marie Rivar
  92. Miss Noella Rivar
  93. Master George Rivar
  94. Mrs. Francis Rixer
  95. Mr. Boutros Road
  96. Mrs. E. Robson
  97. Mrs. Ruth Rossol
  98. Master Rossol
  99. Mrs. Mary Ryan
  100. Mr. Max Schuster
  101. Mrs. Schuster
  102. Miss Ilse Schuster
  103. Miss Schuster
  104. Miss Jean Seman
  105. Mrs. Rose Shapiro
  106. Miss Frances Shea
  107. Miss Margaret Shea
  108. Mr. Robert Sherlock
  109. Mrs. Sherlock
  110. Master Denis Shiels
  111. Mrs. Rose Sigal
  112. Mr. Thomas Silva
  113. Mr. John Sinnott
  114. Mrs. Alma Sittel
  115. Mr. Siegfried Stamm
  116. Miss Nelly Steiner
  117. Miss Irene Steller
  118. Mrs. Elly Sternkopf
  119. Mr. Ignatz Sterucky
  120. Mrs. E. Suersen
  121. Mr. E. W. Sullivan
  122. Mrs. Sullivan
  123. Mr. Jeremiah Sullivan
  124. Mrs. Anna Surrey
  125. Mrs. Irene Tertiloff
  126. Mr. Adalbert Theobald
  127. Mrs. Esther Tisch
  128. Miss Alma Tretau
  129. Miss Elisabeth Trieb
  130. Miss Margaret Vahey
  131. Mr. Humbert A. Valenti
  132. Mr. John Valiga
  133. Mrs. Mary Van Beveran
  134. Mr. Ernest Wallach
  135. Miss Catherine M. Walsh
  136. Miss Ellen White
  137. Miss Mary C. White
  138. Mrs. D. F. Whitfield
  139. Mr. R. J. Williams
  140. Mrs. Williams
  141. Mr. James Wilson III
  142. Mrs. Wilson
  143. Mrs. Irma Wolter
  144. Miss Evelyn Wolter
  145. Miss Joan Wolter
  146. Mrs. Hilda Wygon
  147. Mrs. M. Zadvirna
  148. Miss Frieda Zoellner

Corrections to Passenger List


  1. Mr. J. Billa
  2. Mrs. C. Obermaier
  3. Mr. M. Corzinc
  4. Mr. L. Pastis
  5. Miss E. Cassidy
  6. Mr. L. Quinn
  7. Mrs. E. Dudenhofer
  8. Mr. J. Ramonet
  9. Mrs. A. Elster
  10. Mrs. E. Sussengoth
  11. Mr. A. Johnson
  12. Master E. Sussengoth
  13. Mr. N. Jaszinski
  14. Mr. S. Wertheim

Not On Board

  1. Mr. Karol Bili
  2. Miss Margaret Flynn
  3. Miss Roza Friem
  4. Miss Elizabeth Hanak
  5. Miss Mary Keane
  6. Miss Jane Keane
  7. Miss Ferenc Kukac
  8. Mrs. Caroline Langenstorf
  9. Miss Elizabeth McIntyre
  10. Miss Mary Markey
  11. Mrs. Albert Molie
  12. Mrs. Thea Muench
  13. Master Manfred Muench
  14. Mrs. Margaret O’Connor
  15. Master Gerald O’Connor
  16. Master Brendan O’Connor
  17. Mr. Michael O’Sullivan
  18. Mrs. E. Robson
  19. Mrs. Mary Ryan
  20. Mrs. Rose Shapiro
  21. Mr. Ignatz Sterucky



Reads Mr. Patrick McDonnell Should Read Mr. Patrick O’Donnell



  • Cabin Passengers 339
  • Tourist Class Passengers 327
  • Third Class Passengers 204
  • Total Passengers 870
  • Commander, Officers and Crew 560
  • Total on Board 1,430

SS Manhattan: The Largest Steamer Ever Built in America

United States Lines. International Mercantile Marine Company, General Agents


We bid you a hearty welcome on board this great American liner, and we hope you will thoroughly enjoy the voyage.

The Manhattan and Washington are sister ships, the largest liners ever built in America.

These superb steamers mark a new and forward step in the history of the American Merchant Marine. Their popularity shows that discriminating travelers of all lands appreciate our endeavors to provide service and cuisine in keeping with the highest standards.

United States Lines

United States Head Tax

Passengers who desire to claim refund of Head Tax are required to comply with the following:—

  1. Temporary visitors to the United States should state in Question 24 on the U.S. Declaration Form, which should be completed at the time of booking, that they intend to leave the United States within a period of 60 days from the date of entry.
    Note.—If a passenger states on the Declaration Form that the intended stay is to be in excess of 60 days, and laterthrough unforeseen circumstances, leaves within the prescribed period, United States Law stipulates that Head Tax is not recoverable
  2. Passengers should apply to the United States Immigration Inspector at the port of arrival for Head Tax Transit Certificate (United States Form 514) without which form no refund of Head Tax will be considered by the United States Immigration Authorities, even though passengers should leave the United States within 60 days and would otherwise be entitled to refund of the Head Tax under existing United States Law
  3. Refund of Head Tax can be made only if completed Forms 514 are filed with the United States Authorities within a period of 120 days from the date of entry into the United States as shown on the top right-hand corner of the Form 514. No application for refund of Head Tax will be considered by the United States Authorities after the expiration of such period

Passengers returning to Europe in vessels of the Company may, on presentation of Form 514 completed and the Company’s receipt for Head Tax paid, obtain refund of Head Tax from the Purser, provided the passengers have left the United States within the pre-scribed period of 60 days and the completed Form 514 can be filed with the United States Authorities within 120 days of entry into the United States.

Refund of Head Tax is subject to strict compliance with the above procedure.

Sailing Permits—Eastbound

Eastbound passengers who are not citizens of the United States must hold Certificates of Clearance (Sailing Permits) issued by the Collector of Internal Revenue for the district in which they reside. In New York Certificates of Clearance may be secured from the Supervising Internal Revenue Agent, Room 131, Custom House, Bowling Green, New York City.

There are no requirements to be met in this connection by U.S- Citizens sailing from the United States.

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