SS Ohio Passenger List - 22 July 1924


Front Cover, Cabin Passenger List for the SS Ohio of the RMSP, Departing 22 July 1924 from Hamburg to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg.

Front Cover, Cabin Passenger List for the SS Ohio of the RMSP, Departing 22 July 1924 from Hamburg to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain W. H. Lainson. GGA Image ID # 1fdde68c13


List of Senior Officers

  1. Captain W. H. Lainson, Commander
  2. Chief Officer R. B. Hill
  3. Senior Second Officer W. H. Lucas
  4. Junior Second Officer B. C. Dodds
  5. Third Officer T. R. Muir
  6. Chief Engineer G. M. Campbell
  7. Second Engineer G. Hayes
  8. Junior Second Engineer A. Turner
  9. Third Engineer A. A. Reid
  10. Surgeon W. G. Burns, M.A. (Aberd.), M.B. Ch. B. (Glasgow)
  11. Purser H. A. Stoddart R.N.R
  12. Assistant Purser A. Kissack
  13. Assistant Purser G. Gore
  14. Assistant Purser L. T. Nash
  15. Assistant Purser W. H. Middleton
  16. Chief Steward G. U. Diaper


List of Cabin Passengers


Note: The Style of noting passenger names changed several times througout the list (i.e. last name, Title First Initial and Title Initial(s) and Last Name.


  1. Mr. M. Atlas
  2. Mr. F. Ahers
  3. Miss L. Akerley
  4. Miss D. Atkinson
  5. Mr. S. D. Allen
  6. Mrs. Allen
  7. Miss L. Allen
  8. Mrs. E. B. Allison
  9. Miss L. Bruhn
  10. Miss M. Bruhn
  11. Mrs. A. M. Bauck
  12. Miss L. B. Bohmert
  13. Mrs. B. Bell
  14. Mrs. C. Ballweg
  15. Mrs. J. E. Bottomley
  16. Mr. C. H. S. Brown
  17. Mrs. Brown
  18. Mr. W. H. Boyd
  19. Mrs. Boyd
  20. Mr. C. Bain
  21. Mrs. J. M. Bain
  22. Miss D. Bain
  23. Master G. C. Bain
  24. Miss H. J. K. Bain
  25. Mr. H. L. Berger
  26. Mrs. E. Berger
  27. Mr. E. A. Brown
  28. Mrs. Brown
  29. Miss M. Bowne
  30. Mrs. M. E. Q. Brush
  31. Mr. C. J. G. de Booy
  32. Mr. J. B. Bouick
  33. Miss M. Burr
  34. Rev. A. W. Blue
  35. Miss M. Blake
  36. Miss G. Bennem
  37. Mr. C. L. Bixler
  38. Mrs. Bixler
  39. Miss E. R. Barley
  40. Mr. F. Barthelmik
  41. Mr. C. Elston
  42. Mrs. C. J. Bass
  43. Miss G. M. Backus
  44. Mrs. E. J. Backhaus
  45. Mrs. J. R. Brandenburg
  46. Mr. F. Bacon
  47. Mrs. Bacon
  48. Mr. J. Brehm
  49. Mrs. Brehm
  50. Mr. L. Chappie
  51. Mr. A. J. Cornish
  52. Mr. J. K. Campbell
  53. Mrs. R. Carusos
  54. Miss A. de Courtenay
  55. Mr. C. L. Collins
  56. Miss E. M. Crowhurst
  57. Miss D. C. Cowie
  58. Mr. W. A. Corrao
  59. Mrs. Corrao
  60. Mr. J. F. Cason
  61. Mr. F. S. Clark
  62. Mrs. E. Caldwell
  63. Mrs. T. M. Cater
  64. Mr. M. D. Custer
  65. Mrs. Custer
  66. Mrs. C. Card
  67. Miss K Curtin
  68. Mr. T. M. Devitt
  69. Mr. H. L. Davies
  70. Mr. J. Dale
  71. Rev. J. K. Driver
  72. Miss M. C. Doyle
  73. Mr. W. S. Dodd
  74. Mrs. Dodd
  75. Mr. H. Downey
  76. Mr. J. W. Dawson
  77. Mr. L. Fabri
  78. Miss E. Fabri
  79. Miss M. Fagan
  80. Mr. A. Feltham
  81. Mrs. Feltham
  82. Miss D. Feltham
  83. Master R. Feltham
  84. Miss J. Feltham
  85. Mr. J. H. Foy
  86. Mrs. Foy
  87. Mrs. H. W. Forster
  88. Miss L. E. M. Ford
  89. Mr. R. Fitzgerald
  90. Mrs. Fitzgerald
  91. Miss E. Fisher
  92. Mr. C. Francis
  93. Mrs. L. F. Fitch
  94. Mr. W. Freudenthal
  95. Miss H. Gaiser
  96. M, T. H. Gebers
  97. Mr. A. Griffin
  98. Mr. D. Gray
  99. Mr. G. K. Glenn
  100. Mrs, Glenn
  101. Mrs, D. Goss
  102. Miss J. M. Given Wilson
  103. Mr. C. de Giacomi
  104. Miss M. Giddings
  105. Miss M. Glennon
  106. Miss C. Hallaway
  107. Mrs. Hannibal
  108. Mr. N. H. Hiller
  109. Mrs. Hiller
  110. Mr. L. F. Hennesy
  111. Miss H. Houghton
  112. Mr. O. J. B. Henderson
  113. Miss H. Houghton
  114. Mr. R. Hinds
  115. Mrs. S. E. Hampton
  116. Mr. V. M. Hillyer
  117. Mrs. F. Harriott
  118. Mr. N. Henrotin
  119. Mrs. Henrotin
  120. Mr. L. Hinricks
  121. Mrs. Hinricks
  122. Mr. C. Homer
  123. Mrs. J. A. Heissenbuttel
  124. Mr. H. A. G. Jenkins
  125. Miss F. Jackson
  126. Mrs. A. Jovetz
  127. Mr. F. S. Jordan
  128. Mrs. Jordan
  129. Miss N. Jacobsen
  130. Mr. . Kreutel
  131. Miss E. Krauss
  132. Mrs. A. C. Kitchel
  133. Miss E. King
  134. Miss K. Keys
  135. Mr. J. Kahn
  136. Leonard, Miss L. M
  137. Linn, Miss J. F
  138. Lewis, Mrs. G. C
  139. Latimer, Mr. R. L
  140. Latimer, Mrs
  141. Lewis, Mr. H. M
  142. Lewis, Mrs
  143. Capt. W. H. Morgan
  144. Miller, Mr. J. E
  145. Mitchell, Mr. E. P
  146. Murphy, Rev. Dr. J. A
  147. Miller, Miss J
  148. Martin, Mr. W. W
  149. Mrs. D. D. McGuinness
  150. Master P. F. McGuinness
  151. Miss M. D. McGuinness
  152. Mr. L E. P. Matthews
  153. Miss M, Morriss
  154. Miss D. I. Mulligan
  155. Mr. E. Morley
  156. Mrs. Morley
  157. Mr. R. M. Moore
  158. Mr. J. Mason
  159. Mrs. Mason
  160. Miss C. L. Moore
  161. Mrs. E. H. Miller
  162. Mr. J. MacCormack
  163. Mrs. MacCormack
  164. Mr. H. McCabe
  165. Mr. G. McCabe
  166. Dr. R. MacGowan
  167. Mrs. MacGowan
  168. Miss M. L. North
  169. Miss C. M. Nielson
  170. Mrs. I. Neff
  171. Mrs. V. Orkow
  172. Miss G. Paunceforte
  173. Mrs. J. Paine
  174. Mr. E. F. Potter
  175. Mr. I. Price
  176. Mrs. A. B. Pollatscheck
  177. Miss E. Peterson
  178. Mr. P. C. Pearson
  179. Mrs. Pearson
  180. Master J. C. Pearson
  181. Mr. A. Richie
  182. Mrs. R. Rosenbaum
  183. Master R. Rosenbaum
  184. Mr. R. Rawsthorne
  185. Mrs. Rawsthoine
  186. Miss H. Robigion
  187. Miss A. Raymond
  188. Mr. D. H. Ross
  189. Mrs. Ross
  190. Mrs. E. N. Ritch
  191. Mr. H. Russell
  192. Mrs. Russell
  193. Miss L. Russell
  194. Mrs. E. Ruyseh
  195. Miss M. L. Ramsdell
  196. Mr. O. Schulstatt
  197. Miss H. Stocklitsch
  198. Mr. A. Sosnicki
  199. Mr. G. R. Steele
  200. Mr. F. Slater
  201. Mr. F. E. Schelling
  202. Mrs. C. D. Schelling
  203. Mr. F. D. Schelling
  204. Dr. C. A. Stimson
  205. Mrs. Stimson
  206. Mrs. V. Sonhami
  207. Miss R. Sonhami
  208. Miss D. B. Smith
  209. Mr. E. Slipner
  210. Mrs. G. S. Smith
  211. Mrs. A. E. Smith
  212. Mrs. A. J. Sackett
  213. Mr. H. G. Swallow
  214. Mrs. Swallow
  215. Mrs. K. N. Stevenson
  216. Miss M. Spargo
  217. Miss J. Spargo
  218. Mr. M. Scally
  219. Mr. M. Scally, Jnr
  220. Mrs. G. Scboadinger
  221. Miss H. Schoedinger
  222. Mr. F. Shove
  223. Mrs. Shove
  224. Mr. P. S. Strauss
  225. Mr. W. Swezey
  226. Mr. C. W. Siehl
  227. Mrs. Shiehl
  228. Mr. H. N. Shrady
  229. Miss N. Snowden
  230. Mr. H. A. Thompson
  231. Mr. C. Treble
  232. Mr. C. C. Thompson
  233. Mrs. Thompson
  234. Mr. A. Turner
  235. Mrs. Turner
  236. Miss D. Turuer
  237. Miss J. Turner
  238. Mr. S. L. Terrell
  239. Miss M. Terrell
  240. Mrs. K. B. Tiirry
  241. Mr. M. J. Taurel
  242. Mrs. M. Taurel
  243. Mr. J. E. Tone
  244. Mr. M. Trocbanowski
  245. Mr. A. Trochanowski
  246. Mr. T. C. Thorpe
  247. Mr. Tucker
  248. Mrs. M. L. Teft
  249. Miss R. M. Teft
  250. Mrs. R. J. Taylor
  251. Mr. L. Verdon
  252. Mrs. S. Vanwyck
  253. Mr. A. Wittrin
  254. Miss R. Wohlgemuth
  255. Miss V. Wood
  256. Miss L. Wood
  257. Mr. R. Wessmann
  258. Mr. C. E. Warner
  259. Miss Warner
  260. Rev. T. A. Walsh
  261. Mrs. E. B. Wyckoff
  262. Mr. J. Wilson
  263. Mrs. E. M. Wood, C.B.E.
  264. Mrs. H. E. White
  265. Miss V. White
  266. Mr. A. Watt
  267. Mrs. Watt
  268. Miss A. Watt
  269. Mrs. F. Wall
  270. Mr. F. Waller
  271. Miss A. Watson
  272. Rev. R. W. Woods
  273. Miss N. F. Wardrep
  274. Bishop W. M. Weekley
  275. Mr. A. Wilder
  276. Mr. A. Wilkinson
  277. Mrs. Wilkinson
  278. Miss H. L. Wilkinson
  279. Mr. T. Wilkinson
  280. Mr. R. Wherries
  281. Mrs. Wherries
  282. Dr. F. C. Yeoman
  283. Mr. H. Zwygart
  284. Mrs. Zwygart
  285. Miss M. Zwygart


Information MR First and Second Class Passengers


Enquiries as to hold or baggage room should be addressed to the Chief Officer, and cabin baggage to the Purser.

Passengers are recommended to insure their Baggage, as the Company's liability is strictly limited in accordance with Contract Ticket.

Baggage for Great Britain

  1. The, principal articles commonly brought by Passengers on which duties of Customs are chargeable on importation into the United Kingdom are : Cinematograph films, clocks, watches and parts, cocoa, coffee, dried fruits, motor ears. motor cycles and parts, saccharine and mixtures, spirits, liqueurs. perfumery, sugar, confectionery. tea, tobacco. cigars, cigarettes, and wine.
    Any quantities,however srnall,of such articles brought in the baggage or on the persons of Passengers must be declared and produced to the Customs Officers in attendance for the examination of baggage.
    The discovery by the officers of any such articles which have not been so declared may lead to the detention of the passenger and his baggage, and, in cases of obvious concealment, to arrest and prosecution and confiscation of the dutiable articles. •
    Gold or silver plate of foreign manufacture which has not been assayed in this country must be produced.
    Foreign reprints of registered copyright works, including music, and extracts of tea, coffee, chicory or tobacco are prohibited, and if found will be forfeited.
    Merchandise is prohibited to be imported in baggage
  2. Explosives are prohibited to be imported in baggage. Such goods, together with the package in which they are found, will be detained
  3. The importation of dogs is prohibited unless authorized by a licence issued by the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. Attempts to land dogs illegally may lead to the forfeiture of the animals and the prosecution of the offenders
  4. Any bribe, recompense, or reward, given, offered, or promised by any person to an officer of His Britannic Majesty's Customs as an inducement to him to neglect his duty in any way renders such person liable to a penalty or £200, and the officer who aceepts it liable to dismissal

These enactments will be strictly enforced. The baggage of any passenger who contravenes the law will be retained for special examination after the baggage of all the other Passengers has been cleared.

New York Baggage

All Passengers, before being allowed to land at New York, will require to fill in a baggage declaration form, which can be obtained on application to the Purser. No baggage will be cleared through the Customs unless such form has been completed.


New York. Passengers are landed at the Com. pany's Pier, No. 42, North River, Foot of Christopher Street. After landing, Passengers should enquire at the desk on the wharf for letters and telegrams.

Cherbourg. Passengers and their baggage are landed by tender. The rail journey from Cherbourg to Paris takes about 6 hours.

Hamburg. Passengers and their baggage are landed either at Cuxhaven or Hamburg. In the case of the former they will be conveyed by train to Hamburg without extra charge.

Southampton. Passengers and their baggage are landed at Southampton Docks. A special train leaves for Waterloo from alongside about one hour after debarkation.


Dining Saloons

Seats at Table. Application should be made to the Second Steward on board the steamer on day of sailing.

Hours for Meals

in Cabin.

  • Breakfast 8 am
  • Luncheon 12:30 pm
  • Afternoon Tea 4 pm
  • Dinner 6:30 pm

Half-an-hour previously a bell will be rung or a bugle blown.

All Passengers in good health are expected to take their meals at the public table, and to appear suitably dressed.

Meals cannot be served in the state-rooms or on deck, except in cases of illness.

Only children paying full fares are allowed seats at the saloon table.

Meal Hours (Children's)

The hours for meals for children are as follows:

  • Breakfast 8:00 am
  • Lunch - Noon
  • Tea 3.30 pm
  • Dinner - 5.30 p.m.

The menus are varied as much as possible, but parents are recommended to consult with the Chief Steward as to the requirements of their children.


Passengers' servants (including valets) will take their meals at the times stipulated for children

Deck Chairs and Rugs

Deck chairs and rugs can be hired for the voyage at fixed charges.

Payment should be made to the Deck Steward, who will issue a ticket, which can be placed in the space provided at the back of the chair.

Deck chairs may be had free of charge between Southampton and Cherbourg or Hamburg or vice versa.


The ship's Barber is authorized to charge for his services according to a fixed scale, a copy of which can be seen on application.

Foreign money will be taken at the rate of exchange authorized by the Company, the list of which can be seen in the Barber's shop.

As the space in the shops is so limited it is required that not more than five persons should be in the rooms at the same time.

Electric hair curlers are supplied for the use of Passengers free of charge, and can be obtained on application to the Stewardess.

The use of spirit and other lamps (a source of great danger) is prohibited on board.

The Barbers have instructions that they are not to leave customers who may be there for hair?: cutting, etc.. to serve others with goods.

A detailed price list of the articles for sale may be = seen in the Barber's shop.

Property Retained By The Passenger

Property retained by the Passenger in cabin or upon person must not be left lying about the ship or E cabin, but, when not in actual use, must be locked in trunk, etc., so as not to be easily opened or removed. Failure of a passenger to observe these requirements shall, in case of loss, etc., be deemed negligence of the passenger.

The Company will not be responsible for any property left unguarded by the passenger in the cabin or elsewhere on board whilst the steamer is in port.


The Surgeon is authorized to charge for professional attendance. The fee for each visit is 7s. 6d. for first-class Passengers. For second-class Passengers the fee is 2s. 6d. for each visit.

Accounts will be rendered by the Surgeon before the termination of the voyage. Medicines prescribed will be supplied by the Company free.

Money Exchange

A money exchange office has been provided on board and will be open at the times notified on the ship's notice-board.

Wireless Telegraphy

The Marconi house is situated on the boat deck, and all messages should be handed to the operator, who will supply full information regarding charges.

All messages are subject to censorship on the part of the Company's Officers, who must be satisfied as to the meaning of code words.


The Bandsmen on board the steamers are on the ship's articles and are properly remunerated by the R.M.S.P. Company. It is the desire of the Company that subscriptions for the band should not be encouraged. If, however, any subscriptions are made on their behalf they can only be regarded as voluntary on the part of Passengers, from whom no subscription is necessary.


A choice selection of Wines, Spirits, Beer,.Mineral Waters, Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco is obtainable at reasonable prices as per Wine Lists and Wine Cartes exhibited on board the steamers.

Smoke-Room Bar

Smoke-room bar is closed at 11:00 pm or at the discretion of the Commander.

Code Books

Copies of Bentley's and A.B.C. (Fifth Edition) Codes are provided on board for the use of Passengers. Application should be made to the Enquiry Office.


Cablegrams and telegrams should be handed to the Social Hall Steward two hours before arrival at port.

Letters, etc., written on the high seas and posted in the ship's letter-box will be handed over to the Postal Authorities at the next port of arrival, and must have British postage affixed.

Letters, etc., can be weighed, and stamps purchased from the Social Hall Steward.

In order to facilitate the forwarding of letters and telegrams, Passengers are requested to hand to the Purser a note of the address to which they will proceed after leaving the steamer.

Divine Service

Divine Service is held on Sundays at 10:30 am in the dining saloon (weather and other circumstances permitting).


Application for books should be made to the Steward in Charge. Passengers are requested to see that all books are returned before leaving the steamer.


Cheques cannot be accepted on board the Cornpany's steamers in payment of passage money, wine or other accounts.


Smoking in State Rooms is prohibited, and, in the interests of the safety of all on board, Passengers are requested to refrain from the practice.


Money. Jewelry or other valuables should not be packed with personal effects, but should be deposited with Purser of the steamer for safe keeping. Unless so deposited the Company shall not be liable for any loss or injury.

Southampton Passengers

For full particulars regarding landing arrangements at Southampton, see separate Pink Leaflet obtainable from the Purser.

Dogs, Birds, Etc.

No dogs or other animals, birds etc., conveyed by Passengers, are allowed in the Passengers' cabins or on the promenade decks.

Commander's Daily Inspection

The Commander will inspect the ship daily at 11:00 am, and in order to facilitate such inspection, Passengers are requested to vacate their cabins before that hour, unless prevented by indisposition.

In the event of any Passengers considering that they have cause for complaint, either of the food. service or accommodation, they are requested to bring the matter directly to the notice of the Commander during his daily inspection.

Ship's Regulations

Passengers must conform with any regulations which the R.M.S.P. Co. or their officials may at any time consider necessary for the discipline or comfort of all on board.

Second Saloon Passengers

Second saloon Passengers are not permitted to frequent the first saloon or the first saloon decks.

Sailing Notices

On the ship's arrival at a port an announcement will be displayed on the ship's notice board, giving information as to time of departure or transfer to other ships, etc.

R.M.S.P. Services

Information regarding the R.M.S.P. services throughout the world and/or special touring arrangements can be obtained from the Purser.

Enquiry Office

Is situated on Deck "C," to which all enquiries should be addressed.


At which fancy articles, perfumes, sweets, picture post cards, playing cards, photographic films, souvenirs, sport prizes, and light articles of clothing likely to be required on the voyage, etc., may be purchased, is situated on " C " Deck (" E " Deck, " Ohio.")


APPROXMATE Distance Table

  • Hamburg to CUXHAVEN - 50
  • CUXHAVEN to Southampton - 453
  • Southampton to Cherbourg - 82
    Cherbourg to New York - 3,194
  • Total. 3,779


Sailing Schedule, New York-Hamburg-Southampton, from 5 July 1924 to 20 September 1924.

Sailing Schedule, New York-Hamburg-Southampton, from 5 July 1924 to 20 September 1924. Ships Included Ohio, Orbita, Orca, and Orduña. SS Ohio Passenger List, 22 July 1924. GGA Image ID # 1fde10a0aa


Title Page, SS Ohio Cabin Passenger List, 22 July 1924.

Title Page, SS Ohio Cabin Passenger List, 22 July 1924. GGA Image ID # 1fde131aa3


List of Senior Officers and Staff on the SS Ohio for the Voyage of 22 July 1924.

List of Senior Officers and Staff on the SS Ohio for the Voyage of 22 July 1924. GGA Image ID # 1fde161363


Page 1 of Autographs Included in SS Ohio Passenger List, 22 July 1924.

Page 1 of Autographs Included in SS Ohio Passenger List, 22 July 1924. GGA Image ID # 1fde5def5c


Page 2 of Autographs Included in SS Ohio Passenger List, 22 July 1924.

Page 2 of Autographs Included in SS Ohio Passenger List, 22 July 1924. GGA Image ID # 1fdebd6456


Advertisement: Pleasure Cruises by the RMSP Arcadian from June 1924 to April 1925.

Advertisement: Pleasure Cruises by the RMSP Arcadian from June 1924 to April 1925. Additional Mediterranean Cruises by the RMSP Orbita Beginning 6 December 1924. SS Ohio Passenger List, 22 July 1924. GGA Image ID # 1fdf4ca9ea


RMSP and PSNC Passenger Services, 1924.

RMSP and PSNC Passenger Services, 1924. Inset No. 4, 11 January 1922. SS Ohio Passenger List, 22 July 1924. GGA Image ID # 1fdf97ee5d


Badges of Rank, Officers of the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company (RMSP), 1924.

Badges of Rank, Officers of the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company (RMSP), 1924. SS Ohio Passenger List, 22 July 1924. GGA Image ID # 1fdfdfce6f


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