TSS Nieuw Amsterdam Passenger List - 8 October 1954


Front Cover of a First Class, Cabin, and Tourist Class Passenger List from the TSS Nieuw Amsterdam of the Holland-America Line, Departing 8 October 1954 from Rotterdam to New York.

Front Cover of a First Class, Cabin, and Tourist Class Passenger List from the TSS Nieuw Amsterdam of the Holland-America Line, Departing 8 October 1954 from Rotterdam to New York via Le Havre and Southampton, Commanded by Captain C. VISSER. GGA Image ID # 1f72777821


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Commander: Captain C. VISSER
  2. Chief Officer: J. G. VAN DE VIJVER
  3. Chief Engineer: B. MULDER
  4. Chief Purser: A. BRUIS
  5. Physician:  W. STORTENBEEK
  6. Chief Steward: H. J. ANTONISSE
  7. Social Directress: C. C. J. PETERS
  8. Master of Ceremonies: FRANK RYAN


First Class Passengers

  1. Mr. O. H. Aldag
  2. Mrs. O. H. Aldag
  3. Mr. P. C. H. Aldag
  4. Mr. Eric Altman
  5. Mrs. Eric Altman
  6. Mr. George S. Andrews
  7. Mrs. George S. Andrews
  8. Prof. R. N. Armfelt
  9. His Excellency Jonkheer
  10. Dr W. H. J. Van Asch Van Wijck
  11. Mrs. Altina Barrett
  12. Mrs. E. Bayer
  13. Miss Billie B. Beam
  14. Mr. M. L C. Belderbos
  15. Miss B. A. M. Belderbos
  16. Dr Elston L Belknap
  17. Mrs. Elston L. Belknap
  18. Miss Fiorella Bello
  19. Dr William L. Benz
  20. Mrs. William L Benz
  21. Mrs. E. Berg
  22. Mrs. Margot Bergroth
  23. Mr. Oscar J. Bernstein
  24. Mrs. Oscar J. Bernstein
  25. Lt. R. H. Berts R.N.N.
  26. Mr. W. Bieber
  27. Mr. Johannes M. Bikbergen
  28. Mrs. Johannes M. Bikbergen
  29. Mr. Edward H. Blind
  30. Mrs. Edward H. Blind
  31. Mr. Sylvan Bloch
  32. Mrs. Sylvan Bloch
  33. Miss Anne Marie Bloch
  34. Mr. Frank Boas
  35. Miss Joan D. Boydstun
  36. Mr. Lloyd W. Boyer
  37. Mrs. Lloyd W. Boyer
  38. Mrs. Irene C. Brailsford
  39. Mr. G. Branderhorst
  40. Mrs. G. Branderhorst
  41. Miss Miriam Brann
  42. Mrs. Albert R. Braunmuller
  43. Mast. Albert R. Braunmuller Jr.
  44. Miss Rae J. Braunmuller
  45. Mr. F. de Brauwer
  46. Mr. Briggs
  47. Mrs. Cornelia A. Brommer
  48. Mr. Clifford Bronson
  49. Mrs. Clifford Bronson
  50. Dr H. Brunner
  51. Mr. Bundy
  52. Mrs. Bundy
  53. Mrs. Miriam Burd
  54. Dr C. W. Burns
  55. Mrs. C. W. Burns
  56. Mrs. A. L. E. Burt
  57. Miss Atje R. Burt
  58. Miss Antonia Burt
  59. Mast. Ryk P. Burt
  60. Mrs. H. L Buswell
  61. Ensign A. Th. Bijkerk R.N.N.
  62. Mr. James W. Byrnes
  63. Mrs. James W. Byrnes
  64. Mr. David Caldwell
  65. Mrs. David Caldwell
  66. Mr. Frank O. Campe
  67. Mrs. Frank O. Campe
  68. Mr. Alfredo Campo
  69. Miss Margaret Cannon
  70. Mr. Heathcote A. Carlys
  71. Mrs. Heathcote A. Carlys
  72. Mr. M. Cats
  73. Mrs. M. Cats
  74. Mr. Frank Christie
  75. Mrs. Frank Christie
  76. Mr. F. Cifaratti
  77. Mr. Ramon P. Coffman
  78. Mrs. Johanna H. Cohen
  79. Mr. T. L Davidson
  80. Mrs. T. L. Davidson
  81. Mrs. Henry F. Davis
  82. Mr. T. Dorlas
  83. Mr. Warren G. Dougherty
  84. Mrs. Warren G. Dougherty
  85. Miss Nancy Dougherty
  86. Miss Gabrielle Dougherty
  87. Mr. R. M. Dowling
  88. Mr. Jacobus Drost
  89. Mrs. Jacobus Drost
  90. Mr. Frank H. Dunbar
  91. Mrs. Frank H. Dunbar
  92. Mr. L. J. van Dijk
  93. Mrs. L. J. van Dijk
  94. Mr. J. C. Ebbinge Wubben
  95. Mr. Herman R. Erkes
  96. Mrs. Herman R. Erkes
  97. Miss Alice E. Evans
  98. Mr. Alois Faeh
  99. Mrs. Alois Faeh
  100. Mr. John Fedoruk
  101. Mrs. L. Feistmann
  102. Mr. J. Freeman Ferguson
  103. Mrs. J. Freeman Ferguson
  104. Mrs. Annemarie Ferra
  105. Mrs. A. Feuth
  106. Mr. William J. Fisher
  107. Mr. M. E. Floersch
  108. Mrs. M. E. Floersch
  109. Mr. Dirk Foch
  110. Mrs. Dirk Foch
  111. Rev. J. H. Folley
  112. Mr. H. A. Fraenkel
  113. Mrs. H. A. Fraenkel
  114. Mr. Myrtle Frank
  115. Mrs. Myrtle Frank
  116. Mr. A. E. Geerling
  117. Mr. L. H. van Gelder
  118. Capt. B. E. G. Gentzschein
  119. Dr Samuel Gerber
  120. Mrs. Samuel Gerber
  121. Mrs. Anna Gessing
  122. Mr. G. P. Th. Geyer
  123. Mrs. G. P. Th. Geyer
  124. Mr. L. Glazener
  125. Dr B. J. Goldschmidt
  126. Mrs. B. J. Goldschmidt
  127. Mr. William Goodman
  128. Miss Margaret Gorman
  129. Miss G. Gort
  130. Mr. M. Graetz
  131. Dr J. W. Gratama LL. D.
  132. Mrs. J. W. Gratama
  133. Mr. Robert C. Gray
  134. Mrs. Robert C. Gray
  135. Mr. Harold E. Green
  136. Mrs. Harold E. Green
  137. Mr. G. L. Groeneveld
  138. Mr. A. N. J. Hankart
  139. Mrs. A. N. J. Hankart
  140. Prof. Dr W. H. Hauss
  141. Lt. j.g. S. W. F. Hendrikse R.N.N.
  142. Mr. M. Herode
  143. Mrs. M. Herode
  144. Mr. Willem Heshusius
  145. Mrs. Willem Heshusius
  146. Lt. W. F. van Heukelom R.N.N.
  147. Dr J. Heusdens LL. D.
  148. Mrs. J. Heusdens
  149. Mr. E. Trevor Hill
  150. Mrs. E. Trevor Hill
  151. General Maurice Hirsch
  152. Mrs. Maurice Hirsch
  153. His Excellency Dr H. M. Hirschfeld
  154. Mr. G. W. Hobrecker
  155. Mr. Martin Hoekstra
  156. Mrs. Martin Hoekstra
  157. Mr. L. B. de Hoop
  158. Mr. Leon Hyzen
  159. Mrs. Leon Hyzen
  160. Mr. E. M. Jackman
  161. Mrs. E. M. Jackman
  162. Mrs. Aquilla Jackson
  163. Mrs. M. de Jago
  164. Miss M. de Jago
  165. Mrs. Gertrude James
  166. Mrs. H. J. Jaroszynska
  167. Mr. Jenkins
  168. Mrs. Jenkins
  169. Miss Ruth Jennings
  170. Mr. E. Johansen
  171. Mrs. E. Johansen
  172. Mr. Raymond Johansen
  173. Col. N. Henry Josephs
  174. Mrs. Elisabeth Kan Saks
  175. Mr. Hommo J. de Kanter
  176. Mrs. Hommo J. de Kanter
  177. Mr. Karppi
  178. Miss Kartini
  179. Mr. Jacob Kats
  180. Mrs. Jacob Kats
  181. Mr. Arthur M. Kay
  182. Mrs. Arthur M. Kay
  183. Mrs. M. Keiler
  184. Mr. A. P. Kempen
  185. Mrs. A. P. Kempen
  186. Mr. Ernest H. Kendall
  187. Mrs. Paula C. Kinley
  188. Mrs. E. Kitzinger
  189. Mr. P. Kleinewefers
  190. Mr. F. Charles Kohler
  191. Mrs. F. Charles Kohler
  192. Mrs. A. B. Konijn-Prins
  193. Mr. J. Kraayenhof
  194. Mrs. J. Kraayenhof
  195. Mr. Louis Kupfer
  196. Mr. Emil Küster
  197. Mrs. Emil Küster
  198. Mr. L. J. M. H. Kuylaars
  199. Dr Hendrik J. de Lange
  200. Mrs. Hendrik J. de Lange
  201. Mr. Alfred Langer
  202. Mrs. Alfred Langer
  203. Mr. H. Leeb
  204. Mrs. D. Leighton-Pearce
  205. Mr. Aleksei A. Leonidoff
  206. Mrs. Kathryn Lerch
  207. Mr. D. C. de Leur
  208. Mr. Edwin M. Lines
  209. Mrs. Edwin M. Lines
  210. Mr. Harold S. Lines
  211. Mrs. Harold S. Lines
  212. Mrs. Anna D. Look
  213. Mr. I. B. Luard
  214. Mrs. E. Luttmann
  215. Mr. John M. Lyden
  216. Rev. Joseph Lynch S.J.
  217. Mr. John S. Maitland
  218. Mrs. John S. Maitland
  219. Mrs. Gertrude Marburg
  220. Mrs. Rosa Marshall
  221. Dr Walter B. Martin
  222. Mrs. Walter B. Martin
  223. Mrs. Anna Mayer
  224. Mr. R. J. McDonald
  225. Mr. Lee R. McHale
  226. Mrs. Mary L McKenzie
  227. Miss Lorna McKenzie
  228. Miss Lila McKinne
  229. Mr. William M. Measey
  230. Mrs. Michael Meckan
  231. Miss Elizabeth Meckan
  232. Hon. B. Merino Chargé d'Affaires of Chile at Vienna
  233. Mrs. B. Merino
  234. Miss A. Merino
  235. Mr. Isidor Miller
  236. Dr George Moore
  237. Mrs. George Moore
  238. Miss Barbara C. Moore
  239. Miss Berwijn J. Moore
  240. Mr. John S. Moore
  241. Mrs. John S. Moore
  242. Mr. Morgan
  243. Mr. H. M. van Mourik Broekman
  244. Mr. C. Mullins
  245. Mrs. C. Mullins
  246. Mrs. M. C. van Munching
  247. Mrs. Carolyn Nast
  248. Mr. M. V. Nelson
  249. Mrs. A. M. Nienhuys
  250. Mr. W. E. P. van Oordt
  251. Dr Robert Pabst
  252. Miss Maria de Parra
  253. Mrs. M. Partenheimer
  254. Mrs. Maria L. de Paul
  255. Miss Marisela Paul
  256. Mr. Pentland
  257. Dr. K. C. Pfeiffer
  258. Mr. Douglas E. Pickens
  259. Mrs. Douglas E. Pickens
  260. Mrs. Lina I. Pierce
  261. Miss Pobeau
  262. Dr Frederic J. von Rapp
  263. Mr. Rath
  264. Mrs. Rath
  265. Miss Jane Reed
  266. Mr. Albert W. Rice
  267. Mrs. Albert W. Rice
  268. Dr Arnold B. Rich
  269. Mrs. Arnold B. Rich
  270. Mrs. Samuel Rich
  271. Mrs. Patricia G. Richardson
  272. Mr. Adriaan P. L. Roggeveen
  273. Mrs. Adriaan P. L. Roggeveen
  274. Mr. J. Rosensaft
  275. Mrs. J. Rosensaft
  276. Mast. Rosensaft
  277. Miss Margery G. Ross
  278. Mr. James J. Rudisill
  279. Mrs. James J. Rudisill
  280. Miss H. Ruettimann
  281. Mr. O. Runte
  282. Mr. Thomas E. Ryan
  283. Mis Carole Salmon
  284. Mr. William H. Salvatori
  285. Mr. William Samuels
  286. Mrs. William Samuels
  287. Mr. Herbert Sandresky
  288. Mrs. Clara Sanft
  289. Mrs. Walter G. Saxton
  290. Mrs. S. C. M. M. Schaepman
  291. Mast. H. B. M. Schaepman
  292. Mrs. Maria L. Schleicher
  293. Baron J. R. von Schröder
  294. Baroness J. R. von Schröder
  295. Mr. Ernst Schwegler
  296. Mrs. William Scudder
  297. Mrs. Adelina R. Shumway
  298. Mrs. Selma Simon
  299. Mr. H. F. Sinnecker
  300. Mrs. H. F. Sinnecker
  301. Miss M. M. Sinnecker
  302. Miss M. T. Sloan
  303. Mrs. Anita de S. Slocum
  304. Mr. J. van der Sluis
  305. Mrs. J. van der Sluis
  306. Mr. George Spector
  307. Mrs. George Spector
  308. Dr Lester C. Spier
  309. Mrs. Lester C. Spier
  310. Prof. Herman H. Staab
  311. Mrs. Herman H. Staab
  312. Mr. G. A. Steers
  313. Mr. Julius Steger
  314. Mrs. Julius Steger
  315. Dr Jack L. Stein
  316. Mrs. Jack L. Stein
  317. Mr. Vilem Stein
  318. Mrs. John Stevenson
  319. Mrs. Marion H. Strauss
  320. Mr. A. Talamas
  321. Mrs. A. Talamas
  322. Mrs. Charles T. Tatman
  323. Mr. G. R. T. Taylor
  324. Miss Virginia Taylor
  325. Mr. A. Thorens
  326. Mrs. V. Thorsch
  327. Mr. T. H. Tiesing
  328. Mrs. M. Tilot
  329. Miss V. Tilot
  330. Mr. Yves Tinayre
  331. Mrs. Yves Tinayre
  332. Mr. V. Tisi Mr. V. Tisi
  333. Lt. j.g. A. Tortike R.N.N.
  334. Dr K. R. Trueman
  335. Mrs. K. R. Trueman
  336. Mr. Reid Vance
  337. Mr. J. J. Vandertoll
  338. Mrs. J. J. Vandertoll
  339. Mrs. Henry H. Vatter
  340. Mr. Th. C. Verkley
  341. Mrs. Thh. C. Verkley
  342. Mr. W. F. P. C. Viëtor
  343. Mrs. W. F. P. C. Viëtor
  344. Mr. Harold J. Vogler
  345. Mrs. Harold J. Vogler
  346. Mr. A. de Walqué
  347. Mrs. J. W. Walsh
  348. Prof. Robert Wartenberg
  349. Mrs. Robert Wartenberg
  350. Mrs. B. van Weeren-Kraayenhof
  351. Mr. Lee A. Weidner
  352. Mrs. H. Weinberg-van Leer
  353. Mr. Ludwig Weinrich
  354. Mrs. Ludwig Weinrich
  355. Mast. Robert Weinrich
  356. Baroness Violet B. Wenner
  357. Mr. A. D. Wentholt
  358. Mrs. A. D. Wentholt
  359. Mrs. Grace Wiegand
  360. Mr. David L. Williams
  361. Mrs. David L. Williams
  362. Mr. J. van Willigen
  363. Mrs. J. van Willigen
  364. Miss F. van Willigen
  365. Mast. J. van Willigen
  366. Miss J. van Willigen
  367. Mrs. Bessie W. Wilson
  368. Dr H. H. Wimmer
  369. Mrs. H. H. Wimmer
  370. Mr. Robert N. Winslow
  371. Mrs. Robert N. Winslow
  372. Mrs. Aenna Wolf
  373. Mr. George Wood
  374. Mr. Pedro J. Zamora
  375. Mrs. Pedro J. Zamora
  376. Miss Carmen A. Zamora
  377. Mr. Karl Zehender
  378. Mrs. Karl Zehender
  379. Mr. M. Ziegler
  380. Mrs. G. Ziegler
  381. Mr. R. Ziemann
  382. Mrs. R. Ziemann
  383. Lt. J. Zock R.N.N.
  384. Miss Elinor Zollinger


Cabin Class Passengers

  1. Mrs. Clara Adams
  2. El. mate I F. E Adriaansz
  3. Engineman I A. H. van Alste
  4. Mr. L d'Amico
  5. Mrs. Jeanne Anderson
  6. Mr. John B. Anderson
  7. Mrs. John B. Anderson
  8. Mrs. R. C. Anderson
  9. Mrs. Herbert Angel
  10. Miss Dorothy Angel
  11. Miss R. Anger
  12. Mrs. Helen T. Auchterlonie
  13. Mr. Theo A. Austermann
  14. Mrs. L. S. Baldwin
  15. Miss Ann Ballans
  16. Mrs. R. Barishman
  17. Miss Maude Baxter
  18. Mrs. Pauline Beckman
  19. Mrs. May Beddoo
  20. Torpedoman 3 A. v. d. Beek
  21. Fireman H. J. C. van Beem
  22. Mr. N. Benschop
  23. Fireman F. J. Berghuis
  24. Miss Pauline Bernstein
  25. Miss F. M. C. Birnie
  26. Dr Jackson Blair
  27. Mrs. Jackson Blair
  28. Mr. Arthur Blenkin
  29. Mrs. Arthur Blenkin
  30. Seaman N. J. Boeff
  31. Mrs. K. Boehringer
  32. Mast. M. Boehringer
  33. Mrs. L. Bomar
  34. Mr. James Books
  35. Mrs. James Books
  36. Seaman W. C. v. d. Boom
  37. Mr. Joseph P. Bork
  38. Mrs. Joseph P. Bork
  39. Miss Kathleen M. Bork
  40. Miss Helen E. Bork
  41. Mr. Andrew Bosch
  42. Mrs. Andrew Bosch
  43. Mr. Barney Braakman
  44. Radioman A. R. Brans
  45. Mrs. Christine Brenner
  46. Mr. S. Brill Mrs. S. Brill
  47. Mr. N. Brinkers
  48. Mrs. N. Brinkers
  49. Mr. J. Brinskelle
  50. Mrs. J. Brinskelle
  51. Miss R. Buchwieser
  52. Miss Jane M. Burdick
  53. Engineman J. L H. Burger
  54. Mrs. Anne Burke
  55. Mrs. A. Burri
  56. Engineman I. F. J. Buskoop
  57. Miss J. Butler
  58. Mr. Wilhelm Butz
  59. Rt. Rev. Msgr. W. J. Butzer
  60. Mrs. Jeannette C. Bydeley
  61. Mrs. Emily Campbell
  62. Mr. William L. Campbell
  63. Mrs. William L. Campbell
  64. Miss Nadine Campbell
  65. Mr. A. Cannon
  66. Mrs. A. Cannon
  67. Mrs. L. Cartwright
  68. Miss S. Cartwright
  69. Mast. Stephen Cartwright
  70. Miss May P. Cass
  71. Mrs. N. Chodkiewicz
  72. Mrs. D. Clancy
  73. Mrs. Margaret Clark
  74. Mrs. Clark
  75. Mrs. A. B. Clemas
  76. Mrs. Grete Clemm
  77. Mr. James C. Clinefelter
  78. Mrs. James C. Clinefelter
  79. Mrs. Collis
  80. Mr. Norwood Craighead
  81. Mr. A. Dalebout
  82. Mrs. A. Dalebout
  83. Mrs. Ella M. Danielsen
  84. Mrs. C. Davis
  85. Miss Nancy Day
  86. Mr. Hans Deiglmayr
  87. Mr. Casmer Du Dek
  88. Mrs. Casmer Du Dek
  89. Mrs. Nathalie Delougaz
  90. Mr. J. Diamond
  91. Mrs. A. M. van Diemen
  92. Maj. David C. Dobie
  93. Mrs. David C. Dobie
  94. Mr. C. G. Docherty
  95. Miss Dorothy Dohen
  96. Mrs. Genevieve Dudley
  97. Mrs. L I. Duncan
  98. Mrs. Rosalie B. Dunn
  99. Mr. Fred Eastwood
  100. Miss Agnes Ebeling
  101. Mr. Vivian Edwards
  102. Miss R. Ehm
  103. Mrs. M. Enssner
  104. Miss E Enssner
  105. Mrs. Rose M. Eresch
  106. Mr. Lionel Estimé
  107. Mrs. M. L Etheredge
  108. Mrs. Florence Etter
  109. Miss U. Etter
  110. Miss J. Euler
  111. Seaman J. H. v. Eyndthoven
  112. Miss Margaret A. Fenderson
  113. Mrs. Douglas Ferguson
  114. Miss Sarah E Ferguson
  115. Miss Beatrice R. Fishel
  116. Mrs. Amalia Flynn
  117. Dr F. V. Flynn
  118. Mrs. Sadie Forner
  119. Mrs. Mary R. T. Forte
  120. Miss Joy Fox
  121. Mrs. C. J. H. François
  122. Mr. A. Franz
  123. Mr. George French
  124. Mrs. George French
  125. Mr. Herbert Friedman
  126. Mrs. Herbert Friedman
  127. Mrs. M. Fritz
  128. Mrs. Lina Froehlich
  129. Mr. A. Garvey
  130. Mrs. E Gaus
  131. Mrs. B. M. Gedeon
  132. Mr. G. Geisdorf
  133. Miss E Gemsch
  134. Mr. L. G. A. Genin
  135. Mrs. L. G. A. Genin
  136. Seaman A. van Gelder
  137. Seaman W. J. C. Gelens
  138. El. mate 2 C. J. van Gent
  139. Seaman C. A. de Geus
  140. Mr. Hugh W. Giles
  141. Dr A. Glucksman
  142. Mrs. M. Goeckler
  143. Mr. P. A. Goevaers
  144. Mr. L. Goldfarb
  145. Mrs. L. Goldfarb
  146. M. J. W. Goudswaard
  147. Mr. J. J. Gouvernante
  148. Mrs. J. J. Gouvernante
  149. Seaman J. B. de Graaff
  150. Mrs. Nellie Graham
  151. Mrs. Mary N. Greenhalgh
  152. Miss Beatrice Greenhalgh
  153. Boatswain's mate 2 H. Groen
  154. Radioman I. T. T. Groenendaal
  155. Stewardsman 3 A. J. Groot
  156. Mr. H. P. Grosch
  157. Mr. Ward. E. Guest
  158. Miss Y. F. O. M. Guislain
  159. Mr. Thomas C. Gunning
  160. Mrs. Thomas C. Gunning
  161. Mr. Haber
  162. Seaman W. Haertlein
  163. Mr. Pieter Hagen
  164. Mrs. Pieter Hagen
  165. Mrs. Virginia W. Hagnauer
  166. Mrs. May R. Hagyard
  167. Mr. Haket
  168. Mrs. Haket
  169. Mrs. E. Hasper
  170. Mast. Hendrik A. Hasper
  171. Fireman W. B. Heeman
  172. Fireman J. Heemskerk
  173. Mr. John van der Heide
  174. Mrs. John van der Heide
  175. Miss Lura F. Heilman
  176. Mr. Bruno Hellinger
  177. Mrs. Bruno Hellinger
  178. Mr. Morris A. Hellinger
  179. Mrs. R. Helmreich
  180. Fireman J. H. Hendriksen
  181. Miss Marie E. Hermann
  182. Mr. Casper Herschbach
  183. Mrs. Casper Herschbach
  184. Mrs. K. Herweck
  185. Mr. Carl Heyman
  186. Mr. A. Hiler
  187. Mrs. A. Hiler
  188. Mrs. L. J. Hill
  189. Mrs. Mathilde Hirsch
  190. Miss B. Hofer
  191. Mrs. E. Hoffman
  192. Seaman M. Hoffman
  193. Miss G. L Holt
  194. Mr. K. Hoogsteen
  195. Mr. Joseph M. Horn
  196. Radioman 3 O. Hornstra
  197. Mrs. Carol J. van der Horst
  198. Miss Hosdenball
  199. Mrs. Caroline Hotz
  200. Mrs. v. d. Hoven
  201. Mrs. Irene Howard
  202. Mrs. Hubner
  203. Dr llse Huebner
  204. Mr. Theodore Hug
  205. Mrs. Theodore Hug
  206. Mr. F. X. Hummel
  207. Miss R. Imhof
  208. Mr. Heinrich Infeld
  209. Mrs. Elizabeth Jacoby
  210. Miss Dorothy Jacoff
  211. Mr. S. Jaeckle
  212. Stewardsman 3 L F. P. Jansen
  213. Mrs. Mary Jansen
  214. Miss Lucille K. Jeske
  215. Mr. Th. Jockenhoefer
  216. Mrs. Th. Jockenhoefer
  217. Ship's cook 3 A. H. de Jong
  218. Mr. H. Jongen
  219. Mr. E. Jorda
  220. Mrs. E. Jorda
  221. Miss K. M. Jorda
  222. Miss T. S. M. Jorda
  223. Miss Rita A. Joseph
  224. Mr. Raymond Kahn
  225. Mrs. A. C. de Kanter
  226. Mr. William Kaufmann
  227. Mrs. J. M. D. Kaussel
  228. Miss Annie E. Kelley
  229. Miss Kinsey
  230. Mr. Cornelius Klepper
  231. Mrs. Cornelius Klepper
  232. Miss S. Koch
  233. Fireman J. D. Koedam
  234. El. mate 2 T. Koenraads
  235. Mr. Ezvand G. Kogbetliantz
  236. Mr. Janus P. Kohn
  237. Chief Engineman J. C. Kok
  238. Mr. John A. Kolb
  239. Mrs. John A. Kolb
  240. Mrs. W. Koppel
  241. Mr. Jacob Krakowitz
  242. Mrs. Jacob Krakowitz
  243. Engineman P. H. Kramer
  244. Mr. Rudolph Kronfield
  245. Mrs. Rudolph Kronfield
  246. Boatswain's mate 2 C. M. Kroon
  247. Mrs. Harriet Kulik
  248. Engineman J. Kulk
  249. Fireman J. V. de Kwaadsteniet
  250. Mrs. Gertrude Kwekel
  251. Seaman J. J. Lahnstein
  252. Miss Susan G. Landum
  253. Mrs. I. F. Langenberg
  254. Seaman 2 J. Langereis
  255. Mr. Jules Larrieux
  256. Mrs. Jules Larrieux
  257. Engineman 2 J. H. A. Laurent
  258. Mrs. Janet Law
  259. Miss Lawrence
  260. Mrs. B. Lehmann
  261. Miss Justine M. Leonard
  262. Miss Lorraine Lerner
  263. Mrs. Christopher Linder
  264. Miss Renate Linder
  265. Mrs. I. Lindheimer
  266. Miss J. Lips
  267. Dr Eugen Loew
  268. Mrs. Eugen Loew
  269. Mrs. Kathleen L. Louman
  270. Mast. Frederik J. Louman
  271. Miss Suzanne L. Louman
  272. Mrs. Eva C. Lowe
  273. Mr. Earl R. Ludwick
  274. Mrs. Earl R. Ludwick
  275. Seaman C. H. Maaswinkel
  276. Mrs. R. Mahler
  277. Mr. Cornelis J. van der Mark
  278. Mrs. Jane R. Markel
  279. Seaman J. J. van Marlen
  280. Dr R. Marshall
  281. Mrs. R. Marshall
  282. Mrs. M. D. Martineau
  283. Mr. E. H. Matthey-Doret
  284. Miss M. Mauthe
  285. Mrs. McKay
  286. Miss A. McLean
  287. Mr. Malcolm Mecartney
  288. Mrs. Malcolm Mecartney
  289. Mrs. Edwina F. Meers
  290. Mr. H. Melder
  291. Mrs. H. Melder
  292. Mrs. Geneviève Menke
  293. Mast. Anthony Menke
  294. Mast. Errol Menke
  295. Mrs. Sylvia Menzer
  296. Mr. McCluer Merrick
  297. Mrs. McCluer Merrick
  298. Miss Linda Merrick
  299. Mr. Alois De Meulemeester
  300. Mrs. M. Michalak
  301. Lady U. Micklem
  302. Signalman 2 J. R. Middel
  303. Seaman L H. J. van Milhees
  304. Miss Doris Miller
  305. Mrs. Rita Miller
  306. Chief Boatswain's mate A. Minderhoud
  307. Mr. Jacob Minkin
  308. Mrs. Jacob Minkin
  309. Boatswain's mate 2 A. Molenaar
  310. Mr. Albert H. Moore
  311. Mrs. Albert H. Moore
  312. Mr. Carl Moreman
  313. Mrs. Carl Moreman
  314. Mrs. Herbert Morgan
  315. Miss Janet Morgan
  316. Mr. N. Morgenbesser
  317. Mrs. N. Morgenbesser
  318. Mr. David Morton
  319. Mrs. David Morton
  320. Mrs. Ada Morton
  321. Miss L. zur Mühlen
  322. Mrs. George Muir
  323. Miss Marilyn Muir
  324. Mr. Frederick W. Muller Jr.
  325. Mrs. Frederick W. Muller
  326. Mr. Henry Mundorf
  327. Mrs. Henry Mundorf
  328. Miss Peggy Mundorf
  329. Mrs. Eugenie Musil
  330. Mrs. Mary Nicholas
  331. Mr. T. G. Nichols
  332. Mrs. T. G. Nichols
  333. Mrs. F. Niebuhr
  334. Seaman G. van Nieuwenhuyzen
  335. Mr. William E. Oates Jr.
  336. Mrs. William E. Oates
  337. Miss Susan L. Oates
  338. Mast. Kenneth W. Oates
  339. Mast. David N. Oates
  340. Mrs. M. O'Hara
  341. Hospital man 3 J. Oldenhuis
  342. Miss Lisette Ortega
  343. Mrs. Johanna C. Otsuka
  344. Fireman A. W. G. van Otterloo
  345. Mr. Paas
  346. Mrs. Klara M. Packert
  347. Mrs. Ethel Patterson
  348. Miss G. I. Paulekat
  349. Mr. M. Pearce-Harris
  350. Mrs. M. Pearce-Harris
  351. Mr. Tom Pedi
  352. Mrs. Tom Pedi
  353. Mast. A. Pedi
  354. Mr. Robert D. Peet
  355. Mr. A. Peiterans
  356. Mrs. Chr. Pelzer
  357. Mr. Ambrose B. Peterman
  358. Mrs. Ambrose B. Peterman
  359. Shipscook 3 N. S. Peyer
  360. Mrs. Thomas Pitchford
  361. Signalman 2 J. J. Prinsen
  362. Ship's cook 3 J. H. M. van der Putten
  363. Stewardsman 2 P. F. Pycke
  364. Engineman I J. W. van Reekum
  365. Mr. Carl Reichhardt
  366. Mrs. Carl Reichhardt
  367. Mrs. H. G. Reid
  368. Mr. Charles H. Rice
  369. Mrs. Laura K. Ridgeway
  370. Yeoman 2 A. H. Riemens
  371. Seaman C. W. H. Rietveld
  372. Mrs. Irene V. Rocky
  373. Mr. Johannes Roelants
  374. Mrs. Gertrude Romberg
  375. Mrs. M. Roosekrans
  376. Mr. A. van Rooyen
  377. Mrs. A. van Rooyen
  378. Mr. Samuel Rosenbaum
  379. Mr. A. F. Ross
  380. Mrs. A. F. Ross
  381. Seaman J. Rudolph
  382. Miss W. E. Ruf
  383. Mast. R. P. Ruf
  384. Boatswain's mate J. C. Ruigendijk
  385. Boatswain's mate 2 A. de Ruiter
  386. Engineman 2 R. J. Runhardt
  387. Mr. George van Ryn
  388. Mrs. George van Ryn
  389. Seaman C. J. Saarloos
  390. Mr. K. Sahlke
  391. Mrs. M. Saint-Geraud
  392. Mrs. S. Sanspoux
  393. Mrs. B. Sapir
  394. Mast. Leo A. M. Sapir
  395. Miss Anna Sapir
  396. Ord. man 2 A. v. d. Schaaf
  397. Mr. John Schaaf
  398. Mrs. Linda Schaarschmidt
  399. Mr. Rudolph Schaefer
  400. Mrs. R. Schaefer
  401. Miss Olivia Schaefer
  402. Mr. Joseph A. Scheines
  403. Mr. B. Schalkwijk
  404. Mrs. B. Schalkwijk
  405. Mr. R. M. Schenk
  406. Mrs. R. M. Schenk
  407. Mast. R. S. Schenk
  408. Mrs. L. Schlatter
  409. Mr. B. W. Schliephake
  410. Mr. William Schmid
  411. Mrs. William Schmid
  412. Miss I. Schobrick
  413. Fireman T. Schölten
  414. Miss M. F. G. van Schoonderwalt
  415. Mrs. A. V. Schroeder
  416. Mast. Curt Schroeder
  417. Fireman A. J. Schuttenhelm
  418. Mrs. Anna Schwartz
  419. Mr. Neal N. Scovill
  420. Mrs. Neal N. Scovill
  421. Mr. Clifford Scribner
  422. Mrs. Clifford Scribner
  423. Mr. G. S. J. Searles
  424. Mrs. G. S. J. Searles
  425. Miss Searles
  426. Mast. Searles
  427. Stewardsman 3 J. H. Seffelaar
  428. Mr. H. Seiler
  429. Mrs. H. Seiler
  430. Miss P. A. Seiler
  431. Seaman H. ten Seldam
  432. Mr. August Seys
  433. Mrs. August Seys
  434. Miss M. Sguires
  435. Mr. Claude E. Shannon
  436. Miss Marjorie H. Shepherd
  437. Miss Kathleen M. Short
  438. Mr. Morris N. Siegel
  439. Mrs. Morris N. Siegel
  440. Mrs. Sadie Silberman
  441. Mr. John Silven
  442. Mrs. John Silven
  443. Mr. Dirk W. Sleeuwenhoek
  444. Mr. Jules de Smet
  445. Mrs. Jules de Smet
  446. Mr. J. de Smit
  447. Mrs. J. de Smit
  448. Mr. Frank Smits
  449. Miss Margaret Somereve
  450. Miss Helen Somereve
  451. Fireman H. Spanjersberg
  452. Mr. William Spapens
  453. Mrs. William Spapens
  454. Miss Alma M. Spapens
  455. Mr. William H. F. Spencer
  456. Mr. Richard D. Spierman
  457. Mrs. Richard D. Spierman
  458. Mrs. G. Staals
  459. Mrs. J. Stalker
  460. Seaman A. Steenbergen
  461. Miss Mary E. Stover
  462. Mrs. Margarete Stratton
  463. Dr E. Streck
  464. Seaman J. J. Strybas
  465. Signalman 3 F. H. Stryp
  466. Mrs. M. S. Symington
  467. Mrs. S. Tait
  468. Mrs. Takken
  469. Mr. Ernest Tempelmeier
  470. Mrs. Ernest Tempelmeier
  471. Mast. Ernest S. Tempelmeier
  472. Mrs. J. Tempi
  473. Mrs. Martha Thomas
  474. Mr. Fred Thomer
  475. Stewardsman 3 J. J. Thyssen
  476. Miss Louise Tichelaar
  477. Seaman F. Timmer
  478. Mrs. Floyo Tomkins
  479. Mrs. A. Tomlinson
  480. Mr. Otto Top
  481. Mrs. Otto Top
  482. Mr. Edward Top
  483. Miss G. Tretter
  484. Mrs. G. Trollet
  485. Mrs. K. Tromblay
  486. Miss L. M. Tromblay
  487. Dr. D. Twiss
  488. Mrs. Maria C. Uitti
  489. Miss Maria E. Uitti
  490. Mrs. Jacomina del Valle
  491. Dr Joseph v. d. Veer
  492. Mrs. Joseph v. d. Veer
  493. Fireman R. F. van de Velde
  494. Engineman 2 J. J. Veldhuis
  495. Dr R. D. de Vere
  496. Miss K. Vermeulen
  497. Miss V. M. F. Vertommen
  498. Mrs. M. E. Vikaskag
  499. Mr. Carl Villmann
  500. Mrs. Carl Villmann
  501. Seaman P. H. R. Vlämpfer
  502. Stewardsman 3 T. J. J. van der Vlis
  503. Mr. van der Vlugt
  504. Seaman C. J. Voebel
  505. Seaman M. W. Vogels
  506. Mrs. Katherina Vreuls
  507. Miss J. de Vroede
  508. Mrs. Adeline De Waele
  509. Mrs. L. Wallace
  510. Mast. R. Wallace
  511. Dr J. M. Walshe
  512. Miss Diana Walz
  513. Mr. Robert O. Y. Warren
  514. Mr. Frederick W. Weber
  515. Mrs. Frederick W. Weber
  516. Miss Carolyn R. Weber
  517. Mast. Frederick C. Weber
  518. Seaman G. J. ter Weeme
  519. Mrs. Chr. Weisse
  520. Mast. B. Chr. Weisse
  521. Mr. William Weitz
  522. Mrs. William Weitz
  523. Mrs. Anna L Wentzel
  524. Seaman H. Werkman
  525. Miss W. E. Whitcher
  526. Seaman L. E. A. van Wiederhold
  527. Torpedoman 3 H. C. Wilbrink
  528. Mrs. James Williams
  529. Mrs. M. D. Williams
  530. Dr W. J. Williams
  531. Mr. Richard B. Wills
  532. Mrs. Richard B. Wills
  533. Miss M. C. Winter
  534. Mr. Gustav A. Wirtz
  535. Mrs. M. Wittig
  536. Mrs. Helen N. van Woerkom
  537. Mrs. M. F. Wolf
  538. Mrs. Lucille Woolsey
  539. Mrs. M. Woudhuysen
  540. Mr. Wyckoff
  541. Mrs. Wyckoff
  542. Miss E. C. Yates
  543. Storekeeper P. C. van IJzendoorn [sic]
  544. Mrs. Esther G. Zander
  545. Mrs. Rosa Zinn
  546. Mr. C. J. Zonneveld


Tourist Class Passengers

  1. Mr. Mr. H. Abraham
  2. Mr. Richard F. Armstrong
  3. Mrs. Malena D. Atkins
  4. Miss C. C. Bahnerth
  5. Mrs. E. C. Bandlow
  6. M Bandlow
  7. Mrs. W. Barber
  8. Mr. H. Basler
  9. Mrs. H. Basler
  10. Miss K. Batchelor
  11. Mr. A. E. Baumer
  12. Mr. F. Begemann
  13. Fireman F. S. Beikes
  14. Miss Alberta Belcher
  15. Mr. J. Benyi
  16. Mrs. J. Benyi
  17. Mrs. R. Biegun
  18. Mr. Albert Bilz
  19. Mrs. Hedwig Bittrolff
  20. Mr. Charles D. Blom
  21. Miss Hendrikje de Boer
  22. Mr. George Boersma
  23. Mrs. H. Bouchier
  24. Mr. Arthur Brelle
  25. Mrs. Arthur Brelle
  26. Mr. Marinus van den Broecke
  27. Mrs. Marinus van den Broecke
  28. Fireman A. ten Broek
  29. Mr. G. Bush
  30. Miss M. Caillat
  31. Mr. William L. Carleton
  32. Mrs. William L. Carleton
  33. Mr. Georges Chambot
  34. Mrs. Georges Chambot
  35. Mr. Roy B. Christie Jr.
  36. Mrs. C. Cohrs
  37. Mr. George Corneliussen
  38. Mrs. Estella Crawford
  39. Mrs. Diane Crocker
  40. Mr. Jack H. Dawley
  41. Mrs. Wilhelmine Doern
  42. Mr. Joseph Donohue
  43. Mr. Ph. Dorenlot
  44. Mr. M. J. Dowling
  45. Mrs. S. D. Edwards
  46. Miss Sarah W. Eidson
  47. Miss Laura A. Eisenberg
  48. Mrs. Helene Enoch
  49. Mr. Herman Esslinger
  50. Mr. Norman A. Everett
  51. Mr. William Fleck
  52. Mrs. William Fleck
  53. Miss A. Fonaroff
  54. Miss I. Frankema
  55. Mr. J. E. Friedrichs
  56. Miss A. M. Furrer
  57. Fireman A. T. Geelhoed
  58. Miss M. Gluckman
  59. Miss E. Goedde
  60. Mr. A. F. Gomm
  61. Mrs. A. F. Gomm
  62. Mrs. Goubert
  63. Miss Sally Gouldthorpe
  64. Fireman H. A. de Graaf
  65. Mrs. A. Gross
  66. Mrs. N. Gutwein
  67. Mrs. M. H. Haass
  68. Mr. J. S. Hackett
  69. Mrs. J. S. Hackett
  70. Mrs. M. Hagemans
  71. Miss Mary H. Hall
  72. Miss U. Hannemann
  73. Mr. J. L. Harp
  74. Mr. R. W. Hatch
  75. Miss Hisako Havens
  76. Mr. J. C. W. Heemskerk
  77. Mr. W. F. Heemskerk
  78. Mrs. Melanie Heiler
  79. Mrs. Anna Held
  80. Mr. H. P. Henkus
  81. Miss W. J. van Heugten
  82. Miss Suzanne Heurteux
  83. Mrs. Henrica van der Heyden
  84. Miss Dorothy M. Hills
  85. Mr. Peter G. Hoendervoogt
  86. EL mate 3. H. Hoogvorst
  87. Mr. D. W. Hoppen
  88. Mrs. A. Jank
  89. Miss Elizabeth J. Jasinowski
  90. Miss Gracia Ch. Johnson
  91. Mrs. Jones
  92. Miss Mary A. Jones
  93. Mrs. Th. Kahla
  94. Miss G. Kahla
  95. Mr. Eugene Keck
  96. Mrs. Eugene Keck
  97. Miss G. Kerremans
  98. Mr. H. F. Kittel
  99. Miss Evelyn C. Knudsen
  100. Mr. Karl Knupp
  101. Mrs. Karl Knupp
  102. Mrs. Else Krause
  103. Mr. F. Kreicker
  104. Miss Eleanor A. Kuehling
  105. Miss M. A. Kuehnle
  106. Miss Bertel Kugelmann
  107. Mr. A. Kuzik
  108. Mr. W. K. Lackier
  109. Mr. Jay T. Last
  110. Mrs. Alice de Leng
  111. Mr. H. Lenssens
  112. Mrs. H. Lenssens
  113. Mr. Gilbert M. Lewis
  114. Mrs. Gilbert M. Lewis
  115. Mr. D. Lips
  116. Miss S. J. Lockey
  117. Miss Marion Lohr
  118. Mr. W. J. Magrijn
  119. Miss Wanda K. Maier
  120. Mrs. C. Me Gowan
  121. Mrs. Maria H. Mc.Nally
  122. Fireman C. Metselaar
  123. Miss Marilyn Meyer
  124. Mr. M. Miller
  125. Mrs. M. Miller
  126. Mr. L. M. Morgan
  127. Mrs. L. M. Morgan
  128. Mr. Leonard Mueller
  129. Mrs. Leonard Mueller
  130. Mr. W. Mueller Miss Betty Mueller
  131. Mrs. S. Neumann
  132. Miss Jean Oberhäuser
  133. Mr. Donald O'Connor
  134. Mr. L. Oestberg
  135. Mrs. L. Oestberg
  136. Mrs. H. Y. Ofenheim
  137. Mrs. G. Orth
  138. Mr. C. R. Ottoy
  139. Mrs. Marcelle L. Owens
  140. Mr. J. J. Patterson
  141. Mr. Fernand Petit
  142. Mrs. Fernand Petit
  143. Miss Nina Poliakoff
  144. Mrs. Marie Potthoff
  145. Miss J. D. Pottle
  146. Miss M. J. Prchal
  147. Mr. Joseph F. Puglia
  148. Mrs. S. E. Pulling
  149. Mr. Henry Pusch
  150. Mrs. Henry Pusch
  151. Mrs. Marie Remiesiewicz
  152. Mast. Stanley A. Remiesiewicz
  153. Miss Victoria J. Remiesiewicz
  154. Mr. J. de Roeck
  155. Mrs. J. de Roeck
  156. Mr. Gerben Rypma
  157. Mr. Sheldon N. Salzman
  158. Miss H. Schaefli
  159. Mrs. A. Schepens
  160. Mrs. A. D. Schier
  161. Mrs. G. Schmidt
  162. Rev. Sister E. Schmitz
  163. Mrs. Wilhelmine Schneider
  164. Miss S. Schubert
  165. Miss Virginia Schwinn
  166. Mr. Robert E. Scott
  167. Rev. L Selles
  168. Mr. Henry S. Shryock
  169. Mrs. Henry S. Shryock
  170. Mr. M. F. Simons
  171. Mrs. M. F. Simons
  172. Mrs. M. K. Sobocinsky
  173. Mr. M. Staalenburg
  174. Mr. A. van der Steeg
  175. Mr. W. Stenekes
  176. Mr. William Stoecker
  177. Mrs. William Stoecker
  178. Mr. Louis Stryker
  179. Mrs. Louis Stryker
  180. Mrs. A. Tack
  181. Miss Z. J. Taylor
  182. Miss Sh. Tennenbaum
  183. Mr. Robert H. Thompson
  184. Rev. Sister M. Tirpitz
  185. Mr. Gerben Tjepkema
  186. Mrs. Gerben Tjepkema
  187. Mr. H. G. Thomson
  188. Mrs. H. G. Thomson
  189. Mrs. Hedwig Trein
  190. Mrs. Jeanne Verween
  191. Mr. H. Vissers
  192. Mrs. H. Vissers
  193. Mrs. Prudence de Vos
  194. Mr. S. Wagner
  195. Mrs. Eveline R. Wallace
  196. Mr. Cornelius Welboren
  197. Mrs. Cornelius Welboren
  198. Miss Claudette J. Welboren
  199. Mr. P. T. Westergaard
  200. Mr. J. F. G. Wilkinson
  201. Mrs. Lena Winter
  202. Mr. Allan W. Wood
  203. Mrs. R. Yohn
  204. Miss R. Yohn
  205. Mr. T. Yohn
  206. Mrs. M. Zbrozek
  207. Mr. Frank Zeegers
  208. Mrs. Frank Zeegers
  209. Mrs. Frieda Zimmermeier


General Information for Passengers

BABYFOOD. The attention of passengers is drawn to the large selection of strained baby and junior food available to passengers with children in all passenger vessels of the Company.  For the necessary arrangements, passengers are invited to apply to the Chief Steward.

BAGGAGE. Trunks exceeding the ordinary measurements cannot be taken into the cabins. It is forbidden to have in one's baggage, inflammable, explosive or other dangerous articles. The ship's staff reserve all rights to eliminate all such articles, if deemed necessary.

All inquiries pertaining to the storing or forwarding of baggage should be addressed to the Baggage Master. Upon arrival at New York moreover Century Transportation Company representatives are available to take orders for delivery of trunks and larger pieces to any destination indicated by the passenger.

BAGGAGE INSURANCE. The Company's liability for damage to or loss or detention of baggage is strictly limited and passengers are therefore advised to protect themselves by insurance against risk of loss, theft, damage, pilferage, etc. Policies may be obtained at current rates at any office of the Company.

BARBER AND LADIES' HAIRDRESSER. A barber's and ladies-hairdresser's shop is installed on board. The charges for services are announced by the Company.

CHANGE OF CABINS. Change of cabins is only permissible when authorized by the Purser.

CUSTOMS CLEARANCE. On landing at New York, all baggage will be examined by the Customs Officials. It is therefore recommended that passengers make full enquiries at the Purser's office about the Customs regulations and to fill in carefully the Customs declaration form handed to them by the Purser.

DANGEROUS ARTICLES. Dangerous articles such as inflammable and explosive objects may not be taken aboard. The attention of our passengers is also drawn to the fact that it is very dangerous to throw away lighted cigars, cigarettes or burning tobacco discards (even when thrown overboard as they might enter the vessel's interior through open portholes). Passengers are therefore requested to use the receptacles provided on board for this purpose.

DECK CHAIRS, RUGS AND CHAIR CUSHIONS. Deck chairs, rugs and chair cushions may be hired on application to the Deck Steward. The charges are: Deck chairs f 3.80 or U.S. or Canadian $ I.—, chair cushions and rugs f 2.66 or U.S. or Canadian $ 0.70 each per voyage. Passengers renting rugs and cushions are entitled to receive same in sealed wrappings as a guarantee that they have not been used after having been cleaned and disinfected.

DECK GAMES. Implements for deck games such as quoits, deck tennis, deck golf, shuffle board etc. are supplied free of charge, but when joining these games passengers do so at their own risk.

DIVINE SERVICE. Divine service will be held on Sundays, at hours announced on the bulletin board, if a recognized clergyman on board is willing to officiate.

DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Kennels are available on board for the transportation of dogs, cats, etc. Animals are not allowed in the cabins and other public rooms, nor on the promenade decks, unless by the captain's special permission. Attention should be given that these animals be declared on the Customs declaration forms on arrival.

DRINKS. TOBACCO ETC. Wines, beer, liquor and many other beverages as well as cigarettes, cigars and tobacco, may be obtained on board at prices fixed by the Company. Passengers are not allowed to bring with them large quantities of liquor or tobacco for personal use. Any large quantities must be reported to the Purser for Customs declaration. They will be kept in custody by the Purser in an appropriate room.

LANDING CARDS. All passengers will receive a Landing Card and are requested to present same before leaving the steamer to a U.S. Immigration Inspector for endorsement.

LOST AND FOUND ARTICLES. Found articles are to be handed over and lost articles to be reported to the Chief Steward. Articles not called for before arrival, or left in the cabins, will be handed over to the agency at the port of arrival, where passengers may claim them or make inquiries.

MAIL AND TELEGRAMS. Mail and telegrams for passengers are brought on board the steamer before sailing and placed in the passenger's rooms. For any inquiries relating to mail, passengers are invited to call the Chief Steward's office. Passengers are advised to stop at the mail desk in the center of the Pier at Hoboken, N.J., to claim letters and telegrams, which may have been received for them. Mail to be forwarded can be handed over to the Purser, who will take care of it. Postage stamps may be obtained to a limited number from the Library Steward.

In order to prevent the loss of mail, passengers are requested to stamp their letters etc. themselves and to deposit same personally in the mailbox, destined for that purpose.

Under no circumstances can the Holland-America Line be held responsible for the loss of mail.

MEALS. The hours during which meals will be served will be shown on the ship's bulletin boards. Passengers are kindly requested to observe these hours.

MEDICAL ATTENTION. The services rendered and the medicines prescribed by the ship's Physician are free of charge. The Holland-America Line assumes no responsibility for any treatment or services rendered by the Physician or for any medicines supplied. The ship's Physician is entitled, subject to approval by the ship's Commander, to make a reasonable charge for attendance or treatment for ailments or conditions antedating embarkation of the passenger.

MONEY-EXCHANGE. During the voyage the Ship's personnel is allowed to accept only Dutch, American and Canadian money in payment of expenses made by the passengers.

Opportunity is therefore given to exchange other foreign currency into Dutch money at the Purser's office at rates of exchange fixed by the Company. Only the Purser is authorized to exchange or accept other foreign currency.

Some articles on sale in the gift shops are only obtainable against payment in U.S. currency, both on the West- and Eastbound voyages.

PAYMENTS. Passengers paying any supplements for room transfers, additional passage money, freight, telegrams, etc., should obtain a receipt from the Purser on the Company's form. For radiograms a receipt will be furnished by the Wireless Operator.

SHIP'S NEWSPAPER. The ''Ocean Post" will be published on board, giving the latest news of the day. Leading New York Stock Exchange quotations are posted about midnight on the ship's bulletin board.

TABLE SITTING. Table and seats should be reserved on board at the Chief Steward's office after embarkation.

TELEPHONE AND RADIO. All cabins numbered up to 330 have telephone for ship use only. For the convenience of passengers, a general short-wave radiotelephone service is maintained with any part of the world. The Radio Office is located on the Upper Promenade Deck and can be reached by taking the starboard elevator. Passengers may transmit messages there and file radio-telephone calls; for payment of radio telegrams and radio-telephone calls, a receipt will be given by the Radio Officer on duty.


a.         Motor Coach Service. For the convenience of passengers a special bus service operates between the Company's Pier at Hoboken N.J and the Port Authority Bus Terminal, 8th Avenue and 41st Street, New York City, in connection with the arrival and departure of vessels.

Reservations should preferably be made through the Purser on board. Passengers, not holding reservations. who, after disembarkation, decide to avail themselves of the bus, may purchase their tickets from the Company's representative in attendance at the point of departure. Hand baggage, with the exception of trunks and cases, may be taken along on the bus without extra charge. Charge per seat: U.S. $ 1.25 per adult and children 6 years of age and over. Children under 6 years of age, not occupying separate seats, are carried free.

Taxicabs may be found at the Bus Terminal for passengers wishing to proceed from there to other points in Metropolitan New York.

b.         Hire of private cars. The Company will be glad to assist in making arrangements for a private car (Cadillac) to meet passengers on arrival at Hoboken.

Full information may be obtained at the Purser's office.

c.         Taxicabs. Taxicabs are also available at the Hoboken Pier. Passengers wishing to take a taxicab are urged in their own interest to ascertain the fares and any other charges from the driver before engaging his services.

VALUABLES. The Company is not responsible for theft of valuables or money which are kept in the staterooms and same should be placed in safety deposit boxes in the Purser's office. A deposit of f 25.— or its equivalent is required but this amount will be refunded when the key of the deposit box is returned to the Purser. As no charge is made for carriage, the Company cannot accept any responsibility for loss or damage however arising; except as stipulated in the passage contract. Passengers are accordingly requested to protect themselves by insurance.

WINDOWS AND PORTHOLES. Passengers are not allowed to open or close portholes themselves. If passengers wish to have their portholes closed or opened, they should call their room steward.

The Captain has the right to have all windows and portholes closed when such is found necessary for the ship's safety.

Directory — S.S. Nieuw Amsterdam

SEAFARING TERMINOLOGY. In finding your way about the ship, the following commonly used terms may prove helpful. The "front" of the ship is referred to as the bow or forward. The "back" of the ship is known as the stern or aft. Starboard is the right-hand side when facing forward. Port is the nautical equivalent of "left" when facing forward. Knowing these terms you will easily be able to locate the facilities listed below.


BAGGAGE ROOM. D Deck, forward. Easily reached via forward starboard stairway or elevator. Baggage master in attendance at designated hours. Consult purser or ship's bulletin boards for further information.

DOCTOR'S OFFICE. Main Deck, aft, portside. Physician in attendance at specified hours or by appointment. Consult bulletin boards or see purser for further information.

GAMES AND AMUSEMENTS. An unusually wide variety of games and amusements is available to passengers on board the Nieuw Amsterdam. These include deck tennis, ping-pong, shuffleboard, tennis, swimming, chess, checkers, bridge, canasta and other card games, dancing, and motion picture programs in the ship's air-conditioned theatres. For ping-pong paddles and balls, deck tennis rings and other outdoor sports equipment, see your deck steward.

KENNELS. Boat Deck. Reached by midship outside stairways from Upper Promenade Deck. Two exercise runs. Special attendant on duty.

LAUNDRY. Complete laundry and pressing service available. No dry cleaning. Ring for room steward.

RADIO ROOM —SHIP-TO-SHORE TELEPHONE. Upper Promenade Deck. Take a starboard forward elevator to Upper Promenade Deck. Entrance off forward foyer.

RELIGIOUS SERVICES. The first class Card Room is designed for conversion to a chapel. Religious services are held here and in the cabin-tourist theatre, provided that recognized clergymen are on board who are willing to officiate. For further details, consult bulletin boards or inquire at purser's office.

First Class

BARBER SHOP AND BEAUTY SALON. Main Deck opposite chief steward's and purser's offices. Both barber shop and beauty salon are air-conditioned and are furnished with the most up-to-date equipment.

CARD ROOM. Promenade Deck, port, amidships. Between Grand Hall and Smoking Room.

CHIEF STEWARD'S OFFICE Main Deck, forward foyer.

CHILDREN'S PLAYROOM. Upper Promenade Deck, amidships. Entrance just forward of the top of Grand Stairway leading to Ritz-Carlton Cafe. Toys, games, swings, hobby horses and other equipment to amuse young passengers. Stewardess in attendance daily. Consult chief steward for details.

DECKS. Several large sheltered and open decks are available to first class passengers on the Nieuw Amsterdam. They include the glass-enclosed rubber surfaced Promenade Deck (350 feet long) and the open Upper Promenade Deck (454 feet long), five laps of which equal one mile. There are also two large sports decks, one on the Upper Promenade Deck aft, and one on the Sun Deck aft of the second funnel. This deck, on which the tennis court is located, may be reached by the starboard stairway near the entrance of the Ritz-Carlton Cafe.

DINING SALOON. A Deck, entrance from forward foyer. Most easily reached via forward stairways or elevators. Air-conditioned for your comfort.

GRAND HALL. Promenade Deck, amidships. Principal passenger lounge.

GYMNASIUM. Sun Deck, forward. Use forward elevator, starboard side, to Upper Promenade Deck, then continue one deck higher via adjacent stairway. Mechanical horses, stationary bicycles, rowing machines and other gymnasium equipment. Adjoining solarium for sunbathing.

LIBRARY AND WRITING ROOM. Promenade Deck, starboard side, amidships, between Grand Hall and Smoking Room. Books, newspapers, current magazines in English, French and Dutch. Stamps, stationery and playing cards available. See steward in attendance.

POWDER ROOM. A Deck lobby, opposite entrance of Dining Saloon.

PURSER'S OFFICE Main Deck, forward foyer.

RITZ-CARLTON CAFE. Upper Promenade Deck. Use the Grand Stairway between the Smoking Room and Grand Hall. Bar service, dancing, magnificent sea views. A favorite late-evening rendezvous.

SHOPPING ARCADE. Promenade Deck, forward foyer. Items on sale include French perfumes, cosmetics, handbags, accessories. Swiss watches and clocks, Delft China, silverware, men's haberdashery and toiletries, cameras, films and toys.

SMOKING ROOM. Promenade Deck, aft. A restful daytime or evening retreat with a comfortable, clublike atmosphere. Has its own intimate cocktail bar and twin enclosed verandahs overlooking the sea.

SOLARIUM. Sun Deck, forward. A quiet spot for sunning and reading. Entrance through gymnasium. SWIMMING POOLS. Indoor swimming pool on E Deck, forward. Reached via forward starboard elevator to D Deck and adjacent stairway down to pool. There are adjoining dressing rooms, Turkish ad medicinal baths. Masseur and masseuse in attendance. The outdoor swimming pool is located on the Promenade Deck, aft and is available on cruises only.

THEATRE. Promenade Deck, forward foyer. Air-conditioned, seats 350 persons. For the schedule of films and other entertainment, see the bulletin board in the foyer outside the theatre.

TURKISH AND MEDICINAL BATHS. Adjoining E Deck swimming pool (see above).

VALET. You may reach the ship's tailor via your stateroom steward.


Cabin Class

(On cruises, first class and cabin class are combined for general use.)
BARBER SHOP AND BEAUTY PARLOR. Located on C Deck, aft. Entrance through corridor adjacent to foyer. Open to cabin class passengers at designated hours.


DECKS. There are two sports decks for cabin class passengers. One occupies the full area between the funnels on the highest deck, reached via cabin class portside elevator. The second is on the after end of the Promenade Deck.

DINING SALOON. On A Deck, aft. Entrance at main foyer. This room is air-conditioned.

JUNGLE BAR. Promenade Deck, starboard. Entrance through foyer.

LIBRARY. Promenade Deck, portside, opposite Jungle Bar. Entrance through foyer.

LOUNGE. Lower Promenade Dock, aft.

PURSER'S OFFICE. Main Deck. aft.

SWIMMING POOL. Aft on C Deck. Reached through corridor adjacent to foyer. Open at designated hours. Consult bulletin board.

STUYVESANT CAFE AND VERANDAH. Overlooks sports deck on after end of Promenade Deck. Accessible from deck or through foyer.

THEATRE. Lower Promenade Deck, aft. Access through Lounge. Air conditioned; seats 162 persons. Open at designated hours. Consult bulletin board for program details.
(Alto see directory preceding first clast)

Tourist Class

BAR. Starboard side of Smoking Room on Main Deck, aft. Reached through Smoking Room or foyer.

BARBER SHOP AND BEAUTY PARLOR. C Deck. aft. Entrance through starboard corridor. Open at designated hours to tourist class passengers.

CHIEF STEWARD'S OFFICE. Main Deck. aft. Accessible through forward end of Smoking Room.

DECKS. Open sports deck on aft end of Lower Promenade deck. Glass-enclosed promenade and open promenade on Main Deck, aft.

DINING SALOON. B Deck. Reached by stairway from A Deck. From the Main Deck foyer, take the stairway to A Deck. Walk forward past cabins 418 and 416 to A Deck stairway and descend to dining saloon. This room is air-conditioned.

LOUNGE. Main Deck, aft. Accessible through foyer or glass-enclosed promenade.

PURSER'S OFFICE. Main Deck, aft. Accessible through forward end of Smoking Room.

SMOKING ROOM. Main Deck. Entered from foyer through Tourist Class Bar.

SWIMMING POOL. C Deck. aft. Entrance through portside corridor. Open at designated hours as announced on bulletin board.

THEATRE. Lower Promenade Deck, aft. Port and starboard entrances on sports deck. Programs at designated hours as announced on bulletin board. Air-conditioned. seats 162 persons.

(Also see directory preceding first class)

Recommendations For the Avoidance of Accidents

1. Please do not run on the ship and walk carefully when the deck, the passage ways, or stairways, are wet.

2. Always use the handrails in passage ways, on staircases and in bathrooms.

3. Ladies are advised to wear rubber heeled low shoes. Leather and high heeled shoes are hazardous on board ship.

4. Do not smoke in bed. Be certain that cigars, cigarette ends and matches are extinguished and placed in proper receptacles.

5. Do not allow children to run or play unattended or to sit or play on stairways.

6. Do not move about in darkened rooms. Make use of the lighting facilities.

7. Do not remove safety hooks from furniture.

8. Avoid holding on to open doors and the frames of doors. The ship's movement may suddenly cause the door to close on your hand.

9. Do not attempt to open or close portholes. If adjustment is needed, kindly call your room steward.

10. Always use the berth ladder to enter upper beds. Make certain that the ladder is securely placed.

11. Do not use electric irons or other appliances in your stateroom before checking with your room steward.

The following is especially important when the ship is rolling or pitching.

12. Always hold on to safety ropes, handrails, or secured furniture, when walking or moving around.

13. Do not carry any articles, such as coats, books, bags etc., if it can be avoided. You need your hands to use the rails, jackstays and ropes.

14. Do not stroll about the ship unnecessarily.

15. Remain seated in furniture which is secured.

16. Elderly passengers should not cross open foyers or pass through public rooms without the assistance of a steward.

17. Brace yourself when sitting in a straight-backed chair. If your chair should move while at meals, hold on to the table. Do not attempt to save table utensils or equipment.

Please Do Not Ignore These Suggestions. They Are for Your Own Safety and The Company Assumes No Liability in The Case of Accidents.




Back Cover, Holland-America Line TSS Nieuw Amsterdam First Class, Cabin, and Tourist Class Passenger List - 8 October 1954. GGA Image ID #


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