TSS Statendam Passenger List - 1 October 1938

Front Cover of a Cabin, Tourist and Third Class Passenger List for the SS Statendam of the Holland-America Line, Departing Saturday, 1 October 1938 from Rotterdam to New York

Front Cover of a Cabin, Tourist and Third Class Passenger List for the SS Statendam of the Holland-America Line, Departing Saturday, 1 October 1938 from Rotterdam to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer and Southampton. Commanded by Commander G. J. Barendse. GGA Image ID # 17cee05398


Senior Officers and Staff

  • Commander: Captain G. J. Barendse
  • Chief Officer: P. H. G. Verhoog
  • Physician: Dr. J. J. Temminck
  • Chief Engineer: A. Van Son
  • Purser: M. K. Ziessen
  • Chief Steward: A. Le Jeune


List of Cabin Class Passengers

  1. B Mr. Abascal
  2. B Mrs. Abascal
  3. B Mast. Abascal
  4. Dr. Hans Abelsohn
  5. Mr. K. Abramczyk
  6. Mrs. K. Abramczyk
  7. S Mrs. A. F. Adams
  8. Mrs. C. N. Anderson
  9. B Mr. Emilio Azcarraga
  10. B Mrs. Laura M. Azcarraga
  11. B Miss Carmen Azcarraga
  12. B Mrs. Martin S. Baldwin
  13. Mr. R. A. Barendsen
  14. S Mrs. Seth C. Bassett
  15. S Mr. M. Bassin
  16. S Mrs. M. Bassin
  17. Miss D. L. Bell
  18. Mr. E. Bennink
  19. S Mr. S. J. Blaut
  20. S Mr. A. Bloch
  21. S Mrs. A. Bloch
  22. S Dr. Marjorie Bloch
  23. S Miss V. Bloch and Governess
  24. B Miss Florence Bloch
  25. Mr. Chas. B. Blum
  26. S Mr. Ben Blumenthal
  27. Miss Natalie Bodanya
  28. Mr. G. W. Bohnstedt
  29. Mrs. G. W. Bohnstedt
  30. B Mr. John C. Bolend
  31. B Mrs. John C. Bolend
  32. Mrs. A. H. Bouman
  33. S Mr. F. G. Bowles
  34. B Mrs. Dwight Braman
  35. S Mr. George W. Bramwell
  36. Mr. L. G. Braun
  37. Mr. Breitendoch
  38. Mrs. Breitendoch
  39. S Mr. E. D. Brown
  40. Mr. Harold S. Brown
  41. Mrs. Harold S. Brown
  42. S Mr. J. D. Buchanan
  43. Mr. Alfred Buchsbaum
  44. Mrs. T. Brownell Burnham
  45. Mr. Heinz J. Bytkiner
  46. S Mr. Thomas Cahall
  47. S Mrs. Thomas Cahall
  48. Count Gerd Caison d'Haussonville
  49. B Mr. Charles Caldecott
  50. Mr. Jacques Censor
  51. Mrs. Jacques Censor
  52. Mast. Walter Censor
  53. Miss Monique Censor
  54. B Miss Simone Chapuis
  55. Mr. Thomas W. Childs
  56. Mrs. Thomas W. Childs and baby
  57. S Mr. H. T. Chittenden
  58. S Mrs. H. T. Chittenden
  59. Mrs. Herbert Choynski
  60. Mrs. M. Ciliberti
  61. Mast. Chas. Ciliberti
  62. S Mrs. Nellie J. Clements
  63. Mr. J. M. Cloud
  64. Mrs. J. M. Cloud
  65. B Mrs. M. Clough
  66. B Mrs. D. Combs
  67. Mr. Frederic W. Cone
  68. B Mrs. R. van B. Corns
  69. Mrs. W. F. Coulston
  70. B Mr. E. E. Crabb
  71. B Mrs. E. E. Crabb
  72. B Mr. Henry B. Culver
  73. B Mrs. Henry B. Culver
  74. Mr. Erich Dalberg
  75. Mrs. Erich Dalberg
  76. S Mrs. Helen O. Davis
  77. Mrs. M. B. Davis
  78. Mr. W. L. De Beus
  79. Mrs. W. L. De Beus
  80. Mrs. A. G. J. M. De Goede
  81. S Mr. A. J. De Ladhouder
  82. S Mr. Gysbertus de Leeuw
  83. Mrs. J. S. De Man
  84. Miss Dennison
  85. Mrs. W. I. Dewson
  86. Mr. F. R. Dolbeare
  87. Miss Erna Downing
  88. Miss Maud S. Dresser
  89. Miss Mabel A. Dresser
  90. Miss Laura Dudley
  91. Miss Fanny G. Dudley
  92. Mrs. S. W. Dunnell
  93. Mr. H. Dunnell
  94. Mr. Gregor Dworjetz
  95. Miss Earle
  96. Mrs. Berta Ebertsheim
  97. Miss M. C. Edwards
  98. Mr. Eichwald
  99. Mrs. A. F. Ellis
  100. Miss M. E. Ellis
  101. Mrs. Mina Elman
  102. Mr. Nasuhi Ertegün
  103. Mr. Arthur Erlanger
  104. Mrs. Arthur Erlanger
  105. Mast. Arthur Erlanger
  106. Mr. Andre Estrande
  107. Mrs. H. L. Estrande
  108. Miss Carrie Event
  109. S Mr. Laurence H. Favrot
  110. S Mrs. Laurence H. Favrot
  111. Mr. J. Felsenstein
  112. S Mrs. J. Felsenstein
  113. Mr. H. Fennema
  114. B Mr. Fritz Ferber
  115. Miss Elena Ganivet y Fernandez
  116. Mr. Emanuel Feuermann
  117. Mrs. Emanuel Feuermann
  118. Miss Monica Feuermann
  119. 8 Mr. Paul Fiene
  120. B Mrs. Paul Fiene
  121. Miss Flohr
  122. B Mr. Arie K. Fluiter
  123. B Baron Robert de Foucau-Coult
  124. B Baroness Robert de Foucau-Coult
  125. B Miss Marjorie Frankel
  126. Mrs. Benjamin Franklin
  127. B Miss Freeman
  128. Mr. K. A. Friedlander
  129. Miss Blanche Frost
  130. B Miss Eugenia C. Frost
  131. B Mr. M. P. Gabbay
  132. Mr. Ernst Gans
  133. Mrs. Ernst Gans
  134. Miss Margret Gans
  135. Mr. W. F. Gantvoort
  136. B Mrs. John M. Garfield
  137. Mrs. Helena N. Gargan
  138. Miss Florence Gernhardt
  139. Mr. Arthur Gerstle
  140. Mrs. Arthur Gerstle
  141. Miss Eleonore Gerstle
  142. Prof. Sigfried Giedion
  143. B Commandante Carlos A. Gilardi
  144. Miss Helen R. Gilbert
  145. B Miss H. Gjertsen
  146. B Mrs. Anna D. Goldfarb
  147. Dr. Julius Goldschmidt
  148. Mr. Hans M. Goldschmidt
  149. Mr. P. Gonlag
  150. Mrs. P. Gonlag
  151. S Mrs. William Grant
  152. Mr. D. W. Grant
  153. Mr. Alfred Grünewald
  154. Mrs. Alfred Grünewald
  155. Mrs. Lucinda C. Gunther
  156. B Mr. Edward Gübelin
  157. B Mr. Werner Gübelin
  158. B Miss Gunzenhauer
  159. B Dr. A. Wiese Hammer
  160. B Mrs. A. Wiese Hammer
  161. S Mrs. H. L. Harris
  162. S Mrs. M. H. Havemeyer
  163. B Miss Elizabeth Hayes
  164. Mrs. Franziska Heidenheim
  165. Dr. Julius Heilbrunn
  166. Mrs. Julius Heilbrunn
  167. Mast. D. Heilbrunn
  168. Mast. K. Heilbrunn
  169. Mr. Siegfried Heim
  170. Mr. S. Heimann
  171. S Mr. H. O'Neill Hencken
  172. S Mrs. H. O'Neill Hencken
  173. Mrs. S. M. Henricot
  174. Miss Henricot
  175. Miss Henricot and Governess
  176. S Mr. W. F. Herold
  177. S Mrs. W. F. Herold
  178. Mr. S. Herrmann
  179. Mrs. S. Herrmann
  180. Mr. Otto Herstatt
  181. Mrs. Otto Herstatt
  182. Miss A. Herstatt
  183. S Mrs. Benjamin L. Heyman
  184. Mr. Hans Heymann
  185. B Mrs. A. C. Hickox
  186. Mrs. William S. Hilles and Maid
  187. Mr. Godfrey L. Hirdes
  188. Mrs. Godfrey L. Hirdes
  189. Mr. Felix Hirsch
  190. Prof. Dr. M. Hobmaier
  191. Mrs. Emma R. Hoch
  192. Mrs. A. Q. Holland
  193. Mrs. C. M. A. Holtzschue
  194. B Miss Molly Howe
  195. S Mr. B. Huebsch
  196. B Mr. J. C. Hulse
  197. Mr. Charles F. Ikle
  198. Baron van Imhof
  199. Mrs. M. Intrator
  200. Miss Y. Intrator
  201. Mast. G. Intrator
  202. Mrs. Martha Isaac
  203. B Mrs. Pierre Itariot
  204. B Mast. J. N. Itariot
  205. S Mrs. F. Jacobs
  206. S Mr. S. Jaffa
  207. S Mrs. S. Jaffa
  208. S Mr. L. J. Jaffee
  209. SMrs. L. J. Jaffee
  210. Mr. Heinz Kahn
  211. Mr. Arthur Kann
  212. Mrs. Arthur Kann
  213. Miss Kann
  214. Mrs. H. E. Kasteleyn
  215. B Mrs. Harry Kaufman
  216. B Mast. Howard Kaufman
  217. B Mast. Curtis Kaufman
  218. B Mrs. D. L. Keiser
  219. Mr. Herbert A. Kende
  220. Miss Josephine Klein
  221. B Mr. L. Kniffin
  222. B Mrs. T . D. Kniffin
  223. B Mr. Koenigstein
  224. B Mrs. Koenigstein
  225. B Miss Koenigstein
  226. S Mrs. Francis Koppelman
  227. Mr. Josef Korodi
  228. Mrs. Josef Korodi
  229. Mr. Laszlo Körös
  230. B Baron N. Korff
  231. Mrs. Pauline Kromholt
  232. Dr. Max Krueger
  233. Miss L. J. C. Kuyl
  234. Mr. Max Lande
  235. Mrs. Max Lande
  236. Miss I. M. Lande
  237. B Dr. Lucian H. Landry
  238. B Mrs. Lucian H. Landry
  239. B Miss Amelie S. Landry
  240. B Mr. J. Lanfred
  241. Miss Dawn Lantzius
  242. Mr. Larrouy
  243. Mr. Louis Lautzius
  244. Mrs. Louis Lautzius
  245. Mast. John Lautzius
  246. Dr. Walter E. Lee
  247. Mr. Bernh. Lehrburger
  248. Mrs. Bernh. Lehrburger
  249. Mrs. Klara Leopold
  250. Mr. Wolf Levy
  251. Mrs. Wolf Levy
  252. Miss Ruth Levy
  253. Mr. Isaac Levy
  254. Mrs. Isaac Levy
  255. Miss Solange Levy
  256. Miss Suzanne Levy
  257. S Miss Jeanne Levy
  258. Mr. B. S. Livingston
  259. Mrs. Th. Loeb
  260. Dr. Hans E. Loeffler
  261. Mrs. Alma Loevinsohn
  262. Miss Long
  263. Miss Long
  264. Miss Long and Governess
  265. Mrs. Gertrud I. E. Lukaschik
  266. Mrs. Rogers Lutz
  267. B Mrs. William E. Lyford and Maid
  268. Mrs. C. Du Pont Lyon
  269. Miss Claudia Lyon
  270. S Mr. M. M. Maas
  271. B Miss MacPhee
  272. B Mrs. David Ives Mackie
  273. Dr. Chauncey C. Maher
  274. Mrs. Chauncey C. Maher
  275. B Mr. Howard B. Major
  276. 8 Mrs. Howard B. Major
  277. Mr. Paul G. Markwald
  278. S Mr. R. M. Mattuch
  279. S Mrs. R. M. Mattuch
  280. S Miss R. M. Mattuch
  281. S Mr. Stacey May
  282. Mr. Julius Mayer
  283. Mrs. Julius Mayer
  284. S Mrs. John Mcllhenny
  285. Miss Katherine McLaughlin
  286. Miss Jeanne McLaughlin
  287. S Miss Mary McPherren
  288. Mrs. Toni Mendel
  289. B Mrs. S. D. Metzger
  290. B Mr. F. W. Meyerhof
  291. S Miss Luise Meyerhof
  292. S Mr. R. Miglietta
  293. S Miss M. Miglietta
  294. Miss K. Mlinar
  295. S Mr. Francis S. Montgomery
  296. S Mrs. Francis S. Montgomery
  297. S Mr. W. J. Montgomery
  298. S Mrs. E. Moran
  299. S Miss I. Moran
  300. S Miss M. Morehouse
  301. S Mrs. H. W. Morehouse
  302. B Mr. Albert Morini
  303. S Miss Margaret Booth Morgan
  304. Mr. Remo Nardelli
  305. Mrs. Remo Nardelli
  306. Miss P. Naz
  307. Miss Gertrud Neu
  308. S Mrs. Joseph C. Neustaedter
  309. S Miss Eleanor Neustaedter
  310. Mrs. G. O. R. Nies—Berger
  311. Hon. J. I. Noest Consul of The Netherlands at San Francisco. Cal
  312. Dr. Sofie Nordhoff—Jung
  313. Mrs. Gladys F. Ogden
  314. S Judge Jesse Olney
  315. S Mrs. Jesse Olney
  316. Mr. Otto Oppenheimer
  317. Mr. Abraham Oppenheimer
  318. S Mr. F. E. Oppenheimer
  319. Mr. Sigmund Ostheimer
  320. Mrs. Sigmund Ostheimer
  321. B Mr. Herbert Palmer
  322. B Mrs. S. W. Peck
  323. Mr. Pieter Peereboom
  324. Mr. Oscar Peltzer
  325. Mrs. Mary G. Peltzer
  326. B Mr. Dwight Prouty
  327. Mrs. J. E. Quan
  328. B Mrs. B. D. Rado
  329. Mrs. Marta Pedersen Rankin
  330. Miss Jane Pedersen Rankin
  331. Mast. Robert J. Pedersen Rankin
  332. S Mr. Paul Rendi
  333. Mr. Otto Rendi
  334. Mr. Pierre Richards
  335. Miss F. de Ribon
  336. Mr. Rodriguez
  337. Mr. Heinrich Rosenbaum
  338. Mrs. Heinrich Rosenbaum
  339. Miss Hilde Rosenbaum
  340. Mrs. Sophie Rosenbaum
  341. Mr. Carl Rosenblatt
  342. Mrs. Carl Rosenblatt
  343. Mr. Paul Roth
  344. Mrs. Paul Roth
  345. Miss Edith Roth
  346. B Mr. Ernest W. Ruegg
  347. S Miss Anne Salz
  348. S Mr. J. M. Sandonnini
  349. S Mrs. J. M. Sandonnini
  350. Mrs. A. L. A. FernandezCasas y Saümell
  351. B Mr. Eduard Schaar
  352. B Miss Th. Schaar
  353. Prof. Dr. H. Schachian
  354. Mrs. Dr. H. Schachian
  355. B Miss Bertha Schickel
  356. Mr. S. Schnabel
  357. Mr. K. Scholtens
  358. Mrs. K. Scholtens
  359. Mrs. Ida T. L. Schwarz
  360. Mr. R. J. Schweppe
  361. Mrs. R. J. Schweppe and Maid
  362. Mr. Jenny Selig
  363. Dr. Siegfr. Seligmann
  364. Mrs. Siegfr. Seligmann
  365. Miss Mathilde Seligmann
  366. Hon. F. Seynaeve Consul of Belgium at New York
  367. Mrs. F. Seynaeve
  368. Miss E. Seynaeve
  369. Miss M. Seynaeve
  370. Miss M. Seynaeve
  371. Miss M. J. Seynaeve and Nurse
  372. Miss Shelden
  373. S Mr. A. Sidebotham
  374. S Mrs. A. Sidebotham
  375. B Mrs. Manning Simons
  376. Miss Christel Simons
  377. S Mrs. Samuel Lewis Smith
  378. Miss Bella Spangenthal
  379. Miss Olga Spessiotzewa
  380. Mr. A. F. Spring
  381. Mrs. A. F. Spring
  382. Mr. C. F. Staib
  383. S Mrs. C. F. Staib
  384. S Miss C. F. Staib
  385. Mr. Simon Stahl
  386. Dr. Ernst Steiner
  387. S Mrs. Caroline Osborne Stern
  388. Mrs. Hedwig Stern
  389. Prof. Rudolf Stern
  390. Mrs. Rudolf Stern
  391. Mast. Fritz Stern
  392. Miss Toni Stern
  393. Miss Anna Stolz
  394. S Miss B. K. Straight
  395. Prof. Erwin Straus
  396. Mrs. Erwin Straus
  397. Mrs. Irma Strauss
  398. Dr. Kurt Strauss
  399. Mrs. Kurt Strauss
  400. Mr. Stringsellow
  401. B Mrs. W. K. Sturgess
  402. Mr. Chas. L. Suhr
  403. S Mrs. Stephen K. Swift
  404. Dr. Julius Szász
  405. Mr. Georg Tannenzapf
  406. Mrs. Georg Tannenzapf
  407. Mast. Egon Tannenzapf
  408. Capt. T. T. Teague
  409. B Mr. Imre Temesvary
  410. B Mrs. Imre Temesvary
  411. Mr. Bruno Tillessen
  412. S Mr. B. S. Tilney
  413. S Mrs. B. S. Tilney
  414. B Mr. M. V. Tinoco
  415. B Mrs. M. V. Tinoco
  416. S Mrs. James Todd
  417. B Mr. R. Lockwood Tower
  418. Dr. Ph. E. Truesdale
  419. Mr. Erich Tschelnitz
  420. Mr. Daniel Twiss
  421. Mrs. Daniel Twiss
  422. B Mr. George Valencia
  423. B Mrs. George Valencia
  424. Mr. A. C. Van der Bent
  425. Mrs. A. C. Van der Bent
  426. Mrs. Nancy Van de Griendt
  427. Mast. L. Van de Griendt
  428. Miss G. Van Hinloopen Labberton
  429. Miss E. M. Van Steeden
  430. Miss Orelie Veris
  431. B Mr. Alfredo Vild
  432. S Mr. Frank J. Vlcek
  433. S Mr. Valerian F. Vlcek
  434. Mr. D. W. Vollmer
  435. Mrs. D. W. Vollmer
  436. B Mr. D. van Vooren
  437. B Mrs. D. van Vooren
  438. B Miss P. van Vooren
  439. B Miss E. van Vooren
  440. Mr. R. de Vries
  441. Mr. E. A. Wales
  442. Mrs. E. A. Wales
  443. B Mrs. Columbia H. Walker
  444. S Mrs. A. T. Warburton
  445. S Miss W. A. Warburton
  446. S Miss J. T. Warburton
  447. Mr. Samuel Weiger
  448. Mrs. Samuel Weiger
  449. Mr. Alexander Weinberg
  450. Miss Carla Weinberg
  451. Mr. Wilhelm Weingarten
  452. Mrs. Berta Weinstein
  453. Mr. Juan Weinstein
  454. Miss Gretel Weiss
  455. Mrs. Brand Whitlock
  456. S Mr. William H. Wingate
  457. S Mrs. William H. Wingate
  458. Mr. Wolfersberg
  459. B Mrs. Dorothy Wolfson
  460. B Mrs. Herbert Wright
  461. S Mrs. Minturn Wright
  462. Mr. Siegfried Wurzel
  463. Mrs. Siegfried Wurzel
  464. B Mr. Jerome Young
  465. B Miss Zinike
  466. Mr. Marcus Zilversmit
  467. Mrs. Marcus Zilversmit
  468. Mast. R. D. Zilversmit
  469. Mast. A. Zilversmit


B Embark at Boulogne-sur-Mer. S Embark at Southampton.

Notice: All Passengers will receive a landing card and are requested to present same before leaving the steamer to a U.S. Immigrant Inspector for endorsement.


Tourist Class Passengers

  1. Dr. Hermann Achtentuch
  2. Mrs. Hermann Achtentuch
  3. Mr. Herbert Achtentuch
  4. Mr. Kurt Adler
  5. Mrs. Henry Aelmans
  6. s Mr. David Altberg
  7. B Mr. George Anderson
  8. B Mrs. George Anderson
  9. Mr. Jean M. Andreu
  10. B Mr. R. J. Archambo
  11. B Mrs. R. J. Archambo
  12. B Mr. G. F. Armstrong
  13. B Mrs. G. F. Armstrong
  14. Mr. A. S. Barrett
  15. Mrs. A. S. Barrett
  16. Mrs. Selma Beckhardt
  17. Mrs. Jenny Beilenson
  18. Mr. Gaston A. Belf
  19. Mrs. Gaston A. Belf
  20. Mr. R. E. Benham
  21. S Mrs. R. E. Benham
  22. Mrs. Elizabeth Bennie
  23. Mr. Gustav Bergmann
  24. Dr. Walter R. Bett
  25. B Miss Helen Blank
  26. Mrs. Edith Blau
  27. Mast. Wilhelm Blau
  28. B Miss Lilian Bleska
  29. Mr. Paul Blutreich
  30. Mrs, Paul Blutreich
  31. B Mrs. Elizabeth Boller
  32. S Mr. Friedrich Bondi
  33. S Mrs. Friedrich Bondi
  34. S Mr. Fred Bondi
  35. Mr. Walter Bonne
  36. Mr. Berndt Buchbinder
  37. Mrs, Berndt Buchbinder
  38. Miss Annemarie Buchbinder
  39. Mr. Leon Cats
  40. Mrs. Leon Cats
  41. Miss Jeanne D. Catz
  42. Mr. Edgar Cohn
  43. Mrs. Edgar Cohn
  44. B Mr. Robert J. Crabb
  45. B Miss Marjorie Crabb
  46. B Miss Helen Crabb
  47. B Miss E. B. Dauchy
  48. Mr. Hartog De Jong
  49. Mrs. Hartog De Jong
  50. Miss Angele De Jong
  51. Mrs. Paula Deutschmann
  52. Mrs. Jacoba De Vries
  53. Mr. G. Dommisse
  54. Miss Antonie C. Dorner
  55. Miss Edith Durfee
  56. Mrs. Esther Ehlers
  57. B Mrs. Georgia Emmel
  58. B Mr. Leo Feigenbaum
  59. B Mrs. Leo Feigenbaum
  60. B Miss M. Finnigan
  61. B Mr. Otto Fleischer
  62. Mrs. Otto Fleischer
  63. Miss Ruth Fleischer
  64. S Mr. John M. Fleming
  65. S Mrs. John M. Fleming
  66. Mr. Erwin Frankl
  67. S Miss Margaret French
  68. Mr. Charlie Friedenthal
  69. Mrs. Charlie Friedenthal
  70. Mr. Willy Friedmann
  71. Mrs. Willy Friedmann
  72. S Mr. William M. Gehmann, Jr.
  73. S Mrs. William M. Gehmann
  74. Dr. Otto Gersuny
  75. Mrs. Otto Gersuny
  76. Mast. Karl G. Gersuny
  77. Mast. K. J. Gersuny
  78. S Miss Caroline Getty
  79. S Mr. M. K. Goodwin
  80. S Mrs. M. K. Goodwin
  81. B Miss Gulborg Grönning
  82. Dr. Heinrich Gross
  83. Mrs. Heinrich Gross
  84. Mr. Oscar Gran
  85. Mrs. Oscar Gran
  86. Mast. Georges E. Gran
  87. S Mr. Ernest Halpern
  88. Mr. Gerardus Harinh
  89. Mr. Walter Hartwig
  90. Mrs. Hein
  91. Miss Hein
  92. B Mr. Frank S. Hemenway
  93. B Mrs. Frank S. Hemenway
  94. Mr. Hugo Henle
  95. Mrs. Hugo Henle
  96. Mr. John C. Henry
  97. Mrs. John C. Henry
  98. Mr. Benno Herz
  99. Mrs. Benno Herz
  100. Mr. Kurt A. Hirsch
  101. Mr. Paul E. Hirsch
  102. Mr. Willy Hirschberg
  103. Mrs. Willy Hirschberg
  104. Miss Ilse Hirschberg
  105. Mast. Fredy Hirschberg
  106. B Miss Adah Horn
  107. Mrs. Evelyn Howard
  108. Mrs. Louise Huebsch
  109. Mrs. R. Huygens
  110. S Mrs. E. Jackson
  111. S Mrs. W. Jacobson
  112. Miss F. C. Jagemann
  113. Mr. Oskar A. Johannsen
  114. Mrs. Oskar A. Johannsen
  115. B Miss E. C. Jones
  116. Mr. Heinrich Kantrowicz
  117. Mrs. Heinrich Kantrowicz
  118. Miss Lotte Kantrowicz
  119. Mr. Max Karbe
  120. Mrs. Max Karbe
  121. Mr. Wilhelm Katten
  122. Mrs. Elze Katz
  123. Miss Ursula Katz
  124. Mr. Leopold Kaufmann
  125. Mrs. Leopold Kaufmann
  126. B Miss Anita Kelsey
  127. Mr. Oskar Kirschstein
  128. Mrs. Oskar Kirschstein
  129. Mr. Julius Kleemann
  130. Mr. Leo Klein
  131. B Dr. Louis Kleinfeld
  132. S Mrs. L. Klintrup
  133. Mr. Hermann Klotz
  134. Miss Edith Klotz
  135. B Mr. Otto Kohn
  136. B Mrs. Otto Kohn
  137. Dr. Paul König
  138. Mr. Isaac Kornfeld
  139. Mrs. J. Krausz
  140. Miss M. J. Krausz
  141. S Mr. Philippe Kunstenaar
  142. Mrs. Philippe Kunstenaar
  143. Miss Caroline Kunstenaar
  144. Mr. Max Kupfer
  145. Mrs. Max Kupfer
  146. Mr. Paul Lederer
  147. Mrs. Paul Lederer
  148. Mr. James H. Lee
  149. Mrs. James H. Lee
  150. Mr. Wolf Lehrer
  151. Mrs. Wolf Lehrer
  152. Mast. Josi Lehrer
  153. Rev. Father Wm. Lemmens
  154. Mr. Albert Levy
  155. Miss Erna Levy
  156. Dr. Fritz Lewy
  157. Mrs. Fritz Lewy
  158. Mr. Hugo Lion
  159. Mr. Salomon Löbl
  160. Mrs. Salomon Löbl
  161. Miss Ingeborg Löbl
  162. S Mr. Ewart E. Long
  163. Miss Helene Lowenthal
  164. Mr. James M. Lowman
  165. Mrs. Melanie Luber
  166. Mr. Ernst Luber
  167. S Miss Martha B. Lucas
  168. Mr. Albert Lustig
  169. Mrs. Albert Lustig
  170. Mr. Arthur Lustig
  171. Mrs. Arthur Lustig
  172. Mast. Hans Lustig
  173. S Mr. F. W. Magon
  174. S Mrs. F. W. Magon
  175. Miss H. Maiwald
  176. S Dr. Jiri Mangeim
  177. Mr. Stefan Mannheim
  178. Mrs. Stefan Mannheim
  179. S Prof. Fr. H. Mautner
  180. S Mrs. Fr. H. Mautner
  181. S Miss J. Mautner
  182. Mr. Arthur Mayer
  183. Mrs. Arthur Mayer
  184. Miss Laura Mayer
  185. Mr. Josef Metzger
  186. Mrs. Josef Metzger
  187. Miss Eloise Mills
  188. S Mrs. Margaret Moore
  189. S Miss Nancy Moore
  190. B Miss May Moore
  191. Mrs. Toni Morgenthau
  192. Mrs. Taube R. Nassel
  193. Miss Klara Nassel
  194. Miss Rudolfin Nassel
  195. S Mrs. F. G. Neal
  196. Dr. Gustav H. Neurath
  197. Mrs. Gustav H. Neurath
  198. Miss Florence Newcomb
  199. Mr. Siegmund Nunberg
  200. Mrs. Siegmund Nunberg
  201. Dr. Karl Paschkis
  202. Mr. James L. Paxton, Jr.
  203. Mr. Richard Pels
  204. Miss Lotte Perutz
  205. Dr. Anthony E. Peters
  206. B Mrs. Anthony E. Peters
  207. Miss Hildegard Pfaffenholz
  208. Miss Herta L. Pilpel
  209. Miss Sylva Pohoryles
  210. B Mr. G. A. Popoff
  211. B Mrs. G. A. Popoff
  212. Mr. Edgar I. S. R. Pos
  213. Miss Eleanore Potts
  214. Mrs. Gertrude A. Reek
  215. B Miss Virginia Richmond
  216. S Miss Violetta Roberton
  217. Mr. Leonard J. Roggeveen
  218. Mrs. W. Roon
  219. B Mrs. Julia Rosenburg
  220. Mr. Peter Rosenfeld
  221. Mr. Arnold Rosenkranz
  222. Dr. Curt Rosenthal
  223. Mr. Fred. H. Rothschild
  224. B Mr. Moses Rudmann
  225. Mr. Salomon Sabara
  226. Mrs. Salomon Sabara
  227. Dr. Oskar Samek
  228. Mrs. Oskar Samek
  229. Mr. Otto Schierioth
  230. Dr. Leo Schlesinger
  231. Mrs. Leo Schlesinger
  232. B Miss Gladys Schroeder
  233. B Miss Elsie Schulze
  234. S Miss F. Schust
  235. Miss Kath. Schwake
  236. Mrs. Irene Schwartz
  237. Mr. Jacob S. Schweid
  238. Miss Eva Seiler
  239. Mr. Leopold Seroos
  240. Mrs. Leopold Seroos
  241. Mr. Jose Serra
  242. Mrs. C. K. Shaw, Jr.
  243. Mr. Leopold Siberd
  244. B Miss Louise Silbert
  245. Mr. Albert Simon
  246. B Mr. P. M. Simon
  247. Mr. Ludwig Singer
  248. Mr. Ludwig Singer
  249. Miss Ruth Singer
  250. Mr. Friedrich Singer
  251. Mrs. Friedrich Singer
  252. Miss W. Skinner
  253. Mr. H. Slotsky
  254. Mr. Percy Slotsky
  255. Mr. S. Slotsky
  256. B Mr. Herman Snyder
  257. B Mrs. Herman Snyder
  258. Mr. Hermann Sobel
  259. Mr. Franz Sonnenschein
  260. Mr. Walter Spitz
  261. Dr. Bernard Stanner
  262. Mr. Friedrich Stein
  263. Mr. Ernst Stern
  264. Mrs. Ernst Stern
  265. Mr. Strelzyn
  266. Mr. Max Strelzyn
  267. Mrs. Max Strelzyn
  268. Miss Esta Strelzyn
  269. Mast. Manfred Strelzyn
  270. Mr. Leon H. Sturman
  271. Mrs. Leon H. Sturman
  272. Miss Vrouwtje Tas
  273. S Mr. Alfred Teller
  274. S Mrs. Alfred Teller
  275. Dr. Heinrich A. Toczek
  276. Mrs. Heinrich A. Toczek
  277. Mast. Peter M. Toczek
  278. Mr. George G. Towle
  279. Mrs. Betty Udelsman
  280. Mast. Peter Unger
  281. Mrs. Johanna M. Van der Mark
  282. Father Herman Veger
  283. Mr. Israel L. Wallach
  284. Mrs. Israel L. Wallach
  285. Mast. Salomon Wallach
  286. S Mr. Fred Wegmuller
  287. S Mrs. Fred Wegmuller
  288. S Mr. Karl Weigl
  289. S Mrs. Karl Weigl
  290. S Mast. Wolfgang Weigl
  291. Dr. Hans Weil
  292. Mr. Josef Weil
  293. Mrs. Josef Weil
  294. Miss Klara Weil
  295. Mast. Jakob Weil
  296. Mr. Ernst Weill
  297. Mrs. Ernst Weill
  298. Miss Peggy Weill
  299. Mast. Julius Weill
  300. Mr. Paul Weindling
  301. Mrs. Paul Weindling
  302. Mast. Gerd. Weindling
  303. Mr. Erich Werner
  304. Mr. Ludwig Wertheimer
  305. S Miss Matilda I. Whitall
  306. Miss Mary Stamps White
  307. Mr. Albert C. G. Williams
  308. S Mrs. A. Winn
  309. Mr. Alois Wurm
  310. Mrs. Alois Wurm
  311. Miss Paula Wurm
  312. Miss Martha Wurm
  313. Mr. Edwin J. York
  314. Miss Emma Zigler


Notice: All Passengers will receive a landing card and are requested to present same before leaving the steamer to a U.S. Immigrant Inspector for endorsement.


Third Class Passengers

  1. Mr. Herbert Aa
  2. Mrs. Herbert Aa
  3. Mrs. Adler
  4. Mr. Georges Alverdes
  5. Mr. Apt
  6. Mrs. Helen H. Baird
  7. S Mr. L. Bakstansky
  8. S Mrs. L. Bakstansky
  9. S Miss R. Bakstansky
  10. S Miss K. Baldwin
  11. Mrs. Cecile Barendum
  12. S Miss Mildred Barry
  13. B Mr. John Hubbard Bassette
  14. Mr. Heinrich Beck
  15. Mrs. Sophie Becker
  16. Mr. Douwe Beekhuis
  17. Mr. Johannes F. Bennik
  18. Mrs. Aartje P. Bennik
  19. Mr. Friedrich Beyer
  20. Mrs. G. B. Blom
  21. Mr. John Blom
  22. Mr. Friedrich Blum
  23. B Mr. Robert Blum
  24. B Mrs. Isabella Blum
  25. B Mast. Roland Blum
  26. Mr. John Bottema
  27. S Miss Polly Bouck
  28. B Mr. Alex Bounous
  29. B Mrs. Alex Bounous
  30. B Mr. J. D. Bounous
  31. Mr. J. B. Brami
  32. Mr. Braunschweiger
  33. Mrs. Braunschweiger and three children
  34. Mr. Chanine Brill
  35. Mrs. Chanine Brill
  36. S Mr. A. Brumbach
  37. S Mr. R. Brumbach
  38. S Mrs. A. J. Brumbach
  39. S Miss D. Brumbach
  40. Mr. Josef Buchschmid
  41. Mrs. Lilly Buchschmid
  42. Mr. Jakob Bühler
  43. Miss Winnifred Buma
  44. S Mr. M. W. Burns
  45. Mr. Simon Bijlsma
  46. Mrs. Simon Bijlsma
  47. Miss Anna Bijlsma
  48. Mr. Alfons Cauwels
  49. B Mr. Geo G. Chaffee
  50. Miss H. Adolf Charak
  51. Mrs. Karolina Ciurlioniene
  52. Mr. Sybren Cnossen
  53. B Mr. Vincent Confer
  54. B Mr. Emanuel Cooper
  55. S Mr. Harold Coulter
  56. S Miss Edith Coulter
  57. S Mr. A. R. Crews
  58. S Mrs. L. M. Crews
  59. B Mrs. P. G. Darlington
  60. Mrs. Elodie De Busschere
  61. Miss Marion De Busschere
  62. Mr. John De Haan
  63. Mrs. Cornelia De Jel
  64. Mr. B. De Jong
  65. Mr. B. De Jong
  66. Mr. P. De Jong
  67. Mrs. Delia De Leeuw
  68. Mrs. Adrienne De Meulemeester
  69. Mrs. Renaude De Meulemeester
  70. Mr. Heinrich Dewald
  71. Mrs. Heinrich Dewald
  72. Mrs. S. De Wit Beyen
  73. Mr. P. H. De Witte
  74. Miss Anna Cl. Dowdell
  75. B Miss Eleanor Earl
  76. S Mr. R. Emahiser
  77. S Mrs. R. Emahiser
  78. B Mr. Carl England
  79. Mr. Eschler
  80. Mrs. Eschler
  81. Mr. Heinz L. Ettlinger
  82. Mr. Max Ettlinger
  83. Mrs. Max Ettlinger
  84. Mast. Klaus Ettlinger
  85. Mast. Rolf K. Ettlinger
  86. B Mr. Farley
  87. B Mrs. Farley
  88. B Mr. Charles Fiedler
  89. B Miss Dr. Cyla Finkiel
  90. B Mrs. E. Fisher
  91. Mrs. Anna Forbat
  92. Mast. Thomas Forbat
  93. Mrs. Gittel Förster
  94. Mr. Jakob Förster
  95. Mr. Johan H. J. Franco
  96. Mr. Max Fraut
  97. Mrs. Max Fraut
  98. Mr. Siegbert Friedlein
  99. Mr. H. Furber
  100. Mrs. H. Furber
  101. Mr. Adolf D. Furst
  102. Mr. Furst
  103. Mrs. Furst
  104. Miss Furst
  105. Mrs. Leonore Gallett
  106. Mrs. Lina Gavfalo
  107. Mr. John Geerts
  108. B Mr. Michel Golbert
  109. B Mrs. Michel Golbert
  110. B Mast. Jean Golbert
  111. Mr. Paul Golz
  112. B Mr. Georges Gorder
  113. Mrs. E. Goris
  114. Mr. Frans Gotthelf
  115. Mrs. Ruth Gotthelf
  116. B Mr. Sane Gottlieb
  117. B Mrs. Sara Gottlieb
  118. B Mast. Moryc Gottlieb
  119. B Miss Rachel Gottlieb
  120. Mrs. Mary Gottmanns
  121. Mrs. Mary Gottschalk
  122. Mr. Martynas Grigaliunas
  123. Mr. Simon Grootegoed
  124. Mr. Wilhelm Grünberg
  125. Mr. Grundzweig
  126. Mrs. Grundzweig
  127. S Mr. Gunnar Gudmundsen
  128. Mr. Hermann Gurfinkel
  129. Mrs. Eva Gurfinkel
  130. Mr. M. Hammerschlag
  131. Mrs. Edda Hankamer
  132. Mast. Ernst Hankamer
  133. Mast. Peter Hankamer
  134. B Mrs. D. Harmsworth
  135. B Miss M. Harmsworth
  136. S Mi. R. H. Harvey
  137. Mr. Simon Hasenfratz-Gottlieb
  138. Mr. Konrad Hauersbock
  139. Mr. Siegfried Heinsfunter
  140. Mrs. Kathe Hellering
  141. S Mr. F. Henry
  142. Mr. Adolf Hess
  143. Miss G. Heyman
  144. B Mr. H. Higgins
  145. B Miss Mary H. Hill
  146. Mr. William Hogenbirk
  147. Mrs. Anne Hogenbirk
  148. Mrs. Justina Hoogland
  149. Miss Elisabeth J. Hoogland
  150. S Mr. Leonard Hoskins
  151. Mr. K. E. Humphrey
  152. B Mr. John Hunt
  153. S Miss E. Jacobson
  154. S Miss H. Jacobson
  155. Mrs. Jennie Jansen
  156. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Journee
  157. Miss Julyona Juseviciute
  158. B Mr. Edgar Kaelin
  159. B Miss Ida Kaelin
  160. Mr. Heinrich Kardeman
  161. Mrs. Keile Kardeman
  162. Miss Lizzie Kardeman
  163. Mrs. Teofila Karpiciene
  164. Mr. Paul Katz
  165. Mr. Frank Kirda
  166. B Mr. Eugene Kistler
  167. Miss Gertrude J. Koelet
  168. Mr. Kohn
  169. Mr. Sipke Kooistra
  170. Mrs. Tenna Kooistra
  171. Mrs. Jeen Koopman
  172. Miss Alice Koopman
  173. Miss Clare Koopman
  174. Mrs. Kröger
  175. S Mrs. R. M. Kruse
  176. B Mrs. Arthur Kunz
  177. B Mr. Carl Kuppers
  178. B Mrs. Carl Kuppers
  179. Mr. Hendrik Kuyp
  180. Mrs. Marrijtje Kuyp
  181. B Mrs. Andre Labas
  182. B Miss M. Labas
  183. Mr. Lemke
  184. Mrs. Lemke
  185. Prof. F. Lenz
  186. Mr. Gustav J. Levi
  187. Mrs. Flora Levi
  188. Mast. Walter J. Levi
  189. S Mr. J. Levinoff
  190. Mr. M. M. Levy
  191. Mr. Max Levy
  192. Mrs. Johanna Levy
  193. S Mr. I. Lewis
  194. S Mrs. I. Lewis
  195. B Mrs. R. W. Linker
  196. Mr. Albert Löwenstein
  197. S Mrs. Leslie MacGregor
  198. B Mr. Arthur Machol
  199. Prof. W. A. McCall
  200. Mrs. W. A. McCall
  201. Mrs. Sara McFall Williams Bosman
  202. Mast. Joh. McFall Williams Bosman
  203. Miss Sarah McFall Williams Bosman
  204. Mr. Hans Meininger
  205. Mr. Johan Meyer
  206. Mrs. Hattie Meyer
  207. Mr. Moses Michel
  208. Mrs. Bertha Michel
  209. Miss Irene Michel
  210. Miss Edith Michel
  211. Miss Lothar Michel
  212. Miss Ilse Michel
  213. S Miss Anne Micko
  214. Mrs. Henriette Millson
  215. S Mr. M. Mitchell
  216. S Mrs. Fraser M. Moffat
  217. Miss Frieda Muller
  218. S Miss Lavern Nagle
  219. Miss Elena Nanartonyte
  220. Mrs. Charlotte Neumann
  221. Mr. Neumann
  222. Mr. Heinz Ney
  223. B Mr. L. B. Noble
  224. Mr. Joseph Overbeek
  225. Mrs. Clara Overbeek
  226. S Miss Lois Pannell
  227. S Mr. Otto F. Pertz
  228. B Mr. Josef Petrig
  229. B Mrs. Josef Petrig
  230. B Miss Pia Petrig
  231. B Miss Alice Petrig
  232. S Dr. Robert Plank
  233. S Mrs. Emma Plank
  234. B Mr. Emanuel Podolsky
  235. B Mrs. Ruth Podolsky
  236. Mr. Walter Pollak
  237. Mrs. Walter Pollak
  238. Mr. Heinrich Popper
  239. Mrs. Heinrich Popper
  240. Mrs. Dr. Gerda F. Porges
  241. Mr. Posen
  242. Mrs. Jacob Postman
  243. Mr. Pushmann
  244. S Dr. E. J. Rawics
  245. S Mrs. E. J. Rawics
  246. S Miss G. H. Rawics
  247. Mr. Leopold Rechnitzer
  248. Miss Jane S. Rectanus
  249. Mr. Fred. K. Reinhard
  250. Mrs. Marie G. Ridderhof
  251. Mrs. Louise Rittler
  252. Miss Mary L. Rittler
  253. S Mr. A. Roberts
  254. S Mrs. A. Roberts
  255. Mrs. Roodenburg and Infant
  256. Miss Franziska Rooz
  257. Mr. Wolf Rooz
  258. Mrs. Klara Rosenthal
  259. S Mr. T. J. Ross
  260. Mrs. Sadie Schaper
  261. Mr. A. Schenkel
  262. Mrs. A. Schenkel
  263. Mr. Adrianus Schilt
  264. Mrs. Adrianus Schilt
  265. Mrs. Hendrika Schneck
  266. Miss Suzanna Schneck
  267. Miss Alberta Schneck
  268. Mast. John Schneck
  269. B Mr. Herman Schneid
  270. Mrs. Jeanne Schneider
  271. Mrs. Constantia Schol
  272. Mrs. Katharine Scholtes
  273. Miss Gertrude Scholtes
  274. Dr. Schulz
  275. Mrs. Schulz
  276. B Mr. Kurt Schwarz
  277. Mr. Alfred Schwarz
  278. Mr. Walter Scott Martin
  279. B Mr. Arnold Seamann
  280. Mrs. Marie M. Seehagen
  281. Mrs. Silberstein
  282. Mr. Edward Simkovits
  283. Mr. Samuel Simon
  284. Mr. Siegfried Simon
  285. Mrs. Siegfried Simon
  286. Miss Hannelore Simon
  287. S Miss Therese Smith
  288. Miss Snapper
  289. Mr. Karl Spiess
  290. S Mr. G. Stanton
  291. Mr. Alfred Steinbruch
  292. Mrs. Emma Steinbruch
  293. Mr. Helmut Stern
  294. Miss Emmy Stern
  295. Mrs. Stern
  296. Miss Stern
  297. Mrs. Edmund Stolecki and child
  298. Mr. Herbert Strauss
  299. B Mrs. M. H. Swift
  300. Mrs. Stella Szekulesz
  301. Mr. Walter Szkolny
  302. S Mrs. Mary Thomas
  303. B Mrs. Meriam Tomares
  304. B Mast. R. Tomares
  305. B Mast. A. Tomares
  306. Dr. Stefan Troll
  307. Mrs. Stefan Troll
  308. Mrs. Hans Troll
  309. Mr. Walter Troll
  310. Mr. G. H. Tusveld
  311. S Miss D. Upton
  312. Mrs. Jouphine Vandenhaute
  313. Miss Virginie M. Vandenhaute
  314. Mrs. Johanna Van der Giesen
  315. Mrs. Elizabeth Vanderzee
  316. Miss Marcia D. Vanderzee
  317. Miss Suzanne M. Vanderzee
  318. Mr. Pete Van Eik
  319. Mrs. Pete Van Eik
  320. Mr. Leonard M. Van Gemert
  321. Mr. Gijsbert Van Luttekhuizen
  322. Mr. J. J. John Van Nierop
  323. Mrs. Christine Van Nierop
  324. Mast. Kenneth J. Van Nierop
  325. Miss Arlene A. Van Nierop
  326. Mrs. Van Raaphorst
  327. Mrs. Johanna Van Rijn
  328. Mr. Cornelius Van Til
  329. Mr. Vaclovas Venckus
  330. Mr. Albertus J. Verbickas
  331. Mr. Theodore J. Verdonkschot
  332. Mrs. Theodore J. Verdonkschot
  333. Mr. Arie Visser
  334. Mr. Gerrit Visser
  335. Mr. H. Van Vliet
  336. Mrs. H. Van Vliet
  337. Mrs. Luise Vogel
  338. Mast. Robert Vogel
  339. Mr. Werner Vortriede
  340. Mr. Josef Wagner
  341. Mrs. Josef Wagner
  342. Mast. Richard Wagner
  343. Mrs. Marie Wassenaar
  344. Miss Jannie Wassenaar
  345. Mast. Peter Wassenaar
  346. Miss H. J. Watson
  347. Mr. Weinstein
  348. Mrs. Weinstein
  349. Mrs. Ilinda Weitz
  350. Miss Zofia Weitz
  351. Miss Dora Weitz
  352. Mrs. Anna Whys
  353. Miss Anita Whys
  354. Mrs. Jacoba Wiering
  355. Mr. Woelly
  356. S Mr. W. G. Wilson
  357. Mr. Otto Winter
  358. Mr. Albert Winter
  359. Mrs. Marie Wirz
  360. Mr. Peter J. Wyenberg
  361. S Mrs. E. R. Young Mast
  362. Juozas Ziogelis


B Embark at Boulogne-sur-Mer. S Embark at Southampton.


General Information for Passengers.

Mail and Telegrams. Mail and telegrams for Passengers are brought on board steamer before embarkation and placed in the Passengers' rooms. For any inquiries relating to mails, Passengers are invited to call at the Chief Steward's office.

Passengers are advised to stop at the mail desk in the center of the Pier at Hoboken, N.J. to claim their letters and telegrams, which may have been received for them.

Seats at Table. Application for table seats may be made to the Chief Steward. Hours for meals are posted on the ship's bulletin board.

Return Tickets. The Purser will be glad to radio, free of charge, to the New York office of the Line, if you wish to make return reservations on any steamer of the Line.

Valuables. For the convenience of the Passengers the Line has provided safe deposit boxes in the Purser's office in which any valuables may be deposited upon payment to the Purser of $5.00. This amount to be refunded when the key of the deposit box is returned.

However, the Line does not assume any responsibility for the safe custody of such articles. (Passengers may, if they wish, protect themselves by insurance).

Personal Funds. For the convenience of Passengers the Purser is prepared to cash a limited amount of recognized Travelers' Checks or to exchange money at official rates as posted at the Purser's office. A receipt is issued on such transactions on the Company's Form.

Personal checks cannot be cashed on board.

Divine Service. Divine service will be held on Sundays, at hours announced on the bulletin board, if a recognized clergyman on board is willing to officiate.

Ship's Newspaper. "The Ocean Post", containing latest wireless news and closing prices of the leading securities on the New York Stock Exchange, is published on board. A copy of this newspaper is placed, when issued, in passenger's stateroom with the compliments of the Line.

Port Holes. Passengers are warned to refrain from opening or closing port holes themselves. If Passengers wish to have their port holes closed or opened, they should call their room steward.

Passengers ignoring this warning do so at their own risk and the Company assumes no liability in case of accident.

Medical Attention. The Holland-America Line assumes no responsibility for services rendered by the ship's Physician.

The services rendered and the medicines prescribed by the Physician are free of charge.

Additional Payments on Board. Passengers paying any supplements for room transfers, additional passage money, freight, telegrams, etc., should obtain a receipt from the Purser on the Company's Form. For radiograms receipt will be furnished by the wireless operator.

Steamer Chairs, Rugs and Chair Cushions. Deck chairs, rugs and chair cushions may be hired on application to the Deck Steward.

The hire for deck chairs amounts to $1.50 for the voyage, whereas the hire for rugs and chair cushions amounts to $1.00 each for the voyage.

U. S. Head Tax. Provided the following categories of alien Passengers can satisfy the U.S. Immigration Inspector upon arrival in the United States that they will leave the country within sixty days from the date of entry, they are exempt from the payment of U.S. Head Tax :

  1. Aliens in transit through the United States and holding a transit visa (Section 3 (3) of the United States Immigration Laws) or an American Consular transit certificate
  2. Citizens and residents of Canada, New Foundland, Cuba and Mexico
  3. Aliens who hold a temporary visitor's visa (Section 3 (2) of the United States Immigration Laws)

If the United States Immigration Inspector, who examines the alien, is not satisfied or convinced that the alien will leave within sixty days from the date of entry, he will order the collection of the Head Tax before passenger will be permitted to land and even if the alien should actually remain less than sixty days in the United States, the Head Tax will not be refunded.

Aliens in transit to contiguous territory, not holding transit visaes or American Consular transit certificates, must pay Head Tax, which will be refunded if the United States Immigration Inspector upon arrival is satisfied that they will leave the country within sixty days from the time of entry.

Important: In cases where Head Tax is assessed, claim for refund on the United States Government cannot be made even if the alien would actually have left the United States within sixty days from the date of entry.

Baggage. There is a baggage room on board steamer where Passengers may store such personal belongings as cannot be placed in their cabins, as well as baggage of any kind. The baggage room is open at hours as posted, and all inquiries pertaining to the storing or forwarding of baggage should be addressed to the Baggage Master.

Baggage Insurance. The Company's liability for damage to or loss or detention of baggage is strictly limited, and Passengers are, therefore, advised to protect themselves by insurance against risk of loss, theft, damage, pilferage, etc.

Policies may be obtained at current rates at any office of the Line or through the Baggage Master on board this steamer.

Landing at New York. Motor Coach Service. For the convenience of Holland-America Line Passengers and their friends a motor coach service to and from the Holland-America Line Piers and the centrally located New York Hotels Pennsylvania, McAlpin and Commodore via the new Holland Tunnel is operated by the Fifth Avenue Coach Company and the Public Service Co-ordinated Transport of N. J.

Through the Purser you can reserve a place in one of the Motor Coaches to either the Hotel Pennsylvania, the Hotel McAlpin or the Hotel Commodore at least 12 hours before arrival in New York.

The charge for this reservation, for which you will receive a ticket, will be $1.00 including the transfer of your hand baggage (not more than two pieces of hand baggage). Large baggage must be sent on separately.

The Holland-America Line accepts no responsibility whatsoever in connection with this coach service.

Landing Cards: All Passengers will receive a landing card and are requested to present same before leaving the steamer to a U.S. Immigrant Inspector or endorsement.

Announcing Two New Additions - 1938

M.S. "Noordam" and M.S. "Zaandam"

Two modern one class motorships will soon enter service under the Holland-America Line flag and maintain regular fortnightly sailings throughout the winter and spring season.

Both ships will measure approximately 10,700 tons gross register — be strictly one class, Passengers having the run of the entire ship (at tourist class rates) — carry a maximum of 125 Passengers.

Every cabin will have a washbasin with hot and cold running water, its own private bathroom with tub or shower and a private toilet.

The public rooms such as the Dining Saloon, Club Lounge, Bar, Smoking Room, and Library are of similar design and execution as those of the Nieuw Amsterdam.

Ample deck space, flush hatches and a portable outdoor swimming pool contribute to the pleasure of a trip on these modern combination passenger-freightships.

Booklet Number P. - 2080 - 9-38.


Advertisement: The Inaugural Cruise Around South America. 46 Days, 14,113 Miles, 13 Ports, Nine Countries on Holland-America Line's New Flagship, the SS Nieuw Amsterdam, Leaving New York 11 February 1939.

Advertisement: The Inaugural Cruise Around South America. 46 Days, 14,113 Miles, 13 Ports, Nine Countries on Holland-America Line's New Flagship, the SS Nieuw Amsterdam, Leaving New York 11 February 1939. $720 and Up. Also Two SS Nieuw Amsterdam West Indies and Rio Cruises, 25 Days, Leaving New York 17 December 1938 and 14 January 1939. $360 and Up. GGA Image ID # 1dfe16381a


Proposed Sailings, Rotterdam-Boulogne sur Mer-Southampton-New York, from 8 October 1938 to 4 February 1939.

Proposed Sailings, Rotterdam-Boulogne sur Mer-Southampton-New York, from 8 October 1938 to 4 February 1939. Ships Included the Nieuw Amsterdam, Noordam, Rotterdam, Veendam, Volendam, and Zaandam. GGA Image ID # 1dfe8996e7


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