SS Nieuw Amsterdam Passenger List - 12 July 1949


Front Cover of a First, Cabin, and Tourist Class Passenger List from the SS Nieuw Amsterdam of the Holland-America Line, Departing 12 July 1949 from Rotterdam to New York.

Front Cover of a First, Cabin, and Tourist Class Passenger List from the SS Nieuw Amsterdam of the Holland-America Line, Departing 12 July 1949 from Rotterdam to New York via Le Havre and Southampton, Commanded by Commodore C. H. P. Coster. GGA Image ID # 1f61e46401


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Commander: Commodore C. H. P. Coster
  2. Chief Officer: A. De Jong
  3. Chief Engineer: B. Mulder
  4. Purser: A. Bruis
  5. Physician Dr. Th. N. Cassidy:
  6. Chief Steward: E. J. Drulman


First Class Passengers

  1. Mr. G. Adair
  2. Mrs. G. Adair he
  3. Mr. A. T. Aladjem
  4. Mrs. A. T. Aladjem
  5. Mast. A. Aladjem
  6. Miss I. Aladjem
  7. Mr. N. W. Alexander
  8. Mr. F. C. Allen
  9. Mrs. F. C. Allen
  10. Mrs. C. Anderson
  11. Rev. W. D'Arcy
  12. Mr. E. J. Arnold
  13. Mr. J. Avrutis
  14. Mrs. J. Avrutis
  15. Mr. A. A. Axelson
  16. Dr. J. Ph. Backx
  17. Mr. R. F. F. Badenhop
  18. Mrs. R. F. F. Badenhop
  19. Baroness M. Baeyens
  20. Miss J. Baeyens
  21. Mr. A. Baeyens
  22. Mast. P. Bayens
  23. Rev. Chas. M. Ball
  24. Mr. H. H. Bassett
  25. Mrs. H. H. Bassett
  26. Mast. H. H. Bassett Jr.
  27. Mr. T. Bell
  28. Mrs. T. Bell
  29. Mast. T. W. Bell
  30. Mr. J. H. Benetz
  31. Mrs. J. H. Benetz
  32. Mr. J. Black
  33. Mrs. J. Black
  34. Mr. H. Blount
  35. Mrs. H. Blount
  36. Mr. R. Blount
  37. Mrs. R. Blount
  38. Mrs. B. Bohny
  39. Miss E. M. le Bosquet
  40. Mr. D. F. Bradley
  41. Miss E. I. C. de Bruyne
  42. Mrs. D. Buckley
  43. Mr. L. E. Cats
  44. Mrs. E. J. Chappell
  45. Lt. Cmdr. Albert Chesham
  46. Mrs. Albert Chesham
  47. Mr. M. Chier
  48. Mrs. M. Chier
  49. Mr. E. Clayton
  50. Mrs. E. Clayton
  51. Miss E. Clayton
  52. Mr. H. W. Cohu
  53. Mrs. H. W. Cohu
  54. Miss B. M. Cole
  55. Mr. P. M. Contant
  56. Mrs. P. M. Contant
  57. Mr. D. M. Creedon
  58. Mrs. D. M. Creedon
  59. Miss A. C. Creedon
  60. Mr. D. Crena de Iongh
  61. Mrs. D. Crena de Iongh
  62. Mr. G. W. Davison
  63. Mrs. G. W. Davison
  64. Mr. W. C. Dickey
  65. Mrs. W. C. Dickey
  66. Mr. J. Dixon
  67. Mrs. J. Dixon
  68. Mr. W. S. Dougall
  69. Mrs. W. S. Dougall
  70. Miss L. A. Dougall
  71. Mr. R. Ducas
  72. Mr. E. J. Dwyer
  73. Mrs. A. M. Eaton
  74. Mrs. J. G. Eckenhausen
  75. Mrs. M. C. Elmer
  76. Mr. A. W. Elwood
  77. Mrs. A. W. Elwood
  78. Mast. P. C. Elwood
  79. Mast. A. W. Elwood
  80. Mr. L. Engers
  81. Mrs. L. Engers
  82. Miss A. Englebert
  83. Mr. A. W. Evans
  84. Mrs. A. W. Evans
  85. Mr. M. Ewing
  86. Mrs. M. Ewing
  87. Mr. R. J. Felheim
  88. Mrs. R. J. Felheim
  89. Mr. W. E. Fitch
  90. Mrs. W. E. Fitch
  91. Mr. J. Fleischmann
  92. Mrs. J. Fleischmann
  93. Mr. B. Flesseman
  94. Mr. C. M. Foster
  95. Mrs. Fremantle and 2 children
  96. Mr. J. H. Furth
  97. Mr. V. I. Gaiter
  98. Mr. R. Gomez Castro
  99. Mrs. R. Gomez Castro
  100. Prof. C. Griffin
  101. Mrs. C. Griffin
  102. Mr. G. Groenwold
  103. Mr. F. A. F. de Gruyter
  104. Mrs. F. A. E. de Gruyter
  105. Dr. J. Gutierrez
  106. Mrs. J. Gutierrez
  107. Mr. J. B. Hall
  108. Mr. B. D. Harris
  109. Mr. W. H. Harris
  110. Mr. J. F. Hart
  111. Mrs. J. F. Hart
  112. Mr. E. P. Hawk
  113. Mr. O. Heimbach
  114. Mr. A. Herz
  115. Mrs. A. Herz
  116. Mrs. R. A. Hibbs
  117. Mr. W. Hindle
  118. Mrs. W. Hindle
  119. Mr. A. Hirsch
  120. Mr. F. S. Hirsch
  121. Mrs. F. S. Hirsch
  122. Mr. D. H. Holmes
  123. Mrs. D. H. Holmes
  124. Mr. H. A. Holmlund
  125. Mrs. H. A. Holmlund
  126. Mr. H. E. Hook
  127. Mrs. H. E. Hook
  128. Mrs. J. van Houten
  129. Mr. W. Jenny
  130. Mr. F. Jooris
  131. Mrs. F. Jooris
  132. Mr. S. Jordan
  133. Mrs. S. Jordan
  134. Mr. C. W. Judd
  135. Mr. C. B. King
  136. Mrs. C. B. King
  137. Miss H. King
  138. Mr. W. C. Koole
  139. Mrs. W. C. Koole
  140. Mr. R. E. Lamb
  141. Mrs. R. E. Lamb
  142. Mr. H. H. Landay
  143. Mrs. H. H. Landay
  144. Mr. L. H. J. Laurent
  145. Mr. W. J. Lavarre
  146. Mr. J. Laverge
  147. Mrs. J. Laverge
  148. Mast. B. J. Laverge
  149. Miss E. S. Laverge
  150. Miss C. M. Laverge
  151. Mr. A. M. Lederer
  152. Mr. J. Lloyd
  153. Mr. D. Loveman
  154. Mrs. D. Loveman
  155. Mr. M. Luedecke
  156. Mrs. M. Luedecke
  157. Mast. M. Luedecke
  158. Mast. K. Luedecke
  159. Miss P. Luedecke
  160. Mr. H. A. Mackay
  161. Mrs. H. A. Mackay
  162. Mr. C. Mahler
  163. Miss K. C. Maule
  164. Mr. J. R. Maus
  165. Mrs. J. R. Maus
  166. Mrs. L. Maynard
  167. Miss V. Maynard
  168. Mast. D. Maynard
  169. Mast. W. Maynard
  170. Miss E. McCurdy
  171. Mr. P. O. McMahon
  172. Mrs. P. O. McMahon
  173. Mr. S. Melton
  174. Mrs. S. Melton
  175. Mr. W. A. Mitchell
  176. Miss M. Molinowski
  177. Dr. D. Monash
  178. Mrs. D. Monash
  179. Mr. H. Morgens
  180. Mrs. H. Morgens
  181. Mr. A. C. Morice
  182. Mrs. A. C. Morice
  183. Mr. R. Murray
  184. Mrs. R. Murray
  185. Mr. F. R. Newman
  186. Mrs. F. R. Newman
  187. Mr. J. H. Notman
  188. Mrs. J. H. Notman
  189. Mast. D. H. Notman
  190. Mrs. J. Nourse
  191. Mr. J. W. Noyes
  192. Mrs. J. W. Noyes
  193. Dr. J. van Nus LL.D.
  194. Mr. F. J. Nys
  195. Mrs. J. Orban
  196. Mrs. C. Parham
  197. Mr. Richard E. Pate Jr.
  198. Mrs. Richard E. Pate Jr.
  199. Dr. O. H. Perry Pepper
  200. Mrs. O. H. Perry Pepper
  201. Mrs. S. Perry Long
  202. Mr. S. Peyser
  203. Mrs. S. Peyser
  204. Mr. M. Pine
  205. Mrs. M. Pine
  206. Miss S. Pine
  207. Mrs. M. Pinter
  208. Mr. A. Pinto
  209. Mrs. A. Pinto
  210. Dr. H. Polk
  211. Mr. J. Potchna
  212. Commissioner Ernest I. Pugmire
  213. Mrs. Ernest I. Pugmire
  214. Mr. S. Rapaport
  215. Mr. Raymond Roosevelt Dickey
  216. Mr. R. Riblet
  217. Mrs. R. Riblet
  218. Mrs. G. Richardson
  219. Mr. H. Richheimer
  220. Mr. C. B. Ridgeway
  221. Mrs. C. B. Ridgeway
  222. Miss V. A. Ridgeway
  223. Mrs. M. H. Roberts
  224. Miss V. Rogers
  225. Rev. F. J. Rohr
  226. Mr. S. W. Rolph
  227. Mr. C. G. Rommenhöller
  228. Mr. L. de Rosen
  229. Dr. M. D. Russell
  230. Mr. J. Russell Freeman
  231. Mrs. J. Russell Freeman
  232. Mrs. T. Sanberg
  233. Mr. F. H. Vogt
  234. Mast. A. G. Sanberg
  235. Hon. E. Sarmiento C. (Consul-General of Peru at Antwerp)
  236. Mast. E. L. Sarmiento Hail
  237. Mr. P. Schaaphok
  238. Mrs. P. Schaaphok
  239. Mast. P. R. W. Schaaphok
  240. Mrs. P. H. Scheerer
  241. Mr. E. E. Schnellbacher
  242. Mrs. I. Schoeller
  243. Mr. D. E. Schwab
  244. Mrs. D. E. Schwab
  245. Mr. P. F. Scott
  246. Mrs. P. F. Scott
  247. Mrs. E. Simpson
  248. Mr. G. Smit
  249. Mrs. I. Spetter
  250. Mr. F. Stapff
  251. Mrs. F. Stapff
  252. Mr. H. Surr
  253. Mrs. H. Starr
  254. Mr. A. Stieglitz
  255. Mr. R. I. Strauss
  256. Mrs. M. A. Sullivan
  257. Mr. A. Taevernier
  258. Mr. A. Tausik
  259. Mrs. A. Tausik
  260. Mr. H. W. Taylor
  261. Mr. W. C. Taylor
  262. Mr. W. Thomas
  263. Mrs. W. Thomas
  264. Miss M. R. Thompson
  265. Mr. L. J. Tuke
  266. Mrs. L. J. Tuke
  267. Mr. F. Tuke
  268. Mr. L. Turner
  269. Mr. W. Wagner
  270. Mrs. W. Wagner
  271. Mr. T. Walk
  272. Mrs. T. Walk
  273. Mr. W. R. Wallace
  274. Mr. A. Wallace
  275. Mr. Merritt W. Wanty
  276. Mr. M. Washerman
  277. Mr. W. Wedeem
  278. Mrs. W. Wedeem
  279. Mrs. R. Weill
  280. Miss M. Weill
  281. Mr. C. Weiss
  282. Mrs. C. Weiss
  283. Miss H. I. Werthauer
  284. Miss M. v. d. Weyden
  285. Miss D. White
  286. Mr. A. Whowell
  287. Mrs. A. Whowell
  288. Miss A. Whowell
  289. Mast. R. D. Whowell
  290. Mr. V. R. G. Wilbur
  291. Mrs. V. R. G. Wilbur
  292. Mr. G. S. Williams
  293. Mrs. G. S. Williams
  294. Miss D. Williams
  295. Mr. F. W. de Wolf
  296. Mrs. F. W. dc Wolf
  297. Mr. M. Wuischpard
  298. Mrs. M. Wuischpard
  299. Miss K. Wuischpard
  300. Mr. K. Gottlob Young
  301. Mrs. K. Gottlob Young


Cabin Class Passengers

  1. Mrs. L. H. Adams
  2. Mrs. S. I. Albitreccia
  3. Miss D. Alkema
  4. Mr. B. Amor
  5. Mr. Th. Andrica
  6. Mrs. B. J. Antower
  7. Mast. P. Antower
  8. Mr. K. Armbruster
  9. Mrs. Th. Baader
  10. Mrs. E. M. Baas
  11. Mast. L. Baas
  12. Mr. Bader
  13. Mr. C. Baer
  14. Mrs. C. Baer
  15. Mrs. S. Baer
  16. Mrs. C. Banks
  17. Miss V. E. Barron
  18. Mr. J. Bathgate
  19. Mr. J. Baumeister
  20. Mrs. J. Baumeister
  21. Mr. R. W. Beaudry
  22. Mrs. R. W. Beaudry
  23. Miss M. A. Beaudry
  24. Mast. R. W. Beaudry
  25. Mr. T. Beckers
  26. Mr. A. Behage
  27. Mrs. L. Benshaw
  28. Mrs. J. M. Berendsen
  29. Mrs. I. M. Berghege
  30. Miss L. S. J. Berghege
  31. Mr. P. S. Berman
  32. Mrs. R. Bernstein
  33. Miss M. Beyer
  34. Mr. W. E. Blinston
  35. Mrs. W. E. Blinston
  36. Mast. G. A. Blinston
  37. Mrs. J. Block
  38. Mrs. P. Blumenkranz
  39. Mr. J. de Boer
  40. Mrs. J. de Boer
  41. Mr. Wm. van Boggelan
  42. Mrs. Wm. van Boggelan
  43. Mr. L. C. Bradley
  44. Mrs. L. A. Brak
  45. Dr. J. E. H. Brasseur
  46. Miss M. de Brissac-Bernard
  47. Mr. L. L. de Brock
  48. Mr. H. F. van den Broek
  49. Rev. G. van den Broucke
  50. Mr. W. Brucksken
  51. Miss F. Brune
  52. Mr. H. E. Buehlmann
  53. Mrs. H. E. Buehlmann
  54. Mr. O. J. Bugge
  55. Mrs. O. J. Bugge
  56. Mr. J. E. Burchard
  57. Miss B. Burgess-Smith
  58. Mrs. W. Bylsma
  59. Miss D. A. Cain
  60. Mrs. Carlson
  61. Mast. Carlson
  62. Mrs. S. Carlsten
  63. Mrs. P. Caruso
  64. Mrs. A. H. S. Castelain
  65. Mr. N. A. Cathoir
  66. Mrs. N. A. Cathoir
  67. Mast. A. Cathoir
  68. Rev. E. M. E. Christens
  69. Mrs. C. Clapham
  70. Miss V. E. Clement
  71. Mr. Thos. J. Coburn
  72. Mrs. Thos. J. Coburn
  73. Mr. R. Dc Cock
  74. Mrs. R. De Cock
  75.  Miss J. De Cock
  76. Mr. M. Cohen
  77. Mr. S. Cohn
  78. Miss M. P. S. Cornelisse
  79. Mrs. G. M. Cossey
  80. Mrs. I. M. Cromie
  81. Miss R. A. Cromie
  82. Miss H. Crook
  83. Miss K. Crook
  84. Mrs. L. J. Deacon
  85. Mrs. E. M. Degnan
  86. Mr. M. Den
  87. Mrs. M. Den
  88. Mr. F. Dent
  89. Mrs. F. Dent
  90. Mr. N. E. Depauw
  91. Mrs. N. E. Depauw
  92. Miss K. Dixon
  93. Mrs. A. K. Doboski
  94. Mast. A. K. Doboski
  95. Mrs. J. E. Donlan
  96. Miss J. E. Donlan
  97. Mrs. B. Dooms
  98. Mr. H. Dreyfuss
  99. Mr. J. Dudeck
  100. Mrs. M. G. Dunham
  101. Mr. J. H. Eckert
  102. Mrs. J. H. Eckert
  103. Miss E. Eckert
  104. Mr. H. Ehrlich
  105. Mrs. H. Ehrlich
  106. Mr. A. L. Eliazar Jr.
  107. Mrs. G. M. Elman
  108. Miss V. Engelsrath
  109. Mr. H. R. Erkelens
  110. Mrs. H. R. Erkelens
  111. Mast. Wm. Erkelens
  112. Miss A. Erkelens
  113. Mrs. L. Evers
  114. Mrs. H. J. Eyssell
  115. Mr. J. Falini
  116. Mrs. J. Falini
  117. Mrs. T. Feitsma
  118. Dr. H. Feld
  119. Miss G. Fenner
  120. Mrs. Flint
  121. Miss C. Foersch
  122. Mrs. I. H. Foggie
  123. Mr. E. Frances
  124. Mrs. M. A. Franck
  125. Miss G. Frank
  126. Mrs. D. B. French
  127. Mrs. J. B. Fritschi
  128. Mrs. E. M. Froeschle
  129. Mr. S. J. Fry
  130. Mrs. S. J. Fry
  131. Miss D. I. Fry
  132. Mast. S. D. Fry
  133. Mr. E. Gerling
  134. Prof. Dr. P. C. A. Geyl
  135. Mrs. P. C. A. Geyl
  136. Miss O. M. Gibson
  137. Mr. H. L. Gilbert
  138. Miss P. Gilbert
  139. Mrs. I. Glennon
  140. Mr. E. R. Glicenstein-Romano
  141. Mr. H. Goldberg
  142. Mr. A. Goldenberg
  143. Mr. B. Goldenberg
  144. Mr. J. van Goor
  145. Mr. C. B. Gray-Fisk
  146. Mr. R. Greenbaum
  147. Mr. H. Greimann
  148. Mrs. H. Greimann
  149. Mr. H. Grethel
  150. Mr. J. M. L. Groby
  151. Miss M. P. J. A. de Groof
  152. Miss Th. M. H. dc Groof
  153. Mr. J. dc Groot
  154. Prof. J. Guest
  155. Miss E. M. Guinn
  156. Mrs. M. E. Gustavson
  157. Mr. J. Gutierrez
  158. Mr. L. Haas
  159. Mrs. L. Haas
  160. Mast. L. B. Haas
  161. Mr. E. N. Hall
  162. Mrs. E. N. Hall
  163. Miss D. M. Hall
  164. Mr. E. R. Hall
  165. Mrs. M. A. Hamilton
  166. Miss G. Hannaford
  167. Mr. M. Hanzel
  168. Miss I. Hartman
  169. Mr. J. Hatch
  170. Miss J. J. Heemskerk
  171. Mr. O. Heidinger
  172. Mr. O. T. Heitlinger
  173. Mrs. A. C. Hendricks
  174. Rev. J. Hendriks
  175. Mr. R. Hesse
  176. Mr. S. Hielkema
  177. Mrs. S. Hielkema
  178. Mr. Hilbert
  179. Mrs. Hilbert
  180. Miss Hilbert
  181. Mr. A. van de Hoef
  182. Mr. S. R. Hoefkens
  183. Mr. P. A. Hofer
  184. Miss G. Hofer
  185. Mrs. I. Hoffman
  186. Mr. Wm. Hoffman
  187. Miss Th. Hoffman
  188. Mr. J. Hofma
  189. Mrs. J. Hofma
  190. Mrs. R. Holcomb
  191. Mrs. M. Holder
  192. Mrs. J. E. A. Holmes
  193. Mr. H. Houba
  194. Mr. A. Houwen
  195. Mrs. H. C. van Hove
  196. Miss J. Howells
  197. Miss G. H. Hoysradt
  198. Miss M. E. Hurley
  199. Mrs. G. Jacob
  200. Mr. J. Janssens
  201. Mrs. J. Janssens
  202. Mast. F. Janssens
  203. Mr. W. A. Jenkins
  204. Mrs. W. A. Jenkins
  205. Mr. H. Jenny
  206. Mrs. H. Jenny
  207. Miss J. Jockel
  208. Mr. J. Joelson
  209. Mrs. L. Jonas
  210. Mrs. F. J. Kachler
  211. Miss E. Kaiser
  212. Miss L. Kaiser
  213. Mr. R. Kaiser
  214. Mrs. R. Kaiser
  215. Mr. P. Kallus
  216. Mrs. P. Kallus
  217. Mrs. B. de Kant
  218. Mrs. E. Kappenberg
  219. Mr. J. Keyzer
  220. Mr. J. De Kinder
  221. Mrs. J. De Kinder
  222. Mrs. E. B. Kirmes
  223. Mrs. H. Klie
  224. Miss P. Kool
  225. Mrs. W. Klop
  226. Mr. H. Koster
  227. Mrs. C. M. De Krane
  228. Miss J. Kreeger
  229. Mrs. H. Krueger
  230. Mr. D. Kubaschka
  231. Mrs. D. Kubaschka
  232. Miss B. Kubaschka
  233. Mr. J. V. Lagerwerff
  234. Mrs. J. V. Lagerwerff
  235. Miss M. Lammond
  236. Mrs. S. van Landegem
  237. Mr. L. Lander
  238. Mrs. L. Lander
  239. Mrs. C. van Landschoot
  240. Mrs. I. G. Laurie
  241. Mr. B. van Leeuwen
  242. Miss M. Lenaers
  243. Miss A. Lenaers
  244. Mrs. J. Leonardo
  245. Mast. J. F. Leonardo
  246. Miss E. S. Lepper
  247. Mrs. M. J. Leroux
  248. Mrs. A. Levy
  249. Miss U. Levy
  250. Mr. A. Lindner
  251. Mrs. D. Lipkint
  252. Mrs. S. Liessen
  253. Miss S. H. Little
  254. Mr. O. Logar
  255. Mrs. O. Logar
  256. Mr. M. Lukashok
  257. Miss A. Lusk
  258. Mr. D. M. MacDonald
  259. Mrs. D. M. MacDonald
  260. Dr. J. MacKinnon
  261. Mrs. J. MacKinnon
  262. Mr. J. Mandel
  263. Mr. P. Mannes
  264. Mr. J. D. Marbus
  265. Mrs. J. D. Marbus
  266. Mrs. R. Marder
  267. Mrs. J. C. Marr
  268. Mrs. A. L. Martin
  269. Miss M. J. Martin
  270. Miss E. Marx
  271. Miss Y. L. E. Mary
  272. Mr. Wm. McCann
  273. Mrs. Wm. McCann
  274. Mr. G. McCann
  275. Miss M. A. Mclnnes
  276. Mrs. M. McKellar
  277. Miss B. McMahon
  278. Miss M. McQuillan
  279. Mr. W. J. Mees
  280. Mr. A. van Meeveren
  281. Mrs. A. van Meeveren
  282. Mrs. E. Menzies
  283. Mrs. Y. Meredith
  284. Mr. R. D. Metzger
  285. Mrs. R. D. Metzger
  286. Mast. K. Metzger
  287. Mr. P. D. Meurer
  288. Miss H. G. Meyer
  289. Mr. Ph. Michaux
  290. Mrs. I. Midyett
  291. Mrs. J. Miller
  292. Mrs. B. S. Mills
  293. Mast. G. M. Mills
  294. Mast. E. S. Mills
  295. Mrs. S. B. O. Modderman
  296. Miss M. Moll
  297. Mrs. C. A. Mooy
  298. Miss H. Mooy
  299. Dr. R. S. Morison
  300. Mrs. R. S. Morison
  301. Miss B. Morison
  302. Mrs. L. Morris
  303. Miss K. S. Mulford
  304. Mrs. L. H. C. Muller
  305. Mr. J. Nagler
  306. Mrs. J. Nagler
  307. Miss M. C. Natorp
  308. Mrs. J. Neiman
  309. Miss N. Nelson
  310. Miss O. Nelson
  311. Mr. W. J. Noyes
  312. Mr. J. Oldenburg
  313. Miss A. O'Neill
  314. Mr. A. J. Oosterkamp
  315. Mrs. A. J. Oosterkamp
  316. Mr. S. Pacifico
  317. Mr. C. H. Palmer
  318. Mrs. G. Pampris
  319. Mr. B. Ph. Pappie
  320. Mrs. B. Ph. Pappie
  321. Miss H. Pappie
  322. Mr. M. E. Parsons
  323. Mrs. M. Paterson
  324. Mast. J. Pegaud-Cru
  325. Mrs. M. Peterman
  326. Mr. R. C. Philpott
  327. Mrs. M. Pinkos
  328. Miss M. A. Pinkos
  329. Mr. H. F. Pluimers
  330. Miss H. M. Pope
  331. Miss Popp
  332. Mrs. M. Poublon
  333. Miss G. de Puissieux
  334. Mr. J. Rapp
  335. Mrs. H. Regent
  336. Mrs. C. S. Reilly
  337. Miss M. T. Reilly
  338. Miss C. C. Reinking
  339. Miss J. C. Reitsma
  340. Mr. S. Robert
  341. Mr. A. Robertson
  342. Mrs. A. Robertson
  343. Mr. Robinson
  344. Rev. A. E. J. Römer
  345. Mrs. G. M. De Roo
  346. Mrs. M. J. Le Roux
  347. Mr. I. A. Ruthven-Stuart
  348. Mrs. E. Ryerson
  349. Miss T. E. Rynsaardt
  350. Mr. H. L. Sadie
  351. Mr. M. Scheiner
  352. Mrs. M. Scheiner
  353. Mr. A. C. van Schermbeck
  354. Mrs. A. C. van Schermbeck
  355. Miss S. Scheuermann
  356. Dr. H. E. Schmid
  357. Mrs. H. E. Schmid
  358. Mr. K. Schoening
  359. Mrs. K. Schoening
  360. Mrs. S. Schroeder
  361. Mr. O. F. Schulte
  362. Mr. H. O. Schundler
  363. Mrs. E. Schwamm
  364. Mr. A. Segin
  365. Miss E. Semple
  366. Rev. J. G. Seynaeve
  367. Mrs. E. Sharp
  368. Miss B. M. Sharp
  369. Mr. J. J. Sharpies
  370. Mr. F. Shoucair
  371. Mrs. E. Shreder
  372. Mr. M. Sievers
  373. Mrs. M. Sievers
  374. Mr. J. Sieverts
  375. Mrs. J. Sieverts
  376. Mr. A. P. Sieverts
  377. Mrs. A. P. Sieverts
  378. Mr. Wm. H. Simpson
  379. Miss S. Singer
  380. Miss M. M. de Sitter
  381. Miss L. E. de Sitter
  382. Mrs. M. H. Smith
  383. Mrs. F. Solari
  384. Mrs. B. Soskin
  385. Mrs. A. Spitzer
  386. Mr. H. Spring
  387. Mrs. H. Spring
  388. Mrs. M. Steck
  389. Mr. E. Stewart-Tavant
  390. Mr. J. Stone
  391. Mr. L. Stuyck
  392. Mr. F. Sundermann
  393. Mrs. I. Supercynski
  394. Mast. A. Supercynski
  395. Miss J. Sutherland
  396. Mr. N. D. Sznajder
  397. Mr. A. Szylit
  398. Mrs. G. Tambini
  399. Mrs. M. Tamborro
  400. Mrs. Tampinella
  401. Mrs. L. M. Taylor
  402. Mr. J. Ternigan
  403. Mrs. J. Ternigan
  404. Mrs. M. G. Thierbach
  405. Mr. L. Tollig
  406. Mr. P. van der Toolen
  407. Mrs. P. van der Toolen
  408. Miss J. C. van der Toolen
  409. Miss S. E. van der Toolen
  410. Miss D. van der Toolen
  411. Mr. J. A. van der Toolen
  412. Mr. J. A. van der Toolen
  413. Mr. E. Tuerk
  414. Mrs. J. W. van Tuyl
  415. Mr. J. P. Udo
  416. Mrs. J. P. Udo
  417. Mrs. M. Uiterwijk
  418. Mast. R. H. J. Uiterwijk
  419. Mast. J. D. Uiterwijk
  420. Mast. H. Uiterwijk
  421. Mr. F. H. Umberg
  422. Mrs. F. H. Umberg
  423. Mast. N. Umberg
  424. Mrs. B. G. Vanderhoof
  425. Miss M. B. Vanderhoof
  426. Mrs. L. Vogel
  427. Miss P. Vogel
  428. Mr. C. De Vos
  429. Mr. J. dc Vries
  430. Mrs. J. de Vries
  431. Miss L. de Vries
  432. Mast. J. de Vries
  433. Miss A. de Vries
  434. Mr. Wm. de Vroom
  435. Mrs. D. Wahl
  436. Mrs. C. Wajs
  437. Mr. J. G. Wakefield
  438. Mrs. V. D. Walker
  439. Mr. J. W. Warren
  440. Miss H. F. Watts
  441. Mr. A. Weber
  442. Mrs. A. Weber
  443. Miss H. von Weech
  444. Miss A. von Weech
  445. Mr. C. C. I. Wei
  446. Mrs. C C. I. Wei
  447. Mast. I. F. Wei
  448. Miss I. W. Wei
  449. Mr. E. Weill
  450. Mrs. E. Weill
  451. Mrs. H. Weitz
  452. Mrs. A. Wetzel
  453. Mr. P. White
  454. Mrs. A. Williams
  455. Mast. S. Williams
  456. Mast. E. Williams
  457. Mr. Wm. F. Wilson
  458. Mrs. Wm. F. Wilson
  459. Mast R. Wilson
  460. Miss M. Woeff
  461. Mrs. P. J. Wolff
  462. Miss M. Wolff
  463. Mrs. L. E. Woltz
  464. Mr. A. Wood
  465. Mrs. A. Wood
  466. Mr. A. Wortman
  467. Mrs. A. Wortman
  468. Mast. J. Wortman
  469. Mast. Th. Wortman
  470. Miss R. Wortman
  471. Mast. W. Wortman
  472. Mast. A. Wortman
  473. Miss A. Wright
  474. Mr. P. Wurm
  475. Mrs. P. Wurm
  476. Mr. A. Young
  477. Mrs. A. Young
  478. Mrs. M. Zilberman
  479. Miss E. Zilberman
  480. Mr. P. Zizums


Tourist Class Passengers

  1. Mr. M. K. Allen
  2. Mr. W. Allen
  3. Mrs. W. Allen
  4. Mr. P. Angelkort
  5. Mrs. P. Angelkort
  6. Miss S. P. Angelkort
  7. Mrs. S. Avseev
  8. Mrs. F. Bader
  9. Mr. R. Bersani
  10. Mrs. D. Black
  11. Mr. A. Biesheuvel
  12. Mrs. A. Biesheuvel
  13. Mr. K. G. Brandwood
  14. Miss H. E. Calonne
  15. Mr. B. Capillon
  16. Prof. E. Capps
  17. Mr. M. Carolan
  18. Mr. F. H. Carr
  19. Mrs. F. H. Carr
  20. Miss V. Carten
  21. Mr. J. Charansonnet
  22. Mrs. J. Charansonnet
  23. Mrs. L. Chave
  24. Mrs. E. Claus
  25. Mr. F. R. Cogen
  26. Miss G. J. Collas
  27. Miss Y. M. Th. Collins
  28. Mr. L. A. Cone
  29. Mrs. A. Cope
  30. Mrs. E. Corbin
  31. Mr. J. F. H. A. de la Court
  32. Mrs. J. F. H. A. de la Court
  33. Mrs. H. V. v. Couygham
  34. Mrs. E. L. Creed
  35. Miss S. van Creveld
  36. Miss A. Davids
  37. Miss I. M. Davidson
  38. Mrs. D. Davies
  39. Miss P. M. Dawson
  40. Miss M. Dean
  41. Mr. C. Dclzell
  42. Mrs. C. Delzell
  43. Mr. A. Dcnevre
  44. Mr. V. Dhondt
  45. Mr. W. Dick
  46. Mrs. W. Dick
  47. Miss M. Dobbelaere
  48. Miss A. Donnart
  49. Mr. H. Doruiter
  50. Mrs. H. Doruiter
  51. Mr. A. J. van Dijk
  52. Mrs. A. J. van Dijk
  53. Mr. L. Dijkstra
  54. Mrs. L. Dijkstra
  55. Mrs. P. Holman
  56. Mr. P. Eggler
  57. Mr. H. Eldersveld
  58. Mrs. M. H. Evers
  59. Miss M. G. Feindt
  60. Mr. W. Fontein
  61. Mrs. M. Frank
  62. Mr. M. Frey
  63. Mrs. M. Gal
  64. Mr. G. J. Gerards
  65. Mrs. R. Gerritzen
  66. Mr. A. Giffone
  67. Mrs. R. Gold
  68. Mast. D. Gold
  69. Mr. H. C. de Graef
  70. Mrs. H. C de Graef
  71. Mr. W. v. Haecke
  72. Mrs. H. Hagen
  73. Miss D. J. van Halter
  74. Mrs. T. Hamstra
  75. Mr. H. W. Hantman
  76. Mr. G. Hartl
  77. Mrs. G. Hartl
  78. Miss M. Hartl
  79. Mast. G. Hartl
  80. Mr. K. Hirschfeld
  81. Mr. M. Hofer
  82. Mrs. A. H. Hooreman
  83. Mrs. J. Houtsma
  84. Mr. M. Hurst
  85. Mrs. M. Hurst
  86. Miss D. Hurst
  87. Miss C. L. Hurst
  88. Mr. D. E. Jones
  89. Mr. F. W. Jones
  90. Mrs. F. W. Jones
  91. Mr. M. M. Kamerbeek
  92. Mr. L. Karman
  93. Mr. A. C. Kasakian
  94. Mr. Kashgarin
  95. Miss I. Katz
  96. Miss E. J. Kistler
  97. Mr. W. C. Klick
  98. Mr. J. de Kock
  99. Mr. J. K. Kristensen
  100. Mr. H. Krueger
  101. Mrs. H. Krueger
  102. Mast. C. Krueger
  103. Miss C. Kuhn
  104. Mrs. O. van Kuyk
  105. Mrs. P. W. van Laere
  106. Mr. E. Langberg
  107. Miss M. D. Larsson
  108. Mr. W. Lasonder
  109. Mrs. W. Lasonder
  110. Miss B. Leader
  111. Mrs. J. Legrand
  112. Miss A. Licht
  113. Miss R. Lichtenstein
  114. Mr. A. Linder
  115. Mrs. A. Linder
  116. Mr. J. L. J. Lombard
  117. Mrs. M. H. J. Looz
  118. Mr. H. Luetters
  119. Mast. P. Luetters
  120. Mast. N. Luetters
  121. Mast. F. Luetters
  122. Mrs. H. Luetters
  123. Mr. F. G. van Maanen
  124. Mrs. F. G. van Maanen
  125. Mast. J. A. van Maanen
  126. Miss D. M. Malwitz
  127. Mrs. I. C. Mansfield
  128. Mrs. J. Marcus
  129. Mr. F. Mark
  130. Miss K. Marks
  131. Mrs. S. Marks
  132. Rev. W. J. Martin
  133. Mrs. W. J. Martin
  134. Mr. J. Mennes
  135. Mr. R. P. Merrel
  136. Mr. Mettler
  137. Mr. H. A. Minderman
  138. Mrs. H. A. Minderman
  139. Mr. I. Minkin
  140. Miss G. E. Morey
  141. Mrs. J. G. Morrison
  142. Mr. M. K. Myers
  143. Mrs. M. K. Myers
  144. Miss C. R. Myers
  145. Miss B. Nicolai
  146. Miss M. Niewohner
  147. Miss M. C. de Nooy
  148. Mr. H. J. N. Oamen
  149. Mrs. H. J. N. Oamen
  150. Mast. H. Oamen
  151.  Mr. C. Paans
  152. Mr. M. Packet
  153. Miss T. Pann
  154. Mr. L. Pape
  155. Mrs. L. Pape
  156. Mrs. E. Pavidore
  157. Miss Pavidore
  158. Miss H. Pirotte
  159. Mr. L. L. Ponsar
  160. Miss C. Pontabry
  161. Mr. W. v. Prooyen
  162. Mr. G. Pijper
  163. Mrs. G. Pijper
  164. Mast. C. Pijper
  165. Mrs. L. J. Reed
  166. Mrs. D. Renijl de Groot
  167. Miss J. H. Renijl de Groot
  168. Mr. W. Rieckhoff
  169. Mrs. W. Rieckhoff
  170. Mast. W. Rieckhoff
  171. Mr. G. Rienks
  172. Mr. A. J. v. Riet
  173. Mrs. A. J. v. Riet
  174. Mr. F. Ring
  175. Mrs. F. Ring
  176. Mrs. A. Robinson
  177. Mr. J. Rote
  178. Miss S. Ruemmelin
  179.  Mr. W. G. Rusnak
  180. Mrs. W. G. Rusnak
  181. Miss M. de Schepper
  182. Mr. A. Schmid
  183. Mrs. A. Schmid
  184. Miss C. Schmid
  185. Mr. C. F. Schröder
  186. Miss C. Scott
  187. Miss B. N. Seear
  188. Miss F. B. Segal
  189. Mr. L. Serdijn
  190. Mrs. L. Serdijn
  191. Mrs. M. Setchfield
  192. Mr. J. Shapiro
  193. Mr. J. K. Sinclair
  194. Mrs. A. Smedley
  195. Mrs. M. B. Smith
  196. Mr. W. G. Smith
  197. Mrs. A. Spencer
  198. Miss P. J. Staargaard
  199. Mr. P. P. Stephensen
  200. Mrs. P. P. Stephensen
  201. Mr. Sournoy
  202. Mrs. Sournoy
  203. Mr. R. H. Stovall
  204. Mr. A. van Straalen
  205. Mrs. A. van Straalen
  206. Mast. W. F. van Straalen
  207. Mast. C. W. van Straalen
  208. Mr. E. B. Struyker
  209. Mr. U. Sudeck
  210. Mrs. G. M. Suiker
  211. Mr. J. Sullivan
  212. Mrs. J. Sullivan
  213. Mr. D. Swaab
  214. Mr. F. D. Tailor
  215. Mr. W. Tanner
  216. Mr. E. P. M. Tervooren
  217. Mrs. H. Thresh
  218. Mrs. M. Thresh
  219. Miss E. Tomasini
  220. Mr. H. Tomasini
  221. Miss J. M. Toubeau
  222. Mrs. P. Trudeau
  223. Mr. W. Ulfers
  224. Mr. J. D. Unruh
  225. Mrs. J. D. Unruh
  226. Mast. J. Unruh
  227. Mr. E. Valle
  228. Mr. M. Valle
  229. Mr. W. Vanorman
  230. Mrs. W. Vanorman
  231. Miss J. v. d. Velde
  232. Mr. C. Venema
  233. Mrs. C. Venema
  234. Miss J. Venema
  235. Miss W. Venema
  236. Mrs. C. Vogelsang
  237. Miss D. Vogelsang
  238. Mrs. R. v. d. Voorde
  239. Mr. W. de Vries
  240. Mrs. W. dc Vries
  241. Mrs. F. Waller
  242. Mast. C. Waller
  243. Mr. H. Walthuis
  244. Mrs. S. S. Weinstein
  245. Mr. F. Weixlbraun
  246. Mrs. F. Weixlbraun
  247. Mr. E. J. Wetzel
  248. Mrs. E. J. Wetzel
  249. Mr. L. Wieme
  250. Mr. K. Wierenga
  251. Mr. E. Wilcewski
  252. Mrs. E. Wilcewski
  253. Miss M. Wilcewski
  254. Mr. K. Wink
  255. Mrs. K. Wink
  256. Mr. J. A. M. de Wit
  257. Mrs. J. A. M. de Wit
  258. Mrs. F. Workman
  259. Mr. W. Zurck
  260. Mr. P. Zwart
  261. Mrs. P. Zwart
  262. Mrs. J. Zwemmer
  263. Mrs. M. Zijlstra
  264. Mast. M. C. Zijlstra


Passenger Information

General Information for Passengers

ANIMALS. Kennels are available on board for the transportation of dogs, cats, etc. Animals are not allowed in the cabins and other public rooms, nor on the promenade decks, unless with the captain's special permission. Attention should be given that these animals be declared on the Customs declaration forms on arrival.

BAGGAGE. Trunks exceeding the ordinary measurements cannot be taken into the cabins. It is forbidden to have in one's baggage inflammable, explosive or other dangerous articles. The ship's staff reserves all rights to eliminate all such articles, if deemed necessary. All inquiries pertaining to the storing or forwarding of baggage should be addressed to the Baggage Master.

Upon arrival at New York, moreover Century Transportation Company representatives are available to take orders for delivery of trunks and larger pieces to any destination indicated by the passenger.

BAGGAGE INSURANCE. The Company's liability for damage to or loss or detention of baggage is strictly limited, and passengers are therefore advised to protect themselves by insurance against risk of loss, theft, damage, pilferage, etc. Policies may be obtained at current rates at any office of the Company.


BARBER AND LADIES' HAIRDRESSER. A barber's and Iadies-hairdresser's shop are installed on board. The charges for services are announced by the Company.

CHANGE OF CABINS. Change of cabins is only permissible when authorized by the Purser.

CUSTOMS CLEARANCE. On landing at New York, all baggage will be examined by the Customs Officials. It is therefore recommended that passengers make full enquiries at the Purser's office about the Customs regulations and fill in carefully the Customs declaration form handed to them by the Purser.

DANGEROUS ARTICLES. Dangerous articles such as inflammable and explosive objects may not be taken aboard. The attention of passengers is also drawn to the fact that it is very dangerous to throw away lighted cigars, cigarettes or burning tobacco discards (even when thrown overboard as they might enter the vessel's interior through open portholes). Passengers are therefore requested to use the receptacles provided on board for this purpose.

DECK CHAIRS, RUGS AND CHAIR CUSHIONS. Deck chairs, rugs and chair cushions may be hired on application to the Deck Steward. The charges are Deck chairs ƒ‎ 4.00, chair cushions and rugs ƒ‎ 2.65 each per voyage.

DECK GAMES. Implements for deck games such as quoits, deck tennis, deck golf, shuffleboard etc. are supplied free of charge. Passengers are warned, however, to wear rubber-soled shoes when participating in deck games. When joining these games passengers do so at their own risk and any mishaps or injuries which may occur are without any responsibility on the part of the Company.

DIVINE SERVICE. Divine service will be held on Sundays, at hours announced on the bulletin board, if a recognized clergyman on board is willing to officiate.

DRINKS, TOBACCO, ETC. Wines, beer, liquor and many other beverages as well as cigarettes, cigars and tobacco may be obtained on board at prices in Dutch currency fixed by the Company. Passengers are not allowed to bring with them large quantities of liquor or tobacco for personal use. Any large quantities must be reported to the Purser for Customs declaration. They will be kept in custody by the Purser in an appropriate room.

LANDING CARDS. All passengers will receive a Landing Card and are requested to present same before leaving the steamer to a U.S. Immigration Inspector for endorsement.

LOST AND FOUND ARTICLES. Found articles are to be handed over and lost articles to be reported to the Chief Steward. Articles not called for before arrival, or left in the cabins, will be handed over to the agency at the port of arrival, where passengers may claim them or make inquiries.

MAIL AND TELEGRAMS. Mail and telegrams for passengers are brought on board the steamer before sailing and placed in the passengers' rooms. For any inquiries relating to mail, passengers are invited to call the Chief Steward's office. Passengers are advised to stop at the mail desk in the center of the Pier at Hoboken, N.J., to claim letters and telegrams, which may have been received for them. Mail to be forwarded can be handed over to the Purser, who will take care of it. Postage stamps may be obtained to a limited number from the Library Steward.

MEALS. The hours during which meals will be served will be shown on the ship's bulletin boards. Passengers are kindly requested to observe these hours.

MEDICAL ATTENTION. The services rendered and the medicines prescribed by the ship's Physician are free of charge. The Holland- America Line assumes no responsibility for any treatment or services rendered by the Physician or for any medicines supplied. The ship's Physician is entitled to make a reasonable charge for attendance or treatment for ailments or conditions antedating embarkation of the passenger.

MONEY-EXCHANGE. During the Westbound voyage the Ship's personnel is allowed to accept only Dutch money in payment of expenses made by the passengers. Opportunity is therefore given to exchange foreign Currency into Dutch money at the Purser's Office at rates of exchange fixed by the Company. Only the Purser is authored to exchange or accept foreign currency.

On Eastbound voyages on the other hand US. currency only will be accepted on board. Passengers residing in the Netherlands and Great Britain, however, can draw on their Board credit, when taken out beforehand.

Articles on sale in the gift shops are only obtainable against payment in U.S. currency both on the West- and Eastbound voyages.

MOTOR COACH SERVICE AT NEW YORK. For the convenience of Holland-America Line passengers and their friends a motor coach service will run from Hoboken to the Public Service Terminal, located at 260 West 42nd Street (between 7th and 8th Avenues), where taxis will be available. Scats on the motorcoach should be reserved through the Purser at least 48 hours before arrival.  Taxis are also available at the Hoboken pier.

PAYMENTS. Passengers paying any supplements for room transfers, additional passage money, freight, telegrams, etc., should obtain a receipt from the Purser on the Company's form. For radiograms a receipt will be furnished by the Wireless Operator.

TABLE SITTING. Tables and seats should be reserved on board at the Chief Steward's office after embarkation.

U.S. HEAD TAX. Provided alien visitors, holding a temporary visitor's visa (Section 3 (*) of the United States Immigration Laws), can satisfy the U.S. Immigration Inspector upon arrival in the United States that they will leave the country within sixty days from the date of entry, they are exempt from the payment of U.S. Head Tax ($8. —).

Important: In cases where Head Tax is assessed, claim for refund will not be recognized by the United States Government, even if the alien should leave the U.S.A. within sixty days from the date of entry.

VALUABLES. The Company is not responsible for theft of valuables or money which are kept in the staterooms and same should be placed in safety deposit boxes in the Purser's office. A deposit of ƒ‎ 25. — is required but this amount will be refunded when the key of the deposit box is returned to the Purser. As no charge is made for carriage, the Company cannot accept any responsibility for loss or damage however arising. Passengers are accordingly requested to protect themselves by insurance.

WINDOWS AND PORTHOLES. Passengers are not allowed to open or close portholes themselves. If passengers wish to have their portholes closed or opened, they should call their room steward. Passengers ignoring this warning do so at their own risk and the Company assumes no liability in case of accident or damage. The Commander has the right to have all windows and portholes closed when such is found necessary for the ship's safety.


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