SS Slavonia Archival Collection


TSS Sloavonia of the Cunard Line. Dimensions:- Length: 510 Feet; Breadth: 59 Feet; Depth: 33 Feet, 6 Inches; Tons: 10,605.

TSS Slavonia of the Cunard Line. Dimensions:- Length: 510 Feet; Breadth: 59 Feet; Depth: 33 Feet, 6 Inches; Tons: 10,605. Cunard Daily Bulletin, Slavonia Edition, 23 October 1904. GGA Image ID # 13244c06fd


Slavonia (1903) Cunard Line

Built by Sir James Laing & Sons, Ltd., Sunderland, England. Tonnage: 10,606. Dimensions: 510' x 59'. Propulsion: Twin-screw, 13 1/2 knots. Triple expansion engines. Masts and Funnels: Two masts and one funnel. Service: Trieste-New York. Passengers: 40 first and 800 third class. Vessel laid down as Yamuna for British India Steam Navigation Co. Fate: Wrecked on Flores, Azores, June 10, 1909, with no loss of life. Running mate: Pannonia.


The Slavonia is a beautiful new twin-screw vessel of 10,605 tons gross. She is a handsomely proportioned craft and admirably adapted (or the New York Adriatic and Mediterranean service, for which she is specially fitted. She makes the voyage from New York to Trieste, via Naples, including calls at her various ports in 15 or 16 days, and has already proved herself popular with passengers, her excellent accommodations and steadiness at sea being appreciated by all who have traveled in her. (Marine Review, 22 September 1904, Vol. XXX, No. 12, p. 17.)


Front Page, SS Slavonia Onboard Publication of the Cunard Daily Bulletin for 23 October 1904.

1904-10-23 Cunard Daily Bulletin - SS Slavonia Edition

One of the earliest Cunard Daily Bulletins, this SS Slavonia Edition, greeted passengers at breakfast with a four-page morning newspaper comprised of Marconigrams, extracts from the voyage log including daily distance covered, daily weather and recapitulation of the passengers on board.



Sailing Schedules


Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-New York Service, Liverpool-Boston Service, and Hungarian-American Service, from 31 May 1904 to 2 August 1904.

Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-New York Service, Liverpool-Boston Service, and Hungarian-American Service, from 31 May 1904 to 2 August 1904. Ships Included the Aurania, Etruria, Ivernia, Lucania, Pannonia, Saxonia, Slavonia, Sylvania, Ultonia, and Umbria. In October. 1903, the "Aurania" and "Carpathia" inaugurated the Now York and Mediterranean Service. This Service is now continued by the fine Twin-Screw Steamers "Slavonia," " Pannonia" and " Ultonia." The ports of call are Trieste and Fiume in the Adriatic, and Palermo and Naples In the Mediterranean. An Atlantic Fleet List is Also Provided. RMS Etruria Passenger List, 11 June 1904. GGA Image ID # 1e6ebbe24c


Proposed Sailings, Liverpool-Queenstown (Cobh)-New York, New York-Mediterranean-Adriatic, and Liverpool-Queenstown (Cobh)-Boston, from 20 September 1904 to 3 January 1905.

Proposed Sailings, Liverpool-Queenstown (Cobh)-New York, New York-Mediterranean-Adriatic, and Liverpool-Queenstown (Cobh)-Boston, from 20 September 1904 to 3 January 1905. Ships Included the Campania, Carpathia, Etruria, Ivernia, Lucania, Pannonia, Saxonia, Slavonia, Sylvania, Ultonia, and Umbria. SS Carpathia Passenger List, 4 October 1904. GGA Image ID # 1e18ccfaad


Sailing Schedule, Liverpool to Boston or New York and Trieste-Fiume-New York, from 1 May 1906 to 10 December 1906.

Sailing Schedule, Liverpool to Boston or New York and Trieste-Fiume-New York, from 1 May 1906 to 10 December 1906. Ships Included the Campania, Caronia, Carpathia, Etruria, Ivernia, Lucania, Pannonia, Saxonia, Slavonia, Ultonia, and Umbria. Cunard Daily Bulletin Fashion & Pleasure Resort Supplement, 1906. GGA Image ID # 21581975aa


Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-New York, Liverpool-Boston, and Hungarian-American Service, from 6 June 1908 to 21 November 1908.

Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-New York, Liverpool-Boston, and Hungarian-American Service, from 6 June 1908 to 21 November 1908. Ships Included the Campania, Carmania, Caronia, Carpathia, Lucania, Lusitania, Mauretania, Pannonia, Slavonia, Ultonia, and Umbria. Cunard Daily Bulletin, Lusitania Edition, 10 June 1908. GGA Image ID # 1e9f8fdaf1


Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-New York, Liverpool-Boston, New York-Gibraltar-Naples-Trieste-Fiume, Fiume, Palermo-Naples-Gibraltar-New York, from 9 September 1908 to 29 December 1908.

Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-New York, Liverpool-Boston, New York-Gibraltar-Naples-Trieste-Fiume, Fiume, Palermo-Naples-Gibraltar-New York, from 9 September 1908 to 29 December 1908. Ships Included the Campania, Carmania, Caronia, Carpathia, Etruria, Lucania, Lusitania, Mauretania, Pannonia, Slavonia, Ultonia, and Umbria. Cunard Daily Bulletin, 11 September 1908, Etruria Edition. GGA Image ID # 1f031656fa


Proposed Sailings, Liverpool-Boston Service, Liverpool-New York Service, and Hungarian-American Service Covering 18 May 1909 to 11 September 1909.

Proposed Sailings, Liverpool-Boston Service, Liverpool-New York Service, and Hungarian-American Service Covering 18 May 1909 to 11 September 1909. Ships Include the Campania, Carmania, Caronia, Carpathia, Ivernia, Lucania, Lusitania, Mauretania, Pannonia, Saxonia, Slavonia, and Ultonia. It also contains the Cunard Atlantic Fleet List. RMS Ivernia Passenger List, 18 May 1909. GGA Image ID # 1dc96786d6


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