SS Europa Passenger List - 8 October 1937

Front Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List from the SS Europa of the North German Lloyd, Departing 8 October 1937 from Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg

Front Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List from the SS Europa of the North German Lloyd, Departing 8 October 1937 from Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain C. W. Hagemann. GGA Image ID # 1639a95629


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Captain:  C. W. Hagemann
  2. Chief Officer: W. Kracke
  3. Chief Engineer: K. v. Lübken
  4. Chief Purser: H. W. Müller
  5. Purser for Cabin Class: K Rohde
  6. Purser for Tourist Class: D. Brummer
  7. Purser for Third Class: H. Ditzen
  8. First Doctor: Dr. J. von Geyr
  9. Second Doctor: Dr. W. Brahms
  10. In Charge of Travel Bureau: W. de Haas
  11. Special Travel Service: Miss E. Dackau
  12. Managing Chief Steward:  G. Pflüger
  13. Chief Steward for Cabin Class: K. Schwarz
  14. Chief Steward for Dining Room: J. Aigner
  15. Steward for Tourist Class: B. Willkehr
  16. Steward for Third Class: O. Dunkel
  17. Chief Cook: A. Enchelmaier
  18. Wireless Telegraph Operator Senior Officer: D. Berbig
  19. First Baggage Master: H. Horstmann


Tourist Third Cabin Passengers

  1. Mr. Ibrahim Ajram
  2. Miss Virginia Allan
  3. Mr. Lestie Allen
  4. Mrs. Allen
  5. Mr. Erich Altenheim
  6. Mrs. Lucia Aluta
  7. Mr. August Amon
  8. Mrs. Katharine Bader
  9. Mr. Howard Bahr
  10. Mr. John Baier
  11. Mr. Bamberger
  12. Miss Elsa Barbo
  13. Miss Beatrice Barmby
  14. Miss Harriet Barnum
  15. Dr. Ferdinand Bartel
  16. Mrs. Marion Bast
  17. Mr. Paul Baumann
  18. Mr. Otto Baur
  19. Mr. N. Beakett
  20. Mrs. Clara Bencze
  21. Dr. Ernst Bendix
  22. Mrs. Hedwig Bendix
  23. Mr. Hans Bend ixen
  24. Mrs. Ruth Bendixen
  25. Mr. Mitchel Benedict
  26. Mr. Julius Bergmann
  27. Mr. Adolf Berliner
  28. Mrs. Rosel Berliner
  29. Mr. Walter Berthold
  30. Mr. Anton Betz
  31. Mrs. Maria Betz
  32. Mr. Leeds Billingsler
  33. Mrs. Billingsler
  34. Mrs. Marie Bittner
  35. Dr. Elton Blaisdell
  36. Mrs. Maud Blaisdell
  37. Dr. Fritz Blumenthal
  38. Mrs. Irma Blumenthal
  39. Miss Mary Boadley
  40. Sister Klara Boehmer
  41. Mr. Josepf Boesch
  42. Mr. Hugo Bohlmann
  43. Miss Gisela Brahms
  44. Dr. Günther Brandt
  45. Mr. Henry Brandt
  46. Miss Constance Brett
  47. Sister Mariä Breun
  48. Mrs. Rosa Browne
  49. Mr. Paul Brüggen
  50. Mr. Oscar Brunner
  51. Mrs. Brunner
  52. Mr. Walter Buchholz
  53. Prof. Ottmar Buehler
  54. Mrs. Maria Buhrig
  55. Miss Clara Burda
  56. Mr. R. Carson
  57. Mrs. Melanie Caspary
  58. Mr. Ferdinand Chatte
  59. Mr. Rudolf Claus
  60. Mrs. Erika Claus
  61. Mrs. Hertha Cornselius
  62. Mr. Cornford
  63. Mrs. Cornford and Child
  64. Mrs. Wally Cossmann
  65. Mr. Frederik Cristensen
  66. Mr. Crosby
  67. Mrs. Crosby
  68. Mrs. Cross
  69. Mr. Carl von Czoemig Czernhausen
  70. Mrs. Minnie D'Agostino
  71. Mr. Daniel Dancause
  72. Mrs. Dancause
  73. Mr. Daniel Dannany
  74. Dr. Tabor De Cholnoky
  75. Mrs. De Cholnoky
  76. Mr. Dr.-Ing. Walter Deisinger
  77. Mr. Peter Demarmels
  78. Mr. Albert Demarmels
  79. Miss Marie Demarmels
  80. Mr. Anton Derouman
  81. Mr. John Dickinson
  82. Mrs. Eleanor Dickinson
  83. Mr. Waldemar Dieck
  84. Mr. Waldemar Dieck
  85. Mr. Ewald Dieckerhoff
  86. Mrs. Elsa Dieckerhoff
  87. Miss Margarethe Dieckerhoff
  88. Mr. Otto Diegel
  89. Miss Hilda Diehmann
  90. Mrs. Kunigunde Dietrich
  91. Mrs. Louise Dobiaski
  92. Mrs. Aetina Doege
  93. Miss Leroy Doege
  94. Mrs. Elisabeth Dolinskas
  95. Mr. Dussy
  96. Mr. Feras Ead
  97. Mr. Edw. Eckstein
  98. Miss Ellen Ehret
  99. Mr. Heinz Eiden
  100. Prof. Dr. Hermann Ellinghaus
  101. Mrs. Josephine Emy
  102. Mr. Everard Endt
  103. Mr. John Engel
  104. Mrs. Paulina Engel
  105. Mrs. Gerda Engel
  106. Mr. Aron Engel
  107. Mr. Rodnay Engel
  108. Valernie Engel
  109. Mrs. Fany Engler
  110. Dr. Ernest
  111. Mr. Ernest
  112. Mr. Dipl. Helmut Ernst
  113. Mr. Peter Fabricus
  114. Miss Käthe Faeder
  115. Mrs. Anna Faser
  116. Mr. Emil Fastenrath
  117. Mrs. Fatum
  118. Mrs. Rosalie Fechteier
  119. Mr. Frederice Feil
  120. Mrs. Louise Ferguson
  121. Mr. Charles Finlay
  122. Mrs. Elizabeth Fischer
  123. Miss Elizabeth Fischer
  124. Mr. Gotthard Förster
  125. Mrs. Ilse Förster
  126. Mrs. Flora Frank
  127. Mr. Johannes Frauendienst
  128. Miss Anna Frese
  129. Mrs. Minna Freudenberger
  130. Mr. Herbert Froelilich
  131. Miss Jessie Gantzer
  132. Dr. Karoly von Gardonyi
  133. Mrs. Magdalena Garoliene-Brazyte
  134. Miss Louise Gasche
  135. Mrs. Meta Geffken
  136. Mrs. Lina Gehrig
  137. Mrs. Elsa Gerken
  138. Mr. Oskar Geyer
  139. Miss Anne Glatz
  140. Miss Frieda Glück
  141. Mr. Martin Gonser
  142. Mrs. Luise Griesser
  143. Mrs. Hertha Grotli
  144. Mrs. Wally Grünbaum
  145. Mr. Heinrich Grünewald
  146. Mrs. Erna Grünewald
  147. Mr. Konstanty Gütschow
  148. Mr. William Haaren
  149. Mrs. Meta Haaren
  150. Miss Wilma Haaren
  151. Miss Anna Haefle
  152. Mr. Franz Hahn
  153. Mrs. Emma Hamker
  154. Mr. Kurt Hänig
  155. Mrs. Sophie Harlam
  156. Mrs. Ella Hartmann
  157. Miss Frieda Hartmann
  158. Mrs. Dr. Anna Hauel-Steiner
  159. Mr. John Heela
  160. Mr. Friedrich Hein
  161. Mrs. Rose Heinicke
  162. Miss Elizabeth Heller
  163. Miss Margarethe Heller
  164. Mr. Paul Hellmann
  165. Mr. Robert Helwig
  166. Mrs. Amalie Heues
  167. Mr. Fritz Hengehold
  168. Mr. Josef Hepp
  169. Mr. Paul Hermann
  170. Mr. Ernst Herrmann
  171. Mrs. Anna Herrmann
  172. Mr. Arno Herzer
  173. Miss Atnalie Hess
  174. Miss Elizabeth Heuser
  175. Dr. Felix Hoffmann
  176. Mr. Ludwig Hofmann
  177. Mrs. Irmgard Hofmann
  178. Miss Helene Hofmann
  179. Mrs. A. Holland
  180. Mrs. Ella Hollander
  181. Roberto Hollander
  182. Rosemary Hollander
  183. Mr. Edward Holloway
  184. Mr. Hermann Holstein
  185. Miss Anna Holstein
  186. Mr. Jacob Holzmann
  187. Mr. Honegger
  188. Mr. Rolf Hoppe
  189. Mrs. Wilhelmina  Horn
  190. Mrs. Horniansky
  191. Mr. Milton Howard
  192. Mr. Chales Howes
  193. Mr. Hans Huber
  194. Mrs. Johanna Huber
  195. Mr. Adolf Hüttscher
  196. Mrs. Lena Hüttscher
  197. Miss Elna Hyrup
  198. Dr. Theodor Ilg
  199. Mrs. Bertha Ilg
  200. Mr. Gail Ireland
  201. Mrs. Ireland
  202. Mr. Fritz Jarstow
  203. Mrs. Elsie Jesse
  204. Mrs. Krescenz Jungbauer
  205. Mrs. Antonie Kaestner
  206. Mrs. Ida Kaiser
  207. Irene Kaiser
  208. Miss Kambly
  209. Mr. Peter Karamanos
  210. Mrs. Helen Karamanos
  211. Dr. Thorstein Karli
  212. Mr. Karl Kasch
  213. Mr. John Kausler
  214. Mr. Wilson Kayko
  215. Mrs. Ingeborg Kayko
  216. Mrs. Anna Kayko
  217. Sister Wilhelme Keipinger
  218. Sister Maria Kempen
  219. Mr. John Kennett
  220. Mrs. Kennett
  221. Mrs. Lina Kerls
  222. Mrs. Maria Kiefer
  223. Maria Kiefer
  224. Mrs. Kimball
  225. Miss Ernestine Kircher
  226. Miss Frieda Klee
  227. Mr. v. d. Knesebeck
  228. Mrs. Katherine Knuyet
  229. Mrs. Ida Koerle
  230. Mrs. Hermine Kortrey
  231. Dr. Gehard Kraemer
  232. Mr. F. Krahenbulil
  233. Mrs. Rosa Krahenbulil
  234. Mrs. Eily Kropp
  235. Mrs. Louise Krueger
  236. Mrs. Gerald Krüger
  237. Miss Rose Kube
  238. Mrs. Bertha Kunst
  239. Mrs. Hedwig Küntzler
  240. Mr. Otto Lachmann
  241. Mr. Harold Lafone
  242. Mrs. Muriel Lafone
  243. Mr. Michael Lake
  244. Miss Elise Landolt
  245. Miss Rose Langbein
  246. Dr. Hellmuth Lange
  247. Mr. Otto Langos
  248. Mrs. Magdalene Langoe
  249. Mrs. Josephine Laue
  250. Miss Sonja Laue
  251. Mr. Ernest Layton
  252. Mrs. Layton
  253. Mr. Adolf Lebrenz
  254. Miss Marie Lehn
  255. Mr. Kurt Leibiger
  256. Miss Anna Leiten
  257. Mr. Regierungsrat Ludwig Lenz
  258. Mr. Leo Lenzer
  259. Mrs. Agnes Lettmoden
  260. Mrs. Marie Lind
  261. Mrs. Carrie Lindenthal
  262. Mr. Charles Lodding
  263. Mr. Charles Loesche
  264. Mr. Alfred Loewi
  265. Mrs. Ida Loewi
  266. Mrs. Minna Loewy
  267. Miss A. Looram
  268. Mrs. Frieda Lorenzer
  269. Miss Anita Lorenzer
  270. Mrs. Caroline Lösche
  271. Mr. Hans Ludwig
  272. Mr. Richard Lyman
  273. Mrs. Katharine Lyman
  274. Mr. Willi Maetzke
  275. Mrs. Erna Maetzke
  276. Dr. Kurt Maiwald
  277. Mr. Johannes Marquardt
  278. Mr. Stani Mars
  279. Mrs. Mars
  280. Mrs. Marie Marsh
  281. Miss Adele Marsh
  282. Mr. Henry Martens
  283. Mr. Wolfgang Massau
  284. Dr. Harald Matthiesen
  285. Dr. John McCarthy
  286. Mrs. Ruth McCarthy
  287. Mr. Harald McClune
  288. Mrs. Paula McClune
  289. Miss Paula McClune
  290. Mr. James McKee
  291. Dr. McQuerie
  292. Mr. Edward Megginness
  293. Mr. Hermann Meier
  294. Mrs. Berta Meier
  295. Mrs. Elisabeth Meissner
  296. Mr. Nordyke Metzker
  297. Mrs. Elisabeth Mey
  298. Miss Barbara Meyer
  299. Mr. Julius Meyer
  300. Mr. Herman Meyer
  301. Mr. Friedrich Michaelis
  302. Mrs. Hedwig Michaelis
  303. Dr. James Mills
  304. Mr. Milne Mrs. Milne
  305. Sister Therese Misere
  306. Mr. Gustav Mittelstadt
  307. Dr. Hans Moser
  308. Mrs. Lina Mudder
  309. Miss Mathilda Muenchinger
  310. Mrs. Irena Müller
  311. Rolf Müller
  312. Mr. Gustav Muselmann
  313. Mrs. Lina Muselmann
  314. Gerhard Muselmann
  315. Hedwig Muselmann
  316. Mr. Albert Nassar
  317. Mrs. Nassar
  318. Mrs. Nasser
  319. Miss Rose Nasser
  320. Miss Theresa Nasser
  321. Mrs. Daniel Neal
  322. Alice Neal
  323. John Neal
  324. Miss Barbara Neal
  325. Miss Hertha Nehlsen
  326. Mr. Georg Neumann
  327. Mrs. Elly Neumann
  328. Mr. Karl Neumann
  329. Mrs. Margarete Neumann
  330. Mr. Kurt Neustadt
  331. Mr. Newstone
  332. Mrs. Newstone
  333. Mr. Ernst Noebel
  334. Mrs. Luise Nürnberg
  335. Mr. Albert Nussbaum
  336. Mr. William O'Connor
  337.  Mrs. H. Oest
  338. Dr. Julio Ortiz
  339. Mrs. Ortiz
  340. Mr. Ed. Painter
  341. Mr. Wilfred Painter
  342. Baroness Maria Pantz zu Poeltzenpach
  343. Mrs. Marie Pardey
  344. Mr. William Pearlman
  345. Miss Margret Petzold
  346. Mr. Wilhelm Pickel
  347. Mr. Gerhard Pilloweit
  348. Mr. Ralph Pleydell-Bouverie
  349. Mr. William Powe
  350. Mrs. Margaret Powe
  351. Mrs. Leopoldine Puchner
  352. Mr. Hermann Quacker
  353. Mrs. Dora Quante
  354. Miss Margret Quante
  355. Miss Käthe Quante
  356. Mr. Azir Rafidi
  357. Mrs. Helene Rahmeyer
  358. Mr. Frederic Ramig
  359. Mrs. Margaret Ramig
  360. Mr. Major Alexander Ramsay
  361. Mr. Fred Rauschenberger
  362. Sister Anna Rebisclike
  363. Mr. Donald Redfem
  364. Mrs. Lawson Reed
  365. Mr. Walter Reggel
  366. Mr. Jules De-Reuve
  367. Mr. Rennie De-Reuve
  368. Mrs. Erna Riester
  369. Mr. George Riker
  370. Mrs. Beatrice Riker
  371. Miss Cornelie Ritzel
  372. Mr. Rohles
  373. Mrs. Rohleg
  374. Mr. William Rogan
  375. Mrs. Rogan
  376. Mr. Walter Röhricht
  377. Mrs. Treue Romhauer
  378. Mr. Anton Rosenberg
  379. Mr. Louis Rosgolatos
  380. Mr. Hans Roth
  381. Miss Julie Rothschild
  382. Mr. Alfred Rubel
  383. Mrs. Caecilia Rubel
  384. Mrs. Käthe Rudat
  385. Mr. Jakob Ruegg
  386. Rev. Francius Sadlier
  387. Mrs. H. Saenz
  388. Mr. Manuel Saiz-Y-Heres
  389. Mrs. Carmen Saiz-Y-Heres
  390. Miss Carmen Saiz-Y-Heres
  391. Dr. Adrian Sample
  392. Mr. Werner Sarstedt
  393. Mrs. Elise Sasabe
  394. Mrs. Betty Scott
  395. Mrs. Marie Sedlacek
  396. Miss Bernadetta Sedlacek
  397. Mrs. Gertrud Seligsohn
  398. Mr. Sevrenos
  399. Mr. Timothy Shea
  400. Mr. Shields
  401. Mrs. Shields
  402. Mr. R. Shields
  403. Miss Elizabeth Shouse
  404. Miss Marion Shouse
  405. Mrs. Margarethe Shurtleff
  406. Mr. Henry Siegmueller
  407. Mr. Otto Siepka
  408. Mr. Slattery
  409. Mrs. Slattery
  410. Mrs. Helen Slingluff
  411. Mr. Franz Sobanski
  412. Dr. Robert Spitzer
  413. Mr. Kurt Spohr
  414. Mrs. Melitta Spohr
  415. Vera Spohr
  416. Mr. Hermann Suerken
  417. Mrs. Gertrude Suerken
  418. Mr. Sullivan
  419. Mrs. Sullivan
  420. Mr. Peter Summerer
  421. Mr. Henry Sundeen
  422. Mrs. Ruth Sundeen
  423. Dr. E. Sundstroem
  424. Mrs. Sundstroem
  425. Miss Flora Symons
  426. Mr. Paul Schad
  427. Mr. Paul Schachel
  428. Mr. Hermann Schack
  429. Mr. Robert Schafhausen
  430. Mr. Henry Schaumann
  431. Mrs. Anna Schaumann
  432. Earl Schaumann
  433. Miss Anna Scheindel
  434. Mr. Max Schiekram
  435. Mrs. Marie Schiekram
  436. Dr. Walram Schiffmann
  437. Mr. Alexander Schiller
  438. Mrs. Schiller
  439. Mrs. Maria Schmid
  440. Mr. Helmut Schmid
  441. Mr. Max Schmidt
  442. Sister Klara Schmidt
  443. Mr. Albrecht Schmidt
  444. Mr. Gustav Schmidt
  445. Mrs. Josef ine Schmidt
  446. Hans Schmidt
  447. Dr. Hans Schmitz
  448. Mrs. Hedwig Schneid
  449. Ingeborg Schneid
  450. Mr. Herbert Schneider
  451. Mr. Fritz Schucht
  452. Dr. Edgar Schultze
  453. Mrs. Elizabeth Schultze
  454. Mrs. Beatrice Schumann
  455. Mrs. Julie Schwab
  456. Mr. Hilmer Schwalbe
  457. Mr. Julius Schwalm
  458. Mr. George Stadtlaender
  459. Miss Bertha Stalling
  460. Mrs. Helen Standish
  461. Dr. Sally Stargardter
  462. Mrs. Bertha Stargardter
  463. Mr. Wilhelm Steinböck
  464. Mrs. Franziska Steinmann
  465. Walter Steinmann
  466. Mr. Carl Stieler
  467. Mrs. Mathilda Stieler
  468. Mrs. Margit Stifft
  469. Mrs. Paula Stobhe
  470. Mrs. Aptar van Slolk
  471. Mr. Straits
  472. Mrs. Straits
  473. Mr. Hugo Strecker
  474. Mr. Hugo Strecker
  475. Mr. William Talbert
  476. Mrs. Ona Talbert
  477. Mr. Friedrich Tatzki
  478. Miss Beatrice Taylor
  479. Mr. John Tedford
  480. Mrs. Clara Tetzlaff
  481. Miss Charlotte Tetzlaff
  482. Mr. Eduard Thiedes
  483. Mrs. Martha Thornton
  484. Henry Thornton
  485. Mr. Eric Thum
  486. Mr. Fred Trump
  487. Mr. Fred Trump Jr.
  488. Mr. Roberts Tunis
  489. Miss Marjorie Vareschi
  490. Mrs. Velten
  491. Mr. Velten und 2 Kinder
  492. Mrs. Gina Venaglia
  493. Josepf Venaglia
  494. Joan Venaglia
  495. Mr. Harry Vogel
  496. Miss Adelaide Vogt
  497. Mr. Franz Volech
  498. Mrs. Antonie Volech
  499. Dr. Paul Voss
  500. Miss Anne Voss
  501. Miss Isabel Wadaszy
  502. Mr. Emst Wagner
  503. Mrs. Wagner
  504. Mr. Harold Wagner
  505. Mrs. Nelle Watts
  506. Mr. Heinrich Weber
  507. Mrs. Elizabeth Weber
  508. Mr. Eric Wedemayer
  509. Dr. Arnold Weghmann
  510. Miss Meta Weihl
  511. Mr. Peter Wendel
  512. Mrs. Anna Wendel
  513. Mrs. Cornelia Werner
  514. Mrs. Wilhelmine Westendorf
  515. Mrs. Wheaton
  516. Dr. Carl Wiekland
  517. Dr. Kurt Wielunger
  518. Dr. Justin Winter
  519. Mr. Arthur Winterfeldt
  520. Mr. Carl Wobbe
  521. Mrs. Else Wobbe
  522. Mr. Heinz Wöhrmann
  523. Mrs. Martha Wolff
  524. Mr. Worthington
  525. Mr. Arthur Wullich
  526. Mr. Frank Zaback

To Southampton

  1. Mr. Walter Aickin
  2. Miss Lotte Angermeyer
  3. Miss Marie Broustert
  4. Mr. Reinhart Cassirer
  5. Mr. James Davidson-Houston
  6. Mrs. Elsie Diefke
  7. Mr. Wallace Edmiston
  8. Mrs. Grete Fielding
  9. Mr. Robert Fielding
  10. Mr. Francis Forshey
  11. Mrs. Lilian Forshey
  12. Mr. C. Goode
  13. Miss Charlotte Huhn
  14. Mrs. R. Jameson
  15. Miss Eleanor Knight
  16. Mr. Emil Lebrecht
  17. Mr. Planer
  18. Mrs. Beatrice Royle
  19. Mrs. Margarete Schoen
  20. Peter Schoen
  21. Hans Schoen
  22. Miss Monika Schonberg
  23. Mr. Fredrick Stanton
  24. Mrs. Alice Stanton
  25. Miss Irme Taylor
  26. Mr. John Timpson
  27. Mrs. Annie Timpson
  28. Mrs. Therese Tremesberger
  29. Mr. Adolf Wagner
  30. Mrs. Rose Wagner
  31. Mr. William Whitby
  32. Mrs. Mary Whitby
  33. Mrs. Rose Winkler


Third Class Passengers

  1. Mrs. Mary Abegglen
  2. Mr. Gustav Hjalmar Abrahamsen
  3. Mrs. Ida Adams
  4. Miss Ruth Adams
  5. Mr. Michael Adelhardt
  6. Mrs. Eva Albrecht
  7. Mrs. Christine Ammon
  8. Mr. Hermann Anacker
  9. Miss Irmgard Andrä
  10. Mr. Joh. M. Andreassen
  11. Mr. Wilhelm Anhilger
  12. Mr. John Aper
  13. Mrs. Clara Arfsten
  14. Miss Marg. Ari
  15. Mr. Herloo
  16. Edler Arneberg
  17. Miss Judith Arnold
  18. Mrs. Bader
  19. Mr. Eugen Baessler
  20. Mrs. Eugen Baessler
  21. Rev. T. Bagranoff
  22. Mr. George Balada
  23. Miss Rose Balha
  24. Mr. Eugen Bantleon
  25.  Mrs. Flora Barlewort
  26. Mr. Michal Bartko
  27. Mr. Peter Basch
  28. Mr. Johann Bauer
  29. Mrs. Johann Bauer
  30. Mr. Karl Bauer
  31. Mrs. Karl Bauer
  32. Mrs. Anna Bayer
  33. Miss Marta Becker
  34. Mr. F. K. Beim
  35. Mrs. Anna Beijahn
  36. Mr. W illiam Bellmer
  37. Mrs. Anna Benetin-Ribnicki
  38. Mr. Arend Bergmand
  39. Miss Bina Bergmann
  40. Mr. Thoralf M. Bemtsen
  41. Mrs. Anna Bethmann
  42. Mr. Gustav Beusliausen and Family
  43. Mrs. Ruth Biebrich and Son
  44. Mr. Frank Biermann
  45. Mrs. Frank Biermann
  46. Mrs. Therese Bigus and Child
  47. Mrs. Lina Bischoff
  48. Mr. Henry Blohm
  49. Mr. Paul Blumenstein
  50. Mrs. Erika Boerger and Children
  51. Mrs. Anna Boettcher
  52. Mrs. Emma Bofinger
  53. Mr. Anton Borowicz
  54. Mrs. Anton Borowicz
  55. Mrs. Anna Bösche
  56. Mrs. Karoline Böttcher
  57. Miss Wally Braig
  58. Mrs. Cath. Bredimus
  59. Mr. Joseph Brendel
  60. Mrs. Helene Bretschneider
  61. Mrs. Kathi Brey
  62. Mr. Wilhelm Brinkmann and Family
  63. Mr. John Broetje
  64. Mrs. John Broetje
  65. Mrs. Anna Brooker
  66. Mrs. Bohumila Brozkova
  67. Miss Zita Brückl
  68. Mr. Fred Bruncken and Family
  69. Mrs. Selma Brunnengreber
  70. Miss Gesine Bruns
  71. Mr. Hermann Brüns
  72. Mr. William Brvdow
  73. Kozina Bucko
  74. Mrs. Hedwig Budde
  75. Mr. Michel Bulakowski
  76. Mrs. Karolina Bulling
  77. Mr. Josef Bunge
  78. Mrs. Therese Bünting
  79. Mrs. Gertrud Burkera and Son
  80. Mr. George Burns
  81. Mrs. George Burns
  82. Mr. Joseph Burns
  83. Mrs. Joseph Burns
  84. Mr. R. G. Burrows
  85. Mrs. Adele Busch
  86. Mrs. Johanna Buschmann
  87. Miss Lilly Busse
  88. Mrs. Martha Bussier
  89. Mr. William Büttner
  90. Mrs. William Büttner
  91. Mrs. Mary Bystron
  92. Miss Maria Cahala
  93. Mr. B. J. Cantreil
  94. Mrs. Lillian Capanna
  95. Mr. Otelle Capanna
  96. Mrs. Sophie Carniol and Children
  97. Mrs. Maria Cartarius and Son
  98. Miss Alice Carter
  99. Mr. C. C. Chapman
  100. Mrs. C. C. Chapman
  101. Mr. Andrew Chmell
  102. Mrs. Andrew Chmell
  103. Mrs. Katerine Chovanec
  104. Mr. John Colston
  105. Mr. Russell F. Conklin
  106. Mrs. Russell F. Conklin
  107. Mrs. Margaret Contrucci and Children
  108. Miss Hertha Cornilsen
  109. Mr. Egidio Covi
  110. Mr. M. G. Cox
  111. Mrs. M. G. Cox
  112. Mrs. Helene Cronje
  113. Mrs. Anna Damm
  114. Mrs. Anna Daniel and Child
  115. Miss Emilie Dannecker
  116. Mr. Alex Debreczni
  117. Mr. Otto Decker
  118. Mrs. Marie Dege
  119. Miss Elsie Delleske
  120. Mr. Peter Dlholucky
  121. Mr. Anton Dohrmann
  122. Miss Johanna Doppel
  123. Miss Maria Dragowitz
  124. Mr. Diedr. Dreyer
  125. Miss Florence Driscoll
  126. Miss Lucy Driscoll
  127. Mr. Karl Dröhnle
  128. Miss Elaine Duffy
  129. Mrs. Kristine Duga
  130. Mrs. Giesela Dunst
  131. Mr. Viktor Durcina
  132. Mrs. Maria Durner and Children
  133. Miss Anna Eble
  134. Mr. George Eck
  135. Mrs. Erna Eggenhofer
  136. Mrs. Josefine Ehlers and Child
  137. Miss Maga Eimrich
  138. Mrs. Martha Elmers and Children
  139. Mrs. Anna Elzer
  140. Miss Adelgunde Elzer
  141. Mr. Winfield S. Emmons
  142. Mr. John Engelbrecht
  143. Mr. Ole R. Eriksen
  144. Mrs. Hedwig Ernst
  145. Mrs. Petronella Erxleben
  146.  Mr. Albert Esch
  147. Mrs. Albert Esch
  148. Mr. John Evensen
  149. Miss Jeanette Fairbanks
  150. Mrs. Elisab. Farrugia and Child
  151. Mrs. Anna Fecher and Daughter
  152. Mrs. Bertha Fehrenbach and Daughter
  153. Mrs. Marg. Fendt
  154. Mr. Anton Fernbach
  155. Mr. Johann Fichtl
  156. Mr. Helmuth Fichtl
  157. Miss Maria Fiene
  158. Magdalene Fiene
  159. Mr. Louis Finger
  160. Mr. John Finkbeiner
  161. Mrs. John Finkbeiner
  162. Mr. Fred Finkbeiner
  163. Mr. Henry Fischer and Family
  164. Mr. Hermann Fischer
  165. Mrs. Marie Fischer
  166. Mr. August Fischer
  167. Miss Eleanor Fischer
  168. Mrs. Anna Fischer
  169. Mrs. Hilda Flanagan
  170. Mrs. Eva Flick
  171. Mr. Leif Florenæs
  172. Mr. John G. Flynn
  173. Mr. Hermann Follmann
  174. Mrs. Frieda Forster
  175. Mrs. Hedwig Frede and Child
  176. Mrs. Irmgard Frederick and Daughter
  177. Mrs. Adeline Freese
  178. Mrs. Anna Freitag
  179. Mrs. Marie Friedrich and Son
  180. Mr. Alfred Fritz
  181. Rudolf Fritz
  182. Miss Ottilie Fröschl
  183. Miss Lina Funk
  184. Miss Ella Gagel
  185. Mr. Christian Gaiser
  186. Mrs. Katie Ganter
  187. Mrs. Karoline Garwer
  188. Mr. Andrew J. Gedeon
  189. Mrs. Olga Gehlen
  190. Mr. Werner Gehlen
  191. Mr. Wm. Gellermann
  192. Mr. Harm Gerdes
  193. Mrs. Adele Gerdes
  194. Mrs. Susi Gerlecz
  195. Mr. Carl Gerth
  196. Mrs. Carl Gerth
  197. Mrs. Maria Giese
  198. Mrs. Marie Giesler
  199. Miss Elfriede Giesselmann
  200. Mrs. Helene Glaser
  201. Mrs. Dora Glock and Daughter
  202. Miss Kath. Gold
  203. Mr. Josef Gürtler
  204. Mr. Paul Graf
  205. Mr. Harry Graf
  206. Miss Rosa Graf
  207. Mr. Josef Graf
  208. Mrs. Josef Graf
  209. Mrs. Magdal. Graser
  210. Mr. Martin Grassl and Family
  211. Mr. Julius Gremer and Family
  212. Mrs. Josefine Grethen
  213. Miss Marys Grewe
  214. Mr. Gerhard R. Grieb
  215. Miss Anna Grimsmann
  216. Mr. George Grosko
  217. Mr. Hermann Gross
  218. Mr. Fritz Grosse
  219. Mrs. Dora Grothe
  220. Mrs. Anna Grünhutova
  221. Mr. Arpad Gulassa
  222. Mrs. Maria Gully
  223. Mrs. Bertha Gustavson
  224. Miss Paula Haaf
  225. Miss Rosa Haas
  226. Mr. Oie Haaversen
  227. Mrs. Maria C. Häcker
  228. Miss Maria Hadar
  229. Mr. Josef Hagen
  230. Mrs. Josef Hagen
  231. Mrs. Anna Hahn and Son
  232. Mrs. Greta Hahn and Child
  233. Mr. Mikulas Hajla
  234. Mr. Alois Hajzl
  235. Mr. Hall and Mrs.
  236. Mrs. Johanna Handrick
  237. Miss Johanna Handrick
  238. Miss Maria Hangartner
  239. Mr. Jens Hansen
  240. Mr. Meidel Hansen
  241. Miss Maria Harbist
  242. Mr. Jan Hardik
  243. Rev. Carl A. Harrer
  244. Miss Gail Harrison
  245. Mrs. Marie Harthun
  246. Mrs. Bettina M. Harvie
  247. Mr. Karl Haupt
  248. Miss Erica Hausier
  249. Mrs. Justina Häusler and Child
  250. Mr. Alfred Häusler
  251. Miss Ann Hayes
  252. Mr. Andrew Healy
  253. Mrs. Andrew Healy
  254. Mrs. Emma Hebel
  255. Mr. Olle Hedbring
  256. Miss Lina Heimgärtner
  257. Mr. Henry Heimhardt
  258. Mrs. Henry Heimhardt
  259. Mrs. Martha Heinze
  260. Mrs. Luise Heitkamp
  261. Mr. Hermann Hemelmann and Family
  262. Mrs. Marie Herkomer
  263. Mrs. Anna Hermann
  264. Mrs. Hulda Hermanson
  265. Mrs. Kathryn Herrmann
  266. Miss Betty Hertel
  267. Mrs. Dorothea Hess
  268. Miss Helen Hestermann
  269. Miss Mary Hetschko
  270. Mrs. Zusanna Hila
  271. Mr. Karl Hilpert
  272. Mr. Bruno Hilse
  273. Miss Anna Himler
  274. Mrs. Sofia Hladec
  275. Angela Hluchovä
  276. Miss Kate E. Hobbs
  277. Mr. Otto Hochrein and Family
  278. Mr. Ludwig Hocke
  279. Mrs. Ludwig Hocke
  280. Mrs. Marg. Hofmann and Children
  281. Mrs. Johanna Holland-Cunz
  282. Mrs. Ernestine Hollis
  283. Mrs. Ester Holz
  284. Mrs. Frances Holzer and Children
  285. Mr. John Holzheimer
  286. Mrs. John Holzheimer
  287. Mrs. Auguste Hoppmann
  288. Mrs. Mary Horak
  289. Mr. Gustav Hormann
  290. Mrs. Gustav Hormann
  291. Miss Margaret Horvath
  292. Mrs. Kornelia Horvath
  293. Mrs. Eugenie Houck and Child
  294. Mrs. Caroline Huber and Son
  295. Mr. John Huber
  296. Mr. Karl Huck
  297. Miss Anna Huhle
  298. Mr. Stefan Hulaj and Family
  299. Mr. Christ. Hunke
  300. Mr. Edward Hunsieker
  301. Mrs. Anna Hutmann-Hanusik
  302. Mr. Ivar S. ldzalil
  303. Mrs. Luise Illert
  304. Miss Irmgard lllert
  305. Mr. Ernst Jaeger
  306. Mrs. Ernst Jaeger
  307. Miss Helen Jaklitsch
  308. Miss Marie Jaklitsch
  309. Mrs. Luise Jakobeit and Child
  310. Mr. Dirk Janssen
  311. Mrs. Clara Jappen
  312. Miss Christine Jaupen
  313. Mr. Haakon Jensen
  314. Miss Anna Jerabkova
  315. Miss Frieda Joens
  316. Mrs. Anna Johansen
  317. Mr. John Johnson
  318. Mrs. John Johnson
  319. Mr. Arne J. Jorgensen
  320. Mrs. Elisab. Juhasz
  321. Miss Mary Juhasz
  322. Mr. Charles Jungwirth
  323. Mr. Janos Jurasits
  324. Mrs. Christine Jürgens
  325. Augustina Kabät
  326. Miss Martha Kahl
  327. Mr. Richard Kaminski
  328. Mr. Hans Kämpfer
  329. Mrs. Rufina Kannegieser and Child
  330. Mr. Georg Kanzler
  331. Mrs. Georg Kanzler
  332. Mr. Henry Kapp
  333. Mr. Ernst Kapp and Family
  334. Miss Anna Kapral
  335. Miss Emilie Kaps
  336. Mr. August Kama
  337. Mrs. Johanna Kaschinski
  338. Mr. Wilhelm Kaup
  339. Miss Anna Kautz
  340. Mrs. Frieda Kehr
  341. Mr. Basil O. Kellar
  342. Mr. Adolf Keller
  343. Mr. Franz Kellerhoff
  344. Mr. Josef Kepka and Family
  345. Mrs. Anna Kessel
  346. Mr. Ludwig Kilian
  347. Mrs. Ludwig Kilian
  348. Mr. Harald Kristian Kittelsen
  349. Mr. Conrad Klein
  350. Mr. Jan Klein
  351. Mr. Hans Klemmer
  352. Mrs. Francis Klepeis
  353. Mr. Georg Klose
  354. Mr. Josef Kluge and Family
  355. Mr. Karl Klump
  356. Mr. Dietr. Knacke
  357. Mr. Gustav Knapp
  358. Mrs. Gustav Knapp
  359. Frätil. Maria Knausova
  360. Mr. Oskar K. Knutseil
  361. Mrs. Johanna Koch
  362. Mrs. Maria Kochanski
  363. Mr. Ernst Kölln
  364. Mrs. Ernst Kölln
  365. Mrs. Marie Köpf
  366. Miss Annie Korenko
  367. Mr. Karl Korhonen
  368. Mr. Josef Kostal and Family
  369. Mr. Man. Kraft
  370. Mrs. Man. Kraft
  371. Prof. Theodore Kraft
  372. Mrs. Theodore Kraft
  373. Mr. Michal Kralicek
  374. Mr. Edward Krammpitz
  375. Mr. Emil Krampen
  376. Mrs. Anna Krapilova
  377. Mrs. Anna Kratz
  378. Mr. John Krautstein
  379. Mr. William Krebs
  380. Mrs. William Krebs
  381. Mr. Emst Kreikemeyer
  382. Mr. John Kreisel
  383. Mrs. Josefine Kreisel
  384. Mr. Fritz Krenmüller
  385. Mrs. Frieda Kress
  386. Mr. Nikonlus Kretsch
  387. Mrs. Anna Kreuzberg
  388. Mrs. Lucie Krieck
  389. Mr. Paul Kruck
  390. Mrs. Paul Kruck
  391. Mr. Michal Krupa
  392. Mrs. Frances Kuchler  and Son
  393. Mrs. Anna Kühl
  394. Mrs. Emma Kühner
  395. Mrs. Anna Kussmann
  396. Mrs. Mary Labak
  397. Miss Maria Lagarova
  398. Mrs. Rosa Lamprecht and Son
  399. Mrs. Sofie Lamprecht
  400. Mr. Johann Lange
  401. Mrs. Johann Lange
  402. Mrs. Emma Lange
  403. Mr. Emil Lange
  404. Mrs. Erzsébet Lanyi
  405. Mr. Franz Lärm
  406. Mr. Alf Emanuel Larsen
  407. Mr. Louis Lawler
  408. Mr. Jos. O. Lear
  409. Mrs. Jos. O. Lear
  410. Mr. Paul Lecke and Family
  411. Miss Mary Leinfelder
  412. Mrs. Rosa Lendl
  413. Mrs. Frieda Lenz
  414. Mr. D. Le Parr
  415. Miss Marg. Leutheuser
  416. Maurice J. Le Vaillant
  417. Mr. William Levering
  418. Mr. David Levy
  419. Miss Grace Lewis
  420. Mr. Hinrich Lindhorst and Family
  421. Mr. Gustav Lindner
  422. Mrs. Theresia Linke
  423. Mr. Charles Loan
  424. Mr. August Lohe
  425. Mr. Karl Lohmann
  426. Mrs. Wilhelmine Lorberg
  427. Mr. Georg Loren and Family
  428. Mr. Stefan Lörinc and Son
  429. Mrs. Victor Losak
  430. Mrs. Emma Lott
  431. Mr. Fred Ludwig
  432. Mrs. Fred Ludwig
  433. Miss Kamilla Ludwig
  434. Miss Josefa Luken
  435. Mr. John Lynch
  436. Miss Henriette G. Mackenzie
  437. Mrs. Senta Macoritto
  438. Mrs. Madalena and Child
  439. Miss Agate Maier
  440. Mr. Johann Maier and Family
  441. Mrs. Elsie Mäkinen
  442. Miss Maria Marakovits
  443. Bernardine Marecz
  444. Mr. Oswald Marks
  445. Mrs. Anita Marschall
  446. Mr. Fred Martin
  447. Angela. Masar
  448. Mr. Bohuslaw Masek
  449. Mrs. Maria Massen and Children
  450. Miss Elise Matthes
  451. Miss Maxwell
  452. Mrs. Rosalia Meindl and Son
  453. Mr. Henry Merbach  
  454. Mr. Charles H. Merrill
  455. Mrs. Josefine Mesaros
  456. Miss Martha Metzger
  457. Mrs. Carola Meyer
  458. Miss Regina Meyer
  459. Mr. Henry Meyer and Family
  460. Mr. August Mezger
  461. Mr. Micael Micaelsen
  462. Mrs. Alzbeta Michalek
  463. Mr. James C. Michell
  464. Mrs. Therese Michl
  465. Katarina Miclina
  466. Mr. Josef Mikulka
  467. Mr. Jos. Mikulka
  468. Mr. William Mills
  469. Mrs. Verona Minarikovä and Children
  470. Mrs. Julia Mirmak
  471. Miss Josefine Mistier
  472. Miss Julia Mizak
  473. Mrs. Erna Modebach
  474. Mr. Theodore Möller
  475. Mr. Mihaly Molnar
  476. Mrs. Mihaly Molnar
  477. Mr. Anton Mühlig
  478. Miss Lina Müller
  479. Miss Helen Nagy
  480. Mr. Jan Nahlik
  481. Mr. Charles Naiman and Family
  482. Mrs. Erna Naumann
  483. Mr. Jan Nekarda and Family
  484. Mrs. Ruzena Nemanska
  485. Mrs. Etelka Nestbichler
  486. Mr. Alexander Nevincki
  487. Mr. Soerre Nielsen
  488. Mr. Haloard Noddeland
  489. Mr. Julius Noll
  490. Mr. William Nordhorn
  491. Mrs. William Nordhorn
  492. Mrs. Sophie Novotnik
  493. Mr. George Novotny
  494. Mr. George Novotny Jr.
  495. Mr. Fritz Nuding
  496. Mrs. Fritz Nuding
  497. Alfons Nürnberger
  498. Mrs. Angela Nyemesik
  499. Mrs. Julia Nyikow
  500. Mrs. Paula Ober and Son
  501. Mr. Robert Obermark
  502. Mrs. Robert Obermark
  503. Mr. Ernst Obermüller
  504. Mr. Vincent Odrobincak
  505. Mr. Rudolf Odstrcil
  506. Miss Theresia Oegger
  507. Helene Ohler
  508. Mr. Alf Str0m Olsen
  509. Mr. William Opalka
  510. Mrs. William Opalka
  511. Mrs. Roza Opialova and Children
  512. Miss Maria Orlicka
  513. Mr. Hermann Orthwein
  514. Mrs. Hermann Orthwein
  515. Miss Marg. Orthwein
  516. Mr. Josef Osladil and Family
  517. Mrs. Lina Otto
  518. Mrs. Elsie Pagel
  519. Mr. Mathias Palmberger
  520. Miss Elisab. Parthner
  521. Mr. Janos Pasztor
  522. Mr. Leo Patten
  523. Peter Pauli
  524. Mr. Horst Paulus and Family
  525. Mr. Jan Pavelcak
  526. Mr. Henry Peitz
  527. Mrs. Henry Peitz
  528. Mr. J osef Perger
  529. Mr. Alois Perstorfer
  530. Miss Mary Petersen
  531. Miss Irene Petrasek
  532. Mrs. Katica Petrovich
  533. Mr. Robert Pfirrmann
  534. Mrs. Robert Pfirrmann
  535. Miss Marie Pflügler
  536. Miss Marg. Pfützner
  537. Mr. Lewis Phillingham
  538. Mrs. Lewis Phillingham
  539. Maria Pilarova
  540. Mr. Vaclav Pinkner and Family
  541. Mrs. Julie Plangger
  542. Mr. J ames Plummer
  543. Mrs. Marie Pohl
  544. Mrs. Anna Polchow
  545. Mr. John Polehna
  546. Mrs. Emilie Poser
  547. Mrs. Maria Poursche
  548. Miss Anna Previdsa
  549. Mr. Hans Puff and Family
  550. Miss Anna Raba
  551. Miss Elisab. Racky
  552. Mr. Georg Reben
  553. Mrs. Georg Reben
  554. Mr. Georg Rehm
  555. Mrs. Georg Rehm
  556. Mr. Hugh. T. Reilly
  557. Mrs. Alice Reiner
  558. Mrs. Marg. Reinwald
  559. Mr. Emil Reiser
  560. Mrs. Emil Reiser
  561. Mrs. Hedwig Reiser and Child
  562. Mrs. Anna Reiser
  563. Mrs. Theresia Reithmeyer
  564. Mrs. Gertrud Remak
  565. Mr. Andreas Remak
  566. Mr. Ernest Riche
  567. Mrs. Ernest Riche
  568. Mrs. Anna A. Richert
  569. Mr. Paul Richter and Family
  570. Mrs. Andnie Rickmers and Daughter
  571. Mr. Kurt Riemann
  572. Mrs. Kurt Riemann
  573. Mr. John Rippel
  574. Mrs. Elizah. Ritter
  575. Miss F. Robertson
  576. Mr. Kurt Rochlitzer
  577. Mrs. Kurt Rochlitzer
  578. Mr. Emil Roggenkamp
  579. Mrs. Emil Roggenkamp
  580. Mr. John Rommel
  581. Mrs. John Rommel
  582. Miss Katherina Roth
  583. Miss Anna Rudolph
  584. Mrs. Anna Russo
  585. Mr. Jacob Ruttinger
  586. Mrs. Jacob Ruttinger
  587. Mr. Paul Ruttloff
  588. Mrs. Paul Ruttloff
  589. Mrs. Maria Sack and Child
  590. Miss Maria Saffert
  591. Mrs. Anna Sagmeister
  592. Mr. J. C. Salomon
  593. Mrs. J. C. Salomon
  594. Mrs. Elisab. Sander and Daughter
  595. Mr. William Sattelmeyer and Family
  596. Miss Irma Satzmann
  597. Mrs. Therese Sendlhofer
  598. Edeltraud Sendler
  599. Mr. Herm. Seubert
  600. Mrs. Herm. Seubert
  601. Mr. Ferdinand Seugling
  602. Mr. Edwin Shepard
  603. Mr. Georg Shields
  604. Mrs. Georg Shields
  605. Miss Anna Sichova
  606. Mrs. Anna Sielsch
  607. Mr. Josef Sifter
  608. Hedviga Siles
  609. Mrs. Ilona Simon and Child
  610. Mr. Ignatz Singer
  611. Mr. Frank Siti
  612. Mr. Barney Siuts
  613. Anna Skarupa
  614. Mrs. Alzbeta Skodackova
  615. Mr. Vasil Skodackova
  616. Juraj Skodackova
  617. Mrs. Pavlina Slobodnik and Children
  618. Mr. Fedor Slovikow
  619. Mrs. Fedor Slovikow
  620. Mr. Leo V. Smith
  621. Mrs. Louise Sondergeld and Child
  622. Miss Anna Sonnek
  623. Mr. Ludwig Sonnleiter
  624. Mr. Eugene Sontheimer
  625. Mr. Jan Sotak and Family
  626. Mrs. Hedwig Speth and Child
  627. Mr. George L. Sullivan
  628. Mrs. Anna Sutak
  629. Mr. Anselm Sutter
  630. Mr. Michael Sutor
  631. Mr. Sykes
  632. Mrs. Sykes
  633. Miss Sykes
  634. Mrs. Marg. Szilvasy
  635. Mr. Mike Schacherbauer
  636. Mr. John Schaffner and Family
  637. Mrs. Asta Scheidig
  638. Mr. Karl Scheidler
  639. Miss Emma Schicht
  640. Mr. Alfred Schicke
  641. Mrs. Alfred Schicke
  642. Mrs. Rosa Sehipula
  643. Miss Karola Schirmer
  644. Mr. Johann Schlake
  645. Mrs. Johann Schlake
  646. Miss Barbara Schlee
  647. Mr. Robert Schleier
  648. Mrs. Robert Schleier
  649. Mr. Johann Schmalz
  650. Mr. Anton Schmid
  651. Mrs. Anton Schmid
  652. Miss Wilhelmine Schmidt
  653. Mr. Paul E. Schmidt
  654. Mrs. Paul E. Schmidt
  655. Mr. Wilhelm Schmidt
  656. Mrs. Wilma Schmitt  and Child
  657. Mrs. Marie Schmoll
  658. Mrs. Anna Schneider
  659. Miss Alice Schneider
  660. Mr. Hans Schneider
  661. Mrs. Kitty Schnurrer
  662. Mr. Carl Schober and Family
  663. Mrs. Anna Schopka
  664. Miss Maria Schording
  665. Miss Marianne Schott
  666. Mr. Heinrich Schriefer
  667. Mrs. Heinrich Schriefer
  668. Mr. Otto Schrimper
  669. Mr. Otto Schröder
  670. Mr. Hans Schroeder
  671. Mrs. Kath. Schrott
  672. Mr. Otto Schroeter
  673. Mrs. Karoline Schrof
  674. Mr. Fritz Schubert
  675. Mrs. Fritz Schubert
  676. Mr. Philipp Schuler
  677. Mrs. Philipp Schuler
  678. Mr. Hermann Schulz
  679. Mrs. Hermann Schulz
  680. Mr. Martin Schumann
  681. Mrs. Anna Schwab
  682. Mr. Glen A. Stahl
  683. Mrs. Glen A. Stahl
  684. Dr. John Stanley
  685. Mr. Harold Stearly
  686. Mr. R. C. Stearly
  687. Mrs. Harold Stearly and Children
  688. Mrs. Helene Stegmaier
  689. Miss Frieda Stephan
  690. Mrs. Rose Sternitzke
  691. Mr. Josef Stica
  692. Mr. Clamor Strathmann
  693. Miss Jean Straub
  694. Mr. George Strecker
  695. Miss Maria Strobel
  696. Mr. John Struse
  697. Mrs. John Struse
  698. Mrs. Magda Stube and Daughter
  699. Mr. Johann Stübinger
  700. Mrs. Elisab. Studentz
  701. Mrs. Franziska Stuliler
  702. Mrs. Elisabeth Talch
  703. Miss Annemarie Talch
  704. Mr. Wasyl Taraska
  705. Mr. Ole Tarraldson
  706. Mr. Karl Tarram
  707. Mrs. Elisab. Teller
  708. Mr. Olaf Terjesen
  709. Mr. Jorgen Utne Terjesen
  710. Mr. Andrej Thompson
  711. Miss Thompson
  712. Mrs. Julia Toth
  713. Mrs. Pauline Träger
  714. Mrs. Kath. Treuter and Child
  715. Mrs. Johanna Trey and Children
  716. Miss Gabriela Trulik
  717. Mrs. Anna Umlauf and Daughter
  718. Josefina Urdovic
  719. Mrs. Therese Utsch and Children
  720. Mr. John Vacek
  721. Mrs. Elisab. Vargo
  722. Miss Alzbcla Vasek
  723. Mr. Josef Vasilak
  724. Miss Luise Vatter
  725. Mrs. Hermine du Verdier
  726. Mrs. A. Veres
  727. Miss Mary Veres
  728. Miss Irina Voigt
  729. Mrs. Anna Vollnhals
  730. Miss Maria Voss
  731. Mr. Bohumil Vyskocil
  732. Miss Herma Wagner
  733. Mrs. Helene Wagner and Child
  734. Mrs. Anna Waldschmitt and Children
  735. Miss Marg. Walter
  736. Miss Ilse Waterstrat
  737. Mr. Professor Ralph Watkins and Family
  738. Mrs. Helene Weber
  739. Mrs. Hedwig Weigang
  740. Mr. Hermann Weiler and Family
  741. Mrs. Alma Weiler and Children
  742. Mrs. Anna Weiss and Son
  743. Mr. Wellreiter
  744. Mrs. Wellreiter
  745. Miss Hedwig Werner
  746. Mrs. Marg. Westphal
  747. Mrs. Emma Weyers
  748. Mrs. Anna Widmann
  749. Miss Di na Wigger
  750. Mr. Lothar Wilke
  751. Mrs. Anna Williams
  752. Mr. Alfred Williams
  753. Mrs. Emma Willmann
  754. Mr. Paul Windisch
  755. Miss Hortensia Winkler
  756. Mr. Karl Wischhusen
  757. Mrs. Martha Witt
  758. Mr. August Witte
  759. Mrs. August Witte
  760. Miss Cora Witty
  761. Mrs. Maria Wolfka
  762. Mr. Fred Wolter
  763. Mrs. Fred Wolter
  764. Miss Louise Wood
  765. Mrs. Wright and Child
  766. Mrs. Clara Wuest
  767. Miss Anna Wrunder
  768. Miss Marg. Wunderlich
  769. Mr. John Zaris
  770. Mr. Adolf Zeeb
  771. Mrs. Elisab. Zemanek
  772. Balbina Zick
  773. Mrs. Anna Ziegenbein
  774. Mrs. Wally Ziegler
  775. Mrs. Marie Zieper
  776. Mr. Alexander Zigmund
  777. Mr. Eduard Zimmermann
  778. Mrs. Elizab. Zimmermann and Son
  779. Miss Helena Zimmermann
  780. Miss Lisi Ziltel
  781. Mr. Fritz Zingelmann
  782. Mr. John Zola
  783. Mrs. John Zola

To Southampton

  1. Mr. Emilio Garcia
  2. Mrs. Cleinenta Garcia
  3. Miss Junge
  4. Mr. Alan McKenzie
  5. Miss Mariann Neal
  6. Miss Johanne Simonsen


Important Notice

Payments on board our steamers

According to the German Regulations Governing the Control of Foreign Currency all shops and stalls, also members of the ship's personnel are strictly forbidden to accept Reichsmark Notes of all denominations and German Coins of the value of RM. 1.—, RM. 2.— and RM. 5.— from German or foreign passengers. This decree does not apply to coins under RM. 1.— in value.

We, therefore, request our passengers not to make payment to the shops, stalls or members of the ship's personnel in Reichsmark Notes or German Coins to the value of RM. 1.—, RM. 2.— and RM. 5.—.

Passengers who wish to use such German coins as mentioned in the foregoing paragraph, are requested to apply to the Purser who alone is entitled to accept such coins to the extent permissible by the "Reichsdevisenstelle". Ship's Money Orders will be issued to passengers to the value of the coins handed in and these money orders will be accepted in payment on board. Under no circumstances whatever will ship's money orders be exchanged for Reichsmark Notes.

Special Travel Service

A Special Service Secretary on board will advise and assist passengers making their first visit to a foreign country. This service is also available for travelers with whatever special purpose in view, such as business, social, educational etc. This office is prepared to give any information gratis and, if possible, to assist in bringing the passenger in touch with the desired persons or firms.

City of Bremen

The City of Bremen receives its Overseas Guests at the Columbus Quay, in Bremerhaven, in the European "Station on the Sea-front". In 1 ½ hours by train or 50 minutes by motor-car one reaches the 70 kilometers distant city on the Weser, the old Hanseatic City of Bremen; the city which, as a cultivated patrician city with its magnificent sites, offers the travelling public beautiful historical buildings and select hotels and restaurants, and at the same time, possessing most modern docks, is the busy centre of an extensive overseas-trade.

In contrast to the everyday appearance of many of the Hanseatic towns Bremen presents an architectural picture which makes everyone feel at home. Century-old tradition has made its impression. The Market Square is the focus of all that is characteristic of this city. The grouping of such venerable buildings as the magnificent City Hall, the valiant Roland, the Cathedral spires reaching heavenwards, the golden "Schütting" (now the seat of the Chamber of Commerce) was created from that proud, independent spirit of citizenship which has made Bremen.

It was the same energy of tenacious citizenship that sailed the first steamship on the Weser, inaugurated the first regular transatlantic Mail Line between Bremen and New York, created the first commercial submarine and rendered possible the first cast-to-west air-flight over the ocean. But all this has not disturbed the dignified tranquility of the city. The centre of the city is too distant from the docks, shipyards and factories to be affected by their noises. The old moats are still in a good state of preservation and, like a green garland, entwine the actual city with its numerous reminiscences of the German medieval period.

Although modern offices and administration buildings have sprung up in the city and the rhythm of life has become more pronounced, the melody has remained the same. No wonder then, that many a globe-trotter was captivated with Bremen and meditatively sat in the "Ratskeller" brooding over the question as to how it was that this city offered a feeling of security and at the same time disclosed so much energy; how it was that this city supplied the whole of Europe with cotton, has old buildings, and is the home of the Norddeutscher Lloyd who can claim as their own, the fastest and largest German ships, "Bremen" and "Europa", and who open up connections to all parts of the globe.

Information for Passengers

Letters and Telegrams. The incoming mail will be distributed in the Chief Steward's office. Letters for passengers will be brought on board at the port of arrival before the passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.

Before leaving the ship, each passenger will be given a questionnaire and an address-slip by the steward. Passengers are kindly requested to fill these in carefully and hand them to the Chief Steward.

This information, which is required by the authorities, is not only essential for a smooth running of the landing formalities, but also serves for the forwarding of mail which is received after passenger's departure. Mails and telegrams may be forwarded c/o any of the Norddeutscher Lloyd agencies.

Letters and telegrams may be directed in c/o any of the Company's agents.
Telegrams to be dispatched from the next port and radiograms are accepted at the ship's wireless station.

Landing Formalities in the U.S.A.

  • Visitors

Before leaving the ship passengers must show their landing-card together with their passport to the U.S. Immigration Inspector.

  • Immigrants

Besides the above-mentioned documents, Emigrants to America must produce all their legalized immigration papers together with the American visa.

Photographer. The photographer is entitled to charge for his services in accordance with the tariff exhibited.

Service. Passengers are requested, in their own interest, to submit any complaints they may have to make to the Captain at the time of his daily round of inspection every morning. The wishes of the passengers will be considered as far as practicably possible.

Firearms. The carrying of fire-arms of any kind is prohibited by law in the U.S. A. Offenders are liable to heavy fines and punishment.

Money, valuables etc. The purser will accept valuables etc. duly sealed or enclosed in an envelope bearing the name of the owner, for safe keeping during the voyage, but without any guarantee on the part of the Company.

Baggage. All baggage matters will be dealt with on board by the Baggage-Master, who may be interviewed at certain hours. Only the Baggage-Master is authorized to accept baggage or parcels to be forwarded on, stored or delivered to a third person. The Norddeutscher Lloyd assume no responsibility or liability for articles handed to other members of the crew. Passengers must see to it that all baggage, including hand-baggage, is labelled with the Norddeutscher Lloyd labels which must be properly filled out.

Storing of Baggage. Hand-baggage and one cabin-trunk may be stored in the cabin. The cabin-trunk, however, must not exceed the usual dimensions of 3' 3" long by 1' 11" wide and 1' 1" high. Wardrobe trunks may be taken into the cabin provided the dimensions of the trunk and the cabin permit of this and the passenger is the sole occupant of the room.

Baggage can also be stored in the baggage-hold to which passengers have access at certain hours daily. For technical reasons baggage must not be stored in the corridors and lobbies.

Passengers are strongly advised in their own interest to look after their hand-baggage themselves when landing at the port of destination and to see that no personal requisites are left behind in the cabins or elsewhere.

United States Customs Regulations. Each passenger must make out a customs declaration of his personal baggage. In the case of families the oldest member present on the trip is authorized to make out this declaration for the whole family. Forms for this purpose will be handed to the passengers on board.

Arrangements must be made with the Customs Inspector at the port of disembarkation respecting any baggage to be forwarded under bond to a further destination. Such baggage must be specially mentioned in the customs declaration and the value thereof stated.

Baggage left behind to be forwarded by a later sailing must reach the port of destination within three months of the passenger's arrival and must be included on the customs declaration as baggage accompanying the passenger.

Animals. All animals, regardless of size and kind, will be accommodated aboard in suitable quarters. It is not under any circumstances allowed to take animals into any rooms used by passengers or to lead them around on any part of the steamer set aside for the convenience of passengers.


Track Chart on the Back Cover, North German Lloyd SS Europa Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List - 8 October 1937.

Track Chart on the Back Cover, North German Lloyd SS Europa Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List - 8 October 1937. GGA Image ID # 1639d6a130


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