The Girl’s First Hats for Spring 1913

The Girl's First Hat for Spring, Drawings by M. E. Musselman. The Ladies Home Journal, March 1913.

The Girl's First Hat for Spring, Drawings by M. E. Musselman. The Ladies Home Journal, March 1913. GGA Image ID # 1618a82ed5

  • Top Row: Designed by N. F. Morrill (l); Designed by Edwin B. Halsey (r)
  • Second Row (c): Designed by Laura Samuels
  • Third Row: Designed by Samuel Ach (l); Designed by Edwin B. Halsey (r)
  • Fourth Row (c): Designed by Mary Whiteman
  • Bottom Row: Designed by Ora Cné (l); Designed by Julius Smolin (r)

There has seldom been a season when a greater variety of really beautiful and artistic hats has been shown than at present. One is instantly impressed by the shape and materials of which the hat is made rather than by the trimmings; as the trimmings, even though beautiful and useful, are so simple in character as to seem to be an actual part of the hat itself instead of something apart.

This point is typified in the shepherdess hat on the left, in deep seal-brown hemp braid, draped with pale pink transparent silk crêpe knotted at the center front. On the under brim is placed a flat rose made of the same texture.

Although there are many attractive large hats, with graceful, sweeping lines softly shadowing the face, there is no doubt that the small or medium sized hat is preferred for wear with the tailored suit, or with the afternoon dress of simple lines.

When a big hat is more becoming, it would be unwise to attempt to wear a small hat, with a narrow straight or curving brim, which may be exceedingly trying unless the hair is arranged in pretty waves about the face.

A lovely hat with a wide, sloping brim is pictured above, in fine black hemp, with the Crown covered with leaves surmounted by two full-blown roses. In the upper right-hand corner of the page is a girlish hat of white hemp, faced with transparent crêpe and wreathed with Oriental poppies. Fine-plaited shadow lace is sewed against the crown, falling out between the poppies.

The girl blessed with clear-cut, regular features, who looks well in a stiff-brimmed hat, will like the trim sailor in the center on the right. It is banded in velvet, edged with doubled satin laid in narrow plaits.

Another girlish model is pictured on the middle left—a rolling-brim leghorn, with a graceful bow made of three graduated loops.

On the bottom left is an attractive little rolled-brim bat with a low, round crown that fits closely over the top of the head. This model is an exceedingly becoming type for a young girl with pretty fluffy hair. It is made of fine gray straw trimmed with rows of narrow silk braid and a full pompon made of raveled silk braid.

On the right is a charming revival of an early Seventeenth Century form with a curiously cut ring brim, narrow in the front and wider at the back. The big Tam o’Shanter crown is made of rows of straw braid, and a huge pink rose makes a lovely trimming note.

Suggestive of the picturesque Rembrandt period is the graceful hat shown on the bottom right. The brim, made of black and white, fine hemp braid, shows the straw in a novel way across the brim, from the base of the crown outward, over the edge to the under brim.

The softly draped crown is made of a new geranium-red crepe Française, a new dull-finished transparent material with a fine crepe weave, over a lining of red and white checked taffeta. At the right is a long, narrow bow placed well toward the back, carried out in similar materials, with an edge of a straw braid.

M. E. Musselman, Illustrator, "The Girl's First Hat for Spring," in The Ladies Home Journal, Philadelphia: The Curtis Publishing Company, Vol. XXX, No. 3, March 1913, p. 31.

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