SS Rex Passenger List - 6 October 1939

Front Cover of a Tourist Class Passenger List for the SS Rex of the Italia Line, Departing 6 October 1939 From Genoa to New York.

Front Cover of a Tourist Class Passenger List for the SS Rex of the Italia Line, Departing 6 October 1939 From Genoa to New York via Naples, Commanded by Captain Attilio Frugone. GGA Image ID # 1ee6c0efca


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Captain Comm. Cap. Attilio Frugone, Commander
  2. Staff Captain Cay. Uff. Cap. Pasquale Pezzuto
  3. Chief Engineer Cay. Uff. Emanuele Delucchi
  4. First Engineer Cay. Renato Regolini
  5. Surgeon Dott. Cay. Luigi Gullini
  6. Surgeon Dott. Cay. Marcello Antonio Di Re
  7. Chief Purser Comm. Luigi Pesenti
  8. First Purser Cap. Aurelio Lo Bianco
  9. Chaplain Monsignor Luigi Panigada
  10. Chief Steward Ernesto Peroni


List of Tourist Passengers

From Genoa

  1. Mrs. Luisa Ammon
  2. Master Liselotte Amon
  3. Mr. Fred Aebly
  4. Mrs. Fred Aebly
  5. Mr. Angelo Alpi
  6. Mrs. Angelo Alpi
  7. Mrs. Hedwige Anthonioz
  8. Mr. Adam H. Alt
  9. Mr. Alfred Berendt
  10. Mrs. Alfred Berendt
  11. Mr. Fritz Bender
  12. Mr. Pierre Boulad
  13. Mrs. Emma Beisler
  14. Mr. Pete Bonicelli
  15. Mr. Franz Buedel
  16. Mr. Franz Josef Buedel
  17. Mrs. Gerda Mathilde Baedel
  18. Mrs. Rosa Buedel
  19. Mrs. Mathilde Buedel
  20. Miss Elisabeth Bosshardt
  21. Mr. Erich P. Birlenbach
  22. Mr. Leonardo Baggi
  23. Mr. Werner Behrendt
  24. Mrs. Trudl Behrendt
  25. Mrs. Anneliese Behrendt
  26. Mr. Peter Behrendt
  27. Mrs. Marie L. Buck
  28. Mrs. Ilse Burkhardt
  29. Master Karl Michael Burkhasdt
  30. Miss Hermine Berghoff
  31. Mr. Harry Bosbery
  32. Mrs. Constance E. S. Ballard
  33. Mr. Jozef Braciejowski
  34. Mr. Charles Bertschy
  35. Mrs. Charles Bertschy
  36. Mr. Ernesto Battistini
  37. Doct. Paul Baeck
  38. Doct. Thekla Baeck
  39. Mr. Emil Bodenmann
  40. Mrs. Laura Bick
  41. Mrs. Anna Berking
  42. Mrs. Adalgisa Zazzera Bertorelli
  43. Mrs. Augusta Breuner
  44. Mrs. Francesca Bruno
  45. Mr. Isidoro Bastianon
  46. Mr. Battista Bottinelli
  47. Mrs. Erminia Bottinelli
  48. Mr. William Barenz
  49. Mrs. Thomas Maria Baron
  50. Mr. Thomas Baron Jr.
  51. Miss Caterina Bermann
  52. Mr. Sigmund Bab
  53. Mrs. Alice Bab
  54. Mrs. Ida Berstein
  55. Mrs. Regina Clermont
  56. Miss Besse Cappelen Smith
  57. Mrs. Noemi Giovanb. Cecchini
  58. Mr. G. B. Cuneo
  59. Mr. Moise Cohen
  60. Mr. Mario Cohen
  61. Mr. Lleskiya Cohen
  62. Mrs. Eugenie Cohen
  63. Miss Fani Cohen
  64. Mr. Sami Cohen
  65. Doct. Roberto Coen Pirani
  66. Mrs. Leonora Coen Pirani
  67. Mr. Leo Coen Pirani
  68. Miss Claudia Coen Pirani
  69. Master Paolo Coen Pirani
  70. Mrs. Dorothee C. Corbin
  71. Mrs. Elisabeth Cugel
  72. Mr. Samuel Caleb
  73. Miss uigina Cavargna
  74. Miss Ester Cavargna
  75. Mr. Ilse Casino
  76. Miss Arden de La Motte
  77. Mrs. Mina Silva de Busi
  78. Doct. Imelde Della Valle
  79. Mr. Turgut Demirag
  80. Miss Edith Derer
  81. Miss Szerena Derer
  82. Rev. Francis J. De Jaco
  83. Rev. Louis De Jaco
  84. Mr. Joseph Di Bella
  85. Mr. Adolf Deutsch
  86. Mrs. Margita Deutsch
  87. Mr. Bruno Danker
  88. Mr. Ernest De Perrot
  89. Mrs. Rose De Perrot
  90. Mrs. Hildegard Eilrich
  91. Mr. Jack Eckhardt
  92. Mrs. Fanny Eckhardt
  93. Mrs. Anna Eberle
  94. Miss Rosemarie Eberle
  95. Mr. Max Epting
  96. Mrs. Virginia Edemi
  97. Mrs. Hedwig Fahmestock
  98. Mr. Ernesto Friederich
  99. Mrs. Jda Friederich
  100. Miss Jdita Frederich
  101. Mr. lsidoro Fabela
  102. Mrs. Josepina E. de Fabela
  103. Miss Amelia T. Fabela
  104. Master Daniel Fabela
  105. Master German Fabela
  106. Mr. Giuseppe Frumento
  107. Mrs. Nancy Frumento
  108. Miss Rosa Cristina Frumento
  109. Mrs. Marie Froelich
  110. Miss Christel Froelich
  111. Mrs. Sura Frydman
  112. Mrs. Carlo Fernandez
  113. Mrs. Emma Fetting
  114. Mrs. Wilhelmine Findeis
  115. Mr. John Fischer
  116. Mr. Andrew Frischholz
  117. Mrs. Siria Serre Frediani
  118. Miss Magdalen Fritz
  119. Rey. Peter Feher
  120. Mr. Ludwig Furtner
  121. Mr. Hermann Feith
  122. Mrs. Yulia Freund
  123. Mrs. Toni Gerson
  124. Doct. E. A. Grobet
  125. Mrs. E. A. Grobet
  126. Master David Grobet
  127. Miss Adrienne Grobet
  128. Mr. Dimitri Gawronsky
  129. Mr. Federico Guthmann
  130. Mrs. Clara Giannuzzi Savelli
  131. Miss Dorothea Giannuzzi Savelli
  132. Miss Nina Giannuzzi Savelli
  133. Mr. E. Buldwin Goetter
  134. Miss Helen Gardner
  135. Mr. Adolfo Gotz
  136. Mr. Sa r.uel Guttmann
  137. Mrs. Frazi Guttmann
  138. Miss Elsa Guttmann
  139. Miss Erika Guttmann
  140. Sister Margharete Grochowski
  141. Mrs. F. Gettey
  142. Mr. Ronald Gettey
  143. Miss Marie Hammal
  144. Mrs. Clara Hofmann
  145. Doct. J. Charles Harrison
  146. Mr. Erich Hotrich
  147. Mrs. Geltrude Hotrich
  148. Miss Helga Hotrich
  149. Mr. Werner Hotrich
  150. Mr. Ernst Herzberg
  151. Mr. Hans R. Hofmann
  152. Mrs. Alice E. Hofmann
  153. Miss Anne Liese Hof
  154. Mrs. Amalie Hofineier
  155. Mr. Anton Hoffmann
  156. Mrs. Anton Hoffmann
  157. Mr. Fred Hirsch
  158. Mrs. Fred Hirsch
  159. Mr. Franck Hartl
  160. Mrs. Elizabeth Horvath
  161. Miss Elise Heuseler
  162. Mrs. Elisabeth Hohmann
  163. Mrs. Ottilie Heyn
  164. Mr. Albert Handl
  165. Mrs. Frida Handl
  166. Rev. Martin Hellriegel
  167. Mrs. Marie Heidrich
  168. Mrs. Elizabeth Hartl
  169. Mr. Charles Harrison
  170. Mr. Iziael Szaia Ickowicz
  171. Mrs. Anna Alice Isemberg
  172. Mrs. U Joerges
  173. Mrs. Klara Jank
  174. Miss Maria Jank
  175. Mrs. Yvonne J. Jones
  176. Miss Mary Crosby Jones
  177. Mr. Alexander Kornfeld
  178. Mrs. Mathilde Kornfeld
  179. Mrs. Frida Hohmann
  180. Mr. Gerard Krasting
  181. Mr. Adolph Kircher
  182. Mrs. Luise Kircher
  183. Mr. Willy Kaltwasser
  184. Mrs. Adriana Kaltwasser
  185. Miss Hilda Kaltwasser
  186. Mr. Jonas Klinger
  187. Mr. Wladyslaw Kiepura
  188. Miss E. M. Koenig
  189. Mr. Philipp Kirchner
  190. Mr. Teodoro Kalantzi
  191. Mr. Boldo Kalman
  192. Mr. Christ S. Kuzmanoff
  193. Mrs. Mari Kuzmanoff
  194. Mr. Joseph Kunkel
  195. Mrs. Lina Kunkel
  196. Mr. August Kunkel
  197. Miss Elf rieda Kunkel
  198. Mrs. Ana Koenig
  199. Mrs. Ida Kiessling
  200. Mr. Oscar Kaiser
  201. Mrs. Julia Kloz
  202. Mr. Emil Kuster
  203. Sister Katharine Kippel
  204. Mr. William Klausman
  205. Mrs. Anna Klausmann
  206. Mr. Rudolf Links
  207. Mrs. Mary Links
  208. Master Herbert Links
  209. Mrs. Josephine Laborie
  210. Mr. Henry Loos
  211. Mrs. Hedwlg Loos
  212. Mrs. Assunta Luccioni
  213. Miss. Giovanna Luccioni
  214. Mrs. Emma Lehr
  215. Miss Gloria Lehr
  216. Mr. John Lahikainen
  217. Mrs. Yulia Leedie
  218. Mrs. Elsie Lobli
  219. Mr. Max Marschall
  220. Mrs. Leja Muray
  221. Miss Arja Muray
  222. Mr. Walter Maelzner
  223. Mrs. Albertina Maelzner
  224. Miss Ada Maelzner
  225. Mr. Fred Mussmacher
  226. Mrs. Lydia Massmacher
  227. Master Winifred Mussmacher
  228. Miss Joan Mussmacher
  229. Mr. Earl Mitchell
  230. Mr. Paul C. Makanowitzky
  231. Mrs. Rosa Metzler
  232. Miss. Eve Mary Merley
  233. Mr. Saverio N. Marinelli
  234. Miss Henriette Mann
  235. Miss Nelly Morerod
  236. Miss Germaine Morerod
  237. Mr. Hermann Machule
  238. Doct. Teofilo Malan
  239. Mrs. Maria Luisa Malan
  240. Mr. Isaak Metzger
  241. Mr. Enrico Nevi
  242. Mrs. Helen Niemeyer
  243. Mrs. Amalie Niedermayer
  244. Count Stephen Osirowski
  245. Rev. Gustave Obrecht
  246. Mr. Roman Olesnicki
  247. Mrs. Claudia Olesnicki
  248. Miss Anne C. M. Olesnicki
  249. Mrs. Arnastra Ernestine Oplatka
  250. Mr. Walter Ost
  251. Mr. Alfredo Polanco
  252. Mrs. Helena de Polanco
  253. Miss Cesira Pandolfi
  254. Doct. Vladimir A. Pertzoff
  255. Mrs. Vladimir A. Pertzoff
  256. Mrs. Hannah Pieringer
  257. Miss Heidi Pieringer
  258. Mrs. Theresa Pretzell
  259. Mrs. Artemis Papachrist
  260. Mrs. Rose N. Pawelzik
  261. Mr. Dante Previtali
  262. Mrs. Maria Pandolfi
  263. Mrs. Erica Proewing
  264. Mr. Hermann Pieper
  265. Mr. Henry Reese
  266. Mrs. Ella Charlotte Reichert
  267. Mr. Paul Ramsaner
  268. Mrs. Charlotte Riess
  269. Mr. C. Valentine Rosa
  270. Mr. William Renneberg
  271. Mrs. Giuseppina Razzari
  272. Miss Olga Razzari
  273. Mr. Joseph Reichmuth
  274. Mrs. Marie Adele Reichmuth
  275. Miss Esther Marie Reichmuth
  276. Mr. Pasquale Raffetto
  277. Mr. Leo M. Rea
  278. Master Lorenzo Rea
  279. Mr. Ernest Ribi
  280. Mrs. Hedwig Ries
  281. Miss Christine Ries
  282. Master Kurt Ries
  283. Mr. Augusto Ries
  284. Mrs. Flora Reichel
  285. Master Walter Reichel
  286. Mrs. Lena Reiss
  287. Miss Marie Rohde
  288. Mr. Abraham Josef Stybel
  289. Mrs. Abraham Josef Stybel
  290. Rev. Alvaro Santolini
  291. Mr. Alfredo Bosch Solari
  292. Mrs. Dolore Bosch Solari
  293. Miss Howard Elvira Solari
  294. Mrs. Margaret Stoever
  295. Mrs. Elsa Sokasits
  296. Mr. Kurt Schneider
  297. Mrs. Hedwig Schneider
  298. Mrs. Minne Schubert
  299. Master Arry Schubert
  300. Miss Auguste Schonswetter
  301. Mr. Alexander Sugar
  302. Mr. George F. Schmidt
  303. Mrs. Mary Schmidt
  304. Mr. Ernst A. Speier
  305. Mrs. Ernst A. Speier
  306. Mrs. Hilda Speier
  307. Mr. Walter L. Speier
  308. Mr. Frank Schoenberger
  309. Prof. Alfred Swan
  310. Mrs. Katherine Swan
  311. Mrs. Elizabeth Seyferth
  312. Master Dietmar Seyferth
  313. Mr. John Schuck
  314. Mrs. Maria Schuck
  315. Master Josef Schuck
  316. Mr. Walter Studer
  317. Mr. E. Schanz
  318. Mrs. E. Schanz
  319. Master Gerald Schanz
  320. Master Robert Schanz
  321. Doct. Stephen Szegb
  322. Miss Julie Schaffler
  323. Mrs. Elizabeth J. Schrempf
  324. Mr. Fritz Sommerhalder
  325. Mr. Anton So'benberger
  326. Miss Roberta Shulman
  327. Mr. Henri Stern
  328. Mrs. Henri Stern
  329. Mr. Theodor Staeudle
  330. Mrs. Augusta Staeudle
  331. Miss Nelly Suter
  332. Mr. Wilhelm Tanner
  333. Mr. Giacomo Torricella
  334. Miss Bertha Tanner
  335. Mr. Altred Tams
  336. Mrs. Giulia Treves Senigaglia
  337. Mr. Ignatz Taglicht
  338. Mrs. Henriette Umland
  339. Mrs. Mary von Kramer
  340. Mr. Michael Vogel
  341. Mrs. Hilda Vogel
  342. Mrs. Annetta Meus de Volpi
  343. Mrs. Agostina Verga
  344. Miss Rotraut Vischer
  345. Mr. Herbert Volks
  346. Rev. Mother Wilhelmine Vogelssohl
  347. Mrs. Kiara Vettel
  348. Mrs. Adolfine Wollner
  349. Mr. Carl Wirth
  350. Mrs. Ida Wirth
  351. Miss Elsie F. Wirth
  352. Mr. Ernst Wolff
  353. Mrs. Rosa Walter
  354. Miss Amelia Walter
  355. Mrs. Anna Weller
  356. Mr. Arthur Weller
  357. Mrs. Thekla Waldherr
  358. Mrs. Luise Winker
  359. Miss Pauline Widmer
  360. Mr. Peter Weidner
  361. Sister Mercedes Winterer
  362. Miss Tosca Zerk
  363. Miss Sofie Zopf
  364. Mrs. Emilie Zinnel

From Naples

  1. Mrs. Francesca Andolina
  2. Mr. Charles Attard
  3. Mr. Salem Bahhur
  4. Cay. Uff. Filippo Bombace
  5. Mr. Odeh George Bateh
  6. Mr. Donovan B. Church
  7. Mrs. Donovan B. Church
  8. Miss Joanne E. Church
  9. Mr. Peter Castronovo
  10. Mrs. Gaetana Castronovo
  11. Miss Carmela Castronovo
  12. Mr. Vincent Castronovo
  13. Mrs. Assunta Cipriani
  14. Miss Angelina Cipriani
  15. Mrs. Maria Campanella
  16. Miss Julia Carrillo
  17. Mr. Giuseppe Correale
  18. Mrs. Teresa Correale
  19. Mrs. Serafina Cortelli
  20. Mr. Vito Caldiero
  21. Mr. Joseph Cardinale
  22. Mrs. Oliva Cardinale
  23. Miss Jadwiga Cott6wna
  24. Miss Magdalen Cefai
  25. Miss Evelyn Day
  26. Mrs. Lucia De Simone
  27. Mr. Angelo Drago
  28. Mrs. Angelina Drago
  29. Miss Caterina Drago
  30. Doct. Beniatnino de Ritis
  31. Miss Sally Dimech
  32. Sister Maria Ercolina Dal Zovo
  33. Mrs. Maria Di Giovanni
  34. Miss Carmela Di Giovanni
  35. Master Giuseppe Di Giovanni
  36. Miss Giuseppa Di Giovanni
  37. Sister Antonia Di Bona
  38. Rev. Francisco Espino P
  39. Sister Margaret (Florinda) Fazio
  40. Mr. Anthony Frisicano
  41. Mr. Mariano Ferrero
  42. Miss use Mary Friedman
  43. Mrs. Lucia Favaloro
  44. Mr. Giovanni Favaloro
  45. Miss Rosalia Favaloro
  46. Master Serafino Favaloro
  47. Master Francesco Favaloro
  48. Mrs. Maria Assunta Felli Gualtieri
  49. Mr. Robert Garvey
  50. Sister Giuseppina Gatto
  51. Mr. Vincenzo Giannetti
  52. Mrs. Vincenzo Giannetti
  53. Mrs. Maria Gfeller
  54. Mr. Joseph Graci
  55. Rev. Gabriel Ginard C. M
  56. Mrs. Amina Hosni
  57. Mr. Hassan Hosni
  58. Mr. Max Kimball
  59. Mrs. Easa Boutros Khoury
  60. Mrs. Giuseppe Sala Lo Palazzo
  61. Mr. Frank Lossandrallo
  62. Rev. Jacques Lambert
  63. Mr. Giacinto Miele
  64. Mr. Agostino Messineo
  65. Mr. John Mermingas
  66. Mrs. Lad islaus Michejda
  67. Master lan Michejda
  68. Mrs. Diana Merenda Malfona
  69. Doct. Emanuele Momigliano
  70. Rev. Carmelo Morreale
  71. Rev. Louis P. Micallef
  72. Mr. Francesco Maimone
  73. Mr. Charles Noll
  74. Mrs. Calogera Napoli
  75. Mr. Yacoub Nasser
  76. Mr. Domenick Patania
  77. Mrs. Giuseppa Tringali Patania
  78. Mr. John Puzzilla
  79. Doct. Isabella Panzini
  80. Doct. Paola Palermo
  81. Mr. Gaetano Pirrone
  82. Mrs. Francesca Pirrone
  83. Mr. Pietro Rossi
  84. Prof. Carlo Ronchi
  85. Mr. Carlo Rainone
  86. Mr. Francis Reine
  87. Mr. Salvatore Rizzo
  88. Mr. Sebastiano Raciti
  89. Sister Helen Rita Rubino
  90. Mrs. Giuseppina Randazzo
  91. Miss Maria Gemma Randazzo
  92. Miss Sebastiana Randazzo
  93. Mr. John Santamaria
  94. Mrs. Annunziata Santamaria
  95. Mr. Wolfgang Stresemann
  96. Mr. Elia Sotir
  97. Sister Antonietta Stracchia
  98. Mr. Mario Thomas Sgriccia
  99. Mr. Herbert F. L. Schmidt
  100. Mr. Emanuel Spiteri
  101. Rev. Peter M. Tales e S. J
  102. Mr. Loreto Tocci
  103. Mr. Pietrino Torina
  104. Mz. Antonio Arias Vidal
  105. Mrs. Annunziata Valenti
  106. Mr. Michele Valenza
  107. Mrs. Angelina Valenza
  108. Mrs. Sara Diaz Vivanco
  109. Miss Maria Diaz Vivanco
  110. Mrs. Stefanie Verdarz
  111. Mr. George Verdarz
  112. Rev. Pedro Velazquez
  113. Rev. F. Jesus Maria Velasquez E
  114. Mr. Joseph Winternitz


General Information for Passengers

Berthing of Passengers - No alteration in Cabin can be made except through the Purser. Receipt for any difference paid, as per the Company's fixed Tariff, will be given to Passengers by the Purser, who will also duly note on passage tickets changes of accommodation.

Medical Attendance - For medical and surgical attendance to Passengers, ship' s surgeons are entitled to professional fees, to be charged as per published schedule, available at Purser's Offices.

Said medical and surgical attendance will be free of charge, if Passengers are suffering from seasickness, or are affected by infirmities or injuries deriving from statical conditions of the ship or in any way pertaining to navigation, and also in cases of contagious diseases which are subject to denunciation.

Return accommodation - For the convenience of those Passengers who may be returning from the United States to Europe and have not yet made the necessary arrangements, the Enquiry & Travel Office will be pleased to radio the New Itcrk Office for any accommodation required. This will enable Passengers to complete their arrangements before leaving the steamer and will consequently save them time and trouble.

Wireless Services — The vessels belonging to the Societa Italia are equipped with a most powerful and up-to-date radiotelegraphic plant. In this way the ships remain in communication with any part of the world by the medium of the chain of wireless stations on terra-firma.

All through the voyage, this vessel is in continuous touch with Italy, Europe, and the United States of America. Thus, the Marconigrams are transmitted, or received, direct; so that a quick service and a rapid exchange of business, or private, messages can be effected at any moment.

The Radiotelegraphic Station will be found on Sport Deck.

For the greater convenience of Passengers no Marconigrams arriving during the night will be delivered to Addressee before 7,30 a. m., unless the Passenger has expressly requested the Enquiry & Travel Office to hand him same at once on receipt during the night.

Mail Service - Four different types of messages can be sent from on board:

a) Marconigrams

b) Night Marconigrams (NRT) (reduced rates)

c) Ocean radioletters (SLT)

d) Marconigram - letters (OL)

a) Marconigrams - Messages of an urgent nature should be sent as " Marconigrams " and same are telegraphed right through.

A marconigram to Italy or to North America sent this way from steamer cost less than a cable sent from on shore at the ports of call.

b) Night radiotelegrams for United States. - A service of Night Radiolelegrams (NRT) to the United States has been recently established for Passengers convenience.

These messages are accepted at the Radio Office not later than midnight (ship's time) and delivered to destination next morning.

Messages are admitted in plain language only, but telegraphic address may be used.
The word (NRT) to precede the address, and it is charged for.

Per word . . . . Lit. 3,57 (equal to about I) 0,19)

c) Ocean Radioletters (SLT) - Are accepted at reduced rates for Italy, the United States and other countries at special rates. The service is of the deferred type. Registered addresses are not admitted such adchtsses to be written in plain language. Ocean Radio-letters are sent by radio from steamer to one of the shore stations of the country of destination who forward them to destination by air or ordinary mail.

Rate for the U. S. of America: Italian Lire 37,75 for 19 words, plus Italian Lire 1,91 for each additional word.

For Italy: Italian Lire 34,50 for 19 words, plus Italian Lire 1,75 for each additional word.

d) Marconigram - letters (OL) - Are only accepted for Italy. The service is of the deferred type. Such messages are sent by wireless to any Italian vessel proceeding to Italy and the receiving vessel arranges for the forwarding to destination by ordinary mail at first port of call in Italy.

Rate Italian lire 10.60 for 20 words, and Italian lire 1.00 for each extra word.

Service On Land — News can be sent to Passengers by their relations or friends, if these are residing in Italy, by means of Marconigrams transmitted to the vessel via "Coltanoradio ".

Relations or friends resident in other European countries will find it advisable to forward their Marconi-grams, intended for the ship, by the medium of the aforesaid " Coltanoradio " Station, the vessel being in continuous communication with same.

Marconigrams can be presented at any Telegraphic Office, using the following Form of Address:

Passenger's Name

Vessel's Name


This is to be followed by the text.

Wireless Telephony Station — The vessel is also equipped with the most perfect and up-to-date radiotelephonic plant (ultra powerful "Marconi") for transmitting and receiving, therefore secures a regular service during the navigation, both with Europe, the U. S. A., Canada, Mexico and Cuba.

The normal range of this set of apparatus allows of direct communications trom ship to North America, immediately after leaving Italy. As soon as the vessel has left America, Passengers can communicate with all the principal European Towns.

Suggestion and Complaints — Passengers are requested to ask for the Special Book, and insert in same any suggestions or complaints they may wish to make with regard to inconveniences noted by them in the Ship's Radiotelegraphic Service.

For full details and tariffs please apply direct to the Wireless Station on board.

Telephone Service on Board the Vessels at Genoa and Naples. — During the days of arrival &/or sailing of the vessels from the port of Genoa. as well as during the vessels' stay at Naples, both on outward and homeward voyages from New York, a telephone service (interurban) at tariff rates is made expressly available on board this vessel for Passengers' requirements.

A person appointed by the Telephone Company is on board at Passengers' disposal during the time established for the service in question.

Mail — Mail received after Passengers have left the ship is forwarded to the address furnished by them on the Identification Cards.

High Seas Mail — The Enquiry and Travel Office is acting also as oficial Agent of the Italian Post Administration; therefore accepts registered mail.

Banking Services - Passengers may avail themselves of the banking services (exchange of money, letters of credit, travelers cheques, banking enquiries, etc.) at the Bank located in the &trance Hall, the care of which in entrusted to an Official of the Banca Commerciale Italiana. A special booklet containing details of this service will be distributed to Passengers upon their request.

Important Notice. — Anyone entering or leaving Italy in allowed to carry a maximum amount in italian cash money of 350 Lire

Exporting and importing of 500 and 1000 Lira Banknotes is prohibited.

Any amount found not in accordance with these provisions is sequestered by Italian Custom Authorities.

Valuables - The Company is not responsible for loss or thqt of valuables, money, etc. Same should be handed to the Purser for deposit in his safe. In such cases valuables should be consigned under seal with the name of the depositor clearly shown.

No charge is made for such service and the Company accepts no liability in connection therewith.

Baggage Insurance — As the Company's liability for baggage is strictly limited, it is strongly recommended to Passengers to insure their baggage as, in the event of loss or damage to the same, the Company cannot under any circumstances, accept liability beyond the amount specified on the steamer contract ticket. - Baggage can be insured at the Enquiry & Travel Office, such insurance covering all risks on land or sea.

Passengers Are Not Allowed To Trespass the limit of their own class.

Lifebelts — A special board containing Instructions for the Use of Lifebelts is posted in every Stateroom. Passengers are requested to take notice of the above mentioned Instructions as indicated.

Professional Gamblers — Passengers are informed that professional gamblers seeking to play for high stakes, are reported as crossing on Atlantic steamers.

Cinema-Films — Passengers are strictly forbidden to keep cinema-films in their cabins. Such must be delivered to the Enquiry and Travel Office in order to be stored in a suitable room during the voyage.

Collections, charitable or otherwise are strictly forbidden.

For further information, please consult the "Ship's routine".

Useful Information for The Arrival at New York

Hotel Reservations in New York By Wireless-Telegram — Passengers may send, free of charge, wireless telegrams in code reserving accommodation at New York Hotels. Full particulars may be obtained at the Enquiry & Travel Office.

Arrival at New York — Passengers are landed at the Pier 92 North River, where Passengers will find taxis, telephones etc. If the vessel arrives at the Pier after 8 p. rn., Passengers have the option of remaining on board over night and landing after breakfast the following morning.

Landing Cards, Port of New York — Before leaving the vessel, holders must present landing cards to the U. S. Doctor and to U. S. Immigration Inspector for endorsement. American citizen must present Landings Cards only to the U. S. Immigrants Inspector for the visa.

Delivery of Baggage in New York — Passengers are especially requested to claim their baggage before leaving the Custom' s Baggage Room on the Pier, as, otherwise, considerable delay and extra charge for carriage will be incurred in forwarding to destination any baggage not accompanying Passengers on the railway.

Forwarding of Passengers — For the convenience of all Passengers disembarking at our piers in New York who are destined to interior points, the Railroad Lines out of New York, as well as Steamship Lines for Boston have representatives on the wharf to me 10 Passengers and arrange to issue railroad tickets to all points in the United States, Canada and Mexico, as well as tickets to Boston, via steamer. These representatives will also arrange to check baggage from ours pier through to destination, relieving Passengers of the annoyance of purchasing their tickets at-the depot or of re-checking their Baggage. Transfer charges from our piers to rail depots or steamship dock must be paid by Passengers.

Recovery of U. S. Head Tax - This tax can be recovered by Passengers, if same has been paid, provided they inform the U. S. Immigration Inspector on arrival at New York of their intention to leave the U. S. within sixty days (the time prescribed by U. S. Law) and obtain from him Transit Certificate Form 514.

It is also necessary for Transit Certificate Form 514 to be handed to the Transportation Company, when complete, in time to allow same to be placed before the Immigration Authorities in Washington within 120 days of Passenger's arrival in the United States. Unless this regulation is complied with, the Tax cannot be recovered.

Claims and Complaints - Passengers' criticism and suggestions relative to the services on board receive the most particular attention of the Company. Passengers are requested to address themselves in this connection either to the Captain or to the Direction, at the "Italia" Company's Headquarters, Piazza De-Ferrari, Genoa.


Italia Line Route Map, 1939. SS Rex Passenger List, 6 October 1939.

Italia Line Route Map, 1939. SS Rex Passenger List, 6 October 1939. GGA Image ID # 1ee6c9de66. Click to View Larger Image.


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