For Sailboat Shoppers: The Nitty-Gritty Ditty Bag $2.00 From O'Day. (1970)

For Sailboat Shoppers: The Nitty-Gritty Ditty Bag $2.00 From O'Day. (1970)

It includes this nylon ditty worth $3.00. A book called Have Fun Learning To Sail worth $1.00. A genuine pencil worth $.03. A magnifying glass worth plenty when you're comparing the fine points about a boat. A memo pad for keeping your facts straight. (That's got to be worth something.)

And our colorful new catalog detailing the most complete line of day sailers, weekenders and one-designs in the industry. (This 1970 catalog includes two new boats, too. Wait till you see them.) And on top of all this we throw in a down-to-the-penny price list and this reminder: Boat shopping is boat comparing.

Compare the boat: we say ours have more quality to the construction, more finesse to the design, and more finish to the finishing touches. Compare the distribution: O'Day's Wide World of Sailing is near you wherever you are, wherever you go.

And compare the willingness to compare: we give you for $2.00 the opportunity to save yourself from a mistakethat could costa lot more.

The Nitty-Gritty Ditty Bag. Order yours today.

Please rush me my "Nitty-Gritty Ditty Bag" in the quantity indicated below. Enclosed is check or money order for $2.00 per bog.

State Zip
Number of bags Amount Enclosed

Fall River, Mass. 02722

Bangor Punta's Wide World of Boating

Duo / Jensen / Luhrs / O'Day / Seagoing / Starcraft / Ulrichsen

GG Archives REF: BPODY-005-1970-BW-AD

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