SS Hamburg Passenger List - 15 March 1929

Front Cover of a First & Second Cabin Passenger List from the SS Hamburg of the Hamburg America Line, Departing Friday, 15 March 1929 from Hamburg to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer and Southampton

Front Cover of a First & Second Cabin Passenger List from the SS Hamburg of the Hamburg America Line, Departing Friday, 15 March 1929 from Hamburg to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer and Southampton, Commanded by Captain Schwamberger. According To a Passenger Prepared Log Entry, the SS Hamburg Arrived in New York on 25 March 1929, a Voyage of Ten Days. GGA Image ID # 177645a940


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Commander: Captain Schwamberger
  2. First Officer: H. Kieff
  3. Second Officer: F. Woelke
  4. Second Officer: Th. Busch
  5. Second Officer: O. Rörden
  6. Third Officer: H. Mohr
  7. Fourth Officer: A. Bernhardt
  8. Fourth Officer: W. Dommes
  9. First Radio Officer: A. Marek
  10. Second Radio Officer: R. Hoffmann
  11. Third Radio Officer: H. Conrad
  12. Fourth Radio Officer: F. Riedmann
  13. Chief Engineer: C. Jordan
  14. Second Engineer: C. Barre
  15. Third Engineer: H. Kreutziger
  16. Third Engineer: A. Thöne
  17. Third Engineer: W. Schröder
  18. Fourth Engineer: A. Orth
  19. Fourth Engineer: C. Rieper
  20. Fourth Engineer: H. Rehling
  21. Fourth Engineer: K. Ullrich
  22. First Electrician: J. Kettler
  23. Second Electrician: W. Schultz
  24. Projectionist: W. Bolt
  25. First Physician: Dr. F. Metzler
  26. Second Physician: Dr. A. Schaper
  27. Trained Nurse: Mrs. Frieda von Heydekampf
  28. Purser: R. Leschper
  29. Second Purser: Ad. Gravenhorst
  30. Second Purser: Th. Klöscher
  31. Assistant Purser: W. Steffen
  32. Assistant Purser: H. Brüning
  33. Baggage Master: O. Schmidt
  34. Chief Steward, First Class: J. Hansen
  35. Assistant Chief Steward: R. Nieter
  36. Assistant Chief Steward: C. Soltau
  37. Grill Room Chef: R. Schöbichler
  38. Chief Steward, Second Class: A. Hauschild
  39. Assistant Chief Steward, Second Class: W. Kröger
  40. Chief Steward, Third Class: P. Bremer
  41. Assistant Chief Steward, Third Class: J. Schildt
  42. Head Cook: M. Meisner
  43. Chief, Artistic Chapel: F. Rockmann
  44. Choir Director: M. Hintz


First Cabin Passengers


  1. Mr. D. L. Anderson
  2. Mr. Hans von Appen
  3. Mrs. Hans von Appen
  4. Mr. Hans Eric von Appen
  5. Raymond von Appen
  6. Mr. FIermann Bauer
  7. Mr. John Bernhard
  8. Mr. Paul Blumenthal
  9. Mrs. Paul Blumenthal
  10. Mr. Dr. Eugene Du Bois
  11. Mrs. Eugene Du Bois
  12. Miss R. Du Bois
  13. Mr. Arthur B. Du Bois
  14. Mr. Wm. H. Brenner
  15. Mrs. Martha M. Cole
  16. Mr. Baron Robert Doblhoff
  17. Mr. Thomas E. Doremus
  18. Mrs. Ella Ehni with Staff
  19. Mrs. Flora Engelage
  20. Mr. Generaldirektor Hans Engels
  21. Mr. James F. Farrell
  22. Mr. Hermann Feustel
  23. Mrs. Anne Flexner
  24. Mr. Charles H. Freeman
  25. Mrs. Charles H. Freeman
  26. Mr. Leon Freincle
  27. Mr. Karl Freitag
  28. Mr. Robert Furrer
  29. Mr. William Gluskin
  30. Mrs. William Gluskin
  31. Mr. Dr.Wilfrid Greif
  32. Mr. Flugo Grossmann
  33. Mr. Konsul Knowlton V. Hicks
  34. Mrs. Knowlton V. Hicks
  35. Mrs. Mac Isabella Holder
  36. Miss Margot Holder
  37. Miss Gloria Holder
  38. Mr. William Hurlburt
  39. Mr. Merritt Hurlburt
  40. Mrs. Gräfin Mary von Kageneck
  41. Mr. Theodore Kemm
  42. Miss Josephine L. Kemm
  43. Mr. Direktor Adolf Koehn
  44. Mr. Max Köhler
  45. Mr. Heinz Köhler
  46. Mr. Ernest O. Mankiewitz
  47. Mr. A. Nahin
  48. Mrs. A. Nahin
  49. Mr. Arthur A. Niessen
  50. Mrs. Arthur A. Niessen
  51. Mrs. J. C. Oakes nebst Kind
  52. Mr. Herbert Pell
  53. Mrs. Herbert Pell with Staff
  54. Mr. Otto Pfaff
  55. Mr. Alexander H. Pincus
  56. Mrs. Alexander H. Pincus
  57. Mr. John Pulvermann
  58. Miss Elinor Pulvermann
  59. Mr. Franz Rappolt
  60. Mr. Erich Rappolt
  61. Miss Edith Ratkowski
  62. Mrs. Muriel Rehin
  63. Karl Ph. Rehin
  64. Mr. A. Ressemberg
  65. Mr. Richard Russel Jr.
  66. Mr. Direktor Ivar H. Salomon
  67. Mrs. Ivar H. Salomon
  68. Mr. Professor Dr. Robert Schmidt
  69. Mrs. Robert Schmidt
  70. Mr. Baron A. von Schroeder
  71. Mrs. Baronin A. von Schroeder
  72. Mrs. Clementine Simon
  73. Mr. Erich Simon
  74. Mr. Hugo Simon
  75. Mr. Wilhelm von Starck
  76. Mr. Wilhelm Stettmund
  77. Mr. Raymond F. Stewart
  78. Mr. Hans Stielow
  79. Mr. Dr. J. Straus
  80. Miss Pyrma Tilton
  81. Mr. J.Trub
  82. Miss Marjorie Esther Wachtel
  83. Mr. Erich M. Warburg
  84. Miss Annie Weiss
  85. Mr. Ministerialrat Dr. Alexander Wende
  86. Mrs. Emilie Wendt
  87. Mr. Oscar Wintrab



  1. Miss Irmgard Overhoff



  1. Mrs. Lilly André
  2. Miss Alice André
  3. Mrs. Flora Bartsch
  4. Mrs. Margaret Davis
  5. Mr. Ernest A. Garratt
  6. Mr. E. Carlton Garratt
  7. Mr. Arnold J. Mayer
  8. Mr. Theodor Odefey
  9. Mr. Pastor F. Wehrhan


Second Cabin Passengers


  1. Miss Elise Ackermann
  2. Miss Gertrud Ackermann
  3. Mr. Karl Ackermann
  4. Miss Paula Arnos
  5. Miss Lina Baier
  6. Mr. Hermann Baier
  7. Miss Marie Bauer
  8. Miss A. Bauser
  9. Miss Emma Bayer
  10. Miss Anna Beck
  11. Mr. Moses Bendheim
  12. Mr. Ernst Bendschneider
  13. Mrs. Ernst Bendschneider
  14. Miss Marie Bittermann
  15. Miss Hedwig Braun
  16. Miss Meta Brüning
  17. Miss Jenny Buck
  18. Mrs. Frida Bühler
  19. Anita Bühler
  20. Mrs. Frieda Burkhart
  21. Mr. Rudolf Dreyer
  22. Mr. Heinrich Ebeling
  23. Miss Louise Eberle
  24. Mr. Nicolai Ebner
  25. Mrs. Nicolai Ebner
  26. Miss Else Effinger
  27. Miss Dorothea Emig
  28. Miss Frieda Enders
  29. Mr. Wilhelm Eppeler
  30. Mr. Conrad Feickert
  31. Mr. Gerrit Fiddelaar
  32. Mrs. Friedericke Föll
  33. Mrs. Henny Friedlaender
  34. Mr. Johann Otto Früh
  35. Mr. Francesco Gattorna
  36. Mr. Alois Geiger
  37. Miss Emma Gevert
  38. Miss Maria Grimm
  39. Mrs. Gertrude Gruning
  40. Mrs. Karin van der Gyze
  41. Miss Lina Hagen
  42. Mr. Amandus Halbeck
  43. Miss Liddy Hamann
  44. Mr. Paul Haubold
  45. Miss Maria Hehl
  46. Mrs. Margarete Hemmerling
  47. Mr. Erwin Hieber
  48. Miss Martha Hinterberger
  49. Alexander Höbling
  50. Miss Karoline Hofmann
  51. Mrs. Klara Hofmann
  52. Mr. Dr. Eugen Hutzenlaub
  53. Mrs. Mathilde Kaiser
  54. Therese Knapp
  55. Mr. Erwin Knecht
  56. Miss Else Knöfel
  57. Mr. Julius Koch
  58. Miss Else Köster
  59. Mr. Wilhelm Kranz
  60. Mr. Jiri Kraupner
  61. Mr. Martin Küber
  62. Mr. Theodor Lorch
  63. Miss Hedwig Maier
  64. Mr. Josef Makay
  65. Mrs. Josef Makay
  66. Mrs. Henriette Markes
  67. Mr. August Martin
  68. Mr. Wilhelm Marx
  69. Miss Margareta Meissel
  70. Mr. Kurt Mende
  71. Mr. George Mertz
  72. Miss Marie Methling
  73. Miss Anna Metzler
  74. Mr. Paul Miche
  75. Mrs. Paul Miehe
  76. Mr. Leo Neuberger
  77. Miss Rosa Neuthard
  78. Mr. Henry Niebuhr
  79. Miss Elisabeth Niedermayr
  80. Mr. Erich Nufer
  81. Mr. Walter Nufer
  82. Mrs. Jenny Otto
  83. Mr. Alfred Plate
  84. Miss Helene Poirier
  85. Mr. Immanuel Pongs
  86. Mr. Otto-Siefr. Pongs
  87. Mrs. Bertha Pouchan
  88. Miss Betty Rapp
  89. Miss Ursula Reichle
  90. Mr. Ferdinand Reuter
  91. Mrs. Alice Rieckmann
  92. Miss Marie Rimek
  93. Mr. Luitpold Ripperger
  94. Mrs. Anna Ritz
  95. Miss Agnes Rothmann
  96. Mr. Alfred Russmann
  97. Mr. Karl Salat
  98. Mrs. Karl Salat
  99. Miss Rosa Sauer
  100. Miss Elly Scheibe
  101. Mr. Flans Scheichl
  102. Mrs. Hans Scheichl
  103. Miss Johanna Schlich
  104. Miss Frieda Schmitt
  105. Miss Lina Schneider
  106. Miss Bertha Schönstein
  107. Mr. W. G. Schröder
  108. Mrs. Mary Seman
  109. Mr. Michael Seman
  110. Miss Margarete Senger
  111. Mr. Dr. Wilhelm Sicher
  112. Miss Helene Sievers
  113. Mr. Herbert Spreitzer
  114. Miss Flisabetha Springman
  115. Mr. Wilhelm Stegmann
  116. Miss Helene Stroh
  117. Mr. John Tschorner
  118. Miss Marie Unseld
  119. Miss Frida Vidi
  120. Miss Elisabeth Voegeli
  121. Miss Frieda Voigt
  122. Mr. Albert Wahle
  123. Mrs. Albert Wahle
  124. Hans Wahle
  125. Mr. Hans Waldheim
  126. Miss Emma Walz
  127. Miss Clara Walz
  128. Mr. Gustav Weber
  129. Miss Elisabeth Weidner
  130. Mr. Arthur Weise
  131. Mrs. Arthur Weise
  132. Waltraut Weise
  133. Mr. Martin Weiser
  134. Mr. Willy Weiß
  135. Miss Emma Weissenburger
  136. Miss Emilie Wiedmann
  137. Mr. Adolf Wolf
  138. Mr. Theodor Wolf
  139. Mrs. Anni Zoppik



  1. Mrs. Käthe Hauert
  2. Mr. Allan W. Mackay
  3. Mr. Rudolf Schwicker
  4. Mrs. Rudolf Schwicker
  5. Mr. Edgar Weinberg


Information for Passengers


The New York Office of the Hamburg-Amerika Linie has made arrangements that mail addressed to passengers arriving in New York may be obtained at the principal exit on the upper floor of the Pier. This only applies to such letters, etc., that arrive too late to be delivered to passengers on board during their stay at the quarantine station.

Passengers are reminded that the porters on the New York piers are not allowed to ask for gratuities in consideration of the handling of passengers' baggage, they being paid sufficient wages for their services. If, nevertheless, any porter should demand payment for handling such baggage, passengers are requested to note the number plate on his cap and to report him to one of the uniformed policemen on the pier.

In order to assure quietness throughout the ship, passengers are respectfully requested not to use the promenade deck for promenading purposes during the hours between 11:00 pm and 7:00 am

On arrival in New York the "Landing card" attached to your ticket is to be handed to the Immigration Officer for endorsement. First-class passengers will receive the landing cards by the purser during the voyage.

Wireless advance bookings of Pullman, sleeping and parlor car accommodation for the journey from New York to places situated in the interior may be effected on board through the intermediary of the purser.

Baggage Insurance. Passengers who omitted, prior to the commencement of their passage, to insure their baggage against all or any risks can still do so, at moderate rates of premium and at favourable terms, upon application to the purser or baggage master on board.


All passengers intending to proceed to the United States, Including non-American citizens resident in the United States, are required to pay, previous to their departure, the head tax of eight dollars U. S. currency imposed by the United States Government.

This tax is not payable by:

  1. American citizens capable of producing an American passport as evidence of their nationality;
  2. Children below 16 accompanied by their parents or one of them;
  3. Diplomatic or consular representatives and other duly authorized government officials, including their suites and families, irrespective of the purpose for which they desire to proceed to the United States, but only if they can produce a diplomatic passport;
  4. Passengers intending to proceed to Canada via the United States, provide that, upon their landing in the United States, they are in possession of railroad ticket entitling them to travel to some Canadian destination.

Non-American women married to American citizens subsequent to September 21, 1922, are required to pay the tax. Non-Americans proceeding to the United States on a visit or for business purposes, who do not intend to stay for more than 59 days, are also required to pay the tax, but may have the amount refunded to them upon application, provided that

  1. They enter, upon their departure for New York, the words: "No longer than 59 days" in reply to question No. 24 of the questionnaire to be filled in by non-American passengers, and that
  2. They advise the immigration officer in New York, upon arriving there, of their intention not to stay for more than 59 days, and that they obtain from said official a so-called transit certificate, form No. 514.

Such transit certificate, however, is only valid if the period of 59 days is not exceeded, and if the purser or captain (or his representative) of the steamer by which the passenger returns or continues his voyage, has entered a note stating the name of the steamer and the date of her departure from the United States, adding his signature as well.

Persons continuing their voyage from the United States to other countries by rail, are required to produce said certificate to the conductor who will enter the date and the train number when crossing the United States frontier.

The transit certificate must be returned to the Immigration Authorities, Washington, within 120 days of the date of the passenger's arrival in New York.

This must be effected through the intermediary of the shipping company whose steamer the passenger used for his voyage to the United States.

Applications for refunding the head tax are disregarded if this period is exceeded. The amount of the tax. however, may also be refunded to the passenger against his returning the transit certificate to the office of the Hamburg-Amerika Linie at the place of embarkment in New York previous to his departure from New York, or, during his return from America to Europe, to the purser on board, or, upon arriving in Hamburg, to the office of the Hamburg-Amerika Linie, Abteilung Personenverkehr, Alsterdamm 25, Hamburg.

On the B-Deck of the SS HAMBURG

An Office of the Tourist Department has been established. This Office furnishes information to passengers concerning the sailings of the steamers, the railway services from port of arrival into the interior, the air service and all other arrangements of the Hamburg-Amerika Linie. It also provides information with regard to customhouse and passport arrangements and other questions which are of importance to travelers. At the Office tickets are issued for railroads and steamers to all parts of the world.


Voyage Logbook from the SS Hamburg of the Hamburg America Line, Departing Friday, 15 March 1929 from Hamburg to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer and Southampton

Voyage Logbook from the SS Hamburg of the Hamburg America Line, Departing Friday, 15 March 1929 from Hamburg to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer and Southampton. GGA Image ID # 177656d377


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