google RMS Dominion Passenger List - 19 August 1909 | GG Archives

RMS Dominion Passenger List - 19 August 1909

Front Cover, Second Class Passenger List for the RMS Dominion of the Dominion Line, Departing 19 August 1909 from Liverpool for Québec and Montréal.

Front Cover, Second Class Passenger List for the RMS Dominion of the Dominion Line, Departing 19 August 1909 from Liverpool for Québec and Montréal, Commanded by Captain W. L. Mendus. GGA Image ID # 1f0499746b


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Captain: W. L. Mendus
  2. Surgeon: Dr. C. C. Morrell
  3. Chief Steward: Thos. Smith


Second Class Passengers

  1. Alexander, Mrs., Child and Infant
  2. Alders Miss
  3. Allsopp, Mrs
  4. Anderson, Mr. H. C
  5. Anderson, Miss E
  6. Anderson, Miss S
  7. Andrews, Mr. W. N
  8. Andrews, Master D. M
  9. Anthony, Miss Eliz. W
  10. Armstrong, Mrs. C. H
  11. Ashton, Mr. C. H
  12. Ashton, Mrs
  13. Ashton, Miss Madeline
  14. Ashton, Miss Annette
  15. Austin, Miss E. L
  16. Aydelott, Miss E
  17. Baike, Miss E
  18. Baker, Miss A
  19. Baker, Mr. S
  20. Baker, Mrs
  21. Baker, Miss Elsie M
  22. Baker, Miss Gladys H
  23. Barber, Mrs. Ellen R. M
  24. Barber, Miss Olive E
  25. Batkin, Mr. W. H
  26. Bauer, Dr. J. A
  27. Bauer, Mrs. C. C
  28. Bauer, Miss B. M
  29. Bauer, Miss B. F
  30. Bauer, Mr. G. N
  31. Bauer, Mrs. and Infant
  32. Baylis, Mrs. Ellen
  33. Bell, Miss Mary
  34. Bennett, Mr. F. W
  35. Bentlif, Surg. Lt.-Col. P.B
  36. Bernhard. Mr. H
  37. Blackman, Mr. P
  38. Blandford, Mr. W. A. J
  39. Bowers, Mrs. Alice
  40. Boyd, Miss Stella
  41. Breasay, Miss Des
  42. Brickman, Mr. Hyman
  43. Brown, Miss Mary
  44. Brunt, Mr. R. A
  45. Buehler, Dr. W. E
  46. Bullock. Miss Jessie
  47. Burke, Miss E
  48. Cain, Mr. L, P
  49. Carter, Mr. W. C
  50. Casey, Mrs. T
  51. Casey, Miss M
  52. Caswell. Mrs. May
  53. Chaloner, Miss Laura
  54. Clancy, Miss Marion
  55. Coburn, Miss H. G
  56. Coburn, Miss Eliz
  57. Colombo, Mr. G
  58. Cooke, Dr. A. B
  59. Costello, Miss Hadie
  60. Courtney, Master Kenneth
  61. Crouch, Mr. H. B
  62. Curtis, Colonel J
  63. Day, Mr. Alfred
  64. Day, Mr. A
  65. Derbyshire, Mrs. Rhoda
  66. Derbyshire. Master L
  67. Derbyshire, Master James
  68. Dewsnup, Mr. E. R
  69. D'Ivry, Mr. R.O
  70. D'Ivry, Mrs
  71. D'Ivry, Miss B.
  72. Dodd, Miss H. E
  73. Draper, Mr. H. W
  74. Draper, Mr. C. H
  75. Draper, Mrs
  76. Dronsfield, Mrs. M. A
  77. Drury, Miss
  78. Durand, Mr. G. H
  79. Durand, Mrs
  80. Durand, Master H. F
  81. Ehernan, Mr. D
  82. Eheman, Mrs. and Infant
  83. Ellis, Mr
  84. Ellis, Miss Ruth
  85. Fairbrother, Rev. Dr. A
  86. Fairbrother, Miss M
  87. Falle, Mr. Edward H
  88. Ferrier, Mrs. James
  89. Ferrier, Miss
  90. Ferrier, Miss Alice
  91. Fitzgerald, Mr. Cecil H
  92. Fleischer, Miss Rose
  93. Fleischer, Miss C
  94. Fletcher, Mr. G. G
  95. Fletcher, Mrs
  96. Fletcher, Miss N
  97. Floyd, Mrs. W
  98. Force, Miss Jennie
  99. Foster, Mr. J. E
  100. Fraser, Rev. B. I
  101. Frayne, Mrs
  102. Fuller; Miss Mary
  103. Garner, Miss Margaret
  104. Garner, Miss Florence H
  105. Garratt, Mr. P. C
  106. Garratt, Dr. A. H
  107. Garratt, Mrs
  108. Gaynor, Mr. W. Stafford
  109. George, Miss Annie E
  110. Gilruth, Miss G
  111. Goodger, Rev. A
  112. Graydon. Mr. F
  113. Graydon, Mrs. M. E. and Infant
  114. Graydon, Miss A
  115. Henderson, Mrs. J. Venn
  116. Hendrick, Mr. H. H
  117. Henry, Mr. R
  118. Herbert, Miss M
  119. Hermann, Mr. E
  120. Hess, Miss Julia
  121. Hewitt, Miss M. G
  122. Hills, Miss Grace
  123. Hopkins. Mr. F. W
  124. Hopkins, Mrs
  125. Hughes, Mrs
  126. Hughes, Mr
  127. Hughes, Mr
  128. Mum, Miss Marjorie
  129. Hurrell, Mr. A. C
  130. Hurrell, Mrs
  131. Ibbetson, Mrs. B
  132. Irwin, Miss Laura E
  133. Hall, Mrs. L. W
  134. Hall, Miss H
  135. Hallocb, Miss Mary E
  136. Hargreaves, Mr. G
  137. Hargreaves, Mrs
  138. Hargreaves, Miss Eva
  139. Hargreaves, Master S
  140. Harris, Mr. C
  141. Harris, Mrs. F
  142. Harris. Miss C. M
  143. Harris, Miss Edith
  144. Harrison, Miss M V
  145. James, Miss Helen
  146. Jassey, Mr. C. Schultz
  147. Jassey, Mrs
  148. Johnson, Mrs. F
  149. Johnson, Miss A. A
  150. Johnson, Miss W. C
  151. Jones, Miss P. P
  152. Kanally, Mr. C. M
  153. Kannally, Miss M. G
  154. Kay. Miss M. J
  155. Kellog, Miss
  156. Kershaw, Mr. G. E
  157. King, Miss L
  158. Kleeting, Mrs. Mary
  159. Kleeting, Master Cecil
  160. Kleeting, Miss Edith
  161. Kupiainen, Miss Ida
  162. Lamonreux, Mr. Joseph
  163. Lamoureux, Mr. A
  164. Laslamore, Mrs. Elsie
  165. Leonard, Mr. James
  166. Leonard, Mrs
  167. Leonard, Master John J
  168. Lightstone, pr. Hyman
  169. Long, Mrs. C. H
  170. Long, Miss Frances
  171. Low, Mrs
  172. Low, Miss
  173. Lusk, Mr. John
  174. Luttrell, Miss Estella
  175. McDermott, Miss A
  176. McKechnie, Mr. A. A
  177. McKechnie, Mrs
  178. McKechnie. Mr. A
  179. McMaster, Mr. H. G
  180. McMaster, Mr. Douglas S
  181. Meyer, Miss A. B
  182. Mitchel, Mrs. W. P
  183. Mitson, Miss
  184. Montgomery, Miss L
  185. Montgomery, Miss
  186. Morgans, Mr. Alfred
  187. Morgan, Rev. G. A
  188. Morris, Mr. H
  189. Morrison, Miss Amy
  190. Mullins, Miss Ellen
  191. Munroe, Miss
  192. Murphy, Mr. M
  193. Neish. Miss Ada
  194. Neish, Miss Laura
  195. Mackay, Mrs. R
  196. MacPherson, Miss
  197. MacLaurin, Miss Emma
  198. MacLeod, Mr. A. R
  199. Maguire, Mr. T. F
  200. Maling, Mr. E. H
  201. Manson, Miss H. S
  202. Manson, Miss F. M
  203. Manson, Miss A
  204. Merrick, Miss M
  205. 0'Hagan, Dr. Thomas
  206. Oldcorn, Mr. Robert
  207. Oliver, Miss F
  208. Overman, Miss Georgia
  209. Parks, Miss M
  210. Parry, Mr. A. J
  211. Parry, Mrs. W. B
  212. Partridge, Miss M. E
  213. Pearlman, Mr. Harry
  214. Prats, Mr. J. W
  215. Preece, Miss M.D.
  216. Preston, Mr. Harry B
  217. Poile, Miss
  218. Powell, Miss Ida
  219. Prestwich, Miss Eva H
  220. Purdy, Miss J
  221. Rhodes, Mr. W
  222. Richardson, Miss J. L. M
  223. Ricks. Rev. W. B
  224. Ridley, Mrs. Roberta
  225. Ross, Miss M. E
  226. Ross, Miss Mina
  227. Smith, Miss
  228. Southgate, Mr. George
  229. Southgate, Miss Margery
  230. Soyar, Mrs. Joan V
  231. Spry, Miss Daisy
  232. Sturgess, Miss Georgiana
  233. Stevenson, Miss
  234. Stevenson, Miss M
  235. Stone, Prof. E. A
  236. Stone, Mrs
  237. Stone, Master R
  238. Stowe, Rev. J. J
  239. Strickland, Mr. G: A
  240. Sanders, Miss Marie
  241. Schweikert, Mr. H
  242. Scott, Mrs
  243. Seger, Mr. C
  244. Selts, Mr. H. W
  245. Senter, Miss Sara
  246. Sharman, Mr. C. C
  247. Shaw, Mr. Arthur
  248. Sheehan, Miss G
  249. Sheehan, Miss S
  250. Sibley, Miss Helen
  251. Simpson, Mr. H. C
  252. Sims, Mrs. J. J
  253. Slack, Mrs. M. A
  254. Slack, Miss Annie
  255. Smith, Mr. G. R
  256. Smith, Miss K. E
  257. Taylor, Rev. W. B
  258. Taylor, Mrs. Mary
  259. Templeton, Mrs. S. A
  260. Thayer, Miss Ada F
  261. Thomas, Mr. J. H
  262. Thomas, Mrs
  263. Thomas, Miss E. K
  264. Thomas, Miss A. R. M
  265. Thomas. Mr. H. P
  266. Thompson, Miss Ida
  267. Tillinghast, Mrs. T. N
  268. Trint, Dr. Amelia Earle
  269. Tschanz, Miss A
  270. Tucker, Mr. C. C
  271. Tucker, Mrs
  272. Turrell, Mr. C. A
  273. Tike, Mr
  274. Udall, Mr. C
  275. Valentine, Mr. D. W
  276. Van Muys, Miss C
  277. Varley, Mrs
  278. Verner, Mr. George B
  279. Wake, Miss Ethel
  280. Wagner, Miss I
  281. Wakeham, Mrs. W. R
  282. Wakeham, Miss M
  283. Wakeham, Maker W. C
  284. Wakeham, Master J
  285. Walker, Dr. F. W
  286. Wallace, Mr. Andrew
  287. Wallace, Mrs
  288. Wallace. Miss Agnes
  289. Wallace, Miss Martha
  290. Warner, Mrs. Emerson
  291. Watkins, Miss Dora
  292. Watson, Mrs. B. O
  293. Watson, Master W. G
  294. Watson, Mr. H. R
  295. Watson, Mrs. R. R
  296. Watt, Miss A. M
  297. Webb, Miss B. O
  298. White, Mr. A
  299. White, Mrs
  300. Whittaker, Mrs. G. and Infant
  301. Wilkins, Mrs. E. S
  302. Wilkins, Miss E. G
  303. Wilkins, Miss
  304. Williams, Mr. W
  305. Williams, Mrs
  306. Williams, Miss Clara
  307. Williams, Miss BeVe
  308. Williams, Miss Gertrude
  309. Williamson, Rev. John
  310. Wilson, Miss S. M
  311. Woodhead, Mr. A. M
  312. Woodhouse, Miss L
  313. Woodhouse, Miss M
  314. Woodward, Miss E. P
  315. Worsley, Mr. W
  316. Worsley, Mrs
  317. Worsley, Miss E
  318. Yost, Miss Mary


Information for Passengers

Landing Arrangements at Montreal.

Should The Steamer Arrive at The Montreal Wharf After 8:00 pm, Passengers Have The Option of Remaining on Board Overnight and Landing After Breakfast On The Following Morning.

White Star—Dominion Canadian Service.

Second Class.


  • Breakfast 8:00 am
  • Luncheon 12:30 pm
  • Dinner 6:00 pm

The Bar closes at 11 pm Lights are extinguished in the Saloon at 11:00 pm, and in the Smoking Room at 11:30 pm Smoking is not allowed in the Saloon or State-rooms. Please apply to the Second Steward for Seats at Table.

MARCONIGRAMS.—The " Laurentic " Megantic," " Canada," and Dominion," are fitted with Marconi Wireless System of Telegraphy, and messages for despatch should be handed to the Saloon Steward.

The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject in each case to the approval of the Commander, for treating any Passengers at their request for any illness not originating on board the ship. In the case of sickness developed on board, no charge will be made and medicine will be provided free in all circumstances.

Valuables.—The Company will not be responsible for Money, Jewellery and other Valuables of Passengers.

Passengers are warned not to keep such articles in their Staterooms, but are recommended to hand same, sealed, and marked with the owner's name, to the Purser for deposit in his safe, but as no charge- is made for carriage, the Company can accept no responsibility for loss or damage however arising.

For the convenience of Passengers the Purser is prepared to exchange a limited amount of English and American money. The rate of exchange will be 4 dollars 8o cents. to the when giving American in exchange for English currency, and Li to 4 dollars 95 cents. when giving English money for American.

Inquiries regarding Baggage will be attended to by the Baggage Steward, to whom all Baggage which Passengers wish to leave in the Company's care should be handed, properly labelled, and with full instructions as to disposal.

Steamer Chairs can be obtained for use on the voyage, at a charge of 3s. each, upon application to the Deck Steward.

Baggage.—Only hand bags and trunks which will fit underneath the berths are allowed in the state-rooms. All large or heavy luggage must be placed in the baggage-room, to which access can be gained by applying to the Baggage Steward.

Automobile Tours.—Arrangements have been made whereby Passengers by the White Star—Dominion Canadian Service can hire automobiles to meet them on arrival of the steamer at Liverpool, for tours in the British Isles or on the Continent. Orders may be sent from Canada or the United States through the Company's Offices, or direct from the steamer by the aid of the Marconi Wireless Telegraph.

Passengers will greatly expedite the disembarkation if they will have their state-room baggage packed ready for removal directly on arrival, so that the transfer may at once be proceeded with.

Persons holding Return Certificates should give as early notice as possible of the date upon which they desire to sail Eastbound to the White Star—Dominion Canadian Service, Bell Telephone Buildings, 118, Notre Dame Street West, Montreal.

Letters may be addressed to the care of any of the Offices named herein, and they will r be retained until called for, or forwarded according to instructions. All such letters should bear the address to which they should be sent if not called for.

Travellers' Cheques, payable in all parts of Europe, can be purchased at all the Principal Offices of the White Star—Dominion Canadian Service.


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