RMS Carinthia Passenger List - 26 August 1932

Front Cover, Cunard Line RMS Carinthia Tourist Class Passenger List - 26 August 1932.

Front Cover of a Tourist Class Passenger List from the RMS Carinthia of the Cunard Line, Departing Friday, 26 August 1932 from New York to London via Plymouth and Le Havre, Commanded by Captain P. A. Murchie, OBE, RD, RNR. GGA Image ID # 130d0c7e96


Senior Officers and Staff

  • Commander: CAPTAIN P. A. MURCH1E, O.B.E., R.D., R.N.R.
  • Chief Officer‭: ‬R. J. Finlow, R.D., R.N.R.
  • Chief Engineer: J. A. Bell
  • Surgeon: H. Scudamore
  • Purser: W. H. Harkness
  • Asst. Purser: A. E. Martin
  • Tourist Class Purser: E. G. Thomas
  • Chief Steward: J. Smith
  • Tourist Class Steward: D. Pearce


Tourist Class Passengers

  1. Armstrong, Miss M. I.
  2. Arnold, Mr. John
  3. Baker, Miss Alice
  4. Barkovv, Mrs. V. E.
  5. Bentley, Mr. W.
  6. Bentley, Mrs.
  7. Bentley, Master David
  8. Bentley, Miss Margaret
  9. Blauvelt, Miss Vic
  10. Crook, Miss Winifred
  11. Dawkins, Mrs. M. A.
  12. Duckworth. Mrs. Jean
  13. Farrell, Miss C.
  14. Flaherty, Miss Anna
  15. Fox, Mr. John
  16. Gillie, Miss Mildred
  17. Greenham. Miss G.
  18. Hackeng, Mr. D. E.
  19. Hall, Mrs. E. M. G.
  20. Hall, Miss G.
  21. Kamholz, Miss Eleanor
  22. Keem, Mr. George
  23. Keith, Mrs. C. R.
  24. Keith, Miss J. L.
  25. Kruspitzer, Mrs. E.
  26. Landis, Mr. J.
  27. Lemon, Mr. Alan D.
  28. Locke, Miss A.
  29. Loscalzo, Mrs. Marjorie
  30. Loscalzo, Master Peter
  31. Loscalzo, Miss Cora
  32. Lutz, Father Daniel
  33. Martin, Mrs. H.
  34. Penon, Mr. T. G.
  35. Penon, Mrs.
  36. Peters, Miss Hilda, M.
  37. Piershell, Mr. Walter
  38. Robbins, Dr. J. C.
  39. Robbins, Mrs.
  40. Rolls, Miss Gladys
  41. Smith. Mr. Samuel
  42. Smith, Mrs.
  43. Smith, Mr. C. B.
  44. Smith, Mrs.
  45. Sweet, Mr. F. G.
  46. Tee, Mrs. A. C.
  47. Thomas, Mrs. Eizabeth
  48. de Transehe, Miss T.
  49. Weishaupt, AIiss Elise


  1. Mr. G. Alders
  2. Mr. P. Andy
  3. Mr. J. H. Bader
  4. Miiss R. Batcheller
  5. Rev. S. Biagini
  6. Mrs. T. L. Benamy
  7. Miss G. Cohl
  8. Miss C. Cohl
  9. Miss Iris Foster
  10. Miss H. M. Fitzgerald
  11. Mr. O. Frederiksen
  12. Mrs. frederiksen
  13. Miss E. Frederiksen
  14. Master M. O. Frederiksen
  15. Miss C. Garcia
  16. Mr. John A. Lane
  17. Mr. J. J. Mossellem
  18. Mr. Julian M. Miller
  19. Mrs. T. Monti
  20. Mr. S. Reed
  21. Miss C. Monti
  22. Mr. A. Gouroviteh-Raelimanoff
  23. Miss A. T. Sweenev
  24. Mr. A. Schlessing
  25. Mr. Nick Chuvaras
  26. Mrs. Olga Tritt
  27. Mr. L. Mayoral-Vasquez
  28. Mrs. R. Walker
  29. Mr. L. Walker
  30. Mr. E. J. Watkinson


  1. Mr. L. Azarch
  2. iMr. J. Battler
  3. Mrs. Battler and child
  4. Mr. A. Bernard
  5. Mr. Eiscndero
  6. Miss A. Hyvonen
  7. Mr. O. Linqnist
  8. Mrs. E. McKinley
  9. Mr. W. G. Mann
  10. Mrs. B. Resnick
  11. Mrs. M. Rollings
  12. Miss H. Sagel


  1. Mrs. Guéria
  2. Mr. H. McEwen


  • Mrs. A. Cohen should read Miss A. Cohen
  • Miss C. Nomava should read Miss C. Nohava
  • Mr. T. Ongarot should read Mr. T. Ongaro
  • Mrs. Ongarot should read Mrs. Ongaro


  • Total Tourist Class Passengers: 206 (Only 65 were included in this passenger list)



Passengers returning to Europe in Cunard Line steamers may—on presentation of the necessary documents—namely:—Transit Certificate Form 514. completed, and the Company’s receipt for the Head Tax paid—obtain refund of Head Tax from the Purser, provided they have left the U. S. within the prescribed period of 60 days, and there is time for the completed form 514 to he filed with the U. S. Authorities within 120 days of passenger’s entry into the United Slates.

Although the period of time between arrival at a Canadian port and departure from the United Stale* may exceed 60 days, this does not necessarily mean that persons in this category are prohibited from se curing refund of Head Tax. so long as the actual period spent in the U. S. does not exceed 60 days The application for refund, however, must filed with the U. S. Immigration Authorities within 120 days of the actual date of crossing the border from Canada into the U. S.

Note:—Passengers who have not paid the Head Tax, in consequence of their holding return tickets or being in transit to points outside the United States, will kindly complete Form 514, which they will receive from the Immigration officials at New York, and forward same to the Cunard Line. 25 14 road way. New York, as soon as |possible after departure from the United States, or hand to the Purser of the steamer in which they return to the United Kingdom or Europe.


Passengers landing at Plymouth are subject to a levy of 4/- per head by the Great Western Railway at this port.

This figure covers the cost of landing passengers and the conveyance of baggage from the tender to the Custom House and to the train or such other means of transport as may be utilized.

Passengers paying for through transit prior to leaving the ship are assessed similarly, the amount being included in the cost of the rail ticket.


Cover, Cunard Line RMS Carinthia Tourist Class Passenger List - 26 August 1932.

Cover, Cunard Line RMS Carinthia Tourist Class Passenger List - 26 August 1932. GGA Image ID # 130d2f0b89


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