RMS Pretorian Passenger List - 16 August 1919


Front Cover, RMS Pretorian Cabin Passenger List of the Canadian Pacific Line, Departing 16 August 1919 from Liverpool for Québec and Montréal.

Front Cover, RMS Pretorian Cabin Passenger List of the Canadian Pacific Line, Departing 16 August 1919 from Liverpool for Québec and Montréal, Commanded by Captain J. Hall. GGA Image ID # 157d869098


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Captain: J. Hall, Commander
  2. Chief Officer: J. Thorburn
  3. Chief Engineer: A. Cumming
  4. Purser: I. Alexander
  5. Doctor: J. F. Brown
  6. Chief Steward: D. McIntosh


Cabin Passengers

  1. Mrs. M. J. Adair - Melfort, Sask
  2. Miss M. Adair and Infant - Melfort, Sask
  3. Mrs. I. M. Adam - Montreal, Que
  4. Miss A. E. Aitken - Rhynie, Scot
  5. Mrs. J. Aitken - Montreal, Que
  6. Mr. I. F. Anderson - Glasgow, Scot
  7. Mr. W. Ashworth - Manchester, Eng
  8. Mr. J. S. Barclay - St. John, N.B
  9. Mrs. A. Barclay - St. John, N.B
  10. Miss H. Barclay - St. John, N.B
  11. Mrs. G. J. Barker - London, Eng
  12. Mr. T. Barker and Infant - London, Eng
  13. Mr. R. Beatson - London, Eng
  14. Miss. A. Bennett - Preston, Eng
  15. Mr. E. Bliss - Winnipeg, Man
  16. Miss M. Briant - Waterford, Ont
  17. Mrs. C. Burroughs - Liverpool, Eng
  18. Mr. E. Butcher - Grenfell, Sask
  19. Mrs. Camblin - Edinburgh, Scot
  20. Mrs. W. Carr - London, Eng
  21. Mrs. B. Chandler - Vermillion, Alta
  22. Mrs. C. Chapman - London, Eng
  23. Mr. H. Chapman - Holden, Arta
  24. Miss M. Chapman - Holden, Alta
  25. Miss M. Chatterton - Regina, Sask
  26. Mr. E. D. Clarton - London, Eng
  27. Mrs. Clarton - London, Eng
  28. Miss R. S. M. Clements - Winnipeg. Man
  29. Miss S. M. Clements - Winnipeg, Man
  30. Mr. J. Coe - London, Eng
  31. Mrs. Coe - London, Eng
  32. Mrs. L. Edwards - Warrington, Eng
  33. Mr. J. Ewart - Glasgow, Scot
  34. Mr. J. W. Fisher - Blackpool, Eng
  35. Master W. Fisher - Blackpool, Eng
  36. Mr. R. E. Fowler - Liverpool, Eng
  37. Miss B. Frazer - Winnipeg, Man
  38. Miss R. J. Gablonsky - Sydney, N.S.W
  39. Miss J. Gale - Winnipeg, Man
  40. Mr. A. Gallancher - Gourock, Scot
  41. Mrs. J. Garden - Edinburgh, Scot
  42. Miss L. Gibbons - Liverpool, Eng
  43. Miss E. Coe - London, Eng
  44. Master R. Coe - London, Eng
  45. Miss A. Coldman - London, Eng
  46. Mr. W. Compton - London, Eng
  47. Miss E. Cossins - London, Eng
  48. Mr. C. Coulston - London, Eng
  49. Mr. C. C. Davis - Vancouver, B.C
  50. Mrs. H. M. Davis - Vancouver, B.C
  51. Mrs. C. M. M., Deane - Saskatoon, Sask
  52. Miss W. M. Deane - Saskatoon, Sask
  53. Miss S. M. Deane - Saskatoon, Sask
  54. Mrs. C. Dewar - Winnipeg, Man
  55. Mr. H. Dixon - Cobalt, Ont
  56. Mrs. M. Dixon - Cobalt, Ont
  57. Miss M. Douglas - Toronto, Ont
  58. Mr. J. Dowdell - London, Eng
  59. Mrs. Drew - London, Eng
  60. Miss. Drew - London, Eng
  61. Mr. F. L. Godfrey - Oldham, Eng
  62. Miss A. Gonny - Toronto, Ont
  63. Miss L. Gordon - South Shields, Eng
  64. Master M. Gordon - South Shields, Eng
  65. Master Wm. Gordon - South Shields, Eng
  66. Master W. Gordon - South Shields, Eng
  67. Mr. A. E. Gorton - Manchester, Eng
  68. Mrs. M. A. Gorton - Manchester, Eng
  69. Gorton, Miss J. - Manchester, Eng
  70. Gossett, Mr. M. P. - London, Eng
  71. Gott, Mr. J. A. Hull, Eng
  72. Gott, Mrs. E. - Hull, Eng
  73. Goulds, Mr. J. A. - London, Eng
  74. Gray, Miss A. - Montreal, Que
  75. Greenalgh, Mrs. - London, Eng
  76. Greenalgh, Miss M. - London, Eng
  77. Greenalgh, Miss E. - London, Eng
  78. Griffiths, Mrs. - Toronto, Ont
  79. Griffiths, Miss A. - Toronto, Ont
  80. Griffiths, Miss M. - Toronto, Ont
  81. Guthbridge, Mrs. M. - Liverpool, Eng
  82. Dr. A. Ham - London, Eng
  83. Mr. G. V. Hammond - Belfast, Ire
  84. Mr. J. H. Hammond - Belfast, Ire
  85. Mr. J. Hay - Nelson, B.C
  86. Mrs. B. Hay - Nelson, B.C
  87. Mr. H. H. Haynes, Cork, Ire
  88. Mrs. H. Henderson - London, Eng
  89. Master Henderson - London, Eng
  90. Miss A. Hindson - Hull, Eng
  91. Miss B. Hughes - Sharman, Sask
  92. Mrs. E. Hunt - Toronto, Ont
  93. Mr. J. Hutty - Liverpool, Eng
  94. Mr. J. A. Ingle - . London, Eng
  95. Mrs. E. Isom - Toronto, Ont
  96. Master W. Isom - . Toronto, Ont
  97. Miss I. Izard - London, Eng
  98. Mr. H. Jack - Inverness, Scot
  99. Mrs. H. Johnson - Saskatoon, Sask
  100. Mr. T. Jones - Vancouver, B.C
  101. Mr. G. F. Kirby - Montreal, Que
  102. Mrs. E. L. Kirby - Montreal, Que
  103. Mr. A. F. Knight - London, Eng
  104. Mr. F. E. W. Lake - Manchester, Eng
  105. Mr. P. E. Lingham - Hamilton, Ont
  106. Mr. H. Lumsden - Aberdeen, Scot
  107. Mr. J. Mackenzie - ..Winnipeg, Man
  108. Mrs. C. Mackenzie - ..Winnipeg, Man
  109. Miss N. Mackenzie - ..Winnipeg, Man
  110. Miss R. Mackenzie - ..Winnipeg, Man
  111. Mr. J. Macpherson - Toronto, Ont
  112. Mrs. Macpherson - Toronto, Ont
  113. Miss F. M. Marston - London, Eng
  114. Mrs. A. Matthews - Montreal, Que
  115. Mr. H. Matthews - Montreal, Que
  116. Mrs. M. McAdam - Toronto, Ont
  117. Miss M. L. McCrone - Southampton, Eng
  118. Mr. McDonald - Glasgow, Scot
  119. M. P. Mcllvride - Welland, Ont
  120. Mr. P. McNaughton - Pitman, Sask
  121. Mrs. M. McQuaker - Glasgow, Scot
  122. Miss C. McQuaker - Glasgow, Scot
  123. Mr. Wm. Moat - London, Eng
  124. Miss Miller - Manchester, Eng
  125. Mr. J. Mingary - London, Eng
  126. Mrs. Mingary - London, Eng
  127. Mingary, Miss - London, Eng
  128. Miss D. Mingary - London, Eng
  129. Miss P. Mingary - London, Eng
  130. Mr. H. Mingary - London, Eng
  131. Mr. W. Mingary - London, Eng
  132. Mr. G. Mitchell - London, Eng
  133. Miss M. S. Mitchell - London, Eng
  134. Miss. E. Morrey - Wakefield, Eng
  135. Mr. R. Nicholson - London, Eng
  136. Mrs. E. Norris - Edmonton, Alta
  137. Mr. R. B. Oliver - Oldham, Eng
  138. Mrs. Orrell - Manchester, Eng
  139. Mrs. L. Paterson - Brighton, Eng
  140. Miss H. L. Paterson - Brighton, Eng
  141. Miss E. Pescott - London, Eng
  142. Miss M. Pescott - London, Eng
  143. Mrs. M. A. Pike - Victoria, B.C
  144. Miss M. Preston - Toronto, Ont
  145. Mr. W. S. Porteous - London, Eng
  146. Mrs. E. Prosser - Toronto, Ont
  147. Mr. C. Pryce - Hong Kong, China
  148. Mrs. Pryce - Hong Kong, China
  149. Miss E. Pybus - Toronto, Ont
  150. Mrs. E. Pyke - Toronto, Ont
  151. Mr. A. J. Quelch - . London, Eng
  152. Mr. J. Ralph - Toronto, Ont
  153. Mrs. Ralph - Toronto, Ont
  154. Mr. F. Ramsden - Regina, Sask
  155. Mr. J. Ridgway - Manchester, Eng
  156. Miss E. Roberts - Liverpool, Eng
  157. Miss Robinson - Manchester, Eng
  158. Mrs. Royle - Manchester, Eng
  159. Mr. J. H. Senior - London, Eng
  160. Mr. D. Senior - Toronto, Ont
  161. Miss M. Stephen - Calgary, Alta
  162. Miss E. M. Stephens - London, Eng
  163. Miss L. E. Stewart - London, Eng
  164. Miss R. L. Stewart - London, Eng
  165. Mrs. E. Strute - London, Eng
  166. Mrs. G. Sutherland - Ceylon, Sask
  167. Master G. Sutherland - Ceylon, Sask
  168. Mr. J. Sutherland - Ceylon, Sask
  169. Miss B. E. Sutton - Hull, Eng
  170. Dr. E. F. Taylor - Holden, Alta
  171. Miss M. Taylor - Holden, Alta
  172. Mr. R. S. Taylor - London, Eng
  173. Mr. J. Taylor - Toronto, Ont
  174. Mrs. J. Taylor - Toronto, Ont
  175. Miss E. Taylor - Toronto, Ont
  176. Miss C. Taylor - Toronto, Ont
  177. Master C. Taylor - Toronto, Ont
  178. Mr. H. Teal - Vancouver, B.C
  179. Mrs. Teal - Vancouver, B.C
  180. Mrs. E. Thorne - London, Eng
  181. Mrs. A. Tickle - Warrington, Eng
  182. Miss E. Turner - London, Eng
  183. Mrs. E. Vivian - Hamilton, Ont
  184. Miss M. Vivian - Hamilton, Ont
  185. Mr. A. F. Ward - Liverpool, Eng
  186. Mr. J. Watson - Glasgow, Scot
  187. Mr. J. Waugh - Toronto, Ont
  188. Mr. J. Westholme - London, Eng
  189. Miss P. Whitehead - Bolton, Eng
  190. Master J. Whitehead - Bolton, Eng
  191. Master G. Whitehead - Bolton, Eng
  192. Mr. F. J. Whittan - Liverpool, Eng
  193. Mrs. M. Williams - Saskatoon, Sask
  194. Mr. J. R.. Williams - Holyhead, N. Wales
  195. Rev. E. Wyle - Toronto, Ont
  196. Mr. T. Yates - Liverpool, Eng
  197. Mrs. L. Yeadon - Liverpool, Eng
  198. Miss E. Yeadon - Liverpool, Eng


Information for Passengers

Seats at Table—Arranged by Second Steward.

First Sitting
Second Sitting
7:30 am
8:30 am
12-00 noon
1-00 pm
6-00 pm
7:00 pm

Lights extinguished in Saloon at 11:00 pm, Cale and Music Room 11-50 pm, and Smoking Room midnight.

Bar closes at 11:00 pm

Divine Service in Saloon 10:30 am Sunday.

Deck Chairs provided free for use of Cabin Passengers.

Steamer Rugs may be rented at 4./- per voyage.

Money Exchange—The Purser will exchange a limited amount of English, Canadian, and American money.

The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject to the approval of the Commander, for attending Passengers at their request for illness not originating on board. In the case of sickness contracted on board no charge is made and medicine is provided free.

Valuables—A safe is provided in the Purser's 'Office for Passengers to deposit money and valuables for safe keeping, free of charge.

Montreal Debarkation—C.P.O.S. Ships dock at Sheds Nos. 7, 8, 9, to and ix.

Wireless Telegrams—Information can be obtained from the Purser. Passengers' Letters and Telegrams—Inquire for mail on arrival

Passengers are requested to give the Purser their name and address on the card provided for the purpose to facilitate the delivery of letters and telegrams which reach the Company after arrival.

Passengers traveling to or through the United States must have Visa of American Consul on passports. They should report to Purser as early as possible.

Canadian Rail Ticket Agents board steamers at Rimouski to exchange and issue rail orders.

The Canadian Pacific Telegraph Company have a representative on C.P.O.S. ships between Rimouski and Quebec to handle Passengers' telegrams.

Posting Letters at Sea—The Canadian Government notify that the Postal Administration of the United Kingdom and Canada have entered into an agreement whereby either British or Canadian postage stamps may be used for prepayment of correspondence posted on the high seas on board contract mail steamers between Canada and the United Kingdom, whether such correspondence be posted on the Eastbound or Westbound passage of the mail steamers.

Customs and Baggage
Special Delivery of Baggage

Canadian Pacific baggage officials and Canadian Government Customs officials meet Steamers on arrival, and arrange examination and checking of baggage through to the rail destination.

Immediately after Government inspection on arrival in port and tickets to inland destinations are obtained, Passengers should attend to the Customs examination of their baggage and forwarding by the Railway Agent who will give checks for same. Unless baggage is checked out by Passengers it will be held at their risk until claimed.

U.S. Customs. Officers are at Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, London, Ont., Winnipeg, Man., Banff (during Summer) and Vancouver, B.C., Stations to examine baggage destined for U.S. Passengers traveling to the U.S. via those points are recommended to have baggage examined at either place and avoid examination at International Boundary. Baggage from U.S. to. Canada, and vice versa, not examined at places named above must be examined at International Boundary, otherwise it will be held by Customs Passengers should attend personally to having their baggage examined by Customs. Officers.

Passengers for Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton, Winnipeg, Vancouver, or Victoria, and the larger cities in the Eastern United States, may have baggage checked by any agent of this Company through to any residence, hotel, steamship dock, or railway depot, in such cities. This is a convenience. The transfer charge is collected by the baggage master at time of checking.


Title Page and List of Senior Officers, SS Pretorian Cabin Passenger List, 16 August 1919.

Title Page and List of Senior Officers, SS Pretorian Cabin Passenger List, 16 August 1919. GGA Image ID # 212271eda4


Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-Quebec-Montreal, from 31 July 1919 to 30 October 1919.

Sailing Schedule, Liverpool-Quebec-Montreal, from 31 July 1919 to 30 October 1919. Ships Included the Corsican, Melita, Metagama, Minnedosa, Pretorian, Scandinavian, and Tunisian. SS Pretorian Cabin Passenger List, 16 August 1919. GGA Image ID # 2122abff4d


Westbound Sailing Schedule, Japan and China Royal Mail Service, from 29 May 1919 to 2 March 1920.

Westbound Sailing Schedule, Japan and China Royal Mail Service, from 29 May 1919 to 2 March 1920. Ships Included the Empress of Asia, Empress of Japan, Empress of Russia, and Monteagle. SS Pretorian Cabin Passenger List, 16 August 1919. GGA Image ID # 2122b7bea4


Eastbound Sailing Schedule, Japan and China Royal Mail Service, from 25 June 1919 to 9 February 1920. Ships Included the Empress of Asia, Empress of Japan, Empress of Russia, and Monteagle. SS Pretorian Cabin Passenger List, 16 August 1919. GGA Image ID #


Map of Lights Approaching Canada, SS Pretorian Cabin Passenger List, 16 August 1919.

Map of Lights Approaching Canada, SS Pretorian Cabin Passenger List, 16 August 1919. GGA Image ID # 2122d6fe5f


Cover, RMS Pretorian Passenger List - 16 August 1919

Back and Front Cover of the SS Pretorian 16 August 1919 Cabin Class Passenger List for the Canadian Pacific Line. GGA Image ID # 157d88df9d


Canadian Pacific Line (CPR-CPOS) Passenger List Collection - GG Archives

Canadian Pacific Line (CPR-CPOS) Passenger Lists

Canadian Pacific Line (CPR-CPOS) Ship Archival Collections

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