SS Empress of France Passenger List - 15 September 1953

Front Cover, SS Empress of France First Class and Tourist Passenger List - 15 September 1953

Front Cover of a First Class and Tourist Passenger List from the SS Empress of France of the Canadian Pacific Line (CPOS), Departing Tuesday, 15 September 1953 from Liverpool to Québec and Montréal, Commanded by Captain C. L. Bell, R.D., R.N.R. GGA Image ID # 1167709650


Senior Officers and Staff

  • Captain:  C. L. Bell, R.D., R.N.R.
  • Chief Officer: F. Granger, R.D., R.N.R.
  • Chief Engineer:  C. F. Thornton
  • Surgeon: E. W. Drury, M.B., Ch. B.
  • Purser: J. M. Jones
  • Second Purser: G. G. Hughes
  • Chief Steward:  E. Griffiths
  • Second Steward: A. Oldfield
  • Chief Tourist Steward: M. Ruffner
  • Rail Traffic Representative: R. W. Campbell


Empress of France, 30,000 Tons Gross Registry

Empress of France, 30,000 Tons Gross Registry. SS Empress of France Passenger List, 15 September 1953. GGA Image ID # 1167828a93


First Class Passengers

  1. Miss J. D. Adamson, Winnipeg
  2. Mrs. S. Alexander, Toronto
  3. Miss J. Alexander, Toronto
  4. Mrs. M. Allaway, Rosetown, Sask.
  5. Mr. C. R. Amies, London
  6. Mrs. Amies, London
  7. Miss G. M. Amies, London
  8. Miss J. M. Amies, London
  9. Mrs. H. Anderson, Belfast
  10. Mr. E. W. Annis, Winnipeg
  11. Mrs. Annis, Winnipeg
  12. Miss A. Anthony, Toronto
  13. Mrs. E. M. Arnold, Saskatoon
  14. Mr. W. Atkins, Toronto
  15. Mrs. Atkins, Toronto
  16. Mr. F. J. Austin, Torquay
  17. Mrs. Austin, Torquay
  18. Mr. C. F. Baker. Knowle, Eng.
  19. Mrs. Baker, Knowle, Eng.
  20. Sir John Barlow, Sandbach
  21. Miss R. Barr, Toronto
  22. Mr. A. Bates, London
  23. Mr. J. V. Beall. Coaldale, Alta.
  24. Mrs. Beall, Coaldale, Alta.
  25. Miss L V. Beall, Coaldale, Alu.
  26. Mstr. K. J. Bcall, Coaldale, Alta.
  27. Mr. S. Bell, Kingston, Ont.
  28. Mr. J. Bennett, Medford, Mass.
  29. Mrs. Bennett, Medford, Mass.
  30. Mrs. G. L. Bentley, Niagara Falls, Ont.
  31. Mr. K. Beshir, Boston, Mass.
  32. Mr. C- Bibby. Sudbury, Ont.
  33. Mrs. Bibby, Sudbury, Ont.
  34. Mr. F. P. Bishop
  35. Miss C. Black, Vancouver
  36. Mr. H. Booth, Winnipeg
  37. Mrs. Booth, Winnipeg
  38. Mrs. J. Bovill, Doagh, N.l.
  39. Mrs. M. S. Bowen, Vancouver
  40. Mr. P. J. Brady, Montreal
  41. Miss M. Brennan, Ottawa
  42. Miss M. Browning, Rockwood, Mich.
  43. Mr. J. Bryant, Woodstock, Ont.
  44. Miss I. M. Buccicone. Cary, Ind.
  45. Mrs. M. Buchanan, Lcpreau, N.B.
  46. Mr. E. Bulkeley, Lepreau, N.B.
  47. Mr. H. M. Burke. Atlanta, Ga.
  48. Mrs. Burke, Atlanta, Ga.
  49. Mstr. D. M. Burke, Atlanta, Ga.
  50. Mrs. A. Butterworth, Derby
  51. Mr. J. Byers, Calgary Mrs. Byers, Calgary
  52. Mrs. M. E. Campbell, Winnipeg
  53. Mr. F. H. Chambers, Toronto
  54. Mr. S. Y. Chow, Hong Kong
  55. Mr. J. Churnside, Woodstock, Ont.
  56.  Dr. M. L. Cline Mrs. Cline
  57. Mr. A. Cocks, Alberni, B.C.
  58. Mrs. Cocks, Alberni, B.C.
  59. Miss D. Cocks, Alberni, B.C.
  60. Mstr. R. Cocks. Alberni, B.C.
  61. Mr. N. Collett, Toronto
  62. Miss G. Cooper-Jones, Queenston, Ont.
  63. Mrs. R. Coughlan, Niagara Falls, Ont.
  64. Miss P. R. Coughlan, Niagara Falls, Ont.
  65. Mr. F. N. Cowley, Winnipeg
  66. Mrs. Cowley, Winnipeg
  67. Mrs. H. Crabtree, Montreal
  68. Prof. D. G. Creighton, Toronto
  69. Mrs. Creighton, Toronto
  70. Miss C. Creighton, Toronto
  71. Mr. L. A. Cribb, London
  72. Mr. J. W. Crompton
  73. Mrs. D. Cross, Winnipeg
  74. Mrs. B. J. Curry, Toronto
  75. Miss J. E. Cutting. Sheffield
  76. Mrs. L. Daley, Calgary
  77. Mr. A. Dance, Winnipeg
  78. The Hon. Senator W. Rupert Davies, Toronto
  79. Mrs. Davies, Toronto
  80. Mr. W. Dawes, Winnipeg
  81. Mrs. Dawes, Winnipeg
  82. Mr. G. H. Dawson, Milton, Ont.
  83. Mrs. Dawson, Milton, Ont.
  84. Mr. C. E. Dey, Winnipeg
  85. Mrs. Dey. Winnipeg
  86. Mrs. B. N. Dix, Yorkton, Sask.
  87. Miss B. E. E. Dix, Yorkton, Sask.
  88. Mr. F. Dowling, Toronto
  89. Mrs. Dowling, Toronto
  90. Miss M. Dryden, Glasgow
  91. Mr. J. R. Duke. Snr., Chicago, III.
  92. Mr. J. R. Duke, Jnr., Chicago, III.
  93. Dr. M. J. Dunbar, Montreal
  94. Mrs. Dunbar, Montreal
  95. Mstr. M. D. Dunbar, Montreal
  96. Mr. D. Dupre, London
  97. Mr. F. H. N. Eastman, London
  98. Mr. G. Ebbinghaus, Holenlimburg, Germany
  99. Mrs. R. Ebdon, Toronto
  100. Miss I. Edwards, York
  101. Mr. W. Ellis. Manchester
  102. Dr. M. W. Evans, Heathpool, Aust.
  103. Mrs. Evans, Heathpool, Aust.
  104. Mr. T. Ewen, Toronto
  105. Mrs. Ewen, Toronto
  106. Miss P. Ewen, Toronto
  107. Mrs. N. Eyre. Paswegin, Sask.
  108. Mr. J. Fagan, Chicago. III.
  109. Mrs. F. A. Fairbairn, Montreal
  110. Mr. G. Falconer, Stoke-on-Trent, Eng.
  111. Mr. D. Farrell, Gateshead-on-Tyne
  112. Mr. P. M. Ferguson, Mankato, Minn.
  113. Mrs. Ferguson, Mankato, Minn.
  114. Mr. F. A. W. Field
  115. Mrs. Field
  116. Mr. R. P. Fraser, Detroit
  117. Mrs. Fraser, Detroit
  118. Mr. P. H. Frohman
  119. Mrs. Frohman
  120. Miss M. Frohman
  121. Miss P. Frohman
  122. Mr. H. P. J. Fry, Winnipeg
  123. Miss L. Fuller, Dishforth, Eng.
  124. Mrs. C. F. Fullerton, Toronto
  125. Mr. E. E. Fulleylove, Lloydminster
  126. Mrs. Fulleylove, Lloydminster
  127. Mr. A. J. Gale, F.I.A., Cheam
  128. Mr. A. W. Gamage, London
  129. Mr. E. Gargett, Medicine Hat
  130. Mrs. Gargett, Medicine Hat
  131. Mr. F. W. Garlick, Toronto
  132. Mr. F. W. Garnett, Bradford
  133. Mrs. Garnett, Bradford
  134. Miss E. A. Garnett, Bradford
  135. Dr. I. Gogan, Dublin
  136. Mr. J. Green, London
  137. Lady Lavinia M. Green, London
  138. Mr. J. R. Greig, Glasgow
  139. Mr. J. B. Hamilton, Sebastopol, Cal.
  140. Mrs. Hamilton, Sebastopol. Cal.
  141. Mrs. P. Hamwee, Melville, Sask.
  142. Miss J. Hamwee. Melville, Sask.
  143. Miss B. Hamwee. Melville, Sask.
  144. Mrs. M. Hanagan, Thirsk
  145. Miss J. C. A. Harley, Balloch, Scot.
  146. Mrs. E. Harlin, Seattle, Wash.
  147. Mr. F. W. Harrington, Cork
  148. Mrs. Harrington, Cork
  149. Capt. E. Harris, Ottawa
  150. Mrs. Harris, Ottawa
  151. Mr. E. J. Harris, Victoria, B.C.
  152. Mrs. Harris, Victoria, B.C.
  153. Mr. W. Hartman, Elmhurst, III.
  154. Mrs. Hartman, Elmhurst, III.
  155. Mr. A. J. L. Haskell, Montreal
  156. Mr. G. A. Hawthorne, Southsea
  157. Mr. G. P. Helders, Amsterdam
  158. Mrs. W. J. Henning, Town of Mount, Royal. P.Q.
  159. Miss G. Henning, Town of Mount Royal, P.Q.
  160. Miss A. S. Heron, Kilwinning, Scot.
  161. Mrs. K. Hillsdon, Toronto
  162. Miss M. Hillsdon, Toronto
  163. Mrs. H. Hobson, York
  164. Miss S. M. Hobson, York
  165. Mr. A. A. Hoellerlng, London
  166. Mrs. E. K. Holst, Copenhagen
  167. Mr. W. S. Hunter, Toronto
  168. Mr. L. C. Jackson, Bristol
  169. Mrs. Jackson, Bristol
  170. Miss P. James, Cambourne
  171. Mr. E. B. Jensen, Calumet, Yukon
  172. Mr. J. Johnson, Toronto
  173. Mr. F. Johnston, Chicago, III.
  174. Mrs. Johnston, Chicago. III.
  175. Mr. J. Johnstone, St. Catharines
  176. Mrs. Johnstone, St. Catharines
  177. Mrs. M. W. Jones, Queenston, Ont.
  178. Mrs. B. M. Ketch, Aroostook, N.B.
  179. Miss C. D. Ketch, Aroostook, N.B.
  180. Miss S. A. Ketch, Aroostook, N.B.
  181. Mstr. M. H. Ketch, Aroostook, N.B.
  182.  Miss M. E. Ketch, Aroostook, N.B.
  183. Mr. J. S. King, St. Paul, Minn.
  184. Mrs. King, St. Paul. Minn.
  185. Mr. J. V. Kinnier-Wilson, Durham
  186. Mrs. Kinnier-Wilson, Durham
  187. Mr. C. A. Kirkegaard, Montreal
  188. Mrs. Kirkegaard, Montreal
  189. Mr. B. S. Kwan, Hong Kong
  190. Mr. H. A. Lake, Jamaica
  191. Mrs. Lake, Jamaica
  192. Mrs. I. A. Lamb, Dishforth. Eng.
  193. Miss E. V. Lamb, Dishforth, Eng.
  194. Mstr. N. K. Lamb, Dishforth, Eng.
  195. Mrs. H. Langerman, Northampton, Mass.
  196. Miss Y. Langerman, Northampton, Mass.
  197. Miss E. Lawson, London, Ont.
  198. Mr. E. Laurent, Ixelles, Belg.
  199. Mrs. Laurent, Ixelles. Belg.
  200. Miss M. H. Laurent, Ixelles, Belg.
  201. Miss J. M. Le Boutillier, Washington, D.C.
  202. Mr. A. Lerner, Birmingham
  203. Mr. W. R. Lewis, London
  204. Mr. A. J. Lewis, Saskatoon
  205. Mrs. Lewis, Saskatoon,
  206. Mstr. Lewis, Saskatoon
  207. Mr. J. Liddell-Simpson, London
  208. Mr. F. Lindberg, Quebec
  209. Mr. J. Linger, Weybridge
  210. Mrs. E. Linger, Weybridge
  211. Mstr. S. Linger, Weybridge
  212. Miss M. Linger, Weybridge
  213. Mr. A. W. Livingstone, Blackpool
  214. Mrs. W. Lizotte, Fort Vermillion, Alta.
  215. Miss D. Lizotte, Fort Vermillion, Alta.
  216. Mr. A. G. Lockwood, Winnipeg
  217. Mrs. Lockwood, Winnipeg
  218. Mrs. S. Lyle, Niagara Falls, Ont.
  219. Mr. G. A. MacDonald, Minster. B.C.
  220. Mrs. MacDonald, Minster, B.C.
  221. Mr. W. McEachern, Kleinburg, Ont.
  222. Mrs. H. C. McKinnon, Vancouver, B.C.
  223. Mr. G. McNeil, Winnipeg
  224. Mrs. McNeil, Winnipeg
  225. Mr. A. D. McNicol, Winnipeg
  226. Mr. A. D. Mackie. Regina
  227. Mrs. J. Magill, Montreal
  228. Miss Magill, Montreal
  229. Miss H. I. Mahon, Bridgetown, Barbados
  230. Mr. J. McC. Martin, Dayton, Ohio
  231. Mr. E. M. Marback. Allan, Sask.
  232. Mr. H. Markland, Montreal
  233. Mr. P. H. Maresi, Tuxedo Park, N.Y.
  234. Mr. R. R. Mason, Prestbury, Eng.
  235. Mrs. A. M. Masters, Bramhall, Eng.
  236. Miss Masters, Bramhall, Eng.
  237. Mr. B. Maxwell, Washington, D-C.
  238. Mrs. Maxwell. Washington, D.C.
  239. Mrs. A. Meints, Herschel, Sask.
  240. Mr. E. Miliar, Toronto
  241. Mrs. Miliar, Toronto
  242. Miss M. Miller, Bristol, III.
  243. Miss L. Miller, Bristol. III.
  244. Mr. P. J. Mills. London
  245. Mrs. Mills, London
  246. Mrs. J. Moore, Hamilton, Ont.
  247. Mrs. A. M. Morton, Edmonton
  248. Miss S. Morton, Edmonton
  249. Mr. S. Mullin, Newcastle, N.B.
  250. Mrs. C. M. Munyard, Bromley
  251. Miss C. L. Munyard, Bromley
  252. Miss D. M. E. Naismith, London
  253. Mr. D. C. Nichols, Paignton
  254. Mrs. N. R. Nickle, Montreal
  255. Mrs. M. Nicoll, San Marino. Cal.
  256. Mr. J. L. S. Nielsen, Copenhagen, Den.
  257. Mr. J. W. Nisbet. Chicago, III.
  258. Mrs. Nisbet, Chicago, III.
  259. Miss J. M. Nisbet, Chicago. III.
  260. Mr. G. V. Norminton, Winnipeg
  261. Mr. J. O’Donnell, Kirkintilloch, Scot.
  262. Miss M. J. O’Reilly, London
  263. Mr. G. Osier, Toronto
  264. Mrs. B. Osier, Toronto
  265. Mr. J. S. Owens, Port Hope, Ont.
  266. Mrs. Owens, Port Hope, Ont.
  267. Mrs. J. Parkes, Birmingham, Eng.
  268. Miss S. Parkes, Birmingham, Eng.
  269. Mrs. L. Parrett, Toronto
  270. Mr. H. H. Peacock, Montreal
  271. Mrs. Peacock, Montreal
  272. Mr. G. Piedimunte, Ripabottoni, Italy
  273. Mrs. M. O. E. Postlethwaite, Congresbury, Eng.
  274. Mr. R. J. Potter, London
  275. Mrs. Potter, London
  276. Mstr. Potter, London
  277. Mstr. Potter, London
  278. Mrs. M. Priestlay, Vancouver
  279. Mr. P. S. Purry Mrs. Purry
  280. Miss H. Quarrlngton, Purley
  281. Mr. R. S. Quick, Cambridge, Eng.
  282. Mrs. Quick, Cambridge, Eng.
  283. Mr. J. I. Raeside, Saskatoon
  284. Miss E. Raeside, Saskatoon
  285. Miss M. Rastas, Kaarina I Ylikyla, Finland
  286. Mrs. J. Raynor, Cornwall, Ont.
  287. Mr. D. Reece, Montreal
  288. Mr. D. A. T. Reid. Bath
  289. Mrs. Reid, Bath
  290. Miss J. M. Reid. Bath
  291. G/Capt. J. H. Roberts
  292. Mr. A. Robertson, Glasgow
  293. Mrs. H. Robertson, London
  294. Mr. K. S. Robertson, Stockport, Eng.
  295. Mrs. E. Robinson, Toronto
  296. Mrs. J. Rogers, F.R.G.S.. Vancouver
  297. Mrs. O. Rosdahl, Skalderviken, Sweden
  298. Mr. H. G. Rosenzweig, Bridgeport, Conn.
  299. Mr. W. Ross, Kingvlïle, Ont.
  300. Mr. W. Rowen, Toronto
  301. Mrs. J. M. E. Rozits, Toronto
  302. Mr. H. Rubens, Los Angeles, Cal.
  303. Mrs. Rubens, Los Angeles, Cal.
  304. Mr. L Russel, Pasadena, Cal.
  305. Dr. R. O. Rydell, Wheaton, Minn.
  306. Mrs. Rydell. Wheaton, Minn.
  307. Mr. W. Rymer, Thirsk
  308. Mrs. Rymer, Thirsk
  309. Miss M. I. Rymer, Thirsk
  310. Miss S. J. Rymer, Thirsk
  311. Miss J. L Rymer, Thirsk
  312. Miss B. Saunders
  313. Mr. C. Schwab. Beaver. Pa.
  314. Prof. J. B. Shaplcy, Washington, D.C.
  315. Mr. A. H. Simpson, Winnipeg
  316. Miss E. H. Sinclair, Toronto
  317. Mrs. A. E. Skelhorne, Vancouver, B.C.
  318. Mrs. M. Skelton, Slllery, P.Q.
  319. Mstr. C. J. Skelton. Sillery, P.Q.
  320. Miss P. J. Skelton, Sillery, P.Q.
  321. Mrs. J. C. Smart. Montreal
  322. Mr. W. Smillie, Evansburg, Alta.
  323. Mr. L. A. W. Smith, London
  324. Mrs. Smith, London
  325. Mrs. M. G. Smith, Vancouver
  326. Miss A. Smith, Beverly Hills, Cal.
  327. Mr. T. Taggart Smyth, Montreal
  328. Mrs. Smyth, Montreal
  329. Miss C. Smyth, Montreal
  330. Mr. H. Sorenson, Vancouver, B.C.
  331. Mrs. H. Southcott, St. Catharines
  332. Mr. W. P. Spens, London
  333. Mrs. Spens, London
  334. Mr. H. C. Stephenson, New York
  335. Dr. C. C. Stewart
  336. Miss J. Strang, Stonesfield, Eng.
  337. W./Cdm. H. R. Studer
  338. Mr. G. W. Sutherland, Keith, Scot.
  339. Mr. L. W. Swan, Auckland. N.Z.
  340. Mrs. Swan, Auckland, N.Z.
  341. Miss H. Swanson, Lennoxtown
  342. Mr. J. H. Swindells, Bowmanville. Ont.
  343. Mrs. Swindells, Bowmanville, Ont.
  344. Dr. S. Tait. Weston. W. Va.
  345. Mr. C. S. Thorn, Wheathamstead
  346. Mrs. Thom, Wheathamstead
  347. Mr. D. B. Thomas, New Castle, Pa.
  348. Mrs. Thomas. New Castle. Pa.
  349. Mrs. W. L. Thompson, Hillmond, Sask.
  350. Mrs. J. Thurlow, Calgary
  351. Mrs. J. Tindal, London
  352. Mrs. J. Tryon. Parksville. B.C.
  353. Mstr. T. J. Tryon, Parksville. B.C.
  354. Mr. T. Tysseland. Eastend, Sask.
  355. Mrs. Tysseland, Eastend, Sask.
  356. Mr. L. S. Vaines, Town of Mount Royal
  357. Mrs. Vaines, Town of Mount Royal
  358. Miss A. Vainos, Town of Mount Royal
  359. Mrs. M. W. Van Alphen, London
  360. Mr. Z. Varo, Los Angeles, Cal.
  361. Mrs. Vare, Los Angeles, Cal.
  362. Mr. H. Walker. Hounslow
  363. Mr. A. H. Wallis, Toronto
  364. Lt. D. J. Wand
  365. Mr. R. Wands, Toronto
  366. Mrs. A. Warner, Paris. Ont.
  367. Mrs. M. Warnock, Flint. Mich.
  368. Mr. L. Warrell. Santa Monica, Cal.
  369. Mrs. Warrell. Santa Monica. Cal.
  370. Mrs. J. Weatherup, New York
  371. Miss I. Webster, Greenock
  372. Mr. O. Weizner. New York, N.Y.
  373. Mrs. L. G. Whiteman, London
  374. Miss L. Whiteman, London
  375. Miss H. Whiteman, London
  376. Mrs. C. Wilke. Yellow Grass, Sask.
  377. Mrs. H. Duke Williams, Chicago, Illinois
  378. Mr. H. Wittmann, Vancouver, B.C.
  379. Mrs. C. P. M. Wyllie, Stirling, Scot.
  380. Miss C. E. M. Wyllie. Stirling, Scot.
  381. Mr. G. E. Yeomans, Scarborough
  382. Miss G. Zweifel, Borne, Swit


Back Cover, SS Empress of France Passenger List - 15 September 1953

Back Cover, SS Empress of France Passenger List - 15 September 1953. GGA Image ID # 11678f5915


Tourist Class Passengers

  1. Miss S. Abbate, Northampton
  2. Miss S. Adams. Montreal
  3. Miss B. Adams. Kelowna. B.C.
  4. Mr. J. W. R. Adams. O.B.E. Thurnham
  5. Mrs. Adams, Thurnham
  6. Miss M. K. Aldridge. Reading
  7. Mrs. V. Alltree. West Bromwich
  8. Mr. R. Alton, Toronto
  9. Mrs. M. Andrew, Lansing, Illinois
  10. Rev. E. Arbclaez, Bogota, Columbia
  11. Miss M. T. Artus, Kidderminster
  12. Mr. T. Atkinson, Auckland, N.Z.
  13. Mrs. Atkinson, Auckland, N.Z.
  14. Mrs. A. W. Bannard, Ottawa
  15. Mrs. E. D. Barr, London
  16. Mr. G. R. Bell, York
  17. Mrs. F. L. Bickerdike, Montreal
  18. Mr. J. Black, Trail, B.C.
  19. Mrs. Black. Trail, B.C.
  20. Mr. M. F. Bower, Durban, S.A.
  21. Mrs. Bower, Durban, S.A.
  22. Miss W. I. Bower, Durban, S.A.
  23. Miss L. C. Bower, Durban, S.A.
  24. Mr. T. Brown. Kenton
  25. Mrs. Brown, Kenton
  26. Miss Brown, Kenton
  27. Miss M. Brown, Edmonton
  28. Mr. S. C. V. Brown, Toronto
  29. Mrs. M. Burge, Weston-super-Mare
  30. Mstr. T. Burge, Weston-super-Mare
  31. Mstr. J. Burge. Weston-super-Mare
  32. Mr. W. Burrows, Toronto
  33. Mrs. Burrows. Toronto
  34. Miss W. M. Buxton, Chicago, Illinois
  35. Mr. W. Callan, Lendalfoot, Scot.
  36. Mrs. Callan. Lendalfoot, Scot.
  37. Miss M. S. M. Callan, Lendalfoot, Scot.
  38. Miss M. D. R. Callan, Lendalfoot, Scot.
  39. Mrs. D. Campbell, Monaca, Pa.
  40. Miss B. Carter, Brantford
  41. Mr. J. S. Chaloner, London
  42. Mrs. Chaloner, London
  43. Miss J. S. Cherkas, London
  44. Mr. P. F. Chester, Greenford
  45. Mrs. Chester, Greenford
  46. Mrs. K. M. Chisholm, Toronto
  47. Mr. H. Christie, St. Catharines
  48. Mrs. J. Clapham, Pratt. Man.
  49. Dean Douglas Clarke, Montreal
  50. Miss S. Clayton, Fort William
  51. Mr. A. Closson, Manchester, Mass.
  52. Miss M. Coakley, Copenhagen, Denmark
  53. Mr. A. L. Connelly. Buffalo. N.Y.
  54. Mrs. Connelly, Buffalo, N.Y.
  55. Mr. A. K. Conquer, Dapp, Alta.
  56. Mrs. A. M. Conway, Sarnia
  57. Mrs. M. Corcoran. Detroit, Mich.
  58. Mr. G. Cordiner, Hamilton. Ont.
  59. Mrs. Cordiner. Hamilton, Ont.
  60. Mrs. W. D. Coull, Montreal
  61. Miss B. Coull, Montreal
  62. Miss M. M. Crabbe, London
  63. Miss M. B. Cuthil, Glasgow
  64. Mrs. P. Daniels, Edmonton
  65. Mstr. A. Daniels. Edmonton
  66. Miss W. Daniels, Edmonton
  67. Miss S. E. Dennis. Montreal
  68. Mrs. Denyer, Guildford
  69. Miss J. Denyer, Guildford
  70. Mstr. Denyer, Guildford
  71. Mstr. Denyer, Guildford
  72. Mrs. M. J. Dickenson. London, Ont.
  73. Mrs. D. Dickson, Toronto
  74. Mr. J. E. Dodsworth, Stockton-on-Tees
  75. Mrs. Dodsworth, Stockton-on-Tees
  76. Mr. E. B. Dorling, Cirencester
  77. Mrs. Dorling, Cirencester
  78. Miss A. C. Dunnett. Glasgow
  79. Mrs. E. Ferguson, Belfast
  80. Mrs. F. Finkheiner, Exeter, Ont.
  81. Mrs. J. Fisher, Calgary
  82. Miss L Fisher, Calgary
  83. Mr. H. Fletcher, Kansas City, Mo.
  84. Mrs. Fletcher, Kansas City, Mo.
  85. Miss K. B. Flowers, Montreal
  86. Mrs. E. Folts, Sprlngville, N.Y.
  87. Mstr. V. Folts, Sprlngville, N.Y.
  88. Mr. M. Frainettl, Prossedi, Italy
  89. Mrs. M. Franks, Toronto
  90. Mr. B. T. Friswell, Rugby
  91. Mrs. Friswell, Rugby
  92. Mrs. J. Geddes, Hamilton, Ont.
  93. Mrs. D. G. Gibson, Windsor, Ont.
  94. Mr. C. J. W. Gomard. Copenhagen
  95. Mrs. Gomard, Copenhagen
  96. Mrs. J. Gommer. Kingston, Ont.
  97. Mstr. M. Gommer, Kingston, Ont.
  98. Mstr. J. Gommer, Kingston, Ont.
  99. Mr. D. A. Gordon, Sturgeon Falls, Ont.
  100. Mr. N. A. Grant. Halifax. N.S.
  101. Mrs. A. Greer, Monaca, Pa.
  102. Mrs. A. Grimm, Milwaukee, Wis.
  103. Miss K. Haddon, Vancouver, B.C.
  104. Mr. J. S. Harris, Belfast
  105. Miss B. S. Haynes. Hobart, Tasmania
  106. Mr. J. F. M. Hendry. Aberdeen
  107. Mrs. E. Hill. Gristhorpe
  108. Miss J. P. Hill. Gristhorpe
  109. Miss M. E. Hirst, Edmonton
  110. Mr. W. Holcroft, Urmston, Eng.
  111. Mrs. A. Holland, Guelph
  112. Mrs. C. Hollingshead, St. Clairs Shores, Mich.
  113. Miss J. Holmes. Regina    
  114. Mr. D. A. Howell, London  
  115. Mrs. Howell, London
  116. Mrs. G. H. Hudson, Perth, Scot.
  117. Mstr. J. G. Hudson. Perth, Scot.
  118. Mstr. R. W. B. Hudson, Perth, Scot.
  119. Mr. D. Hunter, Toronto
  120. Mrs. Hunter, Toronto
  121. Mr. J. Jackson. Tupperville. Ont.
  122. Mrs. Jackson, Tupperville, Ont.
  123. Miss B. Jerrard, London
  124. Mrs. M. Johnson, Toronto
  125. Miss C. Johnson, Chicago, Illinois
  126. Mrs. B. A. Jolly, Aberdeen
  127. Capt. R. J. Kaye-Page, London
  128. Mrs. P. A. Kearsley-Brown, Moreton
  129. Miss V. F. Kearsley-Brown, Moreton
  130. Mrs. B. Kennedy, Blue Island, Illinois
  131. Mrs. D. Kenny
  132. Prof. D. G. G. Kerr
  133. Mrs. Kerr
  134. Mrs. E. Kinch
  135. Mr. D. Kirkham. Wilmslow
  136. Mrs. Kirkham, Wilmslow
  137. Miss E. Kruger, Cambridge, Eng.
  138. Mrs. M. J. Kyle, Belfast
  139. Miss R. Langford, Toronto
  140. Miss K. Ledger, London
  141. Miss L. Lehfeldt, Cairns, Aust.
  142. Mrs. A. Lomax, Chicago, Illinois
  143. Miss J. Lommel, London
  144. Mrs. J. Luckett, Hull
  145. Miss Y. A. Luckett, Hull
  146. Miss M. J. Luckett. Hull
  147. Miss J. I. Luckett, Hull
  148. Mstr. G. W. Luckett, Hull
  149. Mrs. H. MacGillivary, Saratoga, Cal.
  150. Miss M. MacIver, Stornoway
  151. Miss I. MacLeod, Toronto
  152. Mr. J. McDowall. Stranraer
  153. Mrs. McDowall, Stranraer
  154. Miss M. E. McGee, Montreal
  155. Miss M. H. McNair, Glasgow
  156. Mrs. H. Mair, Chicago, Illinois
  157. Miss L. Mangelsdorff, Cambridge, Eng.
  158. Mrs. A. Marks. Galt
  159. Miss P. Marriner, Toronto
  160. Mr. J. Massini, Dorval. P.Q.
  161. Miss G. Mather, Brantford
  162. Mr. C. Mellor, Whito Rock, B.C.
  163. Mr. H. D. Merriman, North Bay
  164. Mrs. Merriman, North Bay
  165. Miss L. Mersky, Edmonton
  166. Miss E. C. Molphy, Warwick, Aust.
  167. Miss B. Monk. Banstead
  168. Mr. J. Morcam, Oak River, Man.
  169. Mrs. Morccam, Oak River, Man.
  170. Miss J. Morley. St. Catharines
  171. Miss J. D. Moss. London
  172. Miss P. F. Moss, London
  173. Mr. A. J. Moxon, Vancouver, B.C.
  174. Mrs. Moxon, Vancouver. B.C.
  175. Mrs. W. U. Murad. Liverpool
  176. Mstr. J. Murad, Liverpool
  177. Mr. G. Murphy, Wallasey
  178. Mrs. H. Murray, Liverpool
  179. Miss M. Murray, Liverpool
  180. Miss L. Murray. Liverpool
  181. Mrs. E. Noble, White Baer, Sask.
  182. Mrs. M. L. O'Casey, Alma, N.B.
  183. Mrs. E. M. N. Olsen, Copenhagen
  184. Mrs. E. M. Pain, Folkestone
  185. Miss D. M. Pain, Folkestone
  186. Mstr. R. J. Pain, Folkestone
  187. Mstr. D. E. Pain. Folkestone
  188. Mr. A. W. Pearce. Old Coulsdon
  189. Mrs. M. B. Peeke, Churchdown, Eng.
  190. Mstr. R. J. Peeke, Churchdown, Eng.
  191. Mstr. V. S Peeke, Churchdown, Eng.
  192. Mr. G. S. Pemberton, Burnley
  193. Mrs. Pemberton, Burnley
  194. Miss D. J. Pemberton, Burnley
  195. Mrs. M. E. Pengelly, Auckland, N.Z.
  196. Mr. G. S. Perrin, Kiruna, Sweden
  197. Mr. R. Pollitzer, Geneva, Swit.
  198. Mrs. Pollitzer, Geneva, Swit.
  199. Miss B. Pratt. Chicago. III.
  200. Mr. A. Price, London
  201. Mrs. M. Pritchard, Glasgow
  202. Mr. A. T. Pugh Sherman Oaks, Cal.
  203. Mr. A. J. Rae, Sydney
  204. Mr. W. Ramsay, Guildford
  205. Mrs. Ramsay, Guildford
  206. Miss C. Rapley, Strathroy, Ont.
  207. Mr. J. C. Richardson, Greenock
  208. Mr. J. Robb. Montreal
  209. Mrs. Robb, Montreal
  210. Mrs. I. B. Rose, Claremont, Cal.
  211. Miss M. A. Rowe, Luampa, Rhodesia
  212. Miss G. J. Rowland
  213. Miss T. Schiller, London
  214. Miss M. E. Schuler, Buffalo. N.Y.
  215. Miss M. Scott, London
  216. Mrs. W. D. A. Secrett. London
  217. Miss R. Secrett, London
  218. Miss J. H. H. Simon, Leatherhead
  219. Mr. D. Sims, Calgary
  220. Mr. L. G. Smith, Ottawa
  221. Mrs. Smith, Ottawa
  222. Dr. Anna M. Sokolowska, Edinburgh
  223. Mr. F. D. Stacey, London
  224. Mrs. Stacey, London
  225. Miss B. R. Stennett, Sutton
  226. Miss M. Storey, Chicago, III.
  227. Mrs. W. C. Stuart, Pointe Claire, P.Q.
  228. Miss J. Stuart, Pointe Claire, P.Q.
  229. Miss A. Stuart, Pointe Claire. P.Q.
  230. Mstr. D. Stuart, Pointe Claire, P.Q.
  231. Mr. J. Sumsion, Gloucester
  232. Miss M. Tang, Vancouver, B.C.
  233. Miss K. Tanner, Saskatoon
  234. Mr. L. A. Taylor. Toronto
  235. Mr. J. G. Taylor, North Bay
  236. Mr. G. W. Thornhill, Montreal
  237. Mrs. Thornhill, Montreal
  238. Mr. C. N. Tomlinson, Stoke-on-Trent
  239. Mrs. Tomlinson. Stoke-on-Trent
  240. Miss S. Tomlinson, Stoke-on-Trent
  241. Mrs. E. Townsend, Long Branch, Ont.
  242. Mr. P. Triandafillou, Alexandria, Egypt
  243. Mr. J. E. Vale, Sunderland
  244. Mrs. Vale, Sunderland
  245. Mr. J. Wallace, Winnipeg
  246. Mrs. B. Walsh. Wallasey
  247. Mstr. K. D. Walsh. Wallasey
  248. Miss M. Wass
  249. Mrs. J. H. Wasson, Saskatoon
  250. Miss M. Wasson, Saskatoon
  251. Mstr. P. Wasson. Saskatoon
  252. Mr. R. V. Watt, Edinburgh
  253. Mr. J. T. Weaver, Bristol
  254. Miss M. Webster, Toronto
  255. Miss E. D. Went, London
  256. Miss V. Wheeler, Winnipeg
  257. Mrs. A. Wightman, Brisbane, Aust.
  258. Mr. A. V. Williams, Montreal
  259. Mrs. Williams, Montreal
  260. Mr. T. E. W. Williams, Bristol
  261. Mrs. Williams. Bristol
  262. Mstr. T. H. R. Williams, Bristol
  263. Mstr. A. W. Williams, Bristol
  264. Mr. K. B. Wilson
  265. Mrs. M. T. Wilson, Port Credit, Ont.
  266. Mrs. H. Wood. Wallasey
  267. Miss M. Wood. Wallasey
  268. Mrs. H. Wright, Souris, Man.
  269. Miss S. Young, Winnipeg





  • Mrs. J. Barr
  • Mr. L . Davicho
  • Mr. Landau
  • Mrs. Landau
  • Mr. F. Lunn
  • Miss K. Malcolmson
  • Mr. D. Passey
  • Mr. P. Piscopo
  • Capt. J. Stewart
  • Mr. J. Van Lersburghe
  • Mrs. J. Van Lersburghe



  • Mr. P H. Maresi



  • Mstr. Lewis to read Mstr. B. Lewis
  • Mr. F. Johnston to read Mr. T. Johnston
  • Mr. G. Piedimunte to read Mr. G. Piedimonte




  • Mr. A. McGowan



  • Mr. H. Fletcher
  • Mrs. Fletcher



  • Mrs. M. Dickenson to read Dickinson
  • Mrs. F. Finkheimer to read Finkbeiner
  • Mr. & Mrs. J. Morcam to read Morcom


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