The Sailors' Magazine and Seamen's Friend - September 1893

The Sailors' Magazine and Seamen's Friend, September 1893 Issue

The Sailors' Magazine and Seamen's Friend

American Seamen's Friend Society

76 Wall Street, New York

Vol. LXV No. 9 | September 1893 | Whole No. 781

Entered at the Post Office at New York, NY as Second Class Matter.

Subscription ONE DOLLAR a Year.

The September 1893 Issue of The Sailors' Magazine and Seamen's Friend Featured Stories included A Race for Life, The Ship of State, There Go the Ships, Ode to a Modern Ship, and A Wreck at Sconset. The magazine is a monthly publication of thirty-two pages to present a general view of the history, nature, progress and wants of the SEAMEN'S CAUSE, and commend it to the sympathies, the prayers and the benefactions of the community.


  1. A Race for Life 257
  2. The Ship of State 258
  3. There go the Ships 258
  4. Ode to a Modern Ship 258
  5. Editorial Paragraphs 259
  6. A Wreck at Sconset 261
  7. The Romance of Commerce 265
  8. The Dogger Fishermen 269
  9. The Life of the Merchant Sailor 274
  10. The Gulf Stream 275
  11. Work Among Seamen 279
  12. Sweden: Helsingborg--Stockholm 279
  13. Sundsvall 280
  14. Norway: Christiania 280
  15. Denmark: Copenhagen 280
  16. Peon Belgium: Antwerp 281
  17. Germany: Hamburg 281
  18. Japan: Yokohama 282
  19. Argentine Republic : Buenos Ayres 232
  20. Brazil: Rio de Janeiro 282
  21. Italy: Genoa 283
  22. Madeira: Funchal 283
  23. New York: Brooklyn Navy Yard 284
  24. Louisiana: New Orleans 286
  25. Alabama: Mobile 286
  26. Oregon: Astoria 287
  27. Washington: Seattle 287
  28. Port Townsend 288
  29. Sailors' Home, New York 285
  30. Receipts for July, 1893. 288


THE SAILORS' MAGAZINE AND SEAMEN'S FRIEND, a monthly publication of thirty-two pages. contains the proceedings of the AMERICAN SEAMEN'S FRIEND SOCIETY, and its Branches and Auxiliaries, with notices of the labors of local independent Societies in behalf of seamen. its aim being to present a general view of the history, nature, progress and wants of the SEAMEN'S CAUSE, and commend it to the sympathies, the prayers and the benefactions of the community.

THE MAGAZINE is sent to single subscribers for ONE DOLLAR a year, payable in advance. Persons ordering a change in the direction of the MAGAZINE should always give both the old and new address, in full.

THE SEAMEN'S FRIEND is issued, annually, as a four page tract adapted to seamen, and gratuitously distributed among them. It is furnished to Auxiliary Societies for this use, at the rate of ONE DOLLAR per hundred.

THE LIFE BOAT, an eight-page paper, published monthly, will contain brief tales, anecdotes, incidents, &c., and facts, mainly relating to the work of the LOAN LIBRARIES issued by the Society.--Any Sabbath-School contributing to the Society $20, for a LOAN LIBRARY, may receive fifty copies, gratis, for one year, with postage prepaid.

Provided a request is sent, annually, for the SAILORS' MAGAZINE, it will be forwarded gratuitously to Life Directors, Life Members and pastors of churches in which a yearly collection is taken for the Society.

It will also, upon application, be sent for one year to any one contributing at least Twenty Dollars for the general objects of the Society, or to endow a Loan Library.

It is necessary that all receivers of the MAGAZINE, gratuitously, should give annual notices of their desire for its continuance.


Remittances for the AMERICAN SEAMEN'S FRIEND SOCIETY, in payment of subscriptions to the SAILORS' MAGAZINE, or for any other purpose, should be sent to No. 76 Wall Street, New York City, by P. 0. Money Order, or check, or draft on New York, to the order of WILLIAM C. STURGES, Treasurer, or money may be enclosed in a registered letter. Postmasters are now obliged to register letters at ten cents each, when requested. If acknowledgments of remittances are not received by return mail, the Treasurer should be notified at once.


The payment of Five Dollars makes an ANNUAL MEMBER of the Society, and of Thirty Dollars at one time, a LIFE MEMBER. The payment of One Hundred Dollars, or of a sum which in addition to a previous payment makes One Hundred Dollars, makes a LIFE DIRECTOR.


I give and bequeath to the AMERICAN SEAMEN'S FRIEND SOCIETY, incorporated by the Legislature of New York, in the year 1833, the sum of--, to be applied to the charitable uses and purposes of the said Society."

Three witnesses should certify at the end of the will, over their signatures, to the following formalities, which, in the formation of the will, should be strictly observed:-1st. That the testator subscribed (or acknowledged the subscription of) the will in their presence.-2nd. That he, at the same time, declared to them that it was his last will and testament. --3rd. That they, the witnesses, then and there, in his presence, and at his request, and in presence of each other, signed their names thereto, as witnesses.


76 Wall Street, New York.


  • Mr. CHARLES H. TRASK. President.
  • Mr. HORACE GRAY, Vice-President.
  • Rev. W. C. STITT. D. D., Secretary.
  • Mr. WILLIAM C. STURGES, Treasurer.
  • Mr. L. P. HUBBARD. Financial Agent and Assistant Treasurer.
  • Mr. WM. A. BOOTH. Englewood. N. J.
  • Rev. CHAS. A. STODDARD. D. D.. 37 Park Row, New York.
  • Mr. HORACE GRAY, 76 Wall St., Sew York.
  • Mr. DANIEL BARN, 76 Wall St.. New York.
  • Mr. A. GIFFORD AGNEW, 233 W. 39th St.. New York.
  • Mr. JAMES P. WALLACE, 14 Schermerhorn St., Brooklyn N. Y.
  • Mr. ALBERT G. ROPES, 62 South St., New York.
  • Rev. EDWARD B. COE, D. D.. LL. D., 42 West 52nd St., New York.
  • ENOS N. TAFT, Esq., 76 Wall St.. New York.
  • Mr. JAMES W. ELWELL, 47 South St., New York.
  • Mr. W. IRVING COMES, 59 William St., New York.
  • Mr. ELBERT A. BRINCKERHOFF, 109 Duane St,. Nrw York,
  • Rev. A. G. VERMILYE, D. D., Englewood. N J.
  • Mr CHARLES H. TRASK. 76 Wall St . New York.
  • Mr. JOHN DWIGHT, 11 Old Slip. New York.
  • Mr. SAMUEL ROWLAND, 47 Water Street, New York.
  • Mr. FREDERICK STURGES, 76 Wall Street, New York.
  • Mr. GEORGE BELL, 68 South St., New York.
  • Mr. WILLIAM C. STURGES, 76 Wall St.. New York.
  • Capt. DAVID GILLESPIE, Mortistown. N. J.
  • Rev. CHAS. CUTHBERT HALL, D.D., 123 Henry Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.


ARTICLE II, (of the Constitution.)--" The object of this Society shall be to improve the social and moral condition of seamen, by uniting the efforts of the wise and good in their behalf; by promoting in every port Boarding Houses of good character, Savings' Banks, Register offices, Libraries, Museums. Reading Rooms, and Schools: and also the ministrations of the Gospel, and other religious blessings."

CHAPLAINS.-In addition to its chaplaincies in the United States, the Society has stations In JAPAN, CHILE. S. A., the MADEIRA ISLANDS, ICELAND, SWEDEN, NORWAY, DENMARK, GERMANY, HOLLAND, BELGIUM, FRANCE, ITALY, and INDIA. A list of the chaplains, who will always be ready to befriend the sailor, is given on the preceding page.

LOAN LIBRARIES.-An important part of the Society's work, and one greatly blessed of God to the good of seamen, is that of placing on board ships going to sea, libraries composed of carefully selected, instructive, and entertaining books, put up in cases containing between thirty-five and forty volumes each, for the use of ships' officers and crews. The donor of each library is informed when and where it goes. and to whom it Is entrusted; and whatever of interest is heard from it is communicated as far as possible. The whole number of new libraries sent out by the Society up to April 1. 1891, was 9,555. Calculating 10,668 reshipments, their 496,182 volumes have been accessible to more than 362,921 men. Hundreds of hopeful conversions at sea have been reported as traceable to this instrumentality. A large proportion of these libraries have been provided by special contributions from Sabbath-Schools. Twenty dollars furnishes a library.

THE SAILORS' HOME, No. 190 Cherry Street, New York, is the property of this Society, and is leased under careful, judicious restrictions. It Is unsurpassed in comfort by any Sailors' Home in the world; its moral and religious influences cannot be fully estimated, but many seamen have there been led to Christ. Destitute, shipwrecked seamen are provided for at the Hour. A missionary of the Society resides in the HOME, and religious and temperance meetings are held daily. The Lessee receives and cares for the savings of his sailor guests and a large amount has thus been saved to seamen and their families.

A list of the Society's periodicals will be found on the second page of the cover of this MAGAZINE.

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