SS Megantic Passenger List - 22 August 1930

Front Cover, White Star Line SS Megantic Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List - 22 August 1930.

Front Cover, White Star Line SS Megantic Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List - 22 August 1930. GGA Image ID # 13ca918385

Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List from the SS Megantic of the White Star Line, Departing Saturday, 22 August 1930 from Southampton to Quebec and Montreal via Le Havre, Commanded by Captain R. Hume.

Senior Officers and Staff

  • Commander: Captain R. Hume
  • Chief Engineer: P. A. N. Adamson, R.D. (Eng.-Cmdr., R.N.R., Retd.)
  • Chief Officer: F. F. Steele
  • First Officer: E. K. Irving, D.S.C., R.D., R.N.R.
  • Second Officer: E. A. Stuart, D.S.C., R.N.R.
  • Second Engineer: R. Butler
  • Third Engineer: F. G. Harris
  • Fourth Engineer: T. C. Staples
  • Surgeon: J. G. Higgins, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.)
  • Purser: A. Kissack
  • Assistant Purser: R. A. Lewis
  • Reception Officer: S. Sackharoff
  • Chief Steward: E. J. Pugh
  • Chief Tourist Steward: E. McCullough

Tourist Third Cabin Passengers


  1. Adams, Mr. Richard
  2. Adams, Miss Margaret
  3. Affleck, Miss Elsie J.
  4. Bachman, Miss Lucile
  5. Baker-Edwards, Miss Grace
  6. Baker, Miss Georgia
  7. Baragar, Mrs. Frances B.
  8. Barks, Miss J. M.
  9. Bartz, Mrs. Alice M.
  10. Batt, Mr. H.
  11. aumann, Mr. E. T.
  12. Baumann, Mrs. A. R.
  13. Beam, Miss Lena
  14. Bechtel, Mrs. F. H.
  15. Bechtel, Miss M.
  16. Belanger, Mr. Joseph
  17. Bennett, Miss Murrill
  18. Bernard, Miss A. M.
  19. Bethka, Mr. Frank A.
  20. Boucher, Miss Anne L.
  21. Boyer, Miss Lura
  22. Brackett, Miss Mary J.
  23. Brede, Miss Anita
  24. Buchert, Mr. Peter
  25. Buchley, Miss Laura M.
  26. Buechi, Mr. William
  27. Burke, Miss Johanna
  28. Bush, Mr. Clctus
  29. Bush, Mrs. Anna
  30. Bush, Mrs. Caroline
  31. Bush, Mr. Edward
  32. Bushnell, Mrs. A. W.
  33. Callen, Miss Marian
  34. Canell, Mr. G.
  35. Carbee, Miss K.
  36. Carney, Miss Gladys
  37. Carpenter, Miss Margaret
  38. Carter, Miss Mary J.
  39. Clark, Rev. John J.
  40. Clark, Miss Florence
  41. Clemmen, Miss Lillian
  42. Cleveland, Miss Betty
  43. Cobb, Mr. E.
  44. Cobb, Mrs.
  45. Coehrs, Miss Theresa M.
  46. Colby, Miss E.
  47. Cole, Miss B.
  48. Cook, Dr. E. Albert
  49. Corvee, Sister Maria
  50. Coupey, Mr. Eric H.
  51. Coupey, Mrs.
  52. Coupey, Miss
  53. Creedon, Miss Roselyn
  54. Creedon, Miss Marion
  55. Cumberland, Miss Beatrice
  56. Cygan, Miss Julia
  57. Dahlfom, Miss Caroline
  58. Dairs, Miss Ethel
  59. Davis, Mrs. C. A.
  60. Deacon, Mr. A.
  61. Deacon, Mrs.
  62. Dean, Mr. R. C.
  63. De Jesus, Rev. Sister Alexis
  64. Dennison, Mrs. I.
  65. Dennison, Miss Priscilla
  66. Derby, Miss Flora
  67. Detlor, Miss Grace
  68. Dickinson, Miss Louise
  69. Donohee, Mrs.
  70. Donohee, Miss
  71. Doyle, Miss Hazel
  72. Doyle, Sister St. Paul
  73. Dupras, Mrs. Helen
  74. Ebenwalter, Miss May E.
  75. Eddleston, Miss Catherine
  76. Eddleston, Miss Rose H.
  77. Edwards, Mrs. Ella
  78. Edwards, Miss Mary
  79. Elder, Miss Velda R.
  80. Ellis, Miss Virginia
  81. Evans, Miss Myrtle M.
  82. Faillot, Mile. Jeanne
  83. Feldman, Mr. Joseph A.
  84. Feldman, Mrs. Helen
  85. Feldman, Mr. Ted
  86. Feldman, Master Tom
  87. Feldman, Miss Peggy
  88. Feldman, Miss Betty
  89. Fennell, Miss Marie K.
  90. Finkelstein, Mr. Robert
  91. Finsel, Miss Helen
  92. Fischer, Miss Mildred
  93. Flynn, Miss Mary R.
  94. Flynn, Miss Agnes C.
  95. Frank, Miss Maude M.
  96. Frish, Miss Anna E.
  97. Gagnon, Mrs. W. F.
  98. Gardner, Miss Bula
  99. Garnett, Mr. Louis H.
  100. Gervais, Sister Anne
  101. Godbeer, Miss Eva L.
  102. Gorse, Miss A. W.
  103. Granbois, Miss Mildred
  104. Grande, Mr. Isidor
  105. Grintuch, Mr. Z.
  106. Haag, Miss Catherine I.
  107. Haas, Miss Emily
  108. Hadley, Miss L. E.
  109. Hadley, Miss M. A.
  110. Hadley, Mrs. E.
  111. Hall, Miss Helen
  112. Hanrahan, Miss Jane
  113. Hanrahan, Miss Ursula
  114. Harney, Miss M. A.
  115. Harrigan, Kev. Joseph
  116. Hartsilver, Miss R.
  117. Hass, Miss M.
  118. Hass, Miss Grace
  119. Heath, Miss A.
  120. Heinech, Miss E.
  121. Henderichx, Mr. Desire
  122. Henderichx, Mrs. Palmyre
  123. Hoffman, Miss Irene
  124. Hoit, Miss Nell
  125. Hood, Miss Mary M.
  126. Hughes, Mrs. Katherine
  127. Jacoby, Mrs. T.
  128. James, Miss Ada
  129. Jensen, Miss Ingrid Vig
  130. Jepson, Miss M.
  131. Jewett, Mr. S.
  132. Jobin, Miss Lucie
  133. Johnson, Miss Lillian E.
  134. Johnson, Mr. T. C.
  135. Jones, Mrs. C. E.
  136. Jordan, Miss Pearl
  137. Joyes, Mr. Leonard R.
  138. Joyslin, Miss M.
  139. Kain, Miss Mary
  140. Karam, Mr. E. J.
  141. Karam, Mrs.
  142. Karr, Miss Lillian
  143. Kastenholz, Mr. Joseph
  144. Kastenholz, Miss Margaret
  145. Kelly, Miss M.
  146. Kempf, Miss Cecilia
  147. Klaver, Mr. J. T.
  148. Knowlton, Miss A.
  149. Knowlton, Miss H.
  150. Konkel, Miss M. B.
  151. Kostyniuk, Mr. Peter
  152. Kristner, Miss Anna
  153. Lacey, Mr. Raymond
  154. Laity, Mr. Cecil H.
  155. Larsson, Miss Edith
  156. Lawler, Miss E. A.
  157. Lea, Mr. Paul
  158. Lea, Miss A.
  159. Lecorre, Sister L.
  160. Lennon, Miss Bernice
  161. Lentz, Rev. Nicholas J.
  162. Lillie, Mr. Edward P.
  163. Linneman, Mr. Edmund
  164. Lising, Mr. Frank
  165. Loughlin, Miss Bernice
  166. Louis, Miss Bessie
  167. Lucasse, Miss F. J.
  168. Lye, Mrs. A. G.
  169. Macfarlane, Mrs. Cora
  170. Mack, Miss Josephine
  171. Mackay, Mr. Louis A.
  172. Mackay, Mrs. Constance
  173. Mahon, Miss Olive
  174. Mahon, Miss Marian
  175. Markham, Mr. Oswald
  176. Martin, Miss H.
  177. Martin, Miss Suzanne
  178. Mathews, Miss E. H.
  179. Mathias, Miss G.
  180. Mathias, Mrs.
  181. Matthews, Mrs. Ethel A.
  182. Matthews, Master Charles A.
  183. Matthews, Master Allan T.
  184. Mauri, Mrs. Eliza
  185. Mauri, Miss Adel
  186. May, Mrs. Ethel R.
  187. May, Mr. Randall H.
  188. May, Miss Ruth H.
  189. Mclmel, Mr. F.
  190. Mclmel, Miss Mary
  191. McLean, Miss J. E.
  192. McMahon, Mrs. Julia
  193. McMahon, Miss J.
  194. McMahon, Miss Agnes
  195. McMahon, Mr. Frank
  196. McManus, Miss Mary
  197. McManus, Miss Margaret
  198. McWhinnie, Miss Bessie J.
  199. Mehling, Mr. Peter
  200. Mehling, Mrs. Edith
  201. Mehling, Master Frank
  202. Mehling, Miss Agnes
  203. Melzl, Mrs. B.
  204. Meredith, Miss Helen
  205. Merriam, Miss Helen M.
  206. Meyers, Miss Gertrude
  207. Michael, Mr. Ewald
  208. Mikkelsen, Mrs. W.
  209. Miller, Mr. A.
  210. Miller, Mrs.
  211. Miller, Mrs. Ellen M.
  212. Mitchell, Miss Helen A.
  213. Monroe, Miss Alicia
  214. Monteith, Mr. E.
  215. Mueller, Miss Clara
  216. Mueller, Miss E.
  217. Mullen, Miss Margaret
  218. Neate, Mr. Edward
  219. Neubauer, Miss Margaret
  220. Nirmaier, Mr. Ferdinard
  221. Nirmaier, Mrs. Eva
  222. Nirmaier, Rev. Justin
  223. O'Boyle, Rev. John J.
  224. O'Neil, Mr. Michael B.
  225. O'Neil, Mr. John
  226. Owens, Miss Ada S.
  227. Padgett, Miss Henrietta
  228. Parker, Mrs. M.
  229. Paul, Miss Jeannette
  230. Payne, Mr. J. J.
  231. Peterachi, Miss Victoria
  232. Peterkin, Miss Rosetta
  233. Petersen, Mr. Hans
  234. Phillips, Mrs. Florence A.
  235. Phillips, Master Owen
  236. Phipps, Miss Alvira
  237. Pierce, Miss Edith
  238. Pierce, Mrs. Clara
  239. Pierce, Miss Margaret
  240. Porter, Mr. D. C.
  241. Porter, Mrs.
  242. Prendergast, Miss Alice
  243. Prosser, Mr. David L.
  244. Purvey, Mrs. Mabel E.
  245. Quinn, Mr. Robert C.
  246. Quinn, Mrs.
  247. Raschke, Dr. Emil H.
  248. Raschke, Miss Ruth E.
  249. Raschke, Miss Margaret O.
  250. Raschke, Miss Erna
  251. Ratcliffe, Rev. George B,
  252. Record, Mrs. Evelyn
  253. Redman, Mr. Crosly E.
  254. Reed, Mr. J. B.
  255. Reed, Miss Sophia
  256. Reilly, Miss C.
  257. Reilly, Mr. N. O.
  258. Renard, Miss A.
  259. Reuth, Mr. Edward
  260. Rhyner, Miss I.
  261. Rickard, Mrs. Elizabeth T.
  262. Rickard, Miss Elizabeth T.
  263. Roberts, Miss Mary J.
  264. Rosenbaum, Miss Etta H.
  265. Ruebsman, Miss Clara
  266. Ruebsman, Miss Wilma
  267. Sanborn, Mrs. Victoria E.
  268. Sanders, Mr. Donald R.
  269. Sanhuber, Mr. John
  270. Saunders, Miss Phyllis P.
  271. Schaffhauser, Mr. H. M.
  272. Schroeder, Mr. Hubert
  273. Searles, Miss Catherine
  274. Sears, Miss Lilian
  275. Selah, Miss Miriam H.
  276. Sheridan, Mrs. Louise
  277. Sherwin, Miss Margaret
  278. Short, Mrs. R.
  279. Shriver, Miss Helen
  280. Sinclair, Miss Ella A.
  281. Sinclair, Miss Gladys
  282. Slater, Mrs. Kittie
  283. Slater, Miss Beatrice
  284. Slattery, Mr. W. C.
  285. Slattery, Miss Anna K.
  286. Slattery, Miss Clara
  287. Smith, Miss C.
  288. Smith, Miss Helen
  289. Smith, Miss Ita
  290. Smollet, Miss Christina
  291. Snyers, Mr. J.
  292. Sprague, Miss Dorothy
  293. Stevens, Miss Sonna
  294. Stevens, Miss Louanna
  295. Stewart, Mr. Harold
  296. Stoman, Mr. Petrus L.
  297. Stoman, Mrs. Mathilda
  298. Stoman, Miss
  299. Stroh, Miss Helen
  300. Stubley, Miss P.
  301. Stueps, Mr. Herman
  302. St. Zozime, Rev. Sister
  303. Suetti, Mr. Laurence
  304. Taylor, Mrs. Mary E.
  305. Thornton, Mrs. Caroline
  306. Tiltman, Miss Mary C.
  307. Tooley, Mrs. H.
  308. Tooley, Master G.
  309. Tyler, Miss Ruby M.
  310. Underwood, Miss J.
  311. Van Den Wymilenberg, Miss Martha
  312. Van Roy, Mr. J. C.
  313. Veall, Miss Florence L.
  314. Virginie, Rev. Sister
  315. Wakelin, Mrs. A. G.
  316. Wall, Mr. John J.
  317. Warner, Mrs. I.
  318. Watson, Mrs. Florence E.
  319. Watson, Miss Mary L.
  320. Watts, Mrs. Alice
  321. Watts, Miss Joan
  322. Weed, Miss Inez
  323. Wellschlager, Mr. Herman H.
  324. Wheeler, Mr. George W.
  325. Wheeler, Mrs. Ethel
  326. Whittington, Mrs. Elizabeth
  327. Wicks, Mrs. Edith M.
  328. Wiggin, Miss Grace
  329. Wilhelm, Mrs. M.
  330. Wilson, Miss Maggie A.
  331. Wittman, Mrs. Jennie P.
  332. Wright, Miss J.
  333. Yeager, Mrs. Clara
  334. Yvonne, Rev. Sister Marie
  335. Ziegler, Rev. Oscar M.
  336. Zwick, Mr. Benjamin

Information for Passengers

When One Sitting
When Two Sittings
8:00 am
8:00 am and 9:00 am
1:00 pm
12 Noon and 1:00 pm
7:00 pm
6-0 p m. and 7-15:00 pm

Divine Service will be held on Sundays at 11:00 am

CONDUCTRESS. The Ship's Conductress (Miss D. Meagher) is available to interview any ladies traveling alone, and would be pleased to be of any service during the voyage or on arrival in port.

SEATS AT TABLE. Passengers should apply to the Chief Tourist Steward for reservation of seats.

UPPER BERTHS. Passengers occupying upper berthscan obtain steps for getting in or out of same on applying to the Steward or Stewardess.

THE PURSER'S OFFICE. Letters, Cables/Telegrams and Marconigrams are received or delivered, and Postage Stamps can be purchased.

None of the ship's staff other than those on duty in the Purser's Office are authorized to accept Letters or Telegrams for despatch.

CHARGES COLLECTED ON BOARD. Passengers are requested to ask for a receipt on the Company's Form for any additional Passage Money, Chair or Steamer Rug Hire, charges collected for Marconigrams, Cablegrams or Telegrams or Freight paid on board.

PASSENGERS MAIL. On the steamers arrival passengers should enquire personally whether there is any mail for them, and before disembarking they are invited to leave their addresses at the Purser's office in order that later despatches may be redirected.

LIBRARY. Books can be obtained on applying to Library Steward.

DECK CHAIRS and STEAMER RUGS can be hired on application to the Deck Steward, at a charge of 4/- (or $1) each for the voyage.

MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject in each case to the approval of the Commander, for treating passengers at their request for any illness not originating on the vovage. In the case of sickness originating on the voyage no charge will be made, and medicine will be provided free in all circumstances.

RAILWAY TIME TABLES of the various Companies can he obtained on applying to the Library Steward.

BARBER. The Barber's hours are from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm

The Barber is allowed the privilege of selling various souvenirs and small articles on his own account.

PASSENGERS REQUIRING DOMESTIC HELP. Passengers residing in Canada requiring domestic servants, housemaids, etc., are invited to get into touch with the Conductress on this steamer, or any of our Offices (addresses of which appear on the back of this booklet) who will give them full particulars as to the procedure which should be adopted.

VALUABLES, For the convenience of passengers, the Line has provided in the Purser's Office, a safe in which money, jewels, ornaments, documents or other valuables may be deposited by passengers.

A receipt for any articles so deposited will be issued by the Purser, but the Line does not, having regard to the ticket conditions and to the provisions of Section 502 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, and of Section 4281 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, accept any responsibility for the safe custody of any such articles. Passengers are accordingly advised to protect themselves by insurance.

EXCHANGE OF MONEY. The Purser is prepared, for the convenience of passengers, to exchange a limited amount of English, American and Canadian money, at rates which will be advised on application.

TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES, payable in all parts of Europe, U.S.A., and Canada, can be purchased dt all the principal offices of the Company. These Cheques are accepted on board steamers in payment of accounts, but the Pursers do not carry funds to enable them to cash same.

BAGGAGE. Questions relating to baggage should be referred to the Chief Tourist Steward.

BAGGAGE should bear initial label of surname to facilitate correct grouping tn Customs shed, also label with owner's name and address.

On arrival, baggage will be grouped alphabetically in Customs shed. Passengers are required to attend personally to Customs examination.

RESERVATION OF PULLMAN SLEEPING AND PARLOUR CARS ON AMERICAN AND/OR CANADIAN RAILROADS. Passengers desiring to make reservations should inform the Purser of their intentions; he will be pleased to Marconi at passengers' Own expense.

DOGS AND CATS. Passengers are notified that dogs and cats must be handed over to the care of the butcher.

PORTHOLES. As it is dangerous for passengers to handle the Ports, they are requested to ask the Bedroom Steward to open and close the Portholes in the staterooms as required.

LECTURES. For the purposes of private lectures the White Star Line will be pleased to loan sets of slides as well as a printed lecture in cases where desired by Tourist passengers who may wish to lecture in Great Britain and Ireland upon their experiences and visits to the United States and Canada.

COMPLAINTS. It is our earnest and constant endeavour to satisfy and please our passengers. Should any cause for complaint arise it is requested that such should be at once reported to the Commander, Purser, or Chief Steward.

SERVICE. Suggestions for the improvement of the service will be welcomed


LANDING CARDS. It is necessary that passengers present their Landing Cards, together with Passports, to the United States and/or Canadian Immigration Inspector for endorsement before leaving the vessel.

Customs Notice to Passengers


Are required to declare to the Customs Officer at Port of Landing in Canada, all articles purchased or obtained abroad whether as gifts or otherwise. Failure to declare goods leaves same liable to seizure. All goods whether liable to duty or not, are required to be presented for Customs examination, and passengers are warned that when in doubt as to whether or not an article is liable to duty, it should be produced for examination by the Customs Officer.


Temporary Admission—Persons visiting Canada for a limited period of time, for health or pleasure, may bring with them such articles of tourists' outfits or sportsmen's equipment as they may require while in Canada for their own use and not for gain or hire, upon reporting same to the Customs Officer at the Canadian frontier port of entry, subject to departmental regulations.

The Customs Officer may require all packages of baggage to be opened for his examination; and responsibility for opening, unpacking and repacking the packages rests with the passenger or his Agent.


Any person giving, offering, or promising any bribe, recompense, reward or tip to an Officer is liable to severe penalties.


Passengers en route to destinations outside of Canada may have their checked baggage forwarded " In Bond" to a frontier port under Customs Manifest without examination of same by a Customs Officer.


Such as carried by commercial travelers, are required to be delivered to the Customs Officer for entry purpose, and invoice or statement in detail showing the price,—wholesale, of each sample as sold for home consumption, such invoice or statement should be attested to by the traveller.


Free, if actually in use for six months before removal to Canada, but are required to be produced upon landing to Customs Officer for examination and entry.

SPECIAL NOTICE for Round Trip Tourist Passengers

Passengers holding return tickets who are undecided about their United States and Canadian addresses should advise same to our nearest office in United States or Canada by mail or in person as soon as possiblo after arrival abroad. If this is done by letter, please mention sailing on which you will return and accommodation reserved for you.

All passengers holding return tickets are requested to communicate with our nearest office at least a week in advance of their sailing from United States or Canada, so that necessary formalities may be arranged in connection with their return passage.


For those passengers who may bo returning from the United States or Canada to Europe, and who have NOT yet made the necessary reservations, the Purser will be pleased to radio New York, Boston or Montreal Office for any accommodation required. This will enable passengers to complete their arrangements before leaving the steamer and will, consequently, save them time and trouble after landing.


Refund of Head Tax can be obtained provided passengers have complied with the following conditions:—

(1) Inform the U.S. Immigration Inspector on arrival that it is their intention to leave the United States within 60 days, and obtain from the Inspector " Head Tax Refund Certificate" (Form 514).

(2) When leaving the United States to have the departure certified on Form 514 by the Purser of the vessel or by the conductor of the train upon which the departure takes place.

(3) The Immigration Authorities impose a time limit of 120 days from date of entry, after which claims for refund will not bo considered. Passengers must, therefore, submit Form 514, duly completed, to the Company in sufficient time to enable the Company to make their application within this limit of time (120 days).


The Orchestra will play daily in the Tourist Third Cabin.

Music will be provided after Dinner each evening by the Electrical Reproducer.

Back Cover, SS Megantic Passenger List - 22 August 1930

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