SS Adriatic Passenger List 24 April 1920


Front Cover, White Star Line RMS Adriatic First and Second Class Passenger List - 24 April 1920.

Front Cover, First and Second Class Passenger List for the SS Adriatic of the White Star Line, departing Saturday, 24 April 1920, from New York to Southampton via Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain J. B. Ranson, OBE, LCDR RNR (Retired). GGA Image ID # 13b9353411


Senior Officers and Staff:

  1. Captain: J. B. Ranson, O.B.E., Lt.-Commr. R.N.R., (Retd.)
  2. Surgeon: J. C. H. Beaumont, L.R.C.P. & S., (Edin. & Glas.)
  3. Asst. Surgeon : Douglas D. Macrae, M.D
  4. Purser: C. B. Lancaster
  5. Chief Steward: S. Tweedie


First Class Passengers

  1. Mrs. Walter Abbott and Maid
  2. Mr. E. G. Allen
  3. Miss Allen
  4. Mr. John Anderson, Jr.
  5. Mrs. Anderson
  6. Miss W. Angel
  7. Mr. E. Raymond Armsby and Valet
  8. Mr. C. S. Ascherson
  9. Mrs. Ascherson
  10. Mr. Arthur C. Badger
  11. Mrs. Badger
  12. Miss Friscella Badger
  13. Mrs. E. Baldwin
  14. Miss Florence Baldwin
  15. Mr. Charles E. Barlow
  16. Mrs. Barlow
  17. Miss Barlow
  18. Miss Barlow
  19. Mr. W. S. Barrett
  20. Mrs. M. Bassett
  21. Miss Henrietta C. Bartlett
  22. Miss Mary L. Barton
  23. Mr. Nicolas Bathlana
  24. Mrs. Harrison Berm and Maid
  25. Mrs. Charles Bennett
  26. Miss Edith Betts
  27. Mrs. George Bird and Maid
  28. Mr. Walter Blackman
  29. Mrs. Blackman
  30. Mr. W. H. Blackmore
  31. Mr. Jackson Boyd
  32. Mrs. Boyd
  33. Miss Clara Boyd
  34. Mr. Arthur Brentano
  35. Capt. F. Clifton Brown
  36. Mrs. Brown
  37. Mr. Henry Buell
  38. Mrs. Enrico Burckhardt
  39. Mr. Walter J. Burns
  40. Mrs. Burns
  41. Rev. John Butler
  42. Mr. Douglas Campbell
  43. Bishop Cantwell
  44. Marquis Capelli
  45. Marquise Capelli, child and companion
  46. Mr. E. S. Carleton
  47. Major. James F. Case
  48. Mrs. Case
  49. Capt. W. D. Chambers
  50. Mrs. Chambers
  51. Lady Cheylesmore
  52. Mr. H. B. Closson
  53. Mr. Ogden Codman and Valet
  54. Mrs. W. N. Coler
  55. Miss Helen De P. Conger
  56. Rev. John Connolly
  57. Mr. Lionel Copp
  58. Mr. Frederick R. Coudert
  59. Mrs. Coudert
  60. Mr. J. B. Craven
  61. Mrs. Craven
  62. Miss Katherine V. R. Crosby
  63. Countess Cowley
  64. Miss Christine Crowther
  65. Miss W. C. Cullis
  66. Mr. F. Cullman, Jr.
  67. Mr. Ross Ambler Curran
  68. Mrs. Curran and Maid
  69. Mr. David E. Dallam
  70. Miss Darquin
  71. Mr. Andres Dasso
  72. Mrs. Dasso
  73. Miss Julia Dasso
  74. Miss Hercilia Dasso
  75. Miss Helena Dasso
  76. Sir William Rees Davies
  77. Lady Davies
  78. Master Davies and Maid
  79. Mr. Fred F. Davis
  80. Mr. William J. Davis
  81. Miss Mary Coler Davis
  82. Mr. Georges de Latour
  83. Mrs. de Latour
  84. Miss Helene de Latour
  85. Master Richard de Latour
  86. Mr. George B. de Long
  87. Mrs. de Long and Maid
  88. Mrs. A. de Neufville
  89. Mr. Ernesto De Rossi
  90. Mrs. De Rossi
  91. Master Ernesto De Rossi
  92. Miss Maria De Rossi
  93. Master Gudeo De Rossi and Governess
  94. Mrs. John Dillon and Maid
  95. Mr. J. J. Dixon
  96. Mrs. Dixon
  97. Mr. Henri Doering
  98. Mr. Eugene V. Downey
  99. Mr. Octave Dua
  100. Mr. G. S. Duty
  101. Miss Eichelman
  102. Mrs. F. Ellon
  103. Mr. Harry M. Engel
  104. Mr. Lloyd Evans
  105. Mrs. Evans
  106. Miss Fairhurst
  107. Mr. W. G. Faulkner
  108. Mrs. Faulkner
  109. Mrs. Faulknet, [sic]
  110. Miss Doris Faulkner
  111. Mrs. Elizabeth H. Fiske
  112. Miss Fiske
  113. Mr. G. B. Fletcher
  114. Mr. George A. Fowler
  115. Mrs. Fowler
  116. Mrs. W. B. Franklin and Maid
  117. Mrs. Franciska Friedmann
  118. Miss Isabel Garden
  119. Mrs. Arthur C. Garrison
  120. Miss Frances Garrison
  121. Mrs. Phillip Garrison
  122. Mr. H. C. Gibbs
  123. Mrs. Gibbs
  124. Mrs. K. Giles
  125. Miss M. Giles
  126. Mrs. R. H. Giles
  127. Miss Helen Giles
  128. Mr. Percy Grace
  129. Mrs. Grace and Valet
  130. Mr. Clarence Graff
  131. Mrs. S. Graves
  132. Mr. C. F. Green
  133. Mr. E. Gerry Green
  134. Mr. Alfred J. Greenland
  135. Mrs. Greenland
  136. Mrs. Helen Grether
  137. Master John Grether
  138. Mrs. Ellen L. Grippo
  139. Miss Ellen B. Grippo
  140. Mrs. James K. Hackett and Maid
  141. Hon. David R. Hall
  142. Mrs. Hall
  143. Master Hall
  144. Master Hall
  145. Mr. J. B. Hall
  146. Mrs. B. Hambrough
  147. Dr. Juliet E. Hanchett
  148. Hon. Philip J. Hankin
  149. Archbishop Hanna
  150. Mr. S. Harman
  151. Mrs. Harman
  152. Mr. F. J. Harper
  153. Mr. E. U. Harrington
  154. Mr. G. S. Harrop
  155. Mr. Robert Haskins
  156. Mr. E. H. Haslem
  157. Mr. F. E. Hasler
  158. Mrs. Hasler, two children and Nurse
  159. Mr. S. Herman
  160. Mr. Alfred Hertz
  161. Mrs. Hertz
  162. Mr. William C. Heydecker
  163. Mr. L. C. Hirsch
  164. Miss Minnie Hopeth
  165. Mr. E. Hotellier
  166. Mr. Hutchins
  167. Mrs. Hutchins
  168. Miss Mary Hutchinson
  169. Mr. Ishizawa
  170. Mr. H. Istep
  171. Mr. Jacobi
  172. Mrs. L. M. Jacobs
  173. Master Halford H. Jacobs
  174. Master Rutledge L. Jacobs
  175. Miss Muriel Jacobs
  176. Mrs. Mary Joass
  177. Mrs. F. A. Keep and Maid
  178. Mr. R. E. Kemsley
  179. Mrs. William B. Kennedy
  180. Major H. Maitland Kersey
  181. Miss Anna M. Kindler
  182. Mr. Kenneth King
  183. Miss M. King
  184. Mrs. David King
  185. Mr. John A. Kingsbury
  186. Mrs. A. C. Kingsland
  187. Miss Kingsland and Maid
  188. Mr. M. E. Kingsley
  189. Mr. James M. V. Kirk
  190. Mr. A. H. Kirkpatrick
  191. Mr. H. C. Kirkpatrick
  192. Mr. A. C. Knight
  193. Mrs. J. F. D. Lanier and Maid
  194. Miss M. J. La Pierre
  195. Mr. R. George Laws
  196. Miss Eleanor Le Roy and Maid
  197. Mr. Ernest X. Le Seure
  198. Mrs. Le Seure
  199. Mr. J. Levy
  200. Mrs. Levy
  201. Mr. S. R. Lippincott
  202. Mr. F. G. Lloyd
  203. Mrs. Lloyd, Maid and Valet
  204. Miss J. P. Lochure
  205. Mr. Kenneth Lord
  206. Dr. C. Lumsden
  207. Mr. W. C. Lusk
  208. Mr. Lawrence McCreery
  209. Mrs. McCreery
  210. Mr. William C. McCutcheon
  211. Mr. Edward McIntyre
  212. Mr. Donald S. McLain
  213. Mrs. McLain
  214. Mr. G. P. McNear
  215. Mrs. Donald F. McPherson
  216. Miss. Fanny O. McPherson
  217. Master Donald McPherson
  218. Mr. Roy McWilliams
  219. Mrs. McWilliams and Maid
  220. Mr. J. Macfarlane
  221. Lady Maitland
  222. Mr. M. Markel
  223. Mrs. Markel
  224. Mr. Henry L'Estrange Malone
  225. Mr. Frank L. Manmoser
  226. Mrs. W. R. Manny
  227. Mr. C. Marks
  228. Mr. Riccardo Martin
  229. Mr. John H. Mason
  230. Mrs. Mason
  231. Mr. William John Masson
  232. Mme. Adrian Matthey
  233. Mr. Ben May
  234. Mrs. L. Mead
  235. Mr. E. J. Mehren
  236. Mrs. Reeve Merrett
  237. Mrs. M. B. Metcalf
  238. Miss Clara E. Middleton
  239. Mr. D. C. Millard
  240. Mrs. Millard
  241. Mr. Herman Miller
  242. Mrs. J. E. Miller
  243. Miss Miller and Governess
  244. Mr. S. V. Minskey
  245. Mrs. Minskey, two children and Nurse
  246. Mr. William N. Mitchell
  247. Mr. R. G. Moore
  248. Miss Hilda Moore
  249. Miss Caroline Morgan and Maid
  250. Mr. Cecil Mossman
  251. Mr. Frank Muller
  252. Mrs. Muller
  253. Mrs. W. C. Murphy
  254. Mr. J. D. S. Nahpiet
  255. Mrs. Nahpiet
  256. Miss Elizabeth Nahpiet
  257. Master Andhrit Nahpiet
  258. Master Leon Nahpiet
  259. Miss Jetti Nahpiet and Maid
  260. Mrs. Nicoll
  261. Miss May Norris
  262. Mr. J. H. Noyes
  263. Mrs. Oakley
  264. Mr. Edwin Oakley
  265. Master Edwin H. Oakley
  266. Miss Ethel A. Oakley
  267. Mr. M. R. Oka
  268. Mr. Stephen H. Olin
  269. Mrs. Olin and two Maids
  270. Mrs. Donald O. Page
  271. Miss J. Moore Peck
  272. Mr. J. J. Petitt
  273. Major S. A. Pike
  274. Mrs. Pike
  275. Miss Gertrude Pirn
  276. Miss Constance Pirn
  277. Mrs. K. E. Polehampton
  278. Mrs. W. M. Polk
  279. Mrs. A. W. Pool and Maid
  280. Miss Mary Potter
  281. Mrs. Thomas Bryden Pratt
  282. Mr. J. H. Preston
  283. Mrs. Preston
  284. Major George Haven Putnam
  285. Mrs. James Rank
  286. Mr. Leslie Reed
  287. Mr. Albert E. Reinthal
  288. Mr. M. Reynaud
  289. Mrs. O. L. Richard
  290. Miss Beryl Richardson
  291. Miss M. Riper
  292. Mrs. Reginald Rives
  293. Miss Rives
  294. Mr. Franklyn Roberts
  295. Mrs. Robertson
  296. Mr. M. E. Roberts
  297. Miss Janet D. Rogers
  298. Mr. Walter A. Roselle
  299. Mr. Fred Russell
  300. Mr. Edward S. Savage
  301. Mr. E. W. Sawyer
  302. Hon. Charles Severn
  303. Mr. W. Harold Sharp
  304. Mrs. Sharp
  305. Mr. Shibato
  306. Mr. J. A. Shortis
  307. Mr. Silverman
  308. Miss Matilde Sinclaire
  309. Mr. M. Sinsheimer
  310. Mr. L. P. Slade
  311. Miss Agnes Smyth
  312. Mr. Arthur G. Soening
  313. Mrs. Soening
  314. Mrs. Hope Allen Somoilers
  315. Mr. Albert Spalding
  316. Mrs. Spalding
  317. Mr. Sol Starr
  318. Mr. J. A. Stenhouse
  319. Mrs. Stenhouse
  320. Mr. Robert Stewart
  321. Mrs. H. J. Stobart
  322. Mr. C. E. Stutz
  323. Viscount St. Vincent
  324. Mr. Frank Sullivan
  325. Mr. Noel Sullivan
  326. Mr. A. D. Tisdall
  327. Mr. A. W. Todd
  328. Mrs. Todd
  329. Miss Arleen Tone
  330. Mr. Louis Tracy, C.B.E
  331. Mr. William Trask
  332. Mrs. Trask
  333. Mr. W. M. Treglawn
  334. Mr. A. A. Tucker
  335. Miss M. Turnure
  336. Mr. William Uhlfelder
  337. Mr. Emil Vardi
  338. Master Richard Vaughan
  339. Mr. Alfred Vonder Muhl
  340. Mrs. Vonder Muhl
  341. Mrs. E. M. Waldo
  342. Master Peter C. Waldo
  343. Master Edw. H. Waldo
  344. Mrs. D. J. Walton
  345. Mrs. S. Walton
  346. Miss Walton
  347. Mr. Frank Waring
  348. Miss Warren
  349. Mrs. Rose F. Weimer
  350. Mrs. F. W. Whitridge
  351. Miss Whitridge and manservant
  352. Mr. F. R. Wilder
  353. Mr. H. K. S. Williams
  354. Mrs. Williams
  355. Mr. P. G. Wodehouse
  356. Mrs. Wodehouse
  357. Mr. J. Graham Wright
  358. Mr. Yamoka
  359. Dr. Robert S. Young
  360. Mrs. Young


Second Class Passengers

  1. Mr. F. Abbott
  2. Mr. L. Accommozzo
  3. Mrs. Accommozzo
  4. Miss Alma R. Adams
  5. Mr. Dante Alfieri
  6. Capt. L. Allen
  7. Miss Bertha M. Aller
  8. Mr. Frank Altman
  9. Mr. Andi
  10. Mrs. Andi
  11. Master Andi
  12. Miss Andi
  13. Mr. John Angove
  14. Mrs. E. Arcier and Infant
  15. Mr. H. J. Arentshorst
  16. Miss Cecil Barrocchi
  17. Mrs. D. F. Basford
  18. Miss A. N. Bates
  19. Mrs. Emily Baumgartner and child
  20. Mr. Joseph Beaver
  21. Miss M. Beaver
  22. Miss Louise Behlen
  23. Mrs. E. M. Benham
  24. Mrs. Mabel Bentley
  25. Mr. John Berryman
  26. Mrs. Berryman
  27. Mr. Charles I. Billeck
  28. Mr. F. W. Blesi
  29. Mrs. A. Bloom
  30. Master James Bloom
  31. Master John Bloom
  32. Miss Mary Bloom
  33. Master Samuel Bloom
  34. Mr. Aurelio Bodini
  35. Mr. J. A. Boehm
  36. Mr. John Boehm
  37. Mr. Samuel Boehm
  38. Mr. Samuel Booras
  39. Mr. E. J. Boston
  40. Mrs. M. J. Bowser
  41. Miss Katheryn Bradley
  42. Mr. Emil Brigode
  43. Miss May Brown
  44. Mr. Sol Brudk
  45. Mr. Michael Buckley
  46. Mrs. Mary E. Buckley and Infant
  47. Mrs. William Bull
  48. Mrs. Ada M. Burgess
  49. Mr. E. F. Burlingham
  50. Mrs. Burlingham
  51. Miss Loretta Canty
  52. Mr. A. Carlson
  53. Mr. Nicholas Ceglinsky
  54. Mr. Charles Chevallaz
  55. Mrs. Chevallaz
  56. Miss Marion Choules
  57. Mrs. Sophia M. Christian
  58. Miss Ada Christian
  59. Mr. H. E. Clart
  60. Mr. Antonio Claussen
  61. Mrs. A. Cockett
  62. Miss D. Cockett
  63. Miss G. Cockett
  64. Miss M. Cockett
  65. Mr. William B. Collins
  66. Miss Alice Collins
  67. Miss Emily Collins
  68. Miss Louise Collins
  69. Mr. James Comerford
  70. Mrs. Comerford
  71. Miss Alice Comerford
  72. Miss Margaret Comerford
  73. Miss Mary Comerford
  74. Master James Comerford
  75. Mr. Cone
  76. Mrs. Cone and three children
  77. Mrs. Elizabeth Conway
  78. Mrs. Kate Cooper
  79. Miss Gladys Counsell
  80. Mrs. Hugh Crooks
  81. Master Herbert Crooks
  82. Mr. W. Cropp
  83. Mr. F. T. Crowther
  84. Mr. Lawson T. Crump
  85. Mrs. Crump
  86. Mr. P. A. Dado
  87. Mr. Clifford Dalton
  88. Mrs. Frederick Day
  89. Mr. Eugene Defilippes
  90. Mr. Charles Dejonkeen
  91. Mrs. Silvia Dejonsheere
  92. Rev. James Delahunty
  93. Miss Alice Delahunty
  94. Mrs. J. Deschesnes
  95. Mr. Samuel Dinerman
  96. Mr. Robert Dobes
  97. Mr. George F. Dodson
  98. Mrs. Martha E. Dodson
  99. Miss Annie Dodson
  100. Mr. T. G. Donnelly
  101. Miss Louise Dore
  102. Rev. H. W. Dowding
  103. Mr. Francis Downing
  104. Miss Helen Drackett
  105. Mrs. A. M. Dykes
  106. Miss Mary K. Emmott
  107. Mr. Peter Engard
  108. Mrs. Peter Engard
  109. Mr. Oscar Enockson
  110. Mrs. Enockson
  111. Miss A. Eschbach
  112. Mr. G. M. Fantuch
  113. Mr. Adolph Farini
  114. Mr. Angelo Farini
  115. Mr. G. Ferris
  116. Mrs. Ferris
  117. Miss Marjorie Ferris
  118. Miss Sybil Ferris
  119. Mr. C. E. Fillingham
  120. Mrs. Fillingham
  121. Mr. B. Finacchio
  122. Mrs. Charlotte Fisher
  123. Mrs. Marguerite Forga
  124. Mrs. John Fouracre
  125. Miss Elsie Fouracre
  126. Mr. E. M. Fox
  127. Mrs. Margaret A. Fox
  128. Miss Ena Fox
  129. Mrs. George E. Frances
  130. Miss Catherine Francois
  131. Miss A. Fry
  132. Mr. Charles Gammal
  133. Mrs. Nellie W. Gatte
  134. Mrs. R. G. Gear
  135. Miss Frances Gear
  136. Mrs. Carolina Geiger
  137. Miss Eva Geiger
  138. Miss Mildred Geiger
  139. Mr. F. T. Gilbert
  140. Mrs. Gilbert
  141. Miss Annie A. Golding
  142. Mr. M. J. Goldstein
  143. Mr. John Gonggryp
  144. Mrs. G. Gorham
  145. Rev Michael M. Grace
  146. Mr. W. J. Grant
  147. Mrs. Grant
  148. Mr. George Grebner
  149. Mrs. Grebner
  150. Mrs. Lillian Greenwood
  151. Master John Greenwood
  152. Mrs. Ethel Grobecker
  153. Master Allan Grobecker
  154. Mr. John F. Gunstensperger
  155. Mr. J. W. Hailey
  156. Mr. S. T. Hallett
  157. Mrs. Hallett
  158. Mrs. L. A. Harrison
  159. Miss Agnes Harrison
  160. Miss Mary Harrison and Infant
  161. Mr. James Hartley
  162. Mrs. Hartley
  163. Miss Edna Hartley
  164. Mrs. M. R. Hartley
  165. Mrs. Hawke
  166. Master Lester Hawke
  167. Master William Hawke
  168. Mrs. George M. Hays
  169. Mr. Charles Haywood
  170. Mr. John Hearn
  171. Mrs. Hearn
  172. Miss Marion Hearn
  173. Mr. Harry Hearn
  174. Miss Bridie Healy
  175. Miss May Healy
  176. Mr. James Henderson
  177. Miss Daisey Henney
  178. Miss Nellie Hesford
  179. Mrs. Frances Hibler
  180. Master William Hibler
  181. Mr. Jacob Hirsch
  182. Mrs. Rose Hoare
  183. Master Alexander Hoare
  184. Master Edwin Hoare
  185. Master Reginald Hoare
  186. Mr. Frank Hodge
  187. Mr. Stefan Hoffer
  188. Mrs. Hoffer
  189. Mrs. Mary Hogben
  190. Miss Vera Hogben
  191. Mr. C. Hopps
  192. Mrs. Hopps
  193. Master Hopps
  194. Mr. J. H. Hopps
  195. Mr. George Howard
  196. Mrs. Ruth House
  197. Miss L. Houston
  198. Mr. John C. Humphries
  199. Mrs. Humphries
  200. Master John Humphries
  201. Master Percy Humphries
  202. Mrs. Eleanor N. Hunter
  203. Miss Norene E. Hunter
  204. Mr. Charles Husbands
  205. Miss Eleanor Husbands
  206. Mr. F. Husni
  207. Mrs. S. E. Hutchinson
  208. Mr. Joseph Imbolt
  209. Mr. T. Jackson
  210. Mrs. Annie James
  211. Miss Anne Jarr
  212. Miss Alda Jarvinen
  213. Mr. James Jeffrey
  214. Mrs. Jeffrey
  215. Master Arthur Jeffrey
  216. Master John Jeffrey
  217. Miss Miriam Jeffs
  218. Mr. Robert Johnson
  219. Mrs. Johnson
  220. Miss Emily Johnson
  221. Mrs. E. M. Jones
  222. Mr. Miles Jones
  223. Mrs. Jones
  224. Mr. George E. Judd
  225. Mrs. Judd
  226. Miss Florence Judd
  227. Mr. William Kaady
  228. Mr. Ladner Kaspar
  229. Mrs. Debora Kaufman
  230. Mr. B. V. Keedy
  231. Mr. M. G. Kennedy
  232. Mrs. Helen King
  233. Mr. Raya Khalil
  234. Miss Helen King
  235. Master Richard King
  236. Rev. H. M. Kirby
  237. Mr. W. Kirby
  238. Mrs. Kirby
  239. Mr. Sigmund Kohn
  240. Mrs. Kohn
  241. Mr. Edward Kuenzler
  242. Mrs. Kuenzler
  243. Mr. Iceh Kuperman
  244. Mr. H. M. Kurkjean
  245. Miss Freda Kury
  246. Mr. C. M. S. Langione
  247. Mr. E. G. Laurence
  248. Mr. Israel Laurie
  249. Mrs. Ida Laurie
  250. Mr. Thomas R. Leaver
  251. Mr. J. C. Lees
  252. Mrs. Lees
  253. Miss Charlotte Legay
  254. Dr. Joseph Lelli
  255. Mr. Alphonse Lerasle
  256. Mrs. Lerasle
  257. Miss Lerasle
  258. Mrs. Helen Lester
  259. Mr. Jack Levy
  260. Mrs. E. C. Lewis
  261. Mrs. A. M. Linklater
  262. Master George Linklater
  263. Mrs. Albert Lister
  264. Mrs. Henry Litaud
  265. Mr. Lorenzo Loprieno
  266. Mr. Enrico Lupari
  267. Mrs. Lupari
  268. Master Enrico Lupari
  269. Miss Lida Lupari
  270. Master Mina Lupari
  271. Mr. Francis J. McDonnell
  272. Mrs. Katherine McDonnell
  273. Miss Frances MacKellar
  274. Mrs. Mary Macres
  275. Master Albert Macres
  276. Master James Macres
  277. Miss Frances Madeley
  278. Miss Elizabeth Madeley
  279. Mrs. R. H. Maddern
  280. Miss E. M. Maidment
  281. Mr. Robert Maish
  282. Mr. C. Martens
  283. Mrs. Martens
  284. Miss Annie Massingham
  285. Mr. E. Otto May
  286. Mrs. May and Infant
  287. Mr. Adolf Meisels
  288. Dr. Frederick W. Meyer
  289. Mr. Samuel Meyer
  290. Mrs. Meyer
  291. Mr. F. E. Mercer
  292. Mrs. Mercer
  293. Mr. A. H. Michaels
  294. Mrs. Michaels
  295. Master Robert Michaels
  296. Mr. L. S. Miles
  297. Mrs. Miles
  298. Mr. Samuel Miller
  299. Mrs. K. F. Mills
  300. Master George Mills
  301. Mrs. Lillian Miotti
  302. Mrs. Agnes Morgan
  303. Miss Delia Morley
  304. Miss Margaret Morley
  305. Mr. Felix Moritz
  306. Mrs. Moritz
  307. Mr. John Mosmann
  308. Mrs. Mossmann
  309. Mr. Andrew Moyle
  310. Mrs. G. H. Moyes
  311. Mr. George H. Moyes, Jr.
  312. Mrs. E. Moulden and child
  313. Mr. Lewis Mumford
  314. Miss Jessie R. Muir
  315. Mr. W. A. S. Napier
  316. Mr. Enrico Nardini
  317. Miss Maria Nardini
  318. Master Nallo Nardini
  319. Mrs. Mary Neal
  320. Mr. John Nessler
  321. Mrs. Nessler
  322. Mr. Newby
  323. Mr. C. R. Newton
  324. Mr. Pius Norkus
  325. Mrs. Norkus
  326. Mr. Otto Odermatt
  327. Mr. G. Overduin
  328. Miss Mary A. Owens
  329. Mr. David Ogilvie
  330. Mrs. Ogilvie
  331. Mr. David Ogilvie, Jr.
  332. Miss Isabel Ogilvie
  333. Mr. Alexander Ogilvie
  334. Mrs. Ogilvie
  335. Master Alexander Ogilvie, Jr. and Infant
  336. Mr. P. J. O'Rourke
  337. Miss K. Ougham
  338. Mr. Robert Parry
  339. Mr. S. B. Passili
  340. Mrs. Elvira Patacchi
  341. Mr. William Payne
  342. Mrs. Payne
  343. Mrs. A. J. Pearce
  344. Mr. A. J. Pearce
  345. Mr. Battista Pedroni
  346. Mrs. Pedroni
  347. Master Alfred Pedroni
  348. Miss Florence Pedroni
  349. Miss Olga Pedroni
  350. Mr. William Pellow
  351. Mrs. F. J. Peters
  352. Mr. A. Phillips
  353. Mr. Joseph Phillips
  354. Mrs. Elizabeth Phillips
  355. Mr. Edward Piraman
  356. Mr. John Pomeroy
  357. Mrs. Pomeroy
  358. Mr. Antonio Ponconi
  359. Mr. Daniel Pope
  360. Mrs. Pope
  361. Mrs. Thomas A. Porter
  362. Mr. Albert Pothier
  363. Mr. John Powers
  364. Mr. P. H. Preenen
  365. Mr. William T. Quarterly
  366. Mrs. Quarterly
  367. Mrs. Carolina Quirici and child
  368. Master Henry Richardson
  369. Mr. I. M. Ritchie
  370. Mrs. Ritchie
  371. Mr. John Robinson
  372. Mrs. L. B. Rouse
  373. Mr. L. Rubin
  374. Mr. W. A. Ruble
  375. Mrs. Ruble
  376. Mr. W. A. Ruble
  377. Mrs. J. Ruhlman
  378. Miss Wilhelmina Runhinen
  379. Mr. John Rysdorp
  380. Mr. M. Salie
  381. Mr. W. Salie
  382. Mr. John Salter
  383. Mrs. Margaret Sanger
  384. Mrs. Maria Savage
  385. Miss May Savage
  386. Miss Nellie Savage
  387. Mrs. E. D. Savage
  388. Miss Beatrice Savage
  389. Miss Dorothy Savage
  390. Mrs. Julia E. Savage
  391. Miss Doris May Savage
  392. Miss Mary Scanlon
  393. Mr. Edward C. Schagat
  394. Mr. Louis Schena
  395. Mrs. Hilda Schmehl
  396. Mr. Samuel Schneider
  397. Mr. Benjamin Schniewies
  398. Mrs. E. T. Scrutton
  399. Mrs. Julia Sealy
  400. Miss Alma Sihvonne
  401. Mrs. Richard Sharp
  402. Miss Evelyn Sharp
  403. Miss Marguerite Sharp
  404. Mrs. Rose Shilling
  405. Mr. George Shilling
  406. Mr. E. S. Shortridge
  407. Mrs. Shortridge
  408. Mr. Jacob Shutske
  409. Miss C. M. Simpson
  410. Mr. Walter Skinner
  411. Miss Charlotte Smith
  412. Rev. M. A. Smith
  413. Miss Mary Smith
  414. Mrs. John Spencer
  415. Mr. Solomon Spillman
  416. Mrs. Spillman
  417. Mr. Oscar Stadler
  418. Mrs. L. S. Stanley
  419. Mr. Anton Steigler
  420. Miss Maria Sutter
  421. Mrs. Elsie Thirlby
  422. Master Thirlby
  423. Mr. Fred Thirlby
  424. Mrs. C. H. Thorne
  425. Mrs. Richard H. Thomas
  426. Miss Elizabeth Thomas
  427. Miss Iris Thomas
  428. Mrs. Bessie F. Tretheway
  429. Mrs. Helen. Vacquier
  430. Mr. John. Vanku
  431. Mrs. Flora Vanku
  432. Miss Helen Vanku
  433. Master John Vanku
  434. Miss Liticia Vanku
  435. Miss Louis Van Praag
  436. Mr. G. E. Van Zanten
  437. Mr. G. A. V. Van Zanten
  438. Mr. George Veisnes
  439. Mr. S. Verdegaal
  440. Mr. William A. Voyzeg
  441. Mrs. Voyzeg and two children
  442. Mr. Thomas Watkins
  443. Miss Clara Watkins
  444. Mr. Henry Westra
  445. Miss Phylis White
  446. Mr. Robert Whittle
  447. Mrs. Whittle
  448. Miss Minnie Williams
  449. Mrs. Walter Williamson
  450. Master John Williamson
  451. Mrs. James Williamson
  452. Miss Dora Williamson
  453. Miss Edith Williamson
  454. Mr. H. Williamson
  455. Mrs. Williamson and child
  456. Mr. Walter Williamson
  457. Mr. J. W. H. Willmott
  458. Mrs. Willmott
  459. Mr. William Wright
  460. Mrs. W. Wright
  461. Mrs. Eliza A. Young
  462. Master Herbert Young
  463. Mr. Enrico Zaccanti
  464. Mrs. Gina Zaccanti
  465. Master Aldo Zaccanti
  466. Master Carlo Zaccanti
  467. Miss Ernestine Zaccanti
  468. Master Guiseppe Zaccanti
  469. Master Leonello Zaccanti


Information for Passengers First Class

  • *Breakfast at 8.30 a. m. 10 a. m
  • Luncheon at 1 p. m
  • Dinner at 7:00 pm

*Breakfast: As the Bugle is not sounded for Breakfast, Passengers desirous of being wakened should arrange to be called by their Bedroom Steward.

The Bar opens at 8:00 am, and closes at 11:30 pm

Lights are extinguished in the Saloon at 11:00 pm, Lounge and Reading Room at 11:30 pm and Smoking Room at 12:00 pm

Divine Service in the Saloon on Sunday at 10:30 am

Seats at Table. Passengers who have not previously arranged for seats at table to be reserved should apply for same to the Second Steward. Children are not entitled to seats in the Dining Saloon unless full fare is paid.

Notice—First Class Passengers desiring to dine later than the usual hour, 7:00 pm, can have dinner served at any time up to 8.15 p. m. by giving notice to the Second Steward not later than 1.30 p. m.

Smoking. Passengers are kindly requested not to smoke in the Dining Saloon

AN Enquiry Office has been provided for the convenience of Passengers, where all enquiries for information of a general character should be made.

Letters, Cables and Telegrams are received at the Enquiry Office for despatch, and Postage Stamps can be purchased and Deck Chairs hired at this office, through which also all Mails will be distributed. Cablegrams and Telegrams should be handed in an hour before the arrival at any port of call.

None of the ship's staff other than those on duty in the Enquiry Office is authorized to accept Letters or Telegrams for despatch.

Deck Chairs can be hired at $1.50 or 7/6d. each for the voyage.

Steamer Rugs can be hired at $1.50 or 7/6d each for the voyage.

The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject in each case to the approval of the Commander, for treating Passengers at their request for any illness not originating on board the ship. In the case of sickness developed on board no charge will be made, and medicine will be provided free in all circumstances.

Baggage. On disembarking Passengers are specially requested to claim their baggage before leaving the Customs shed, otherwise under present abnormal conditions considerable delay and extra charge for carriage will be incurred in forwarding to destination any baggage not accompanying Passengers on the railway.

Passengers are requested to ask for a receipt on the Company's Form for any additional Passage Money, Chair Hire, or Freight paid on board.

Exchange of Money. The Purser is prepared, for the convenience of Passengers, to exchange a limited amount of English and American money, at rates which will be advised on application.

Passengers' Addresses may be left at the Enquiry Office in order that any letters sent to the care of the Company may be forwarded.

Valuables. The White Star Line has provided a safe in the office of the Purser, in which Passengers may deposit money, jewels, or ornaments for safe keeping. The Company will not be liable to Passengers for the loss of money, jewels, or ornaments by theft or otherwise, not so deposited.

Dogs. Passengers are notified that dogs cannot be landed in Great Britain unless a license has previously been procured from the Board of Agriculture, London. Forms of license must be obtained by direct application to the Department before the dog is taken on board.

This Steamer is Fitted with Marconi's System of Wireless Telegraphy and also Submarine Signalling Apparatus

Wireless Telegram Rates

for United States—The Wireless rate via New York, Boston or Siaconset, is calculated at 7d per word; every word in the address, text, and signature counted; landline charges additional; all fees must be prepaid.

The Wireless rate via Cape Race, Sable Island, Cape Sable, is calculated at 1,014 per word; every word in the address, text, and signature counted; landline charges additional; all fees must be prepaid.

for Canada—The Wireless rate via Cape Race, Sable Island, Cab; Sable, is calculated at 1/01:', per word; every word in the address, text, and signature counted; land line ,:harges additional; all fees must be prepaid.

The Wireless rate via Montreal, Quebec, Grosse Isle, Three Rivers, Father Point, Cape Bear, Pictou, is calculated at 2-.4d. per word; every word in the address, text, and signature counted; landline charges additional; all fees must be prepaid.

The Wireless rate via Clarke City, Fame Point, Harrington, Heath Point, Magdalen Island, North Sydney, Halifax, Partridge Island, Belle Isle, Cape Ray, Point Rich, Point Amour, is calculated at 5d. per word; every word in the address, text, and signature counted; landline charges additional; all fees must be prepaid.

for United Kingdom—The rate via Valentia, or other stations in the United Kingdom, is 10d. per word; every word in address, text, and signature counted; landline charges additional; all fees must be prepaid.

Ship To Ship—The General rate on ship to ship messages is 8d. per word, but as Dutch, Belgian and certain other vessels apply a ship tax with a minimum of ten words, the charges on messages to these vessels will he calculated as follows:—English ship tax 4d. per word without minimum; Dutch or Belgian, etc., ship tax 4d. per word, with a minimum of 3s. 4d. Thus for a message of ten words or more the charge is 8d. per word.

Ocean Letters—The Marconi Company have inaugurated an "Ocean Letter" service, by which radio-telegrams may be sent from one ship to another going in an opposite direction, for delivery by Registered Post from the first port of call of the latter vessel. The rate is (inclusive of wireless, postage and registration) 5s. 6d. for 30 words plus Id. for each additional word up to a maximum of 100 words. This class of message must contain full Postal Address.

Landing Arrangements

for Eastbound Passengers

Cherbourg—Passengers are landed by tender up to 10 P. M., but if the Ship arrives later, they will disembark at 7:30 next morning.

Southampton—Passengers will be landed up to 10 P. M. If the Ship berths later, Passengers will disembark next morning at 8 o'clock, April to September inclusive (breakfast being served at 7:30 A. M.) or at 8:30 A. M., October to March inclusive (breakfast being served at 8 A. M.)

Notice To Passengers for London

For the information and guidance of Passengers proceeding to London, it is desired to point out that tinder the exceptional conditions now prevailing :-

1.—Hotel accommodation is difficult to obtain, and much inconvenience will be avoided by reservations being made in advance.

2.—Taxis or other vehicles for the conveyance of luggage cannot readily be secured, particularly when arriving at Waterloo late at night.

Whenever the number of Passengers justifies same, a special train will be despatched for London on the arrival of the steamer, conditional on such special train being able to leave Southampton docks not later than 8:30 p. m.

Should the steamer arrive at her berth at Southampton after 6:30 pm those Passengers desiring to do so may remain on board until the following morning, when they will be landed after breakfast.

Steamer Rugs and Chairs

CAN Be Hired On APPLICATION at The Enquiry Office. 111 Charge $1.50 Each

Upper Berths

Passengers OCCUPYING Upper Berths CAN OBTAIN STEPS for GETTING in or OUT of SAME By APPLYING To The Steward or StewardESS.


As the Bugle Is Not Sounded for Breakfast, Passengers Desirous of Being Wakened Should Arrange to Be Called by Their Bedroom Steward.

Letters, Etc., for Passengers for the Voyage Will Be Brought on Board Before the Passengers Land.

Passengers Should Personally Ascertain Whether There Is Any Mail for Them Before Disembarking, and They Are Invited to Leave Their Addresses at the Enquiry Office for Later Dispatches to Be Re-Directed.

Public Telephones
With Booths and Operators
On Our New York Piers

IN The First Class

Turkish and Electric Baths On The S. S. 'Adriatic"

The Turkish Bath estblishment is located upon the main deck, consisting of the usual hot temperate and cooling rooms, shampooing rooms, plunge bath and massage couch. Electric Baths and a Plunge Bath are also provided in con. junction with same.

Experienced attendants are in charge. These Baths will be available for

  • Ladies - From 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
  • Gentlemen From 2 P. M. to 7 P. M.

Tickets being obtainable from the Enquiry Office at a charge of 6/- ($1.25) each for the Turkish Baths and Electric Baths.

Plunge Baths

The Plunge Bath will be open between the following Hours:

  • Ladies From 10:00 am to 11:30 am Free
    `` 11 am to 1 p.m. . 1/-
  • Gentlemen From 6:00 am to 9 am. Free
    `` 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm 1/-

Costume Provided Free of Charge.

Tickets Are Obtainable at the Enquiry Office.


ADJACENT to the Turkish and Electric Baths there is a Gymnasium, which will be open (with a competent attendant in charge) for exercise by Ladies and Gentlemen, respectively, during the same hours as the Baths, but no charge will be made for the use of the appliances.

The Gymnasium will be available for Children from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm only.

Information for Passengers—Second Class

First Sitting

  • Breakfast at 7.30 am
  • Luncheon at 12 noon
  • Dinner at 6:00 pm

Second Sitting

  • Breakfast at 8.30 am
  • Luncheon at 1:00 pm
  • Dinner at 7:00 pm

The Bar opens at 8:00 am, and closes at 10.30 p. m.

Lights are extinguished in the Saloon at 11:00 pm, and Smoking Room at 12:00 pm

Baggage. Questions relating to Baggage should be referred to the Second Steward, who is the Ship's Baggage Master. Trunks, Chairs, etc., which Passengers may desire to leave in charge of the Company, should be appropriately labeled and handed to the Ship's Baggage Master, and such articles will be stored entirely at owner's risk. All charges must be paid to the Purser.

Passengers are requested to ask for a Receipt on the Company's Form for any additional Passage Money, Chair Hire, or Freight paid on board.

Smoking is strictly prohibited in any of the Staterooms, Library, or Dining Saloon.

Library. Books can be obtained on applying to the Library Steward.

Meals not permitted to be served in the Library.

Deck Chairs can be hired at a charge of $1.50 each for the voyage.

Steamer Rugs can be hired at a charge of $1.50 each for the voyage.

Second Class Passengers are not allowed in the First or Third Class quarters.

Valuables. The White Star Line has provided a safe in the office of the Purser, in which Passengers may deposit money, jewels, or ornaments, for safe keeping. The Company will not be liable to Passengers for the loss of money, jewels, or ornaments by theft or otherwiie, not so deposited.

Exchange of Money. The Purser is prepared, for the convenience of Passengers, to exchange a limited amount of English and American money, at rates which will be advised on application.

The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject in each case to the approval of the Commander, for treating Passengers at their request for any illness not originating on board the ship. In the case of sickness developed on board, no charge will be made, and medicine will be provided free in all circumstances.

Postage Stamps can be obtained from the Saloon Steward in the Dining Saloon who will take charge of Cable Dispatches and Telegrams for Transmission.

Passengers' Addresses may be left with the Saloon Steward second in order that any letters sent to the care of the Company may be forwarded.

Dogs. Passengers are notified that dogs cannot be landed in Great Britain unless a license has previously been procured from the Board of Agriculture, London. Forms of license must be obtained by direct application to the Department before the dog is taken on board.

The White Star Line has a West End Office for the convenience of Passengers, at 1 Cockspur Street, London, S. W.

Letters can be addressed there to await arrival of Passengers, and baggage can be stored.

Registered Telegraphic and Cable Address—"Vessels," London. Telephone, "No. 1964 Regent," London.

Company's Offices and Agents

Liverpool — White Star Line, 30 James Street.

London — White Star Line, 1 Cockspur Street, S. W.
and 38 Leadenhall Street, E. C.

Southampton — White Star Line, Canute Road. Cherbourg — A. Laniece & Fils

Paris — The American Travel and Ttansport Agency, 9 Rue Scribe.

When Returning to America Engage Your Passage on One of the Splendid Steamers of the International Mercantile Marine Lines

American Line

  • Southampton - Cherbourg - New York
  • Liverpool - Philadelphia
  • Hamburg - New York

Leyland Line

  • Liverpool - Boston

Red Star Line

  • Antwerp - Southampton - New York

White Star Line

  • Southampton - Cherbourg - New York
  • Liverpool - New York
  • Genoa - Naples - Azores - Boston

White Star-Dominion Line

  • Liverpool - Quebec - Montreal
  • Liverpool - Halifax, N. S. - Portland, Me., (Winter)


Back Cover, SS Adriatic Passenger List 24 April 1920

Back Cover, SS Adriatic Passenger List 24 April 1920. GGA Image ID # 1f9a0238ca


Passenger List Contributed by Pat Tiffany 2012


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