SS Pennland Passenger List - 24 August 1934


Front Cover, Red Star Line SS Pennland Cabin Class Passenger List - 24 August 1934.

Front Cover of a Cabin Passenger List from the SS Pennland of the Red Star Line, Departing Friday, 24 August 1934 from Antwerp to New York via Le Havre and Southampton, Commanded by Captain H. Harvey. GGA Image ID # 1404c29df5


Senior Officers and Staff

  • Commander: Captain H. HARVEY
  • Chief Engineer: A. WEBSTER
  • Surgeon : L. BAYER, M. D.
  • Chief Steward: R. J. MOREY
  • Purser: H. A. WROTH
  • Asst. Purser: H. W. LASDEN


Cabin Passengers

  1. Aasted, Mr. Helge
  2. Albert, Mr. J.
  3. Allen, Miss Elizabeth
  4. Allen, Miss Jane, G.
  5. Ames, Mrs. M.
  6. Ames, Miss M. G.
  7. Ames, Miss M. E.
  8. Ames, Mr. R. H.
  9. Anderson, Mr. Samuel, W.
  10. Antoniou, Mr. A.
  11. Archbald, Mr. Robert, W.
  12. Archbald, Mrs.
  13. Archbald, Miss Marion
  14. Arkinstall, Mrs. J. R.
  15. Astrop, Prof. R. C.
  16. Atwell, Miss Marion
  17. Auchmoty, Mrs. C.
  18. Austin, Mrs. Henry
  19. Avery, Miss C. B.
  20. Avrut, Miss Rea, L.
  21. Baggs, Miss Hazel
  22. Baine, Mr. John, C.
  23. Baine, Mrs. Helen
  24. Baker, Dr. Lawrence
  25. Baker, Mrs.
  26. Baker, Miss Helen
  27. Baker, Miss Ruth
  28. Bannister, Miss Mabel
  29. Barbarash, Mrs. Feiga
  30. Barbarash, Master Robert
  31. Barenkopf, Mr. P. Edw.
  32. Barenkopf, Mrs.
  33. Barks, Miss Annie
  34. Barash, Miss Gladys
  35. Bartlett, Mrs. J. L.
  36. Bartlett, Master
  37. Bartlett, Master
  38. Baruth, Miss E.
  39. Baruth, Mr. Alfred
  40. Baruth, Mrs.
  41. Bassett, Miss Clara
  42. Baumgartner, Dr. Grace
  43. Beach, Miss Cornelia
  44. Beach, Miss Emily
  45. Beddoe, Mrs. Amy, M.
  46. Bell, Mr. Alfred
  47. Bell, Mrs. J. P.
  48. Bemis, Mrs. E. J.
  49. Berry, Prof. Edw. B.
  50. Bertrand, Rev. Nicholas
  51. Bettman, Mr. Edgar
  52. Bettman, Mr. Bernard
  53. Birnbaum, Mr. Michel
  54. Blackwood, Dr. Andrew, W.
  55. Blackwood, Mrs.
  56. Blackwood, Mr. Andrew, Jr.
  57. Blumenthai, Mrs. M. L.
  58. Bond, Mrs. Carrie, J.
  59. Bonitz, Miss Elsie, M.
  60. Bonnevalle, Mr. Richard, W.
  61. Bortin, Mr. G.
  62. Boslett, Miss Cecilia
  63. Boulton, Miss Isabelle
  64. Bovard, Mr. James, M.
  65. Bradford, Mr. Mark
  66. Bradford, Mrs.
  67. Bradford, Miss A. E.
  68. Brandt, Mr. Francis, B.
  69. Breckwoldt, Mrs. Anna
  70. Brigham, Miss Eleanor, S.
  71. Brigham, Miss Harriet
  72. Brodhead, Mr. R. S.
  73. Brown, Miss Annie, E.
  74. Brown, Miss Nellie, J.
  75. Bru Baker, Miss Mildred
  76. Buffurn, Mrs. Helen, A.
  77. Bull, Mr. Harry, L.
  78. Bull, Mrs.
  79. Burns, Mrs. Anne, Z.
  80. Burton, Miss Leula
  81. Calbertson, Miss Ruth
  82. Cameron, Mrs. Mary, W. D.
  83. Cameron, Master Thomas
  84. Cameron, Master Robert A.
  85. Carren, Miss Ann
  86. Carolan, Miss Benedicta
  87. Carpenter, Miss Sara
  88. Casier, Miss Florence
  89. Castenholz, Mr. Wm., B.
  90. Chabourel, Mr. Alfred
  91. Chapman, Miss Mabel
  92. Childs, Mrs. Jane
  93. Childs, Miss Myrtle
  94. Christensen, Miss Allie, V.
  95. Church, Mr. David, H.
  96. Church, Mrs.
  97. Clancey, Miss Agnes
  98. Clum, Mr. Harold, D.
  99. Clum, Mrs.
  100. Cobley, Miss Isabel, E.
  101. Cohen-Miller, Mrs. Beatrice
  102. Cohen, Master Charles, M.
  103. Congdon, Mr. Chas., E.
  104. Congdon, Mr. Richard
  105. Connolly, Mr. Patrick
  106. Connolly, Miss Dorothy
  107. Crocker, Miss Suzanne
  108. Crosland, Rev. E. S.
  109. Crosby, Miss Elizabeth
  110. Crosby, Miss E. M.
  111. Crosby, Miss A.
  112. Crosby, Mr. David
  113. Cumberlidge, Mrs. Mabel
  114. Cumberlidge, Master Robt.S.
  115. Cushing, Mrs. Eloise, B.
  116. Cuthbert, Mr. Hugh, T.
  117. Cuthbert, Mrs.
  118. Cuthbert, Mr. H. T., Jr.
  119. Daniels, Miss Gertrude
  120. Davis, Mr. James, G.
  121. Davis, Mrs. Lillian
  122. Deane, Miss Sue
  123. De Buck, Mr. John
  124. De Martine, Miss L.
  125. De Martine, Miss Mary
  126. Deper, Mr. Armand
  127. de Treville, Miss Margaret
  128. Dickson, Miss Gladys, G. M.
  129. Diébold, Miss H.
  130. Doane, Miss Rena
  131. Dooley, Mr. William, H.
  132. Dooley, Mrs.
  133. Dow, Miss M. W.
  134. Dowell, Miss Sidna
  135. Dresden, Prof. Arnold, D.
  136. Droegh, Miss Theresa
  137. Dugliss, Mrs. J. W.
  138. Dunne, Miss Juliette, M.
  139. Edward, Mrs. I.
  140. Edward, Miss G.
  141. Edward, Miss M. B.
  142. Edwards, Mr. Parker
  143. Edwards, Miss Judith
  144. Edwards, Miss Virginia
  145. Egan, Miss Marie, E.
  146. Egan, Miss Anita
  147. Egan, Miss Josephine
  148. Einstein, Mrs. Albert
  149. Elliott, Mrs. Mary, W.
  150. Elliott, Mr. Stuart
  151. Ellsworth, Mrs. D.
  152. Epstein, Mr. Herman
  153. Evans, Miss Mary, L.
  154. Fallon, Miss Irene, A.
  155. Fallon, Miss Catherine
  156. Farrell, Miss Renée
  157. Faust, Dr. Otto, A.
  158. Findlay, Prof. Hugh
  159. Fitzgerald, Miss Mary
  160. Flannery, Miss Margaret
  161. Fleischer, Mr. Sidney, R.
  162. Fleischer, Mrs.
  163. Fleischman, Mrs. Ida, L.
  164. Fleischman, Miss Estelle
  165. Foreman, Mrs. G. F.
  166. Foreman, Miss Isabel
  167. Foster, Miss Helen
  168. Frawley, Miss May
  169. Frost, Mrs. Helena
  170. Fry, Miss Frances, E.
  171. Gardner, Mr. Edmund, A.
  172. Garretson, Mrs. Wilfred
  173. Gavares, Miss Constance
  174. Geddes, Mr. H. L.
  175. Geddes, Mrs.
  176. Gemhartd, Mrs. P.
  177. Gibbons, Miss E.
  178. Goodwin, Dr. Edward, S.
  179. Gordon, Mr. R. B.
  180. Gordon, Mrs.
  181. Gordon, Mrs. Annie
  182. Gottschall, Mrs. S.
  183. Gotthelf, Mr. Abraham
  184. Greater, Mr. Wm.
  185. Green, Mr. C. A.
  186. Green, Mrs.
  187. Green, Miss Patricia
  188. Gregory, Miss Jean
  189. Griffith, Miss Gladys
  190. Grillon, Mrs. M. G.
  191. Grimoux, Mr. Pierre
  192. Grunzreig, Mr. Miklos
  193. Grunzreig, Mrs.
  194. Gulick, Miss Florence
  195. Guthrie, Miss Sarah
  196. Guthrie, Miss Lilian
  197. Haggerty, Miss Isabel
  198. Hantt, Miss Helen
  199. Harmond, Mrs. Uriah
  200. Haring, Mrs. C. H.
  201. Haring, Mr. Philip, S.
  202. Haring, Mr. Clarence, H.
  203. Harris, Mrs. W. B.
  204. Harris, Miss Helen, B.
  205. Hart, Miss M. Maude
  206. Hawlett, Miss Edith
  207. Hecker, Miss Rose
  208. Heller, Mr. A.
  209. Heltberg, Mr. A. G.
  210. Henderson, Mr. Algo, D.
  211. Henderson, Mrs. Anne, C.
  212. Hering, Prof. D. W.
  213. Hering, Miss Doris
  214. Hering, Miss Hollis
  215. Hess, Miss A. M.
  216. Hess, Mrs. Miriam
  217. Hill, Mr. Arthur E.
  218. Hill, Mrs.
  219. Hoeppner, Miss Hattie
  220. Horwitz, Mr. S.
  221. Hooker, Miss Dorcas
  222. Howard, Mrs. F.
  223. Howard, Miss Grace
  224. Humphreys, Miss Sallie, T.
  225. Hutchinson, Miss Lilian
  226. Ireland, Miss Alice, V.
  227. Irwin, Miss Mary, B.
  228. Jansen, Mr. Cornelius
  229. Jansen, Mrs.
  230. Janssen, Mr. H. W.
  231. Jessop, Miss Grace
  232. Jessop, Mrs. Stephen, J.
  233. Jewell, Mr. Walter, E.
  234. Jewell, Mrs. Myrthe, E.
  235. Jewell, Miss Nancy
  236. Jewell, Mr. Robert
  237. Jones, Miss Lilian, E.
  238. Josephson, Mrs. M.
  239. Josephson, Miss R.
  240. Josephson, Miss E.
  241. Kaplan, Miss'Leah
  242. Katzenstein, Mr. Hans
  243. Kehoe, Miss Irene
  244. Kelly, Mrs. Reba, S.
  245. Kelly, Miss Lois
  246. Kem, Mr. J. P.
  247. Kem, Mrs.
  248. Kem, Miss Carroll
  249. Kem, Miss Evelyn
  250. Kenipel, Mrs. Caroline, L.
  251. Kettering, Miss Emma
  252. Kingsley, Master Robert
  253. Kirwen, Miss Sarah
  254. Kitson, Miss B. W.
  255. Klein, Mr. Eugène
  256. Klein, Mrs.
  257. Knobloch, Mrs. N. M.
  258. Knowles, Miss Edith, G.
  259. Kraus, Miss Frances
  260. Kraus, Mr .Wm., P.
  261. Kuhn, Mrs. Irene
  262. Lacey, Mr. Richard
  263. Lacey, Mrs.
  264. Lagattuta, Master Joseph, W.
  265. Legg, Mrs. J. Carter
  266. Leon, Miss Dorothy
  267. Lequime, Mr. Theophile
  268. Lewin, Mr. Max
  269. Lewis, Mr. John, R.
  270. Lewis, Mrs.
  271. Levy-Yellen, Mrs. Regina
  272. Lieberman, Mr. Max
  273. Lieberman, Mrs.
  274. Lieberman, Master Wm.
  275. Linder, Mrs. Alois
  276. Linder, Mrs.
  277. Linder, Miss Chantal
  278. Lippincott, Dr. E. H.
  279. Lippincott, Mrs.
  280. Livingston, Miss Jeanette Lee
  281. Lobell, Dr. A.
  282. Lobell, Mrs.
  283. Lord, Miss Eliza, M.
  284. Lovelace, Mrs. K. O.
  285. Lowenhaupt, Miss Alida
  286. Ludwig, Miss Leona
  287. Lukin, Mr. O.
  288. Lukin, Mrs.
  289. Lukin, Mr. B.
  290. Lukin, Mr. D.
  291. Luscombe, Miss Margaret
  292. Lyons, Prof. John, H.
  293. Lyons, Miss Mary, W.
  294. MacDonald, Mr. B. J.
  295. MacDonald, Miss M.
  296. Maibrunn, Miss V.
  297. Marchand, Rev. William, C.
  298. Macken, Miss Mary
  299. Mahony, Miss Rose, A. R.
  300. Mahony, Miss M. M.
  301. Malloyer, Mr. Charles
  302. Mantia, Mrs. Anna
  303. Marston, Mr. H. W.
  304. Martin, Mr. August, L.
  305. Martin, Mrs.
  306. Martin, Miss G. M.
  307. Marx, Mr. Walter, J.
  308. Mathes, Mrs. John, R.
  309. Maynard, Miss Caroline
  310. McCabe, Miss Frances
  311. McCann, Mrs. M. L.
  312. McCann, Miss A.
  313. McCarthy, Miss Helen, E.
  314. McCarthy, Miss Ann, R.
  315. McClure, Miss Helen
  316. McCord, Miss Mabel
  317. McDonnell, Miss Anna, H.
  318. McDowell, Mrs. R.
  319. McKay, Miss Anna
  320. Mead, Mr. George, W.
  321. Merlin, Miss Eveline
  322. Merryfield, Mrs. Glenn
  323. Miller, Miss Waldine
  324. Mitchell, Miss Judith
  325. Milwitzky, Mr. Wm.
  326. Milwitzky, Mrs.
  327. Miske, Miss Louise
  328. Mockby, Mr. Julius, C.
  329. Morgan, Rev. E.
  330. Morgan, Mrs. Marjorie
  331. Moore, Mrs. Fanny, T.
  332. Moore, Mrs. K.
  333. Moses, Dr. Elisabeth
  334. Motley, Miss Phylis
  335. Muller, Mr. Adolf
  336. Muller, Miss Bertha, L.
  337. Muller, Dr. Gladys, M.
  338. Mullins, Miss D.
  339. Murta, Mrs. Lottie
  340. Nelson, Rev. Frank, H.
  341. Nelson, Mrs.
  342. Nelson, Miss Ruth, A.
  343. Nelson, Miss Margaret, A.
  344. Nettles, Mrs. Marian
  345. Neumann, Rev. W. Paul
  346. Neumann, Mrs.
  347. Neumann, Master John
  348. Nicely, Mrs. G. A.
  349. Nichols, Rev. George, E.
  350. Nichols, Mrs. Mary
  351. Nicholson, Mrs. Emily
  352. Noe, Mr. Wm.
  353. Noland, Miss M. V.
  354. Noonan, Miss Elizabeth
  355. Ober, Miss Elgie, F.
  356. Ohweiler, Miss Ruth
  357. Olson, Miss Anna
  358. Osgood, Miss Louise, B.
  359. O’Shea, Mr. John, A.
  360. O’Sullivan, Miss Elizabeth
  361. Page, Mrs. M. Owen
  362. Patrick, Miss Maude
  363. Paul, Miss Ernestine, C.
  364. Pedrolini, Mr. Hans
  365. Pegram, Mr. Robert
  366. Perlman, Mr. J,
  367. Peyton, Miss Florence
  368. Philips, Miss F. H.
  369. Philips, Miss C.
  370. Pierce, Miss Lizzie
  371. Potts, Mr. George
  372. Prezzolini, Mr. Ginseppes
  373. Price, Miss Florence
  374. Quartermaive, Mr. Fred.
  375. Quartermaive, Mrs.
  376. Raymond, Mr. Edward, A.
  377. Ready, Mr. Daniel, J.
  378. Reed, Mr. Leslie, H. Jr.
  379. Reed, Mrs. Sophie, E.
  380. Redmond, Miss Marg, F.
  381. Reynolds, Mrs. Pyna
  382. Riach, Miss H. Frances
  383. Riach, Miss H. Frances
  384. Rice, Mrs. Anne, S.
  385. Ritter, Miss Leslie
  386. Rodetsky, Miss Dora
  387. Rose, Miss Hester
  388. Rose, Miss Marg. A.
  389. Rosh, Dr. Rieva
  390. Ross, Mr. J. Walter
  391. Ross, Mrs.
  392. Ross, Mr. F. B.
  393. Rosner, Mr. Julius
  394. Rosner, Mrs.
  395. Rosner, Master Henry
  396. Rosner, Master Nathan
  397. Rummel, Miss Elisabeth
  398. Sachs, Miss Sylvia
  399. Sachs, Mr. Charles
  400. Sabater, Miss Marie
  401. Saben, Mr. William
  402. Saben, Mrs.
  403. Saben, Miss Marian
  404. Sager, Miss B. W.
  405. Salupsky, Miss Frances
  406. Schaefer, Mr. Ferdinand
  407. Schmidt, Miss Elsie, E.
  408. Schubert, Miss Susie
  409. Schulte, Mr. D.
  410. Schutz, Mrs. Laura
  411. Schutz, Miss Gertrude
  412. Schweitzer, Miss Marie
  413. Scull, Mr. Theodore
  414. Sedgwick, Mrs. R. W.
  415. Seelman, Miss Caroline
  416. Shaw, Miss Constance
  417. Sheppard, Mrs. R. M.
  418. Sheridan, Miss Anne
  419. Sidwell, Miss Bertha
  420. Simon, Mr. H. W.
  421. Slavin, Mrs. Pauline
  422. Smart, Mr. Oliver, M.
  423. Smart, Mrs.
  424. Smid, Miss Eugenie
  425. Smith, Dr. J. E.
  426. Smith, Mrs. C. Harrison
  427. Solberg, Miss Olga, E.
  428. Sontag, Dr. Lester, W.
  429. Sontag, Mrs.
  430. Sontag, Mrs.
  431. Sparrow, Mrs. L. L.
  432. Spicer, Miss M.
  433. Spiegelman, Mr. Louis
  434. Spinney, Dr. D.
  435. Spinney, Miss E.
  436. Staats, Mrs. Louise, S.
  437. Staelens, Mr. Charles
  438. Staughton, Mrs. E. M.
  439. Stephens, Mr. R.
  440. Stoff, Mrs. Elsie
  441. Stoff, Master William, G.
  442. Stoff, Miss Dorothy, A.
  443. Stroh, Miss Sophie
  444. Stronach, Miss Flor. C.
  445. Suliot, Miss Eugenia
  446. Swaen, Mr. Pierre, J.
  447. Swaen, Mrs. Marie
  448. Swaen, Miss Florentine
  449. Swain, Mrs. Isabel, W.
  450. Swain, Miss Barbara, W.
  451. Thomas, Mrs. L. R.
  452. Timmerman, Rev. N. R.
  453. Tisher, Dr. Benjamin
  454. Toriser, Miss Seraphine
  455. Torresen, Mrs. G. F.
  456. Torresen, Miss Isabell
  457. Trammer, Miss J.
  458. Trammer, Miss C.
  459. Trotler, Miss Margaret
  460. Turner, Miss Helen
  461. Toadvine, J. A., Rev. Geo, H.
  462. Untermeyer, Mr. F.
  463. Vanderbrigghe, Miss Octavia
  464. Van der Burgh, Mrs. Isabel
  465. Van de Velde, Mr. Peter
  466. Van de Velde, Mrs. Jennie
  467. Van Haver, Rev. F.
  468. Van Reeth, Miss Josephine
  469. Vingerhoets, Mr. Grégoire
  470. Van Hoof, Mrs. Victorine
  471. Van Hoof, Mr. Alfred
  472. Verhoogen, Mr. Jean
  473. Vingerhoets, Mr. Grégoire
  474. Vollmer, Miss Helen
  475. Vollmer, Miss Agnes
  476. Wade, Mrs. J. D.
  477. Wagdalt, Mr. Fredinand
  478. Wagdalt, Mrs.
  479. Waggoner, Miss Elizabeth
  480. Warner, Miss Emma, L.
  481. Warrington, Miss Mary, C.
  482. Watkins, Mrs. Amelia
  483. Watkins, Mr. Charles, E.
  484. Webber, Miss Nellie
  485. Weill, Mr. Felix
  486. Weill, Mrs.
  487. Weill, Miss Ellen
  488. Westberg, Rev. Geo
  489. Westberg, Mrs.
  490. Wilkes, Miss Margaret
  491. Williams, Mr. F. L.
  492. Williams, Miss Belle
  493. Wilson, Mrs. A. W. Jr.
  494. Wilson, Miss Harriet, H.
  495. Wollrab, Mr. Henry, C.
  496. Wollrab, Mrs.
  497. Wood, Master Howard, D.
  498. Woodman, Mrs. Isabella, K.
  499. Woodward, Mrs. Stanley
  500. Woodward, Master Stanley
  501. Wulkan, Mrs. M.
  502. Yanover, Miss Flarriet
  503. Yohalem, Mrs. S.
  504. Zehner, Mr. L. F.
  505. Zehner, Miss D.
  506. Zunser, Mr. Chas.
  507. Zunser, Mrs,

Information for Passengers

The Bugle is sounded at 8. A. M.

When One Sitting

  • BREAKFAST: 8:30 a. m.
  • LUNCHEON: 1 p. m.
  • DINNER: 7:30p.m.

When Two Sittings

  • BREAKFAST: 8 a. m. and 9 a. m.
  • LUNCHEON: 12 Noon and 1:15 p. m.
  • DINNER: 6:15 p. m. and 7:30 p. m.

The Bar opens at 8 a. m. and closes at Midnight.

Lights are extinguished in the Dining Saloon, Lounge, Library, and Smoking Room at Midnight.

Divine Service will be held on Sundays at 11 a. m.

Seats at table. — Passengers should apply to the Second Steward for reservation of seats.

Upper Berths. — Passengers occupying upper berths can obtain steps for getting in or out of same on applying to the Steward or Stewardess.

Precious stones or other similar articles of merchandise may not be taken as baggage but all passengers must deliver such goods to the Purser of the vessel upon which they arrive. Pursers are requested to deliver passengers a receipt for merchandise so delivered and place the goods in the safes aboard their vessels until a customs permit is presented to the Inspectors, ordering the goods into the U.S. appraiser’s stores for examination.

Valuables. — For the convenience of Passengers, the Line has provided in the Purser’s Office, a Safe in which money, jewels, ornaments, documents or other valuables may be deposited by Passengers.

A receipt for any articles so deposited will be issued by the Purser, but the Line does not, having regard to the ticket conditions and to the provisos of Section 502 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1894 and of Section 4281 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, accept any responsibility for the safe custody of any such articles. Passengers are accordingly advised to protect themselves by insurance.

Dangerous articles such as Fireworks, Matches Gunpowder, Gasoline, Cartridges, Moving Picture Films etc. must not on any account be enclosed in baggage.

The Purser’s Office. — Letters, Cables, Telegrams and Marconigrams are received or delivered, and Postage Stamps can be purchased.

None of the ship’s staff other than those on duty in the Purser's Office are authorized to accept Letters or Telegrams for dispatch.

Charges collected on board. — Passengers are requested to ask for a Receipt on the Company’s Form for any additional Passage Money, Chair or Steamer Rug Hire, charges collected for Marconigrams.Cablegrams or Telegrams or Freight paid on board.

Passengers’ Mail. — On the steamer’s arrival passengers should enquire personally whether there is any mail for them, and before disembarking they are invited to leave their addresses at the Purser’s office in order that later dispatches may be redirected.

Deck Chairs, Cushions and Steamer Rugs can be hired on application to the Deck Steward, at a charge of $1.00 each for the voyage.

Baggage. — Questions relating to Baggage should be referred to the Assistant Second Steward, who is the Ship's Baggage Master. Trunks, Chairs, etc., which passengers may desire to leave in charge of the Company, should be properly labelled and handed to the Baggage Master on the dock at New York and such articles will be stored entirely at owner’s risk. It is for passengers themselves to see that all of their baggage is passed by the U. S. Customs Authorities on landing at New York.

Automobiles. — Uncrated automobiles carried as baggaçe must be included on the U.S. Customs Declaration which will facilitate Customs clearance.

New York arrival. — Baggage. — Should the steamer arrive at New York Wharf after 8 p.m., all passengers who have been passed by the U. S. Immigration Authorities may land or remain on board over night at their own option.

Those passengers who have been passed by the Immigration Authorities and desire to remain on board may have all their baggage passed by the U.S. customs that night or the following morning at their own option. No baggage will be passed before 8 a. m. the day following arrival. Breakfast will be served to those who remain on board over-night.

Upon landing at New York, and upon application to the representatives of the Railroads, who meet all arriving Red Star Line steamers, railroad tickets may be purchased, and baggage of Passengers may be checked from the Steamship Pier to any point along the Lines of the Pennsylvania, New York Central, Erie, Lehigh Valley, Delaware and Lackawanna, Baltimore and Ohio, New York, New Haven and Hartford and connecting Railroads.

In the event of the steamer arriving at quarantine after the hours mentioned hereunder, passengers, other than United Sates Citizens, may be required by the U. S. Immigration Authorities to remain on board over night, and to have their passports examined the following morning :

  • October to December inclusive 5.30 p.m.
  • January to March inclusive 6.00 p.m.
  • April to June inclusive 7.30 p.m.
  • July to September inclusive 7.15 p.m.

Breakfast will be served in the usual course.

Travelers’ Checks, payable in all parts of Europe can be purchased at all principal offices of the Company. These Checks are accepted on board steamers in payment of accounts, but the Pursers have no sufficient funds to enable them to cash these Checks except in a very limited amount.

Medical attendance. — The Surgeon is authorized to make customary charges, subject in each case to the approval of the Commander, for treating passengers at their request for any illness not originating on the voyage. In the case of sickness developed on the voyage, no charge will be made, and medicine will be provided free in all circumstances.

The Surgeon will be in attendance at the surgery for consultations at the following hours : 10 a. m. 6 p. m. 8.30 p. m.

The Surgeon will bé available at all times in cases of urgency.

Sea Sickness. — While few persons suffer from this ailment the Red Star Line in their efforts to render every possible service, has adopted a device known as the « Ozonator » which has proven most satisfactory in relieving distressed passengers. Anyone requiring attention should see the Ship's Surgeon who will arrange to give treatment.

A Gymnasium, fully equipped with modern appliances, is situated on the Promenade Deck and is open for exercise by Ladies, Gentlemen and children as follows :

  • 6:00 a. m. to 9:00 a. m. for Gentlemen only
  • 10:00 a. m. to 12:00 noon for Ladies only
  • 12:00 noon to 1:00 p. m. for Ladies and Gentlemen
  • 1:00 p. m. to 3:30 p. m. for Children
  • 3.30 p. m. to 7:00 p. m. for Ladies and Gentlemen.

No charge is made for the use of the appliances.

The Company accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any accident whatever cause arising to any passenger using the Gymnasium.

A Children’s Playroom. — Located on the Promenade Deck this room is in charge of a trained attendant and has a large assortment of the latest games and devices for the amusement and enjoyment of children.

Exchange of money. — The Purser is prepared, for the convenience of passengers, to exchange a limited amount of English, Belgian, French and American money, at rates which will be advised on application.

Dogs and Cats. — Passengers are notified that dogs and cats must be handed over to the care of the live-stock attendant, and are not allowed in the Staterooms or on the Passenger decks.

Dogs, cats and other animals carried as baggage to be landed at New York must be included on the U.S. Customs Declaration.

Orchestra. — The steamer carries an orchestra of professional musicians which will play regularly throughout the voyage

Deck Games and Amusements. — Deck Quoits, Shuffleboard, Bull Board and other games are provided on deck under the charge of the Deck Steward.
Chess, Draughts, Dominoes, etc., can be obtained on application to the Lounge or Smoke-Room Stewards.

Library. — Books can be obtained on applying to the Lounge Steward.

Barber. — The Barber is authorized to make the following charges :

  • Shaving $.15
  • haircutting .25
  • Shampooing .20
  • Singeing .15
  • Face Massage .35
  • Scalp Massage .25
  • Tonic Dressing .05
  • Manicure .75

Ladies* Hairdresser-Manicurist.(Coiffeur pour Dames-Manucure). Saloon located on B deck.

The services of our experienced Hairdresser and Manicurist are at the disposal of ladies in accordance with the following tariff :

  • Hair Trimming $.25
  • Singeing .23
  • Cutting and Singeing .70
  • Part Waving .75
  • Waving and Curling 1.00
  • Shampoo (ordinary) .60
  • Shampoo (shingled hair) .35
  • Facial Massage (hand) .35
  • Facial Massage ( Vibro) .60
  • Scalp Massage .35
  • Manicure .75

Writing Paper — Envelopes and Telegraph Forms will be found in the Library.

Railway and Steamship Time Tables of the various Companies are at passengers' disposal at the Enquiry Office and in the Lounge.

Picture Postcards. — Picture Postcards of the steamer can be obtained on board gratis.

Public Telephones are on our New York Piers.


Landing Cards. —- Before leaving the vessel the holder must present his or her Landing Card to the Immigration Officer for endorsement.

The Chief Steward holds a complaint book at the disposal passengers.


This Tax may be recovered by passengers, if same has been paid, provided they inform the U.S. Immigration Inspector on arrival at New York of their intention to leave the United States within 60 days (the time prescribed by U.S. Law), and obtain from him Transit Certificate Form 514.

It is also necessary for Transit Certificate Form 514 to be handed to the transportation company when completed, in time to allow same to be placed before the Immigration Authorities in Washington within 120 days of passenger’s arrival in the United States.

Unless this regulation is complied with the Tax cannot be recovered.
Passengers, proceeding to the U.S. with the intention to stay in the States during a period exceeding 60 days, and make to this effect a declaration at the port of debarkation, will not be entitled to the reimbursement of the Head Tax, even if such passengers should leave the U.S. within the limit of 60 days.

Passengers, who desire to be reimbursed of the U.S. Head Tax, are politely requested to clearly indicate, on arrival at the debarkation port and also on the declaration form they have to fill in when booking passage, that it is not within their intention to prolong their sojourn in the U.S. over the 60 days.


This steamer is fitted with Marconi system of Wireless Telegraphy and also with Submarine Signaling Apparatus

The Wireless Telegraph Station on board is in communication with the shore throughout the voyage across the North Atlantic Ocean and passengers may avail themselves of the various Wireless Telegraph Services provided, at any time.

The wireless charge for a message forwarded through any coast station in the British Isles is 10 d. per word ; if forwarded through an American or Canadian coast station 11 d. per word. To these rates must be added the land telegraph charges which are additional.

The ship’s wireless station is always in touch with one or other of the coast stations in these countries.

Ship to Ship. — The general rate for a wireless message exchanged directly between two ships is 8 d. per word.

Special Rate Wireless Messages. — First there is the Ocean-Poste service, embracing ocean letters and Poste-radio- telegrams. This service is available only for sending messages to addresses in certain countries abroad. (Ocean Letters and Poste-radiotelegrams cannot be accepted for addresses in the British Isles).

The service is suitable for messages of a nonurgent character, such as greetings and news of the progress of the voyage etc. Ocean Letters and Poste-radiotelegrams are transmitted by wireless to another ship and are posted by the receiving ship from a suitable port of call.

The general rate for an Ocean Letter is 5/ - for 20 words (inclusive of postage) plus 2d. for each additional word. For the voyage from New York there is a special rate for Ocean Letters to American addresses, viz : $ 1.— for 15 words (address and signature free).

A Poste-radiotelegram costs 4d. per word plus the postage fee of 2 %d.
Second, is the Ship Letter Telegram Service. These messages can only be accepted for transmission to addresses in the British Isles, France & Germany. They are transmitted direct to a coast station in the country to which the messages are addressed and from there forwarded by post to destination.

The rates for Ship Letter Telegrams, are : to :

British Isles - 5/- d. for 20 words, each additional word - 3d.

France - 3/11d. for 20 words, each additional word-10 1/2 d.

Germany - 6/2 1/2 d. for 20 words, each additional word - 4 d.

All special rate messages must be directed to a full postal address.
All charges for wireless messages must be prepaid and a receipt should be requested.

For further particulars regarding the wireless services and rates, passengers should apply to the Accepting Office on board. Passengers should also consult the Wireless Notice board where the latest information regarding these services is posted daily throughout the voyage.

From the Back Cover

Back Cover, SS Pennland Passenger List - 24 August 1934

Track Chart, Red Star Line SS Pennland Cabin Class Passenger List - 24 August 1934. GGA Image ID # 1404d07f3e

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