SS Bergensfjord Passenger List - 8 June 1928

Front Cover - 8 June 1928 Passenger List, SS Bergensfjord, Norwegian America Line

Front Cover, Cabin and Tourist Third Class Passenger List for the SS Bergensfjord of the Norwegian-America Line, Departing 8 June 1928 from Oslo to New York via Stavanger and Bergen, Commanded by Captain Ole Bull. Designated as Voyage 124 West.


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Captain: Ole Bull
  2. Chief Officer: Ragnvald Gjertsen
  3. Purser: Arne Blix
  4. Chief Engineer: Peder Karstensen
  5. Physician: M Jenssen
  6. Chief Steward: Oscar Svensen


List of Cabin Passengers

  1. Aanonsen, Nils
  2. Andersen, Martha
  3. Arhaug, Tønnessen, Tønnes
  4. Boalth, Olga
  5. Brusdal, Aagot
  6. Boe, Oudrun
  7. Boe, Harald
  8. Eriksen, Solveig
  9. Enoksen, Oline
  10. Hansen, James
  11. Hveem, Hilda
  12. Hoff, Olaf
  13. Hoff, Sofie
  14. Hagenæs, Olaf A.
  15. Jacobsen, Anette
  16. Larson, Ingeborg
  17. Morterud, Dagny
  18. Mosby, Henrik
  19. Mosby, Jensine
  20. Nilsen, Ellen
  21. Quisling, Jorgen
  22. Quisling, Ingrid
  23. Roth, Jørgine
  24. Steen, Thoralf
  25. Thortveit, Solveig


Tourist Third Cabin Passengers

  1. Amato, Aagot
  2. Andersen, Ragnhild
  3. Alfsonhaugen, Ottar
  4. Ahlstrom, Erick
  5. Ahlstrom, Karl
  6. Blekeberg, Martha
  7. Blekeberg, Andrea
  8. Brevik, Fredrik
  9. Carlsen, Inga
  10. Carlsen, Rolf
  11. Eide, Samson
  12. Gundersen, Esther
  13. Hansen, Leif
  14. Hoff, Ivar
  15. Holmberg, Alma
  16. Holmberg, Ellen
  17. Holm, Reidar
  18. Hansen, Caspara
  19. Herregaarden, Jens
  20. Herregaarden, Ingeborg
  21. Hansen, Judith
  22. Helle, Tønnessen, Olav
  23. Høiland, Andrew
  24. Høiland, Anna S.
  25. Hagen, Adolf
  26. Knudsen, Gudrun
  27. Kopland, Gunhild
  28. Knudsen, Sigfred
  29. Larsen, Clara
  30. Larsen, Borre
  31. Larsen, Edith
  32. Larsen, Ellen
  33. Lowe, Marie
  34. Lowe, Elisabeth
  35. Langaker, Lorentz
  36. Langaker, Anna
  37. Langaker, Endrew
  38. Langaker, Thelma
  39. Landaas, Arne
  40. Marvik, Osmund
  41. Nilsen, Ruth
  42. Olsen, Sigurd
  43. Olsen, Martha
  44. Olsen, Ragnhild
  45. Pedersen, Francis
  46. Tice, Astri
  47. Utvik, Trygve Edsem
  48. Willas, Anna
  49. West, Frances V.
  50. White, Knut
  51. White, Marie
  52. White, Klaus
  53. Ødegaard, Alf


Additional Cabin Passengers

  1. Mikelsen, Lisebeth
  2. Skaar, Frithjof
  3. Thrap, Thomas Segelcke
  4. Willas, Anna

Total 29 Passengers.

Additions to Tourist Class Passengers

  1. Haaland, Bernhardt
  2. Knutsson, Arne
  3. Langaanes, Johan S.
  4. Opsahl, Amund
  5. Ofstad, Knut

Not On Board (Tourist Class):

  1. Alfsonhaugen, Ottar
  2. Brevik, Fredrik
  3. Høiland, Andrew
  4. Høiland, Anna
  5. Willas, Anna (Cabin)

Total 53 Passengers.

Information for Passengers

Meals will as a rule be served at the following hours: Breakfast 8-9.30 am, bouillon 11:00 am, lunch 1:00 pm, tea 4.30 pm dinner 7:00 pm

A Gong or bugle is sounded half an hour before and at the beginning of meals.

Seats at The Dining Tables are assigned by the Steward after sailing. In assigning the seats there will as far as possible be shown due regard to the wishes of the Passengers. Children under 10 years, who pay half fare, will as a rule be served at the Second sitting.

Meals will be served in staterooms or on deck only in case of sickness.

Public Rooms are open for the use and comfort of the Passengers from 7 A. M. all day to 11 P. M. Lights are extinguished at 11 P. M. (in the smoking rooms at 11.30 P. M.) and after these hours the Passengers are not allowed to stay in the public rooms. Nothing is served after 11 P. M.

Smoking is not allowed in the dining rooms, music rooms, state-rooms and corridors.

GAMBLING is prohibited.

Baths. Splendid uptodate bathrooms with hot and cold salt water and fresh water showerbaths are conveniently located. Baths, which are free, should be ordered from the bathroom or stateroom servants.

Library. Books may be borrowed from the ship's library by applying to the music room attendant to whom the books must be returned the day before arrival.

Baggage. Only ordinary steamertrunks and handbaggage is allowed in the staterooms. Baggage labeled "Baggage Room" will be placed in the baggage room, to which there is access every day 9 to 10 A. M. and 3 to 4 P. M. Baggage labeled "Hold" will be placed in ship's hold.

Deck Chairs may be secured by applying to the deckwaiter, Charge kr. 5.00.

Blankets and Pillows must not be taken from the staterooms for use on deck.

Rugs may be hired for doll. 0.50 for the voyage by applying to the deckwaiter.

Wireless Telegrams are received for transmission by the wireless operator. Wireless Station is located on upper deck (bridge deck).

The Marconi system of telegraphy is installed on board and messages will be received and transmitted at any time by operators in charge.

Ordinary Telegrams are received for transmission by the purser. Time for delivery of such telegrams will be posted on bulletin boards.

Letters must be stamped with Norwegian stamps and put in the mail boxes. Mail will be sent ashore at first port of call.

Stamps are obtainable from the music room attendant (deck-waiter), and also from the shop attendant in the Social Hall.

Valuables. The company will not be responsible for money jewelry or other valuables, belonging to the Passengers. The Passengers are warned not to leave such articles in their staterooms.

Money and other valuables enclosed in special safety envelopes provided for such purposes may be deposited with the purser, who will give receipt for package, but as no charges are made, the company assumes no responsibility.

Exchange of Money. The purser will change a limited amount of dollars or kroner. Time and rate of exchange will be posted in bulletin boards.

Ship's Doctor. Office Hours from 9.30-10:30 am and from 4-5:00 pm Attendance and medicin is free. In special cases a fee may be charged. A trained Nurse will assist Passengers in case of illness.

Purser's Office (also information office), is open from 9-10:00 am and from 4-5:00 pm

BENNETS TRAVELBUREAU is located near Tourist Third Class Dining-saloon.

The Barber's Shop is located in C.deck vestibule, port side. The following articles may be purchased in the Barber's shop:

  • Cameras
  • Pencils
  • Seasick Remedies
  • Films
  • Ingersoll Watches
  • Toilet articles
  • Waterman's Fountain-pens
  • Sun Goggles
  • Caps, etc.


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