SS Reliance Passenger List - 30 July 1927

Front Cover of a First and Second Cabin Passenger List for the SS Reliance of the Hamburg America Line, Departing 30 July 1927 from Hamburg to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg

Front Cover of a First and Second Cabin Passenger List for the SS Reliance of the Hamburg America Line, Departing 30 July 1927 from Hamburg to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain W. Möller. GGA Image ID # 1784d5e362


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Commander: Captain W. Müller
  2. First Officer: V. Lachmann
  3. Second Officer: F. Woelke
  4. Second Officer: W. Schober
  5. Second Officer: J. Karth
  6. Third Officer: H. Brandt
  7. Fourth Officer: W. Thomsen
  8. Fourth Officer: F. Gerhardt
  9. First Radio Officer: O. Reuter
  10. Second Radio Officer; H. Leemhuis
  11. Third Radio Officer: H. Conrad
  12. Chief Engineer: C. Kreutziger
  13. Second Engineer: G. Biermann
  14. Second Engineer: W. Wiese
  15. Second Engineer: Th. Vanselow
  16. Third Engineer: H. Dörner
  17. Third Engineer: F. Vollmer
  18. Third Engineer: J. Hennings
  19. Third Engineer: W. Dietz
  20. Third Engineer: W. Eckermann
  21. Third Engineer: W. Müller
  22. Third Engineer: W. Seeck
  23. Fourth Engineer: W. Brecht
  24. Fourth Engineer: G. Mansesen
  25. Fourth Engineer: H. Matzen
  26. Fourth Engineer: O. Rotter
  27. Chief Electrician: E. Siemann
  28. Electrician: M. Pemöller
  29. Electrician: W. Herney
  30. First Physician: Dr. G. Lange
  31. Second Physician: Dr. N. Meyer
  32. Nurse: I. Völckers
  33. Purser: B. Cornelisen
  34. Second Purser: B.Voss
  35. Assistant Purser: G. Seler
  36. Assistant Purser: K. Schreiber
  37. Baggage Master: H. Brede
  38. Chief Steward, First Class: H. Johannsen
  39. Second Chief Steward, First Class: R. Bunke
  40. Chief Steward, Third Class: J. Meier
  41. Assistant Chief Steward: C. Ferrein
  42. Assistant Chief Steward: F. Scherm
  43. Assistant Chief Steward: C. Trantofski
  44. Assistant Chief Steward: J. Martens
  45. Head Cook: H. Wettstein
  46. Music Director: O. Pockrandt
  47. Choir Director: M. Volkmann


First Cabin Passengers

To New York

  1. Dr. Harold Abramson
  2. Mr. B. E. Arnold
  3. Mrs. B. E. Arnold
  4. Mr. Thomas H. Ashton
  5. Mr. Siegfried Auerbach
  6. Mr. Walter E. Bacon
  7. Mrs. Walter E. Bacon
  8. Mr. Bernard Bendziger
  9. Mrs. Bernard Bendziger
  10. Mr. Ernst Bensinger
  11. Mr. Albert Bensinger
  12. Mr. Graf Gottfried Bismarck
  13. Mrs. Mary E. Blair
  14. Miss Lois Blair
  15. Miss Agnes E. Blaue
  16. Mr. F. Melville Blum
  17. Mrs. F. Melville Blum
  18. Mrs. Anna Lou Briggan
  19. Miss Helen Brinkerhoff
  20. Mr. Alfred Burin
  21. Mrs. Alfred Burin
  22. Mrs. Edith M. Bushnell
  23. Mr. F. Cardenis
  24. Mr. Daniel B. C. Catherwood
  25. Miss Louise Catherwood
  26. Mr. Harmon P. Chamberlin
  27. Mr. M. K. Cohen
  28. Mr. J. Frank Crouch
  29. Mrs. J. Frank Crouch
  30. Mr. Herman Dalberg
  31. Mr. Charles G. David
  32. Mrs. Anna H. Davidow
  33. Dr. George M. Dawson
  34. Mrs. George M. Dawson
  35. Mr. John O. Downey
  36. Mr. Alfred E. Drissner
  37. Mr. German Erausquin
  38. Mr. Jan Faber
  39. Dr. John Favill
  40. Mr. Louis H. Fellman
  41. Mrs. Louis H. Fellman
  42. Mr. Edward A. Ferrer
  43. Mrs. Edward A. Ferrer
  44. Mr. Paul Theodore Franke
  45. Mr. William O. Gennert
  46. Mr. Rudolf Geucke
  47. Mr. Oscar Glanckopf
  48. Mrs. Oscar Glanckopf
  49. Mr. Adolph M. Goetz
  50. Mr. Robert A. Grannis
  51. Mrs. Robert A. Grannis
  52. Mrs. Margret Graustein
  53. Mr. Archibald Graustein
  54. Mr. Paul Groebli
  55. Dr. Richard Gross
  56. Mr. Philip Haas
  57. Mr. Millard von Halle
  58. Mrs. Millard von Halle
  59. Mr. Edward von Halle
  60. Mr. John J. Hawes
  61. Mr. Charles E. Heald
  62. Mrs. Charles E. Heald
  63. Mr. Heinrich L. Heinsheimer
  64. Mr. Erich S. Herrmann
  65. Mr. Walter S. Hilborn
  66. Mrs. Walter S. Hilborn
  67. Dr. J. Morley Hoag
  68. Mrs. J. Morley Hoag
  69. Mr. Ferdinand Hofmann
  70. Mr. Vincent Horwitz
  71. Mrs. Vincent Horwitz
  72. Mr. Makoto Ikeda
  73. Mr. Louis Jarett
  74. Mr. Harry Jiencke
  75. Mrs. Harry Jiencke
  76. Mr. Joseph Johnson
  77. Mrs. Joseph Johnson
  78. Miss Marion Johnson
  79. Miss Ruth Jorgensen
  80. Mrs. T. H. Joseph
  81. Miss M. Joseph
  82. Miss D. Joseph
  83. Mr. Siegfried Karlebach
  84. Mrs. Siegfried Karlebach
  85. Mr. S. T. Kay
  86. Mrs. S. T. Kay
  87. Mr. J. Keller
  88. Mrs. J. Keller
  89. Mr. S. F. Kingston
  90. Mrs. S. F. Kingston
  91. Mrs. Baronin Kirkpatrick de Closeburn
  92. Miss Frieda Klaiss
  93. Mr. Emil Klein
  94. Mr. Fred Kohler
  95. Mr. Henry J. Krebs
  96. Mrs. Henry J. Krebs
  97. Mrs. Jenny O. Laird
  98. Miss Patricia E. Laird
  99. Mr. Carl H. Lieber
  100. Mrs. Carl H. Lieber
  101. Miss Hilda Lieber
  102. Mr. Newton R. Luther
  103. Mrs. Newton R. Luther
  104. Miss Rebecca Luther
  105. Mr. Emil MayersStoelzle
  106. Mrs. Emil MayersStoelzle
  107. Miss Alice T. McGrath
  108. Mrs. Tilli Meyer
  109. Mr. Adolf G. Moritz
  110. Miss Barbara Mueller
  111. Mr. James Neuman
  112. Mr. Lewis Newborg
  113. Mr. Edward E. Newmann
  114. Mrs. Edward E. Newmann
  115. Mrs. Miriam Newmann
  116. Mrs. Betty Louise Newmann
  117. Mr. Charles E. Norris
  118. Mr. John E. Norris
  119. Mr. Allan Norris
  120. Mrs. Pauline Oehlschlaeger
  121. Mr. Osgood Perkins
  122. Mrs. Osgood Perkins
  123. Miss Elizabeth Pfeil
  124. Mrs. Martha Pincus
  125. Mr. Joseph Pollack
  126. Mrs. B. Poth
  127. Mrs. J. Poth
  128. Mrs. Margaret J. Powers
  129. Mr. Herman G. Preuss
  130. Mr. B. W. Railey
  131. Mrs. B. W. Railey
  132. Miss S. Read
  133. Mr. Siegmond 1. Rice
  134. Mr. Friedrich A. Ringler
  135. Mr. J. F. Rosenfeld
  136. Mr. Robert Rosenfeld
  137. Miss Janet B. Rosenfeld along with teacher
  138. err S. W. Rosenthal
  139. Mrs. Sara Russek
  140. Mr. Ernest O. Salman
  141. Mrs. Jennie Salzberg
  142. Mr. Lou Scharf
  143. Mrs. Sophie Schenk
  144. Mr. Philip Schmitz
  145. Mrs. Philip Schmitz and Child
  146. Mrs. Edith E. Schuster
  147. Miss Elisabeth Schuster
  148. Mr. Raymond Schuster
  149. Mr. Frank Seeburger
  150. Mrs. Frank Seeburger
  151. Mr. Beppo Segal
  152. Mr. Elliot Shaw
  153. Mr. Clement L. Speiden
  154. Mrs. Clement L. Speiden
  155. Miss Speiden
  156. Mr. Clarence Stein
  157. Mrs. Clarence Stein
  158. Dr. Walter Stemmer
  159. Mr. Lehman Stern
  160. Mr. Louis Stern
  161. Mrs. Louis Stern
  162. Mrs. Emmeline Stieglitz
  163. Mr. Carl H. Sundquist
  164. Miss Cornelia Tüshaus
  165. Mr. Meier M. Ullmann
  166. Mrs. Meier M. Ullmann
  167. Mr. Leo Wallerstein
  168. Mrs. Leo Wallerstein and Servants
  169. Miss Alice Wallerstein
  170. Miss Dorothy Wallerstein
  171. Mr. Randolph S. Warner
  172. Mrs. Randolph S. Warner
  173. Mr. Randolph S. Warner Jr.
  174. Mr. John Warner
  175. Miss Mabel J. Weide
  176. Miss Lucille Werner
  177. Mr. Victor Werner
  178. Mrs. Mabel Wheeler
  179. Mr. Adolph Wiese
  180. Mrs. Adolph Wiese
  181. Mr. Eduard Winter
  182. Mrs. Eduard Winter
  183. Mrs. Sophia A. S. Wittenberg
  184. Mrs. M. Wolf

To Southampton

  1. Mr. Jos. Brearley
  2. Miss Ruth Buehring
  3. Mr. Cameron Clark
  4. Mr. Ehrhardt Dietel
  5. Miss Annemarie Diewitz
  6. Mrs. Anni Franz
  7. Mr. Hans Groebe
  8. Mr. Alfred Gruenbaum
  9. Mrs. Alfred Gruenbaum
  10. Dr. Arno Hirschkowitz
  11. Mrs. Arno Hirschkowitz
  12. Mr. Richard Kauffmann
  13. Mrs. Richard Kauffmann
  14. Mrs. Selma Klein
  15. Mr. Martin Lindsay
  16. Mrs. Martin Lindsay
  17. Miss Beatrice Lindsay
  18. Mrs. Emily A. Martin
  19. Mrs. Emily Masters
  20. Miss Lilly Masters
  21. Miss Kate Maynard
  22. Mr. Theodore B. Meyerstein
  23. Mr. Gordon B. Moir
  24. Mr. Detlev von Oertzen
  25. Mr. Reginald Montagne Partridge
  26. Miss Kate Maynard Partridge
  27. Miss Elizabeth Partridge
  28. Mr. Theodore Petersen
  29. Mr. R. Petersen
  30. Miss Gerda
  31. Mr. Max Roualds
  32. Mrs. Max Roualds RückersEmbden
  33. Mrs. Elsa Rudge
  34. Mr. Erckinger von Schwerin
  35. Mr. Richard Thompson
  36. Mrs. Richard Thompson
  37. Mr. Jacob Broch Utne
  38. Mr. Walter Vorwerk
  39. Miss Christiane Vorwerk
  40. Mr. Professor Archibald Watson
  41. Dr. Ludwig Weston
  42. Mr. F. W. "Whitworth
  43. Mr. C. D.Wdlis
  44. Dr. Henry WoodsHill
  45. Mrs. Henry WoodsHill
  46. Miss Elizabeth Wunderlich


Second Cabin Passengers

To New York

  1. Mr. Rudolf Brada
  2. Mrs. Katherine Branig
  3. Mrs. Georgette Branig
  4. Miss Charlotte Branig
  5. Miss Germaine Branig
  6. Miss Erna Camradt
  7. Mr. Juan Faura Carbonell
  8. Mr. Louis H. Clusman
  9. Mr. William Clusman
  10. Mr. Pfarrer A. Dasler
  11. Mr. Manuel Dymant
  12. Mr. Franklin Edgerton
  13. Mrs. Franklin Edgerton
  14. Mr. Joseph Franzen
  15. Miss Louise Fricke
  16. Mr. John Goertz
  17. Mr. Max Hagen
  18. Miss Margarethe Hahn
  19. Miss Minna Haimann
  20. Miss Hedwig Hengefoß
  21. Mrs. Agnes Irmler
  22. Mr. Louis Jelinek
  23. Mrs. Louis Jelinek
  24. Miss Lillian Jelinek
  25. Mr. Ambroise Jensen
  26. Mr. Henry Joseph
  27. Mrs. Henry Joseph
  28. Mr. Otto Kall
  29. Mrs. Anna Kobovsky
  30. Mr. Wilhelm Kohlhaupt
  31. Mr. Adolf Kohnstein
  32. Mr. Benjamin Kreger
  33. Mr. Martin Lachner
  34. Mr. Ferdinand Laux
  35. Mr. Michael Mayr
  36. Dr. Henry J.Mocentor
  37. Miss Adele Morgenstern
  38. Mr. Kurt Müller
  39. Mr. Louis Muser
  40. Mrs. Bertha Muser
  41. Mrs. Mary Novack
  42. Mr. John Novack
  43. Mr. Wilhelm Remlinger
  44. Mrs. Auguste Remlinger
  45. Miss Elsie Rueter
  46. Mr. Pfarrer
  47. Frank H. Sonderman
  48. Mr. Alexander Szakal
  49. Mrs. Magdalene Szakal
  50. Mr. Pfarrer Michael Wagner
  51. Mr. C. Walters
  52. Mr. Wilhelm Weber
  53. Mr. Georg Wecker
  54. Mrs. Ella Weih
  55. Mr. Joseph Wickler
  56. Mrs. Sara Wickler
  57. Mrs. Auguste Zerna
  58. Mr. Herbert Zivi

To Southampton

  1. Mr. Fritz Bachmann
  2. Dr. Paul Beckmann
  3. Mrs. Herta Beckmann
  4. Mr. Ewald du Bois«Reymond
  5. Mr. Professor Dr. Karl Brauer
  6. Mr. William Duff
  7. Miss Emily Eastop
  8. Mr. Denis Hardwicke
  9. Mrs. Franziska Kalis
  10. Mr. Costra Karl Kirchhoff
  11. Mrs. Claire Kirchhoff
  12. Mr. Paul Neumeister
  13. Mrs. Mabel Neumeister
  14. Nerissa Neumeister
  15. Mrs. Bertha Schütt
  16. Miss Christine Söderström
  17. Miss Ingrid Söderström
  18. Mr. Johannes Tams
  19. Mr. Robert Thomlinson
  20. Mr. Robert C. Thomlinson
  21. Mr. Gerhard Walcka


New York Mail For Passengers

The New York Office of the Hamburg-Amerika Linie has made arrangements that mail addressed to passengers arriving in New York may be obtained at the principal exit on the upper floor of the Pier. This only applies to such letters, etc., that arrive too late to be delivered to passengers on board during their stay at the quarantine station.

Passengers are reminded that the porters on the NewYork piers are not allowed to ask for gratuities in consideration of the handling of passengers’ baggage, they being paid sufficient wages for their services. If, nevertheless, any porter should demand payment for handling such baggage, passengers are requested to note the number plate on his cap and to report him to one of the uniformed policemen on the pier.

United States Head Tax

All passengers intending to proceed to the United States, including non-American citizens resident in the United States, are required to pay, previous to their departure, the head tax of eight dollars U. S. currency imposed by the United States Government.

This tax is not payable by:

  1. American citizens capable of producing an American passport as evidence of their nationality;
  2. children below 16 accompanied by their parents or one of them;
  3. diplomatic or consular representatives and other duly authorized government officials, including their suites and families, irrespective of the purpose for which they desire to proceed to the United States, but only if they can produce a diplomatic passport;
  4. passengers intending to proceed to Canada via the United States, provided that, upon their landing in the United States, they are in possession of a railroad ticket entitling them to travel to some Canadian destination

Non-American women married to American citizens subsequent to September 21, 1922, are required to pay the tax. Non-Americans proceeding to the United States on a visit or for business purposes, who do not intend to stay for more than 59 days, are also required to pay the tax, but may have the amount refunded to them upon application, provided that

  1. they enter, upon their departure for New York, the words: “No longer than 59 days’’ in reply to question No. 24 of the questionnaire to be filled in by non-American passengers, and that
  2. they advise the immigration officer in New York, upon arriving there, of their intention not to stay for more than 59 days, and that they obtain from said official a so-called transit certificate, form No. 514

Such transit certificate, however, is only valid if the period of 59 days is not exceeded, and if the purser or captain (or his representative) of the steamer by which the passenger returns or continues his voyage, has entered a note stating the name of the steamer and the date of her departure from the United States, adding his signature as well. Persons continuing their voyage from the United States to other countries by rail, are required to produce said certificate to the conductor who will enter the date and the train number when crossing the United States frontier.

The transit certificate must be returned to the Immigration Authorities, Washington, within 120 days of the date of the passenger’s arrival in New York. This must be effected through the intermediary of the shipping company whose steamer the passenger used for his voyage to the United States. Applications for refunding the head tax are disregarded if this period is exceeded. The amount of the tax, however, may also be refunded to the passenger against his returning the transit certificate to the office of the Hamburg-Amerika Linie at the place of embarkment in New York previous to his departure from New York, or, during his return from America to Europe, to the purser on board, or, upon arriving in Hamburg, to the office of the Hamburg-Amerika Linie, Abteilung Personenverkehr, Alsterdamm 25, Hamburg.


THE Hapag World Cruise 1928

Of The Triple-Screw De Luxe Steamer “Resolute”

The fifth world Cruise of this steamer will commence at New York on January 7,1928 and will be completed at New York on May 26, 1928.

European passengers may join the steamer, at their option, at Madeira on January 14,
„ Gibraltar on January 16,
„ Algiers on January 18,
„ Villefranche on January 20, or „ Naples on January 22.

They must pay their own fare to the port of embarkation selected. European members of the cruise will be granted free return passages from New York to some European port of call on board one of the Company’s steamers as advertised in the sailing lists, and their accommodation during the return voyage will be as nearly as possible similar to that provided during the cruise. The program of this, the most beautiful of all world cruises has been arranged with the greatest care and includes visits to countries and cities to know which is not only of particular interest to the general traveller, but also to the scientist and the lover of nature generally.

The itinerary includes: Madeira, Gibraltar, Algiers, the French Riviera, Italy, Greece, Palestine, Egypt, French Somali Land, India, Ceylon, Burmah, Sumatra, Java, the Malay States, Siam, Borneo, Mindanao, the Philippines,Southern China, Formosa, Northern China, Korea, Japan, the Hawaiin Islands, California, the Panama Canal, the Republic of Panama, and Cuba. The cruise will last 140 days and a total distance of 37,511 miles will be covered. No less than 76 cities in 30 different countries will be visited.

The fare is $2,000 and upward inclusive of a number of shore excursions and numerous overland trips.

Only first-class passengers are carried on the above cruise.

For Information of the Hapag Pleasure Cruises please apply to:
Hamburg-Amerika Linie, Hamburg 1
Pleasure Cruise Department, or any of their Agents.


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