SS Empress of Scotland Passenger List - 21 January 1953


Front Cover, SS Empress of Scotland Passenger List - 21 January 1953.

Front Cover of a First Class and Tourist Passenger List from the SS Empress of Scotland of the Canadian Pacific Line, Departing Wednesday, 21 January 1953 from Southampton to Halifax and New York via Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain C. E. Duggan, R.D., A.D.C., R.N.R. GGA Image ID # 11c6cb31a2


Senior Officers and Staff

  • Captain:  C. E. Duggan, R.D., A.D.C., R.N.R.
  • Staff Commander: W. S. w. Main, R.D., R.N.R.
  • Chief Officer: B. Ford, R.D., R.N.R.
  • Chief Engineer:  J. N. Thomson, O.B.E.
  • Surgeon: J. Prendergast, M.B., Ch.B., B.A.O., B.Sc., B.A., B.Litt.
  • Purser: H. F. Norman-Hill
  • Second Purser: R. Pitt-Brooke
  • Chief Steward:  W. H. Blease
  • Second Steward: O. Jones
  • Rail Traffic Representative: A. G. Murray


First Class Passengers

  1. Mr. N. H. M. Anderson, Sutton, Surrey
  2. Mr. G. M. Bell. Auchterardcr, Perthshire
  3. Mr. B. Beutel, Montreal
  4. Mrs. Beutel, Montreal
  5. Mrs. M. Boyle. St. Louis. Mo.
  6. Major L. J. Brown, Ottawa, Ont.
  7. Lt. M. C. Colcleugh, Vancouver, B.C
  8. C.P.O. R. P. Collins,
  9. Mrs. J. Collins,
  10. Miss P. Collins.
  11. Lieut. F. J. Dayton
  12. Mrs. E. Dayton
  13. Infant Dayton
  14. Mr. R. H. Fetherston, London
  15. Mrs. Fetherston, London
  16. Mr. K. Gabler, Alton, Hants.
  17. Wing Cdr. L. A. Hall. Montreal
  18. Mrs. Hall, Montreal
  19. Mr. John W. Inglis, London
  20. Capt. C. B. Jarvis.
  21. Lieut. M. R. Kent. Halifax. N.S.
  22. Mr. R. L. Kenyon, Washington, D.C.
  23. Mrs. Kenyon, Washington, D.C.
  24. Miss C. L. Kenyon, Washington, D.C.
  25. Consul Dr. Jur. R. Kunisch, Frankfurt
  26. Lt. R. F. R. Livesey, Vancouver, B.C.
  27. Mr. J. McLachlan. Southampton
  28. Mrs. J. G. McLachlan. Southampton
  29. Lieut. J. D. Medhurst.
  30. Mr. E. J. Neville, Ottawa
  31. Miss Jean Park. Greensboro, N.C.
  32. Miss Ann Patteson. London
  33. Mr. Richard Pearson, Ottawa
  34. F/L D. E. Ryder
  35. Mrs. Christine Scrymgeour, San Francisco, Cal.
  36. Mr. M. Segal, Montreal
  37. Mrs. Segal. Montreal
  38. Mr. E. S. Shahrabani, Bangkok
  39. Mrs. E. Shahrabani, Bangkok
  40. Mstr. S. Shahrabani, Bangkok
  41. Miss R. Shahrabani, Bangkok
  42. Miss Y. Shahrabani, Bangkok
  43. Miss J. Shahrabani, Bangkok
  44. Miss G. Shahrabani, Bangkok
  45. Lieut. D. H. P. Shaw, Dartmouth, N.S.
  46. Mrs. Shaw, Dartmouth. N.S.
  47. Mr. W. Rogers Simpson, Glasgow
  48. Mr. G. Tannvik, Oslo
  49. Mrs. K. E. Walker, Vancouver
  50. Miss S. Warner, Cliftonville, Kent
  51. Mrs. J. K. Wenham. Godaiming. Surrey
  52. Miss I. P. E. Wenham, Godaiming, Surrey
  53. Mrs. M. Wilcox, Stockport


Back Cover, SS Empress of Scotland Passenger List - 21 January 1953.

Back Cover, SS Empress of Scotland Passenger List - 21 January 1953. GGA Image ID # 11c77548e5


Tourist Class Passengers

  1. Mr. George Agapiou, Nicosia, Cyprus
  2. Mrs. Agapiou, Nicosia, Cyprus
  3. Mrs. A. C. Ajdukiewicz, Dunnville, Ont.
  4. Miss J. M. Ajdukiewicz, Dunnville, Ont.
  5. Mrs. J. W. Anderson, Brantford, Ont.
  6. Mr. S. W. Arnold. London
  7. Mr. M. S. Athanassiades, Nicosia, Cyprus
  8. Dr. L. Atkinson, London
  9. Miss S. Ballard, Bristol
  10. Miss V. Bathe, Eastleigh. Hants.
  11. P.O. R. H. Bell, Stratford, Ont.
  12. Mrs. Bell, Stratford, Ont.
  13. Mstr. I. Bell, Stratford, Ont.
  14. Mstr. T. Bell, Stratford, Ont.
  15. Miss N. Bell. Stratford, Ont.
  16. Miss M. Bell, Stratford, Ont.
  17. Mr. Bryan E. Bell, Haverfordwest, Wales
  18. Mr. J. G. Beresford. Mortimer, Berks.
  19. Mrs. L. M. Bird, London
  20. Mstr. J. C. Bird, London
  21. Mr. Anton Bisig, Einsiedeln/SZ., Switzerland
  22. Mr. P. A. Bissonnette, Montreal
  23. Mrs. D. L. Blaylock, Nottingham, Eng.
  24. Mr. A. T. Bourke, Major, Sask.
  25. Mr. R. Brickwood, Aldershot, Hants.
  26. Mrs. Brickwood, Aldershot, Hants.
  27. Miss J. Brickwood, Aldershot, Hants.
  28. Prof. Harold J. Brodie. Bloomington, Ind.
  29. Mrs. Brodie, Bloomington, Ind.
  30. Miss Anne H. Brodie, Bloomington, Ind.
  31. Miss Phyllis E. Brodie, Bloomington, Ind.
  32. Miss Diana Brooksbank, Toronto
  33. Miss B. Browne, Louisburgh. Co. Mayo
  34. Miss G. Bugby. Kettering, Northants.
  35. Mrs. A. C. Bullen, London
  36. Mrs. A. Burgess. Lancing, Sussex
  37. Miss R. Burgess. Lancing. Sussex
  38. Mstr. A. Burgess, Lancing. Sussex
  39. Mr. W. Cairns, London
  40. Mrs. Cairns, London
  41. Miss S. B. Cairns, London
  42. Mstr. P. D. Cairns, London
  43. Mr. David Campbell, Glasgow
  44. Mr. F. Carey, Copthorne, Eng.
  45. Mr. Carter. Lancing, Sussex
  46. Mrs. L. Carter, Lancing, Sussex
  47. Miss L. C. Carter, Lancing, Sussex
  48. Mrs. Sylvia M. Cartwright, Penarth, Glam.
  49. Mrs. I. Churlish
  50. Mstr. S. Churlish
  51. Miss E. Clarke, Belfast
  52. Mr. Alex Corbett, Greenock
  53. Mr. R. Corden, Vancouver. B.C.
  54. Mrs. Sarah Corr, Greenock
  55. Miss M. Crichton, Glasgow
  56. Mr. M. F. Cunningham, Waverly, N.Y.
  57. Mrs. Cunningham, Waverly, N.Y.
  58. Mr. C. J. Davies.
  59. Mrs. P. F. Dawson, Chatham. Ontario
  60. Miss A. Dawson, Chatham, Ontario
  61. P.O. E. W. Deir. Dartmouth. N.S.
  62. Mrs. Deir, Dartmouth, N.S.
  63. Mstr. C. Deir. Dartmouth, N.S.
  64. Mr. L. Dilevko. Cardiff
  65. Mr. Thomas Dodds, Calgary, Alts.
  66. Miss, I. Donaldson, Cambuslang, Lanarkshire
  67. Mrs. J. Donnelly, Troon. Ayrshire
  68. Mstr. J. J. Donelly, Troon. Ayrshire
  69. Mstr. D. C. Donnelly, Troon, Ayrshire
  70. Mrs. Edna E. M. Dykstra, Moose Jaw, Sask.
  71. Miss G. Easterbrook, Torquay
  72. Miss M. M. Faull
  73. Mr. Peter Fennch, Wilkie. Sask.
  74. Mr. D. W. Freeman, Canterbury
  75. Mr. J. Gallon, Toronto, Ont.
  76. Mr. W. J. Galloway, Glasgow
  77. Mrs. Galloway, Glasgow
  78. Miss A. H. Galloway, Glasgow
  79. Mr. R. Gavito, Brownsville, Texas
  80. Mr. C. R. Glasbey, Brighouse. Yorks.
  81. Mr. Arnold Glessing, Wilkie, Sask.
  82. Mr. H. Golde, London
  83. Mrs. Golde, London
  84. Mstr. J. F. Golde, London
  85. Mrs. S. Gordey, Edmonton, Alta.
  86. Mr. John Graham, Glasgow
  87. Miss E. Grichtine, Leukerbad, Switzerland
  88. Mr. Z. Grzegorowski, Porthcawl, Glam.
  89. Mrs. Emilie Guignard, Geneva
  90. Mrs. I. Guymer. Wawa, Ont.
  91. Mstr. P. J. Guymer, Wawa, Ont.
  92. Mr. Charles Haefelfinger, Geneva
  93. Mrs. Haefelfinger, Geneva
  94. Mr. Stephanos Halatsis. Nevers, France
  95. Mrs. Madeleine Halatsis, Nevers, France
  96. Mstr. Theodore Halatsis, Nevers, France
  97. Mstr. Michel Halatsis. Nevers, France
  98. Mr. D. Halil, Nicosia, Cyprus
  99. Mrs. Halil, Nicosia, Cyprus
  100. Mr. Walter Hamilton, Coatbridge, Lanarkshire
  101. Mr. J. Hardy. Whitehaven, Lancs.
  102. Mrs. P. Hargrave. North Battleford, Sask.
  103. Miss A. Hargrave, North Battleford, Sask.
  104. Mstr. G. Hargrave, North Battleford, Sask.
  105. Mr. L. W. Harrop, Southsea
  106. Mrs. Harrop, Portsmouth
  107. Mr. O. J. Haste, Chard, Somerset
  108. Mrs. Haste, Chard, Somerset
  109. Mstr. M. J. Haste. Chard, Somerset
  110. Mrs. A. M. Hayward. Victoria. B.C.
  111. Miss A. V. Hayward, Victoria B.C.
  112. Mstr. B. L Hayward. Victoria B.C.
  113. Miss M. A. Hewltson, Leamington Spa
  114. Mrs. M. R. Hickey, London
  115. Mr. E. A. Hill, Oxford
  116. Mrs. K. E. Hobson, Vanderhof, B.C.
  117. Mr. H. E. Horner. London
  118. Rev. E. P. Howard, New York City
  119. Mrs. Howard. New York City
  120. Mrs. Joan Howell, Maesteg, Glam.
  121. Mr. I. Hrynysxyn, Rushden, Northants.
  122. Mr. H. J. Hughes, Birmingham
  123. Mrs. Hughes, Birmingham
  124. Mr. H. S. Hughes. Victoria. B.C.
  125. Mrs. Hughes, Victoria, B.C.
  126. Mr. V. Iemmolo, Issy-les-Moullneaux (Seine)
  127. Mr. J. Irvine, Belfast
  128. Mr. Antoine Jamicic, Zagreb
  129. Mrs. Jamicic. Zagreb
  130. Miss Katice Jamicic. Zagreb
  131. Miss Nada Jamicic, Zagreb
  132. Mr. Juras Jelich, Zagreb
  133. Mrs. Ana Jelich, Zagreb
  134. Miss Mariana Jelich, Zagreb
  135. Miss Shcena R. Jenner, Johnston, Renfrewshire
  136. Mr. H. J. Johnson, London
  137. Mrs. B. J. Johnson, Chertsey, Surrey
  138. Miss V. A. Johnson, Chertsey, Surrey
  139. Mr. N. E. C. Johnson, London
  140. Mrs. N. J. Jones, Stourport-on-Severn
  141. Mstr. T. E. Jones. Stourport-on-Severn
  142. Mstr. N. Jones, Stourport-on-Severn
  143. Mr. T. Jones, Taliesin, Cardiganshire
  144. P.O. S. H. Jones, Dartmouth, N.S.
  145. Mrs. Jones, Dartmouth. N.S.
  146. Mrs. G. Jones, Leamington Spa
  147. Miss S. B. Jones, Leamington Spa
  148. Mstr. S. W. Jones. Leamington Spa
  149. Mr. Eric Jorgensen, Swift Current, Sask.
  150. Mr. B. J. Keene, Uxbridge. Middlesex
  151. Mr. L. D. Kcr, Blctchley, Bucks.
  152. Mr. G. G. Kinloch, London
  153. Mrs. A. W. Kürschner, London
  154. Miss A. E. Kürschner, London
  155. Mr. T. J. B. Lang, Totton, Hants.
  156. Miss J. Langton, Southsea
  157. Mrs. A. Lapwood, Bienne, Switzerland
  158. Mr. J. H. Leavey, Exeter
  159. Mr. P. H. Letertre, Equeurdreville (Manche)
  160. Mr. G. G. Levy, London
  161. Mrs. Levy, London
  162. Miss M. V. Lewis London
  163. Mr. Vernon Livengood, Fort Hill, Pa.
  164. Mrs. Livengood, Fort Hill, Pa.
  165. Mrs. M. W. Lockyer, Poole, Dorset
  166. Mr. F. Longley, Edgware, Middlesex
  167. Miss A. McGregor. Old Kirkpatrick, Dumbartonshire
  168. Miss Sheila Mcllwraith, Winnipeg. Man.
  169. Mr. T. M. McNeil. Glasgow
  170. Miss A. Majolier, London
  171. Mr. Cecil Mallon. Ballymena. Co. Antrim
  172. Mr. J. Martinek, Vancouver, B.C.
  173. Mr. A. B. Maslin, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex
  174. Mrs. Maslin. Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex
  175. Miss J. E. Maslin, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex
  176. Mstr. M. J. Maslin, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex
  177. Mr. H. Maynard. Toronto
  178. Mr. K. Maynard, Schömberg, Ont.
  179. Mrs. Maynard, Schömberg, Ont.
  180. Miss C. Maynard, Schömberg, Ont.
  181. Miss S. Maynard, Schömberg, Ont.
  182. Mr. Raphael Milberg, Grenoble, France
  183. Mr. W. Moody, London
  184. Mrs. Moody, London
  185. Mr. D. Moody, London
  186. Mr. D. W. Morcombe, London
  187. Mrs. M. Muir, Falkirk
  188. Miss M. Muir, Falkirk
  189. Mr. David Munro, Stenhousemuir, Scotland
  190. Mr. G. A. Newman, London
  191. Mr. J. R. Newport, Welling, Kent
  192. Mrs. Newport, Welling, Kent
  193. Miss S. E. Newport, Welling, Kent
  194. Mstr. J. R. Newport, Welling, Kent
  195. Mstr. K. Newport. Welling, Kent
  196. Mr. M. P. Nicolaou. Nicosia, Cyprus
  197. Mr. E. Nielsen, Gorlev, Denmark
  198. Mr. Thomas P. Noonan, Toronto, Ont.
  199. Mr. B. H. Parker. Milford. Surrey
  200. Mr. G. Petrie, Glasgow
  201. Mr. F. G. Phillips, Plymouth
  202. Miss Klio G. Pieridou, Nicosia, Cyprus
  203. Miss M. A. Pook, Portsmouth
  204. Mr. Guy Praine, Southampton
  205. Miss Doris Raymond, Lightwater, Surrey
  206. Mr. B. M. Read, Cambridge
  207. Mrs. Read, Cambridge
  208. Miss Elizabeth C. Reid, Toronto
  209. Mrs. Isabella Reid, Toronto
  210. Miss Helen Reid, Edinburgh
  211. Mr. H. Reynolds, London
  212. Mrs. P. Rignall, Aberystwyth
  213. Miss I. M. Rignall, Aberystwyth
  214. Miss M. Ritchie. London
  215. Mr. R. Ross. Galt, Ont.
  216. Mrs. G. Ruggles. Broughton, Northants
  217. Mr. N. Rybkowskl, Haifa
  218. Miss R. B. Salisbury
  219. Mr. V. L. Scott, Tiverton, Devon
  220. Mr. J. S. Skinner, Aberdeen
  221. Miss P. Snowley, Godaiming, Surrey
  222. Mrs. J. J. Somerville, Glasgow
  223. Mr. W. H. Southall, Hayes. Middlesex
  224. Mrs. M. Stapleford
  225. Mstr. D. Stapleford
  226. Mr. Gedalia Szwarcbard, Paris
  227. Mrs. Natalia Szwarcbard, Paris
  228. Mr. A. M. Tanner, Portsmouth
  229. Mrs. M E. Thomas, Uxbridge, Middlesex
  230. Miss E. A. Thomas, Uxbridge, Middlesex
  231. Miss S. M. Thomas, Uxbridge, Middlesex
  232. Mr. A. H. Topple, Toronto
  233. Mrs. M. E. D. Tricker, Augusta, Me.
  234. Mrs. Ann Upton, Detroit, Mich.
  235. Mr. B. Vaughan.Woolston. Hants.
  236. Miss Denise Venries, Paris
  237. Miss V. Walton, London
  238. Miss S. Walton. London
  239. Mr. W. A. Wav, Exeter
  240. Mr. R. C. Weeden, Wealdstone, Middlesex
  241. Mrs. L. M. Williams, Ynysybwl, Glam.
  242. Mr. B. C. Wilson. Edinburgh
  243. Mrs. Wilson, Edinburgh
  244. Miss H. Wilson, Edinburgh
  245. Mr. George H Wilson, Blackpool
  246. Mrs. M. Wirth, Kingston, Surrey
  247. Mr. J. M. Witham. Liverpool
  248. Mr. D. W. Woodward-Smith, Chertsey, Surrey
  249. Miss Joan M. Wright, Tiverton, Devon


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