SS Furnessia Passenger List - 23 August 1888


Front Cover for a Saloon Passenger List for the SS Furnessia of the Anchor Line, Departing Thursday, 23 August 1888 from Glasgow to New York via Moville.

Front Cover for a Saloon Passenger List for the SS Furnessia of the Anchor Line, Departing Thursday, 23 August 1888 from Glasgow to New York via Moville, Commanded by Captain John Hedderwick. GGA Image ID # 15b6c33a63


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Commander: Captain John Hedderwick
  2. Surgeon: H. Leslie Gordon
  3. Purser: Wm. Y. Brown
  4. Stewardess: Mrs. Reid
  5. Stewardess: Mrs. Forsyth


Saloon Passengers

  1. Miss Jane Anderson
  2. Miss H. M. T. Ayres
    New York
  3. Mrs. Barclay
    New York
  4. Miss Helen Baxter
    New York
  5. Rev. A. F. Beard, D.D.
    New York
  6. Mrs. Beard
    New York
  7. Miss A. B. Beard
    New York
  8. Miss Mary E. Beard
    New York
  9. Miss Bessie Beard
    New York
  10. Miss Pattie Beard
    New York
  11. Miss Minnie Bee
    New York
  12. Mrs. M. Birrel
    New York
  13. Mr. W. J. Brigham
    New York
  14. Mr. Wm. A. Brodie
    Geneseo, N.Y
  15. Mr. Wm. Brodie
    Geneseo, N.Y
  16. Dr. Joseph R. Bromwell
    Washington, D.C
  17. Mrs. Bromwell
    Washington, D.C
  18. Mr. Peter Brown
    Detroit, Mich
  19. Miss H. S. Brown
    Plainfield, N.J
  20. Mr. J. C. Bryan
  21. Mrs. Bryan
  22. Miss Bryan
  23. Miss J. E. Bulkley
    Plainfield, N.J
  24. Miss Anne C. Butler
    W. Chester, Pa
  25. Miss Carrie Butler
    W. Chester, Pa
  26. Mr. John Cameron
    Rockville, Conn
  27. Mr. F. Carlile
    Toronto, Ont
  28. Mrs. Carlile
    Toronto, Ont
  29. Miss F. Carlile
    Toronto, Ont
  30. Mr. Robert Carson
  31. Master John F. Carson
  32. Mrs. R. H. Chinn
    Washington, D.C
  33. Miss Nina Chinn
    Washington, D.C
  34. Miss Bertha Chinn
    Washington. D.C
  35. Mr. Andrew Clement
  36. Miss Nellie Clement
  37. Mr. W. A. Coats
    Topeka, Kas
  38. Mrs. Coats
    Topeka, Kas
  39. Miss Adele Coleman
    Lincoln, Neb
  40. Miss A. Constable
    Washington, D.C
  41. Miss S. M. Constable
    Washington, D.C
  42. Mr. A. B. Cook
  43. Mr. Alexander Cook
  44. Miss Evelyn E. Cook, and Maid
  45. Miss Cosby
    Louisville, Ky
  46. Mr. David Craig
  47. Mrs. W. Craw
    Brooklyn, N.Y
  48. Mr. George Craig
    Toronto, Ont
  49. Miss Margaret Craig
    Toronto, Ont
  50. Miss Kate Craig
    Toronto, Ont
  51. Dr. J. Cummiskey
  52. Master Morris Cummiskey
  53. Miss L. C. Cummiskey
  54. Miss Cushing
    New York
  55. Mr. Thomas E. Darsie
    Pittsburg, Pa
  56. Mrs. Darsie, and Infant
    Pittsburg, Pa
  57. Mr. J. E. David
    Greenville, S.C
  58. Mr. C. Dixon
    New York
  59. Mrs. Dixon
    New York
  60. Miss Edna Dixon
    New York
  61. Miss M. A. Eaierson
    Montclair, N.J
  62. Mrs. Ferguson
    Troy, N.Y
  63. Mr. W. S. Freeman
  64. Mrs. Gallagher, and Three Children
  65. Mrs. M. Glass
  66. Mrs. C. H. Goldwaite
    New York
  67. Master R. H. Goldwaite
    New York
  68. Dr. Wm. Goodell
  69. Mrs. Goodell
  70. Mr. Goodell
  71. Miss Ethel Goodell
  72. Mr. Alex. Gordon
    Barre, Vt
  73. Mr. William Graham
    Nashville, Tenn
  74. Mr. A. Grierson
  75. Mrs. M. Hanna
    Brooklyn, N.Y
  76. Mrs. A. Harding
    Brooklyn, N.Y
  77. Miss Essie Haslett
    New York
  78. Miss Lillie Haslett
    New York
  79. Miss M. J. Haywood
    Montclair, N.J
  80. Miss C M. Henderson
    Erie, Pa
  81. Mr. Joseph Henderson
    New York
  82. Mrs. Henderson
    New York
  83. Miss Flora Hope
  84. Mr. H. C. Howes
    New York
  85. Miss A. Y. Humphrey
    New York
  86. Mrs. Hunter
    Penn Yan, N.Y
  87. Miss Euphemia Hunter
    Penn Yan, N.Y
  88. Miss Julia Hunter
    Penn Yan, N.Y
  89. Miss J. R. Hunter
  90. Mr. W. B. Jacobs
  91. Miss Alice Jacobs
  92. Mr. John Jardine
    New York
  93. Mrs. Jardine
    New York
  94. Mr. John E. Jardine
    New York
  95. Miss Mabel D. Jardine
    New York
  96. Miss Grace Jardine, and Nurse
    New York
  97. Mr. B. H. Jefferson
  98. Miss Mae E. Jefferson
  99. Dr. J. Taber Johnson
    Washington, D.C
  100. Mrs. Johnson
    Washington, D.C
  101. Mrs. E. M. Keogh
    New York
  102. Mrs. Kersey
    Birmingham, Ala
  103. Miss Long
  104. Miss C. Lothrop
  105. Miss Sophia Maddox
    Washington, D.C
  106. Miss H. Matheson
    New York
  107. Mrs. R. G. Mead
    New York
  108. Miss G. Mead
    New York
  109. Mr. R. G Mead, Jr.
    New York
  110. Mr. James W. Miller
    New York
  111. Mrs. Miller
    New York
  112. Mr. Edward W. Miller
    New York
  113. Mr. David Morton
    Hamilton, Ont
  114. Mrs. Morton
    Hamilton, Ont
  115. Mrs. C. B. Moore
  116. Mrs. McCoy
    New York
  117. Miss Nellie McCoy
    New York
  118. Mr. J. N. MacFarlane
    New York
  119. MR. D. McGlinchey
  120. Mr. John A. McGrath
    Jersey City, N.Y
  121. Mr. John R. McIntosh
    Rochester, N.Y
  122. Miss Mary McIntosh
    Rochester, N.Y
  123. Mr. Alex. McIntyre
    New York
  124. Mr. W. H. McIntyre
    New York
  125. Mr. James McKinlay
  126. Mr. John McKinlay
  127. Mr. Arch. McKinley
  128. Mrs. McLay
    Janesville, Wis
  129. Miss Mary McLay
    Janesville, WIS
  130. Miss Annie McQueen
    Sayre, Pa
  131. Mr. John R. McQueen
    Sayre, Pa
  132. Mr. James McQueen
    Horseheads, N.Y
  133. Mr. William McSween
    Wilmington, N.0
  134. Mr. John Nobb
  135. Dr. G. C. Ober
    Washington, D.C
  136. Mr. J. J. Oliver
  137. Miss E. M. Oliver
  138. Mr. John Ord
  139. Mrs. Ord
  140. Master William Ord
  141. Master R. L. Ord
  142. Miss Janet W. Ord, and Maid
  143. Mr. Frank R. Otto
    New York
  144. Miss Alice Parker
    Washington, D.C
  145. Mr. Edmund Platt
    New York
  146. Mr. John Provan
    Worcester, Mass
  147. Mrs. Provan
    Worcester, Mass
  148. Mr. W. C. Pulaski
  149. Miss Pickens
    Birmingham, Ala
  150. Mrs. T. Reid
  151. Miss Mary Reid
  152. Miss Roberta Reid
  153. Mr. J. G. Rhoads
    New York
  154. Miss B. M. Richey
    New York
  155. Miss A. G. Richey
    New York
  156. Mrs. F. E. Robinson
  157. Rev. John S. Sands
  158. Mrs. Sands
  159. Master Charles Sands
  160. Professor C. W. Scott
    Hanover, N.H
  161. Mrs. Scott
    Hanover, N H
  162. Mr. Wm. Semple, Sen.
    Allegheny, Pa
  163. Mrs. Semple
    Allegheny, Pa
  164. Miss Daisy Semple
    Allegheny, Pa
  165. Mrs. F. E. Sheppard
  166. Mr. J. A. Shewan
    Mt. Vernon, 0
  167. Mrs. Shewan
    Mt. Vernon, 0
  168. Mr. Hugh Slimon
  169. Miss Maggie Slimon
  170. Mrs. D. M. Smith, and Infant
  171. Miss S. Smith
  172. Mr. Randall Spaulding
    Montclair, N.J
  173. Mrs. Spaulding
    Montclair, N.J
  174. Miss Edith Spaulding
    Montclair, N.J
  175. Master Raymond Spaulding
    Montclair, N.J
  176. Mrs. Speed
    Louisville, Ky
  177. Master E. M. Stanton
    Washington, D.C
  178. Mr. Ambrose Stillson
    A berchirder
  179. Miss Tevis
    Louisville, Ky
  180. Mr. James Thompson
    New York
  181. Mr. David Thomson
    Troy, N.Y
  182. Mrs. Thomson
    Troy, N.Y
  183. Miss Mary Thomson
    Troy, N.Y
  184. Mr. John Tillie
  185. Miss Lila Townsend
    Washington, D C
  186. Mr. Charles Tope
  187. Mr. Henry E. Walker
  188. Mrs. Walker
  189. Professor G. W. Wallace
    New York
  190. Mrs. Wallace
    New York
  191. Miss Leslie C. Wallace, and Nurse
    New York
  192. Mrs. J. T. Walsh
    Brooklyn, N.Y
  193. Miss Lizzie Washington
    Washington, D.C
  194. Mr. John Watson, LL.D.
  195. Mrs. M. Watson
  196. Master John Watson
  197. Master David Watson
  198. Master James Watson
  199. Miss Isabula Watson
  200. Rev. H. S. Williams
  201. Mr. R. B. Willis
    Erie, Pa
  202. Mrs. Willis
    Erie, Pa
  203. Mr. John Wilson
  204. Rev. P. J. Wilson
    New York
  205. Mr. Alex. Wilson
    Duluth, Minn
  206. Mrs. E. Wood
    Washington, D.C
  207. Mr. Walter Wragge
    New York


Circular Letters of Credit, negotiable at all the principal Cities in the British Islands, the Continent of Europe and the East, are issued by Henderson BROTHERS, 7 Bowling Green, New York.

Drafts on the European Offices of Messrs Henderson BROTHERS, payable on demand, for any amount, can be obtained, free of charge, at the principal Agencies. of the Anchor Line throughout America Similar Drafts on New York can be had at any of the European Offices of Messrs. Henderson BROTHERS.


Anchor Line Services on the Back Cover for a Saloon Class Passenger List for the SS Furnessia, 23 August 1888.

Anchor Line Services on the Back Cover for a Saloon Class Passenger List for the SS Furnessia, 23 August 1888. GGA Image ID # 173116bfa7


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