Third Class Rates - Red Star Line - 7 October 1925

Front Cover, Red Star Line Third Class Rates Brochure No. 13 Dated 7 October 1925.

Front Cover, Red Star Line Third Class Rates Brochure No. 13 Dated 7 October 1925. GGA Image ID # 12c2642e60


Third Class, Through Booking Outbound Rates to Europe, Children and Infants' Ocean Fares, and Approximate Third Class British Rail Rates, 7 October 1925, Red Star Line Fleet, and more.


Third Class Through Booking Outbound Rates to Europe, Children & Infants' Ocean Fares, and Approximate Third Class British Rail Rates, 7 October 1925.

Third Class Through Booking Outbound Rates to Europe, Children & Infants' Ocean Fares, and Approximate Third Class British Rail Rates, 7 October 1925. GGA Image ID # 12c2dd5960


Railroad Fares from Cherbourg and Antwerp to Continental Points to be Added to Third Class Ocean Fares, 7 October 1925.

Railroad Fares from Cherbourg and Antwerp to Continental Points to be Added to Third Class Ocean Fares, 7 October 1925. GGA Image ID # 12c3234f93



  • New York - Antwerp
  • Eastbound via Plymouth and Cherbourg
  • Westbound via Southampton, Cherbourg, and Halifax


FLEET Tons Length (Feet) Breadth (Feet)
Belgenland 27,200 697 78
Lapland 18,694 620 70
Pittsburgh 16,500 600 67
Zealand 11,905 580 60
Samland 9,478 490 58
Gothland 7,660 490 53


These splendid steamers embody the latest and most up-to-date features in marine architecture, being fitted with quadruple expansion engines from which there is practically no vibration. All these steamers are equipped with Wireless and Submarine Signaling Apparatus.

Weekly sailings arc maintained throughout the year from New York and Antwerp, and the Red Star Line steamers are justly noted for the regularity and comfort of their voyages.

The accommodations for passengers in Third Class are superior. There are many 2, 4, and 6 berth cabins (closed rooms) for married couples and families on each steamer. All the passengers are seated at tables and served meals by efficient stewards. Each steamer carries a sufficient number of stewardesses to look carefully after the interests of women and girls traveling alone. There are a Smoking Room for men and a Reading Room for the women passengers on deck. For the Third Class, Passengers are provided many Bath Rooms equipped with hot and cold water, and the lavatory accommodation is of the most modern description.

The steamers employed in the New York-Antwerp Service of the Red Star Line call at Plymouth, England, and Cherbourg, France, en route to Antwerp and return to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg, with calls at Halifax as scheduled. Excellent rail connections for all inland points arc available at these ports.


Red Star Line Ship at the Landing Stage at Quai du Rhin - Antwerp.

Red Star Line Ship at the Landing Stage at Quai du Rhin - Antwerp. GGA Image ID # 12c3327db9


Red Star Line Reduced Round Trip Excursion Fares to Great Britain and Return, 7 October 1925.

Red Star Line Reduced Round Trip Excursion Fares to Great Britain and Return, 7 October 1925. GGA Image ID # 12c33f26c1


Temporary Visits Abroad of Resident Aliens

Red Star Line Third Class Prepaid Rates, 7 October 1925.

Red Star Line Third Class Prepaid Rates, 7 October 1925. GGA Image ID # 12c35c8f66




Red Star Line Steamers sail from and arrive at Pier 61, North River, foot of West 19th Street, New York City

Passports: All passengers must have valid passports of their respective countries or certificates of identity and must secure the Consular visa of the countries to which they are proceeding or through which they must pass to reach their destination, wherever required.

Duly passengers must show visaed passports at the time of embarkation.

Passport Visa: British visa is required by all passengers to Great Britain or British possessions, except British subjects holding valid passports and aliens in transit through England.

French visa must be secured by passengers traveling to France except those holding valid Belgian, British, Czecho-Slovak, Dutch, Italian or French passports. Still, a French visa is not required by passengers in transit through France to destinations in other countries.

A German visa is necessary for all passengers to or through Germany except German subjects. Passengers booked in transit through Germany to destinations in other countries may secure a German Transit Visa for 50 cents by showing their tickets when applying for a visa. United States citizens receive visas free of charge.

Passengers do not require Belgian visas of the following nationalities: the United States, British, Belgian, French, Dutch, Italian, Luxemburgers, Swiss, Japanese, or transit passengers of other nationalities.

Passengers landing at Libau must secure a visa from the Latvian Consul before leaving the United States.

Reservations: Berths and Rooms for Eastbound passengers may be reserved in advance by applying to any agent of the Company. Application for a reservation should state the name, age, sex, nationality of the passenger, and the relationship of individuals traveling in a party.

The following deposit is required to hold accommodation :

  • On Third Class bookings—$20.00 per adult.
  • Final payments are to be made at least three weeks before sailing.

Through Bookings: It is always best for passengers to book through to their final destinations or the nearest points to such destinations shown in this rate sheet. The Company then arranges the forwarding of passengers and their baggage.

Passengers booked through to Continental points via England are furnished with necessary transportation in England and excellent board and lodging until they reach the Continent. Passengers booked to Scandinavian and Finnish points are given free Third Class rail tickets, where necessary, excellent board and lodging in England, and preferential accommodation on North Sea Steamers.

Income Tax—Sailing Permits: Alien passengers, but not United States Citizens, must have in their possession income tax receipts or exemption certificates from the Collector of Internal Revenue of the district in which they have resided and must submit them to the Collector of Internal Revenue at the Port of departure to obtain a sailing permit.

Baggage: Third Class passengers on the North Atlantic Services are allowed 15 cubic feet of baggage free; children paying a half fare, 7 1/2 cubic feet. Excess is charged at the rate of 60c per cubic foot.

Passengers booked through to Italian points via Cherbourg are granted a free allowance of 100 kilos (200 lbs.) between Cherbourg and Modane.

Baggage should be marked plainly with the passenger's name, final destination, steamer, and passengers must claim the date of sailing and on the Company's pier on the day before sailing.

Dangerous articles, such as Fireworks, Matches, Gunpowder, Gasoline, Cartridges, Moving Picture Films, etc., must not be enclosed in baggage.

Automobiles, Cinema Films, Pianos, Sewing Machines, Food Supplies, etc., cannot be accepted as baggage but should be sent as freight, for which rátes will be quoted on the application.

As the Company's liability for baggage is STRICTLY LIMITED, passengers strongly recommend that they insure their luggage whenever practicable. In the event of loss or damage to baggage, the Company cannot accept liability beyond the amount specified on the steamer contract ticket.

Bicycles, Motorcycles, Etc. must be boxed or crated and are carried only at the owner's risk—rates on application.

Dogs: The charge for the carriage of dogs which passengers must place in charge of the butcher, is $20.00 and up, according to dog size. Special permits are necessary when dogs are to be landed in Great Britain.

Steamer Chairs can be hired onboard steamers.

Prepaid Passages: If you have relatives in Europe whom you wish to bring to the United States, you can purchase "Prepaid Tickets" for them covering transportation from any part of Europe via New York, to any point in the United States and Canada, from the agent who gave you this folder.

Collection on Westbound Prepaid Tickets. United States Head Tax: United States Head Tax of $8.00 must be paid for every alien passenger entering the United States, except those in transit through the United States to destinations in other countries and children under sixteen years of age accompanied by parent or parents.

Cabled Prepaid Passages: Prepaid passages may be cabled abroad upon payment of $5.00 in addition to passage rates.

Affidavits of Support: Affidavits of Support are essential with Prepaid tickets; our agents are supplied with our simple, convenient Affidavit Form 500.

Affidavits of Support should be made in triplicate; the agent will send the original and one copy with the prepaid ticket to our offices abroad. The agent should send the other copy directly to the passengers. The respective Consuls must legalize the original affidavit made on behalf of passengers in the following countries, the fees being as indicated:

  • Austria $5.60
  • Hungary $7.20 plus 12c postage
  • Lithuania $1.50
  • Poland $4.75 plus 15c postage
  • Romania $5.40

Our European Offices Will Fully Instruct Prepaid Passengers in all the requirements necessary to starting and making their journeys and will extend every possible assistance to them.

Passports and Visas: Prepaid passengers must secure passports of the country they are subjects. They must obtain an American visa in the country of origin; the fee for preparing the alien's declaration or application for an American visa is one dollar. The visa fee is nine dollars per passport. The passengers must pay these fees to the American Consul abroad.

Cash Payments to Passengers Abroad: In connection with Prepaid tickets, arrangements may be made for the payment of funds to passengers abroad through our European offices. The offices will make these payments in United States dollars in any reasonable amounts desired.


Splendid Modern Steamers to and from Convenient Ports in Great Britain and the Continent 1925

Splendid Modern Steamers to and from Convenient Ports in Great Britain and the Continent on the Back Cover, Red Star Line Third Class Rates Brochure No. 13 Dated 7 October 1925. GGA Image ID # 12c37d1934


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