US Naval Institute Proceedings - August 1978

Front Cover, U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings, Volume 104/8/908, August 1978.

Front Cover, U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings, Volume 104/8/908, August 1978. GGA Image ID # 1d0f06dc13

On the Front Cover

As the USS Omaha (SSN-692) glides effortlessly in the cover photo (Courtesy General Dynamics), the U.S. Navy's nuclear-powered submarine programs have run into strong headwinds which may change the Navy's direction. A Professional Note (pp. 97-102) and several Notebook items address this issue.

Command Authority and Professionalism
Though the Navy's ship captains are presumably the finest the system can produce, heavy-handed "guidance"and over-direction seem to imply that skippers can't be trusted to do their jobs.
By Captain James F. Kelly, Jr., USN
The Management of Time
The ticking clock denotes the use of a resource which is as valuable as money or manpower but usually receives far less attention in Navy management plans.
By Commander Stephen B. Sloane, USN
Who Are the Heroes?
One of the principles of good leadership is that extraordinary deeds should be recognized and rewarded. Unfortunately, the medals don't always go to the right people.
By Lieutenant Commander Michael W. Shelton, CEC, USN
Korea: 25 Years Later
The Korean conflict, which officially ended a quarter of a century ago, has been seemingly a war without end. Even now there is a new battle over U. S. troops in that Asian land. Can we afford to upset the balance which now exists in divided Korea?
By CapraittJohn F. Tally, USN (Ret.)
Microcomputers and the Navy
Electronic wizardry seems perpetually to make smaller and smaller elements capable of doing more and more. The prospects for such devices in the Navy of the future are truly exciting.
By Timothy J. Keen, Charles D. Perrine, Jr., and Paul L. Hazan
The Strange Case of Rainbow-5
No matter what purely military considerations may dictate in a given situation, political ones are often more important. So it was in the curious handling of a war plan which anticipated the fall of the Philippines early in World War II.
By Captain Charles 0. Cook, Jr., USN (Rel.)

Secretary's Notes 19
Comment and Discussion 23 & 81
Old Navy ROZ/Ared) MD, 74*
Leadership Forum 76
Nobody asked me, but . 92
Books of Interest to
the Professional 94
Professional Notes 97
Notebook 108
The opinions or assertions in the articles are the personal ones of the authors and are not to be construed as official. They do not necessarily reflect the views of either the Navy Department or the U.S. Naval Institute.
Proceedings is published monthly by U. S. Naval Institute, Annapolis, Md. 21402. Second-class postage paid at Annapolis, Md. and at additional mailing offices. Memberships/Subscriptions $15.00 one year U.S.A. Copyright © 1978 U. S. Naval Institute.

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