US Naval Institute Proceedings - April 1978

Front Cover, U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings, Volume 104/4/902, April 1978.

Front Cover, U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings, Volume 104/4/902, April 1978. GGA Image ID # 1d0fee7bbb

On the Front Cover

PBY patrol bomber was a real workhorse in World War II naval aviation. This R.G. Smith painting of the model PBY-5A amphibian is presented through the courtesy of the Golden Wings Series, commissioned by the MPB.


The V/STOL Catch 22s
The title of Joseph Heller's antiwar novel can be applied to the future of U.S. sea-based tactical air power. It seems that no matter what we do, the Soviets will reduce our current lead.
By Lieutenant James L. George, USN (Ret.)
Is There a Future for Naval Shipyards?
Cats and dogs, Hatfields and McCoys get along better than the Navy and private shipbuilders. The relationship might improve if naval shipyards were closed and private yards could do all the work.
By Clinton H. Whitehurst, Jr.
American Forces in Foreign Cultures 42
The image of U.S. servicemen abroad varies from that of the
selfless humanitarian to the "Ugly American." For the many in between the two extremes, knowledge and understanding are the keys to acceptance overseas.
By Captain Donald M. Bishop, USAF
An Experiment in Creative Leadership 52
Communication is the great facilitator, as one commanding officer found out when he arranged to let constructive criticism be the tool for pointing up areas where poor leadership could be
By Captain Malvern E. Soper, USN (Ret.)
'Cause a PBY Don't Fly that High 59
A fighter plane it wasn't, but the famous Catalina did plenty of fighting nevertheless in aiding the cause of victory for the Allies in World War II. A pilot with many PBY hours in his log provides a fond look backward.
By Captain William E. Scarborough, USN (Ret.)
Cover Departments 17 The opinions or assertions in the articles are the personal ones of the authors and are not to be construed as official. They do not necessarily reflect the views of either the Navy Department or the U.S. Naval Institute.
The go-anywhere, do-anything Secretary's Notes Comment and Discussion Special 19 & 79
Consolidated Nobody asked me, but . . Book Reviews 74
Corporation. Books of Interest to the 90
Professional 94
Professional Notes Notebook 96 99 109
Proceedings is published monthly by
U. S. Naval Institute, Annapolis, Md. 21402. Second-class postage paid at Annapolis, Md. and at additional mailing offices. Memberships/Subscriptions $15.00 one year U.S.A. Copyright 1978 U. S. Naval Institute.

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