SS Galilea Passage Certificate - 11 September 1936


Lloyd Triestino Tourist Class Passage Ticket for a Voyage on the SS Galilea, Departing from Trieste for Haifa Dated 11 September 1936.

Lloyd Triestino Tourist Class Passage Ticket for a Voyage on the SS Galilea, Departing from Trieste for Haifa Dated 11 September 1936. GGA Image ID # 12d1befdac


Summary of Passage Certificate

  • Date of Purchase / Voyage: 11 September 1936
  • Steamship Line: Lloyd Triestino
  • Steamship: SS Galilea
  • Route: Trieste for Haifa
  • Ticket Type: Passage Certificate
  • Voyage Class: Tourist Class
  • Name on Contract: M. Freimann
  • Etnicity of Passenger(s): Unknown
  • Contract Terms: Transcribed
  • Cost of Ticket: 320 Lira / $441.00 USD in 2020


Passage Certificate Details

Tourist Class Passage Ticket for a voyage from Trieste to Haifa on the SS Galilea of Lloyd Triestino dated 11 September 1936 for one adult male, assigned cabin no. 399 for this trip across the Mediterranean Sea.



Cabina Turistica

DE: (From) TRIESTE, Italy
A:  (To) HAIFA, Israel
Partenza: (Departure) Sept. 11
Ore: (Time) 13
Sig: M. Freimann
Bambini :
Prezzo di Passaggio : (Price of Passage) 320
Supplementi :         

Timbro e Firma Dell’Agente: (Signature of agent)

Ouesto biglietto non è valido se non presentato all’atto dell’imbarco insieme al Tagliando A), a meno che non porti apposita dichiarazione a tergo por avvenuta interruzione del viaggio da parte del passeggero

This ticket is not valid if it is not presented at the time of boarding together with Coupon A), unless it bears a special declaration on the backside due to the interruption of the journey by the passenger.


Front Cover, Lloyd Triestino Tourist Class Passage Ticket for a Voyage on the SS Galilea, Departing from Trieste for Haifa Dated 11 September 1936.

Front Cover, Lloyd Triestino Tourist Class Passage Ticket for a Voyage on the SS Galilea, Departing from Trieste for Haifa Dated 11 September 1936. GGA Image ID # 12d1b3a011


Relative Cost of Passage Ticket in Today's Currency Value

320 Italian lira [1880-2015] in year 1936 could buy the same amount of consumer goods and services in Sweden as 23.610648569560876 US dollar [1791-2015] could buy in Sweden in year 1936. This comparison should be used if the purpose of the analysis is to compare absolute worth over time rather than relative worth. Historical currency converter

In 2020, the relative values of $23.61 from 1936 ranges from $352.00 to $5,820.00.

simple Purchasing Power Calculator would say the relative value is $441.00. This answer is obtained by multiplying $23.61 by the percentage increase in the CPI from 1936 to 2020.

This may not be the best answer.

The best measure of the relative value over time depends on if you are interested in comparing the cost or value of a Commodity, Income or Wealth, or a Project.

If you want to compare the value of a $23.61 Commodity in 1936 there are four choices. In 2020 the relative:

  • real price of that commodity is $441.00
  • real value in consumption of that commodity is $1,050.00
  • labor value of that commodity is $1,250.00 (using the unskilled wage) or $1,400.00 (using production worker compensation)
  • income value of that commodity is $2,260.00
  • economic share of that commodity is $5,820.00

If you want to compare the value of a $23.61 Income or Wealth, in 1936 there are five choices. In 2020 the relative:

  • real wage or real wealth value of that income or wealth is $441.00
  • household purchasing power value of that income or wealth is $1,050.00
  • relative labor earnings of that commodity are $1,250.00 (using the unskilled wage) or $1,400.00 (using production worker compensation)
  • relative income value of that income or wealth is $2,260.00
  • relative output value of that income or wealth is $5,820.00

If you want to compare the value of a $23.61 Project in 1936 there are four choices. In 2020 the relative:

  • real cost of that project is $352.00
  • household cost of that project is $1,050.00
  • labor cost of that project is $1,250.00 (using the unskilled wage) or $1,400.00 (using production worker compensation)
  • relative cost of that project is $2,260.00
  • economy cost of that project is $5,820.00

Source: Samuel H. Williamson, "Seven Ways to Compute the Relative Value of a U.S. Dollar Amount, 1790 to present," MeasuringWorth, 2022.


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