Luhrs Double Cabin 32' Yacht: Built for a man … with a woman in mind. (1969)

Main Cabin Area - Luhrs Double Cabin 32 Footer

For the man who refuses to be intimidated by the open sea, but has a wife who wants all the comforts of a home.

The Luhrs 32' Double Cabin is built to muscle its way through steep head seas … smooth out the roughest water … and cruise comfortably at better than 20 knots without pounding like other hulls.

It wasn't designed to stay in the slip. Here's a boat for slipping away from the dock at the crack of dawn to race to the choicest fishing grounds … or to a quiet little cove for a day of loafing in the sun.

Luhrs Double Cabin 32' Yacht - 1969 Print Advertisement.

Everything about this Luhrs tells you it's a ruggedly built, dependable kind of boat that will take you where you want to go … swiftly, safely and in solid comfort.

It gives you total confidence that you're in control, whether you're bucking head seas, taking 'em over the beam or running ahead of a following sea. It's all the same to a Luhrs.

You see, Luhrs has the hull you can bet your life on. A specially modified Deep-V design with all the advantages of the most highly acclaimed ocean racing boats plus far greater stability.

Molded in longitudinal strakes and hard chine combine to reduce roll to a minimum and get the boat up on a plane at surprisingly low speeds. Another great Luhrs feature is the exceptional beam which keeps the boat on an even keel and adds to its comfort underway.

Luhrs Double Cabin 32 Footer

But this is only half the story.

The Luhrs Double Cabin 32' yacht was designed to give the seafaring man a boat his wife could call home. And what a magnificent job our designers have done.

Compare this Luhrs with any boat of any size or price for warmth, livability and comfort. You'll find it hard to believe this boat is only 32' long ... or that you can actually buy so much boat for so little money.

For example, you set 2 heads (1 with shower); sleeping for 8 in 3 cabins; seating for 10 in the main salon; planned for extended living aboard; tasteful decor; rich wood paneling; a model-home galley plus much more.

So, fellows, if you've had trouble finding a boat you could respect and your wife could love, take her by the hand … walk her down the dock … help her aboard and say, "Welcome home!" Then watch her eye light up.

Luhrs has made it possible for you to see your dream come true.

Marlboro, N.J. 07746 | Costa Mesa, Calif. 92627



GG Archives REF: BPLUH-003-1969-BW-AD

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