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Collier's Photographic History of the European War REDIRECTED

Front Cover of Collier's Photographic History of the European War

1916 Collier's Photographic History of the European War, by P.F. Collier & Son. Large, coffee-table format (16½" x 12") containing 144 pages. This spectacular account of the Great War includes sketches and drawings made on the battle fields and photographs by the official photographers accompanying each army.

Frontispiece - Collier's Photographic History of the European War


Pages 5 through 15 showcase the war's most important individuals. These include great leaders of many countries involved in the war: Czar of Russia Nicholas II; England's King George V; President Raymond Poincaré of France; German Emperor and King of Prussia Wilhelm II; Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary Franz Josef I, and many more.

These first pages also include several of the war's great military leaders: Supreme Commander of the French Army General Joffre; Commander in Chief of the British Home Fleet Admiral Jellico; German Field Marshal Von Hindenberg; Bavarian General Prince Leopold; and many more. The remainder of the book's pages contain some of the most compelling and riveting photographs of World War I to ever have been taken.

Throngs of villagers fleeing the horrors of war, pulling everything they own in horse-drawn carts through the streets; many young soldiers laying dead in the fields or trenches, their final supreme act of allegiance to their homeland forever preserved on film; the weaponry of various countries.

You will also find troop formations, units, and battalions from various countries in a variety of locations during the war; great ships such as the Sydney (Australian), the Emden (Germany), the Bulwark (England), and many, many more.

There is an incredible full-page photo of the great British Cunard liner Lusitania leaving New York (see photo below), which sunk after being torpedoed by a German submarine and took 1150 non-combatant lives (114 of them American), an act which outraged American citizens and eventually helped to draw the United States into the war.

Plate 70 - Lusitania Leaving New York

There are trench warfare photos; submarine photos; zeppelin and aeroplane photos; photos of the total destruction of once-thriving cities and towns caught in the path of war's relentless march; actual battle photos; photos of survivors of sunken ships, afloat in the sea just before rescue; a photo of the execution of accused spies; young foot soldiers who were killed as they became entangled in barbed wire and died standing upright, supported by the wire that had entrapped them; medics and nurses tending the wounded; photos from the battles at Gallipoli, Verdun, etc.; troops laying underground mines in tunnels beneath the enemy lines; Russian troops marching through wintry landscapes; etc.

Each photograph is a stark documentation of what war really means - graphic scenes which, these days, seem all too real.

Foreword to Collier's Photographic History of the European War

Foreword to Collier's Photographic History of the European War

The War of the nations the most stupendous struggle the world has ever witnessed, is now raising along battle lines that stretch from the North Sea to the Adriatic and the Caucasus.

Every great power of Europe is involved fighting upon one side or upon the other.

On June 28.1914, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir-presumptive to the throne of Austria-Hungary, was killed at Sarajevo. Bosnia. Austria believed the murder was plotted in Serbia, and sent that country an ultimatum on July 23, followed by a declaration of war on July 28.

Russia protested and mobilized her fonts. Germany declared war on Russia August 1 and on France August 3, on which day she invaded Belgium. England joined with France and Russia August 4.

Of the other countries, Belgium was forced into the war to defend her neutrality; Montenegro threw in her lot with Serbia from the beginning; Italy. Japan, and Portugal joined the Allies, while Turkey and Bulgaria look the side of Germany and Austria.

This great European War has introduced new and more deadly instruments of destruction, and has relegated to the background and the scrap heap many hitherto accepted tactics and weapons. The most effective of these new arms has been the submarine.

Gunboats, cruisers, even super dreadnoughts, have proven unable to withstand its onslaughts. Aeroplanes and airships have also definitely taken their permanent place as most effective arms of war.

The former have literally been the eyes of the armies, and by their aid not only detection of the enemy's position is made possible, but range and direction of great gunfire is checked, corrected, and in part conducted.

Airships have struck terror to many a besieged city as well as those outside of the zone of fighting. Side by side with the hand grenades and the bayonets of earlier days men use such terrible modern devices as clouds of poisonous gas or discharges of liquid fire.

The automobile, which brings supplies with all speed even when railroad lines are destroyed, draws the heavy guns and is one of the most effective agents of this war.

Armored automobiles have Supplied each army with "flying squadrons." white motorcycles have proven most efficient for dispatch hearers. Siege guns of unheard-of or unconceived-of caliber have been one of the great surprises of the war.

Forts and bastions once considered impregnable, have become shell-like china before these modern monster cannon. At sea, victory seems lo be with the guns of longest range when aided by speed or heavy armor.

Trenches have proven the only temporary safe shelter from rifle and quick fire guns, and the modern army's advance is not unlike that of moles burrowing through the ground.

Gone forever is the "gay panoply of war" with cheering hosts charging in scarlet coals to bugle notes. Even the correspondents at the front are eliminated—no more do their dispatches vividly detail the maddening battle scenes.

The very romance of war is gone and in its place remains a cold, practical, mathematical war game worked out with as much sentiment and bubbling enthusiasm as is exhibited in games of chess or in solving problems of higher mathematics.

Photographs alone now tell the story of each day's conflicts, but these record with fate-like accuracy the progress of the war. The photographers and artists allowed at the front of each contending army have been few indeed, and these few are only official ones.

These official photographers are the sources from which the photographs and sketches of "Collier's Photographic History of the European War" have been obtained. The great historic value of the Photographic history arises from the fact that every army and warring nation is depicted.

Here are shown the German, British, French, Italian, Russian. Serbian, Italian, Turkish, Bulgarian, Japanese, in fact, all armies in the field, seen as they are in their daily life and strife.

Here, too, are the pathetic dramas of the ruined cities villages, cathedrals, and palaces of Belgium and northern France, and the flight of refugees in all the lands ravaged by war.

War on land is portrayed as never before, since never in the history of the world has there been such vast and varied material to draw upon. Equally complete are here shown the instruments of the twentieth century's new- phases of war—war waged in the air—war waged not only at sea, but beneath the waves.

Depicted here are great airships and aeroplanes and the deadly submarines So, too, the pictures of the British and German battleships and cruisers that have engaged in the various naval duels that have meant annihilation to the vanquished and death to their brave crews.

Here are the speedy German cruisers whose dashing raids on British commerce resembled the daring exploits of the bold buccaneers and privateers of the golden days of the Spanish Main.

Thus this Great War has been pictured wherever it extended - in Asia and Africa and the South Seas, as well as in Europe. What the end shall lie cannot be foretold—whether nation shall light nation to a standstill without decisive results, or whether colonies and trade routes shall change owners and dynasties and great governments go down to destruction and oblivion.

F. J. Reynolds

List of Illustrations—Photographs and Drawings

  1. Nicholas II, Emperor of All the Russia
  2. George V, King of Great Britain, Ireland, and Emperor of India
  3. M. Raymond Poincaré, President of France
  4. Wilhelm II, German Emperor and King of Prussia
  5. Mohammed V, Saltan of Turkey
  6. Franz Josef I. Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary
  7. Bernardino Machado, President of Portugal
  8. Peter I. King of Serbia
  9. Albert I. King of Belgium
  10. Yoshthito Harunomiya. Emperor of Japan
  11. Nicholas 1, King of Montenegro
  12. Constantine I. King of Greece
  13. The Archduke Franz Ferdinand with the Kaiser
  14. Vittorio Emanuele III. King of Italy
  15. General Krieh von Falkenhayn
  16. Count Zeppelin
  17. Earl Kitchener
  18. Ferdinand, King of Bulgaria
  19. General Joffre
  20. Aristide Briand
  21. Ferdinand I, King of Romania
  22. James Watson Gerard, United States Ambassador to Germany
  23. Confident Leaders of the Allies
  24. Eleutherios Venizelos
  25. General Gallieni
  26. Mr. Asquith
  27. Baron von Bethmann-Hellweg
  28. Grand Duke Nicholas
  29. Grand Admiral von Tirpitz
  30. Admiral von Pliscott
  31. Count Okuma
  32. Enver Bey
  33. Admiral Sir John Fisher
  34. General von Beseler
  35. Viscount French of Ypres
  36. General von Heeringen
  37. Field Marshal von Hindenburg
  38. Rene Viviani
  39. M. Sazonoff
  40. Sir Edward Grey
  41. Nikola Paehitch
  42. General Rennenkampf
  43. General Leman
  44. General von Hoetzendorf
  45. Crown Prince of Greece
  46. Signor Salandra
  47. Gottlieb von Jafrow
  48. Crown Prince of Germany
  49. Archduke Friedrich
  50. Baron Burian
  51. David Lloyd George
  52. Poineare and Castelnau
  53. Admiral Jellico
  54. General Kamio
  55. General von Kluck
  56. General Petain
  57. General von der Goltz
  58. Admiral Beatty
  59. General Smith-Dorrien
  60. Lieutenant von Weddigen
  61. Admiral Sturdee
  62. Earl Kitchener, Lloyd-George, and General Roque
  63. General Foch
  64. M. Radoslavoff
  65. Admiral Jackson
  66. General Fitchoff
  67. General Paul Pau
  68. General Mackensen
  69. General Sarrail
  70. Krupp Gun Works at Essen
  71. Prince Leopold
  72. Admiral de Robeek
  73. General Brusiloff
  74. Admiral Gregorovich
  75. General Cadorna
  76. General Castelnau
  77. General Haig
  78. General Robertson
  79. Admiral Corsi
  80. Count Tisza
  81. French Munitions Works at Creusot
  82. General Putnik
  83. Great Stairway at Liege
  84. Tower at Spandau
  85. Refugees Fleeing to Brussels
  86. Belgian Battery in Action
  87. Artillery with Russia's Great Army of Invasion
  88. Military Car Picking up the Dead
  89. Ruins at Longwy
  90. Ruins of Louvain
  91. Night Battle in Miilhausen
  92. Picture Grown Familiar in Belgium and France
  93. Asleep by the Roadside
  94. Armored Train
  95. Bombardment of Antwerp
  96. Wrecking the Enemy's Trains
  97. Cutting Telegraph Wires
  98. German Field Battery
  99. Excavation for 42-Centimeter Gum
  100. Great Krupp Gun
  101. Industry and War in the Champagne Country
  102. Bedouin Chiefs of Egypt
  103. Japanese Artillery
  104. Destroyer Escapes a Torpedo by Quick Maneuvering
  105. "Every Man for Himself"
  106. German Artillery on the March
  107. German Battery of 21-Centimeter Mortars
  108. French Heavy Mortar Guns Going into Action
  109. Bayonet Charge in the Outskirts of Antwerp
  110. War's Victims at the Edge of the Forest Near Soissons
  111. Cross-Marked Graves of Soldiers
  112. Before the Invading Army
  113. Sydney, Australian Battleship
  114. Karlsruhe, German Cruiser
  115. Bulwark, British Battleship
  116. Konigsberg, German Cruiser
  117. Emden, German Cruiser
  118. Taking Observations from a Submarine
  119. Emden Aground
  120. Wreck of the Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse
  121. Rear Admiral Cradock
  122. Rescuing Sailors after the Battle
  123. Rear Admiral von Spee
  124. Sinking of the German Cruiser Blücher
  125. Famous German Submarine U-9
  126. Scharnhorst. German Cruiser
  127. Guns of a French Battleship
  128. Gneisenau, German Cruiser
  129. Taking the Sky Pilot Aboard
  130. Germans Refortifying Antwerp
  131. Wreckage of a Fort at Brussels
  132. Gun Destroyed at Bismarck Fort
  133. Bombardment of Tsing-Tau
  134. German Watch on the Yser
  135. Twilight in the Low Countries
  136. Nave and Choir of Cathedral at Rheims before Bombardment
  137. Rheims Cathedral before the War Began
  138. Great Arches at Notre Dame
  139. Ruined Church at Dixmude
  140. Explosion of a Mined Trench
  141. Hillside Trench in Galicia
  142. German Battery in the Snows of Poland
  143. Winter in Flanders
  144. After a Snowstorm in France
  145. Observation Shelter Near Memel
  146. British Hydroplane Alighting on the Water
  147. German Submarine. U-14
  148. Loading Torpedoes into a French Submarine
  149. Australian Submarine
  150. Submarine's Operating Mechanism
  151. Submarine Torpedo Tubes
  152. Periscope of Submerged Submarine
  153. Aboard a French Submarine
  154. Interior of a Submarine
  155. Machine-Gun Crew
  156. Moving a German Gun
  157. Observation Post
  158. French Infantry in a Bayonet Charge
  159. Moving a French Gun
  160. Austrian Field Artillery in Russia
  161. Telescoping Searchlight
  162. Fleeing the Russian Invasion
  163. Refugees in Sorbin
  164. Story of Reprisals
  165. Peasant's Shelter in East Prussia
  166. Barricade Among Ruins
  167. Serbian Prisoners of War
  168. Searching the Ashes
  169. Difficult Home-coming
  170. German Army Balloon Leaving its Hangar
  171. Aeroplane Machine Gun
  172. Aeroplane Ready for Flight
  173. Rescuing an Aeroplane from the Sea
  174. Balloon Ascension
  175. Raising a Balloon from an Italian Warship
  176. New French Dirigible
  177. Observation Balloon
  178. French and English Fleet Near the Dardanelles
  179. In-trenching Through Cellar Walls
  180. German Riflemen in Russian Poland
  181. San Giorgio, Italian Cruiser
  182. Queen Elizabeth at the Dardanelles
  183. Landing Troops at the Dardanelles
  184. New War Paint of the British Fleet
  185. Ammunition Train Destroyed by Shells
  186. Town Swept by Russians
  187. Royal Palace at Malmo, Sweden
  188. Gurkhas Defending the Suez Canal
  189. Russian Prisoners at Angustowo, Poland
  190. Wreckage from an Air Raid
  191. Dead in Champagne, France
  192. Battle Ground in Galicia
  193. German Far Eastern Squadron in Kiau-Chau Bay
  194. Ghastly Work of a Single Shell
  195. In the Forest of Mesnel After the Fight
  196. Rescuing a Submarine's Victims
  197. Dead in Heaps at Belgrade
  198. Types of Zeppelin Bombs
  199. Trench Periscope Used by French Soldiers
  200. Turkish Prisoners of War
  201. Austrian 30.5-Centimeter Gun
  202. Australians Entrenched in Egypt
  203. French Prisoners at Zossen, Prussia
  204. Defending the Masurian Lake Country, East Prussia
  205. Belgian Soldiers Re-Forming for a Fresh Attack
  206. British Soldiers at Neuve Chapelle
  207. Reading the Death List
  208. Crippled Workman
  209. Thriving War Industry
  210. Soldiers who Died from Typhus
  211. Carting the Dead off the Field
  212. Charge by French African Chasseurs
  213. Firing Over Their Own Dead
  214. An Execution
  215. William P. Frye
  216. French Battleship Bouvet
  217. American Oil Ship Gulfight
  218. Bridge On the Kalesch-Warsaw Line
  219. Falaha's Lifeboats
  220. Lusitania Leaving Her Pier in New York
  221. Torpedo Net on an Austrian Battleship
  222. American Submarines for England
  223. On Guard for the Allies
  224. Serving a Gun on an Armored Train
  225. German First Aid Station in Poland
  226. German Biplane
  227. Speedy French Monoplane
  228. Exchange of Crippled Prisoners at Tornea, Sweden
  229. Italian Monoplane
  230. American Scout Aeroplane
  231. Orderly Russian Retreat from Warsaw
  232. Mine Explosion
  233. Tractor for Transporting British Guns
  234. German Naval Mine
  235. Russian Armored Car in Poland
  236. Italian Searchlight
  237. Range Finder or Telemeter
  238. Hurling a Hand Grenade from a Trench
  239. Collapsible Bicycle
  240. Captured Russian Cannon
  241. Benzine Locomotive for Railroad or Road
  242. Grenadiers Protected Against Shrapnel and Gases
  243. Alexander Bridye at Warsaw
  244. Dead in the Moment of Victory
  245. Wreck of a Zeppelin
  246. General Louis Botha
  247. Night Reconnaissance Over the Aisne
  248. Warsaw, Capital of Russian Poland
  249. Portable Searchlight
  250. Soldiers' Burial at Meniel
  251. Curtiss Flying Boat
  252. Effects of Gases Used in War
  253. Movable Telephone
  254. Major General Hughes
  255. Rapid Advance of German Infantry
  256. Canadian Soldiers in Armored Automobiles
  257. Captain of the Emden
  258. View Through a Periscope
  259. Watching the Enemy
  260. Battle of Soissons
  261. Soldiers Killed in a Barbed-Wire Entanglement
  262. Heroes of the Russian Rear Guard
  263. After a House-to-House Battle in Champagne
  264. German Transport Column Passing Through a Town Destroyed by Fire
  265. German Soldiers Constructing Defenses in the Drive on Warsaw
  266. French Army in Review
  267. French Artillery in the Battle of Champagne
  268. Convalescent Canadians in England
  269. Small Austrian Submarine
  270. Packing Canadian Duffle Rags in Wagons
  271. Shipping a Rapid-Fire Gun at Montreal
  272. British Lookout in the East
  273. Ruined Fort at the Dardanelles
  274. British Artillery at Gallipoli
  275. English Soldiers with Machine Gun
  276. Constructing a New Battle Line in Champagne
  277. Lancashire Landing and Harbor at the Dardanelles
  278. Lifting a Wounded French Sailor
  279. Lowering: a Wounded Austrian Soldier
  280. Russian Refugees on the Way Home
  281. Wounded Prisoner Aided by a French Officer
  282. German Military Supplies at Belgrade
  283. Work of an Austrian Siege Gun
  284. An Observer's Station
  285. Undermining the Enemy
  286. Collecting Waste Metal for Military Uses
  287. Barrier of Spikes
  288. Forest Entanglement
  289. Preparing Barbed-Wire Coils
  290. Spoils of War from Captured Trenches
  291. Cutting Barbed-Wire Entanglements
  292. Armenian Refugees
  293. Australian Troops Passing Through Sydney, Australia
  294. Large Italian Mortar
  295. Italian Battery in a Protected Position
  296. Italian Artillerymen Pulling a Gun to a Vantage Point
  297. Bursting Shell—The Photographer's Last Picture
  298. Zeppelin Over London at Night
  299. Italian Batteries at Nightfall
  300. German Antiaircraft Guns Mounted on Turntables
  301. Turkish Camps at Gollipoli
  302. British South African Troops in German East Africa
  303. British Infantry Awaiting Commands
  304. French Colonial Troops at Mudros
  305. German Invaders Halting for Rest and Food Near Belgrade
  306. Bulgarian Convoy Near the Border of Serbia
  307. Glimpse of Uskub, Serbia
  308. New Austrian Trench Made Under Heavy Fire
  309. Retreat of the Serbian Army
  310. Serbian Advance in the Face of Shell Fire
  311. Refugees Fleeing to Greece by Train
  312. New British Monitor
  313. Torpedo Striking a British Steamer
  314. Guns of the Canopus in Action
  315. Transporting English Troops at Suvla Bay
  316. Coast Searchlight
  317. Duraxzo on the Albanian Coast
  318. French Submarines at Mudros
  319. Submarine Chasers for Russia
  320. Trees of Hurlus Forest
  321. Large German Gun in Action
  322. Well-Hidden French Gun in Alsace
  323. Graves at Gallipoli
  324. Broken Hills of the Gallipoli Peninsula
  325. Italian Liner Ancona Leaving New York
  326. Encampment of Turkish and Arabian Camel Riders
  327. Turkish Military Hospital in Jerusalem
  328. Red-Crescent Camp in the Desert
  329. Mine Laying Under the Enemy's Lines
  330. British Troops Landing at Saloniea
  331. British Vessels on the Tigris
  332. Winter Uniforms on the Austrian Frontier
  333. Austrian Siege Gun in Serbia
  334. Russian Troops on the Russo-Romanian Frontier
  335. German Artillery Observers
  336. Bringing in the Day's Supply of Munitions
  337. French Soldiers Preparing to Repel a German Assault
  338. Storing Explosives in a Cave Near the Aisne
  339. British Soldiers on the Nile
  340. German Shelter Trench in Central Africa
  341. Austrian Mountain Corps
  342. Zeppelin Shot Down in France
  343. Zeppelin L-15 Sinking Near the English Coast
  344. Sussex Beached at Boulogne-sur-Mer
  345. Air Battle Between a German and a French Biplane
  346. British Cycle Corps Near the Greek Border
  347. Italian Signalman
  348. New Gas Masks Tested by a Volunteer Squad
  349. Constantinople, the Bosporus, and the Golden Horn
  350. View of Baghdad from the Left Bank of the Tigris
  351. Turkish Flags Captured at Erzerum
  352. Turkish Gun Captured by British Indians
  353. War in Africa
  354. Victors in a Fight on Lake Tanganyika. Africa
  355. German Observers in the Argonne
  356. Trenches Captured from the French Near Verdun
  357. Gunners who have Sighted Hostile Aircraft
  358. Trenches and Artillery Around Trehizond
  359. Boyau, or Connecting Trench
  360. Reinforcements and Supplies for the French Troops Near Verdun
  361. French Military Kitchen Near the Battle Front
  362. British Soldiers Sent to Relieve Kut-el-Amara
  363. Village of Vaux after Bombardment
  364. French Pontoon Bridges Across the Mouse
  365. City of Verdun from the Canal
  366. Mouse Heights Under Bombardment
  367. Destruction of a Forest by Shell Fire
  368. French Guns Passing on a Road in the Verdun Battle Field
  369. Italian Gun on a Mountain Top
  370. Field Priest and a Wounded Soldier
  371. Church Field Hospital
  372. Regiments of Russians Welcomed in France
  373. Guns of Armored Train in Action
  374. Alsatian Village in Flames
  375. Austrian Prisoners Stopping for Food
  376. Russians Studying a Captured Gun
  377. Captured Trench on the Verdun Front
  378. Italian Scouts in the Tall Grass
  379. Rescuing the Crew of a Merchantman
  380. Grave Somewhere in France
  381. Great Shell Striking a House in Verdun
  382. Panorama of Lemberg
  383. Queen Mary, British Battle Cruiser
  384. Pommern, German Battleship
  385. Shells Bursting on German Positions near the Somme
  386. Marlborough, British Battleship
  387. Hampshire, British Cruiser
  388. Deutschland, Submarine Merchantman
  389. Zeppelin Bombs and a Zeppelin's Framework

List of Illustrations - Page 1

List of Illustrations, Page 2

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