US Naval Institute Proceedings - February 1977

Front Cover, U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings, Volume 103/2/888, February 1977.

Front Cover, U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings, Volume 103/2/888, February 1977. GGA Image ID # 1d111357e4

On the Front Cover

Tom Freeman's. "Convoy" sets the mood for three articles which begin, respectively, on pages 26, 50, and 58, and reminds us of how Liberty and Victory ships helped preserve our liberties and contributed to our victories in World War II.


Which Five-Year Shipbuilding Program?
If we build our ships wisely and well today, our maritime posture from 1985 to 2000 will be strong. But today's mistakes may take decades to correct—assuming they are correctable.
By Donald H. Rumsfeld

The NDRF: Past, Present, and Future

The aging NDRF has played an important role in U. S. maritime affairs since 1946; yet, in the 1973 Israeli Crisis, its ships could not respond in time to carry the first, crucial sea shipments.
By Clinton H. Whitehurst, Jr.

The Economics of a 200-Mile Fisheries Zone

We know where we are going on 1 March; we are moving out to enforce a unilaterally imposed 200-mile economic zone. But,

many people are wondering where (and how) we are going to go from there?
By Ensign Robert J. Slye, USCG
"Dirty Bill" Porter

The son of a hero of the War of 1812, the foster brother of the Navy's first admiral, and the older brother of the Navy's second admiral, "Dirty Bill" was something else.
By Dana Wegner

A Time for Victories

An officer with both merchant and naval service pays tribute to a _ class of ships which has been a big part of the NDRF and calls for the building of more such vessels.
By Captain John A. Culver, USNR
Pictorial—The Last Triple Expander

No more do the thump and swish of reciprocating steam engines fill the machinery spaces of Navy Liberty ships. But there were many such engines in past naval and merchant ships.
By Lieutenant Commander James C. Kraft, USN




The Old Navy 68
Nobody asked me, but.. . 70
Comment and Discussion 73
Book Reviews 85
Books of Interest to the Professional 89
Professional Notes 93
Weapon Systems: 102
Notebook 103
The opinions or assertions in the articles are the personal ones of the authors and are not to be construed as official. They do not necessarily reflect the views of either the Navy Department or the U. S. Naval Institute.

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