Attractive French Woman Deported after Ten Years in America - 1911

Attractive French Woman Deported

Ten Years Here; Deported

Woman Who Has $105,000 Offers $10,000 for a Husband.

Interest was aroused yesterday at Ellis Island by the appearance in the deportation pen of a tall, attractive looking French woman, who wore a smart tailor made blue serge costume and a large black picture hat trimmed with white velvet and covered with ostrich plumes which she said cost $150.

The woman was Annie Gold, who was arrested in Portland, Oregon after being ten years in the country, and ordered deported at the expense of the Government as an undesirable alien for keeping a disorderly resort in that city. Annie Gold told detectives who arrested her that she had $55,000 in cash and about $50,000 in jewels, and that she would pay $10,000 down in cash to any citizen of the United States who would marry her so that she would not have to be sent back to Europe.

In view of the excitement created at Ellis Island by her offer, she will be guarded by a matron as well as two deportation officers until she sails today on the Hamburg America Liner Pretoria.

219 Undesirable Aliens to be Deported Today

In all there are 219 undesirable aliens to be deported today on the ten steamships sailing for European ports. The Duca d'Aosta, for Naples, heads the list with 85, the Philadelphia has 23, and the Sant' Anna has 21. In order to distribute this number, which is a record for one day in the present year, the deportation officers had to work from 5 A.M. yesterday till 11:30 P.M. last night before the last batch was delivered.

Article published in the The New York Times and other newspapers on 15 April 1911 (Wire service not identified).


  • Annie Gold's Cash on Hand: $55,000.00 from 1911 is worth $1,238,198.70 in 2007 using the Consumer Price Index
  • Annie Gold's Jewelry: $50,000.00 from 1911 is worth $1,125,635.18 in 2007 using the Consumer Price Index
  • Annie Gold's Offer for a Husband: $10,000.00 from 1911 is worth $225,127.04 in 2007 using the Consumer Price Index

Source: Samuel H. Williamson, "Six Ways to Compute the Relative Value of a U.S. Dollar Amount, 1790 to Present," MeasuringWorth, 2008.

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