Destination America

Destination America

Maldwyn Allen Jones, historian of American History authored textbooks and history related books written for the masses rather than the classroom. Destination America serves well as a mass market book or as a supplemental book on immigration for the classroom.

Maldwyn Allen Jones, Destination America, © 1976, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, Hardcover, 256 Pages, 0-03-016731-0, 325.73.

From The Cover

Between 1820 and 1930 thirty-five million people emigrated to the United States from every comer of Europe - from Great Britain, Ireland and northern Europe; from Italy and the Balkans; from Russia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

DESTINATION AMERICA tells the story of the greatest mass migration in history and describes what it meant to disrupt one’s life and travel to an unknown future in an unknown land.

From the Publisher

In little more than a century, thirty-five million people crossed the Atlantic in search of a new life. Fleeing from poverty, famine, or persecution, they left their European homelands for a fabled country of refuge and opportunity — America.

First from Ireland and Great Britain, Germany and Scandinavia, then in even greater numbers from southern and eastern Europe, they poured into the United States until the restrictive legislation of the 1920s stopped the tide. Millions of them travelled in sordid and horrifying conditions.

Millions found their adopted country unprepared to welcome them. But by and large the promise of America was fulfilled. These were the people who built today’s America. Their coming—the largest voluntary migration in history—transformed the social, political, and economic course of the United States.

Destination America tells the story of these men and women. It tells of the aspirations of those who made the journey, of the squalor and deprivation they endured, of the dangers of shipwreck and epidemic they faced, of the harsh realities of their arrival, and of the new world they found and how they helped to forge a new destiny for themselves and their adopted country.

Maldwyn A. Jones has drawn on meticulous research and numerous interviews to recount a fascinating tale of the lives, struggles, and achievements of America’s immigrants. The book is illustrated throughout w ith historic and evocative photographs and documents.

Maldwyn A. Jones is Commonwealth Fund Professor of American History at the University of London and historical consultant to the television series of “Destination America”.

He was born in Wales and educated at Oxford University. In 1951-52 and 1959 he was a Commonwealth Fund Fellow at Harvard University and has since been a Visiting Professor at the Universities of Pennsylvania and Chicago. He was a Professor of American History and Institutions at the University of Manchester until 1971.

Professor Jones has written many articles on the different aspects of American immigration including its historiography, the European background, steerage conditions, and emigration from Ireland. His book, American Immigration, was published in i960.


  1. The Golden Door
  2. The Journey
  3. Guardians of the Gate
  4. Flight from Hunger
  5. Cousins and Strangers
  6. The Way West
  7. Myth of the "Melting Pot"
  8. The New Diaspora
  9. The Italian Exodus
  10. The Narrow Gate
  11. The Immigrant Heritage
  12. Notes on Sources
  13. Further Reading
  14. Acknowledgments
  15. Index

Index to Destination America

Adelsverein, 125
Adler, Jacob P., 181
agriculture, 126-9, 130, 172, 206
Albany, 75
Altman's, 165
Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, 179
Amalgamated Meat Cutter's Union, 153
American Civil War, 12, 40, 78, 82, 89, 91, 120, 129
American Communist Party, 230
American Federation of Labour, 227
American Protective Association, 87
Amoskeag Woollen Company, 107
Anneke, Fritz, 133
Anti-Saloon League, 141
anti-Semitism, 188-90, 230
Argentina, 11, 12, 170, 195, 196, 221
army, immigrants join, 85-6
Astor, John Jacob, 239
Atlantic (ship), 40
Australia, 12, 15, 95, 108, 221
Austria (ship), 34, 40
Austro-Hungarian Empire, 12, 44

Bache McEver (ship), 32
Balbo, Marshal, 218
Baltimore, 48, 75, 172
Bartholdi, Frederic A., 10
Barzini, Luigi, 214
Bausch, John J., 132
Bebb, William, 98-9
Bedini, Gaetano, 80
Bell, Alexander Graham, 239
Bell, William, 31-2
Belmont, August, 167
Berlin, Irving, 186-7, 241
Birkbeck, Morris, 94
Bismarck, Otto von, 138, 139
Bloom, Sol, 191
Bloomingdale's, 165
Bok, Edward, 241
Boston, 12, 48, 75, 76-8, 82, 87-90, 172, 242
Boston Pilot, 75
La Bourgogne (ship), 41
Boyd, Patrick, 73
Brandeis, Justice, 191
Brazil, 12, 195, 196
Bremen, 25, 44
Bremer, Fredrika, 125, 133
Bresci, Gaetano, 217
Brierley, Ben, 108
British immigrants, 12, 13, 92-117, 231
Brummelkamp, Antonie, 124-5
Brutus (ship), 38
Buenger, Johann Friedrich, 124
Burlington Railroad Company, 95, 96
Butte, Montana, 109

Cahan, Abraham, 181-4
California, 89, 206
Canada, 11, 12, 36-7, 38, 69, 71, 95, 98, 221
Cantor, Eddie, 186-7
Capone, Al, 213, 214
Carnegie, Andrew, 15-18, 109-11, 239
Carricks (ship), 38
Castle Garden, New York, 47, 52-4
Celler, Emanuel, 190, 191
Cermak, Anton J., 154
Chamberlain, Joseph, 42-3
Charlestown, 79
Chavez, Cesar, 236
Chicago, 12, 75, 132, 145-8, 172, 199, 214, 223, 241
Chinese immigrants, 12, 227
Cincinnati, 75, 132, 133, 140
Cincinnati Freie Presse, 133
Cincinnati Volksblatt, 133
Ciolli, Domenick, 200
City of Glasgow (ship), 35, 39
City of Manchester (ship), 39
City of Paris (ship), 45
City of Philadelphia (ship), 39
Claghorn, Kate, 186
Cleveland, Ohio, 12, 172
Cleveland, Grover, 10, 227
Cohalan, Daniel F., 91
Collins, Patrick A., 87, 89
Collins Line, 39
Colombo, Joseph, 244
Colorado, 95-6
Colosimo, Big Jim, 213, 214
Columbus, Christopher, 10, 55, 162
Commons, John R., 227
Connecticut, 108
Constantia (ship), 38
Coolidge, Calvin, 141
Corcoran, Michael, 85
Cornish immigrants, 106, 108-9, 111
cotton industry, 105-8
crime, 212-16
Croker, Richard, 90
Cudahy, Michael, 89
Cunard, Sir Samuel, 39
Cunard Line, 39, 40, 45
Curley, James Michael, 90
Cygan, Henry, 244
Czolgosz, Leon, 224

Dakota, 126, 141
Daughters of the American Revolution, 11
Davitt, Michael, 90, 91
Democratic Party, 80, 81, 86, 153, 154
Detroit, 12
De Valera, Eamon, 90, 91
diseases, 35-9, 57-9, 204-6
Doherty, Dan, 87
Doherty, John, 79
Donahue, Peter, 89
Douglas, Dr, 37
Downey, John G., 89
Y Drych, 114
Duden, Gottfried, 120-1
Dugmore, A. R., 156
Dunne, Finlay Peter, 111, 225
Durham Miners' Association, 107
Dutch immigrants, 12, 121-2, 124-5, 141
Dutch Reformed Church, 124
Dutch West India Company, 164

education, 140, 155-61, 184-5, 186, 209-12
Einstein, Albert, 232, 241
Eiseler, Friedrich, 44
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 235
Elbe (ship), 40-1
Ellis Island, 47, 54-64
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 143
Emmet, Thomas Addis, 78, 81
Endreson, Guri, 129-30
Erie Canal, 78
Erie Railroad, 79
Ettor, Giuseppe, 217

Faber, Eberhard, 132
Fascism, 218-19
Fenians, 90, 91
Fermi, Enrico, 241
Filene's, 165
First World War, 11, 64, 139-41, 161, 228, 231
Fitzgerald, John F., 89
Fitzhugh and Grimshaw, 25
Fitzwilliam, Lord, 70
Flower, George, 94
Flynn, Edward J., 153
Ford, Gerald, 236
Ford, Henry, 161, 189-90
Ford, Patrick, 78
Ford Committee, 54
Forty-Eighters, 123-4, 132-3, 136, 138, 141
Foster, Vere, 30-1, 33, 38
France, 10, 12, 103, 196
Franco-Prussian War, 138
Frank, Leo, 189
Frankfurter, Justice, 191
Franks, Jacob, 164
French-Canadians, 113, 155
Frick, Henry Clay, 110
Friedlander, Isaac, 165

Gallatin, Albert, 241
Galleani, Luigi, 217
Garfield, James Abram, 129
German immigrants, 12, 13, 25, 120-1, 122-4, 125, 127, 132-41, 146, 153,
164-8, 188
German Society of New York, 51
Germany, 44, 122-4
Giessen Emigration Society, 125
Gimbel's, 165
Giovannitti, Arturo, 217
Gladstone, W. E., 110, 193
Golden, Harry, 181
Goldman, Sachs, 165
Goldwater's, 165
Gordin, Jacob, 181
Gore Booth, Sir Robert, 71
Grace, William R., 89
Graham, Stephen, 57
Grant, Madison, 230-1
Grattan, Thomas Colley, 85
Gratz, Barnard, 164
Gratz, Michael, 164
Great Britain, 44, 67-9, 170-171
Great Salt Lake, 100, 102
Greek immigrants, 12, 113
Greeley, Horace, 89
Gropius, Walter, 232
Gross, Chaim, 169
Guggenheim, Meyer, 165

Hamburg, 14, 44, 46-7
Hamburg-Amerika Line, 34, 44, 46
Hapgood, Hutchins, 180
Harper's Weekly, 87, 133
Hasselquist, T. N., 136
Haug, John, 122
Hearst, William Randolph, 219
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, 15, 172, 176
Hecker, Friedrich, 120
Heinz, H. J., 132
Heinzen, Karl, 133
Hemlandet, 136
Hennessey, David O., 216
Herbert, Victor, 241
Hickey, William, 155
Hill, Joe, 224-5
Hillquit, Morris, 190
Hirsch, Baron Maurice de, 170
Hitler, Adolf, 190, 232
Holland-America Line, 45
Holmes, Alexander, 35
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 143
Holyoake, George Jacob, 113
Holzheuter, Jack, 136
Hoover, Herbert, 68, 231-2
Hospers, Henry, 121-2
Hoyt, Dr, 54
Hughes, John, 76, 80
Hughes, Thomas, 96
Hyde, Orson, 100

Ianni, Francis, 213
Illinois, 94, 108, 109, 125, 127, 216
Illinois Central Railroad, 136
Illinois Staats-Zeitung, 139
arrival in America, 48-64
change of names, 61-3
entry requirements and restrictions, 47, 54-64, 221-32, 234-6
passage to America, 14, 24-45
statistics, 44, 48, 54, 95, 233-5, 236-7
Immigration Restriction League, 225-7, 230
India (ship), 37
Indiana, 94
Indians, 10, 75, 120, 129-30
Industrial Workers of the World, 217, 224
Inman, William, 39
Inman Line, 39-40, 45
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 179
Iowa, 102, 120, 122, 125, 126, 127
Ireland, 67-70
Irish Emigrant Society, 51
Irish immigrants, 12, 13, 25, 32, 51, 69, 70-91, 113, 146, 153, 155
Iron Founders' Union, 107
Isaac Webb (ship), 40
Israel, 191
Italian-American Civil Rights League, 244-6
Italian immigrants, 12, 13, 113, 146, 148, 193-219, 244-6

Jackson, Andrew, 52, 81
Jacob A. Westervelt (ship), 34
Japanese immigrants, 12
Javits, Jacob, 191
Jay, John, 241
Jefferson, Thomas, 81, 221
Jerome, Frederick, 34
Jerusalem Church Society, 100
Jewish Daily Forward, 181-3
Jewish Defence League, 244
Jewish immigrants, 12, 15, 136, 143, 162-91, 243-4
Johnson, Lyndon B., 236
Johnson, Samuel, 97-8
Jones, Michael D., 99

Kahn, Otto, 165
Kansas, 95, 96, 120
Kefauver, Senator, 213
Kelly, John, 90
Kennedy, John F., 75, 87, 89, 234, 239
Kennedy, Patrick, 239
Kerler, John, 122-3
Kershaw, Edward, 106
Kimball, Heber C., 100
Kinkel, Gottfried, 124
Kirshblum, Moses, 171
Kirshblum, Rabbi Usher, 186, 191
'Know-Nothing' Party, 82, 85
Ku Klux Klan, 230
Kuhn, Loeb and Co., 165

La Fayette, Marquis de, 52
LaFollette, Robert M., 141
La Guardia, Fiorello H., 154, 218
laws and regulations, immigration, 29-30, 33, 39, 47, 54-64, 221-32,
League of Nations, 222
Leahy, Patrick, 40
Le Havre, 25
Lehman Brothers, 165
Le Mars, Iowa, 96-7
Leutze, Emanuel, 241
Lewenhaupt, Count, 131
Lewisohn, Adolph, 165
Lincoln, Abraham, 81, 85-6
Lind, Jenny, 52
Lindo, Moses, 164
Lithuanian National Catholic Church, 155
Littledale, Thomas, 34
Liverpool, 14, 24-5, 26, 29, 44, 45, 69
living standards, 82-4
Lomasney, William Mackay, 91
Lomb, Henry, 132
London, 102, 170
Lopez, Aaron, 164
Los Angeles, 172
Luciano, Lucky, 213, 214
Lutheran Church, 124, 136, 137

McBride, Mary, 72
McCarthy, Margaret, 84
McGee, Thomas D'Arcy, 75, 78, 85
McKinley, William, 224
McManus, Owen, 43
MacNeven, William James, 78
Macy's, 165
Mafia, 213-16, 244-6
Maguire, John F., 50-1
Malatesta, Enrico, 217
Mann, Arthur, 154
Mann, Thomas, 232
Marine Hospital, Staten Island, 48, 51-2
Martini, Louis M., 206
Massachusetts, 11, 82, 89, 90, 107, 113, 199, 213
Mauretania (ship), 45
Meagher, Thomas Francis, 78, 85
The Melting Pot (Zangwill), 143
Melville, Herman, 143
Methodist Church, 137
Mexican immigrants, 12, 148, 235-6
Michigan, 109, 125
Miele, Stefano, 196
Milwaukee, 132, 133, 140
mining, 108-9, 111, 113
Minnesota, 95-6, 120, 125, 126, 129-30, 132, 141
Missouri, 95, 100, 120, 121, 125, 127
Mitchel, John, 78, 81
Mitchell, John, 149
Molly Maguires, 87
Monk, Maria, 80
Moores, Samuel, 112-13
Morgenthau, Henry J., 191
Morin, Joseph, 29-30
Mormons, 100-3
Morris, Nelson, 165
Morse, Samuel F. B., 80
Münch, Friedrich, 126-7
Mure, William, 32
Mussolini, Benito, 217-19

Naples, 44, 45
Napoleonic Wars, 11
Nassau, Duke of, 125
Nast, Thomas, 87
National German-American Alliance, 139, 140, 141
National Line, 40
National Refugee Service, 232
naturalization, 114-17
Nauvoo, Illinois, 100
Third Reich Party, 190, 191
Nebraska, 120, 140
Negroes, 10, 148
New Brunswick, 36, 71
New England, 18, 21, 103, 155
New Jersey, 50, 172, 199
New Orleans, 48, 75, 76, 216
New York, 12, 48-64, 75, 76, 78, 81, 86-7, 132, 154, 156, 164, 165,
172-88, 199-201
New York Commissioners of Emigration, 33, 54
New Zealand, 12, 95
Newman, Pauline, 179
Northern Pacific Railroad, 95, 96, 132
Norwegian immigrants, 120, 122, 124, 125, 126, 129

O'Brien, Hugh, 89
Ocean Monarch (ship), 33-4, 71
O'Connell, William, Cardinal, 87, 219
O'Connell family, 81-2, 87-8
O'Hanlon, John, 79
Ohio, 98, 100, 108, 120, 140
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 127
Ontario, 98
Order of the Star-Spangled Banner, 82

Packard Motor Car Company, 161
Palestine, 170, 190
Palmerston, Lord, 70, 71
Parnell, Charles Stewart, 90
Patagonia, 99
Patton, George S., 18
Peel, Sir Robert, 67-8
Pellegrini, Angelo, 59, 216, 218
Pennsylvania, 11, 75, 111, 113, 127, 149, 199
Pennyslvania Railroad, 109
Perpetual Emigrating Fund, 102
Phelan, James, 89
Philadelphia, 48, 50, 75, 76, 80, 172, 199, 241
Pittsburgh, 18, 172
Polish immigrants, 12, 144-5, 148
Polish National Catholic Church of America, 155
politics, 80-2, 89-91, 153-4, 243
Portuguese immigrants, 12, 113
Pound, Ezra, 219
Powhatan (ship), 35
prohibition, 141
Pulitzer, Joseph, 241
Pupin, Michael, 241
Puritans, 11, 18, 82

Quakers, 124
Quebec, 36-7, 38, 71
Quinn, Edward, 72

Raalte, Albertus van, 124-5, 136
race relations, 78-81, 143-56, 216-17, 223-32, 243
Rae, John, 111
refugees, 232-3, 234-5, 236-7
Regan Colts, 148
religion, 155;
Dutch immigrants, 124-5;
German immigrants, 124, 136-8;
Irish immigrants, 79-80, 87, 136;
Italian immigrants, 207-9;
Jews, 164, 167-8, 184-6;
Welsh immigrants, 100
Republican Party, 81, 153, 243
Rhode, Paul, 155
Riis, Jacob, 176, 201-4
Roberts, Kenneth, 230
Roberts, Samuel, 98-9
Rogers, Will, 219
Rolvaag, Ole E., 130-1, 240
Roman Catholic Church, 79-80, 136, 137, 138, 155, 207-9, 222-3 ,230
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 11, 153, 219, 232
Roosevelt, Theodore, 110, 117, 143, 153, 228
Rosenwald, Samuel, 165
Ross, Edward A., 227
Rothko, Mark, 241
Rothschild family, 188
Rugby, Tennessee, 96
Rush, Benjamin, 127
Russell, Lord John, 67-9
Russian immigrants, 12, 44, 168-70
Ryan, Thomas F., 89
Rynning, Ole, 120

Sacco, Nicola, 217, 218
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, 241
St Louis, 132, 740
St Raphaels Verein, 75
Salvemini, Gaetano, 218
Sampson, William, 78
San Francisco, 75, 89, 200
Sandburg, Carl, 145
Santa Fe railroad, 95
Sbarbaro, Andrea, 206
Schiff, Jacob H., 165
Schurz, Carl, 132-3, 139, 241
Schurz Margarethe, 133
Scottish immigrants, 97-8, 102
Sears Roebuck, 165
Second World War, 64, 190, 219
Seligman, Jesse, 165
Seligman, Joseph, 165, 188
Serbo-Croatian immigrants, 146
shipwrecks, 33-5, 40-1
Simmons, William J., 230
Sioux War, 1862, 129
Sir Henry Pottinger (ship), 37
Slater, Samuel, 105
slavery, 81-2
Smith, Joseph, 100
Socialist Labour Party, 132
Society for the Prevention of Pauperism, 48
Society of Mayflower Descendants, 114
Sorrentino, Joseph, 208
Spargo, John, 115-17
Spies, August, 223
Stead, W. T., 145
Steinmetz, Charles P., 241
Steinway, Henry E., 132
Stella, Antonio, 294-5
Straus, Isidor, 165
Straus, Lazarus, 165
Straus, Nathan, 165
strikes, 179-80
Strutt, Jedediah, 105
Stuyvesant, Peter, 164
Svendsen, Gro, 130
sweated labour, 176-80
Swedish immigrants, 122, 125, 141,146

Tapscott's Poor House and Hospital, 50
Tennessee, 98-9
Texas, 95, 120, 125
textile industry, 103-8, 111-12, 113, 199
Thomashevsky, Boris, 181
Thompson, William Hale, 154
Tillich, Paul, 232
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 18
Torrio, Johnny, 213, 214
Toscanini, Arturo, 165
trade unions, 107, 111, 149-53, 179, 227
Tresca, Carlo, 217, 218
Trevelyan, Sir Charles, 71
Triangle Waist Company, 180
Truman, Harry S., 191, 234
Twain, Mark, 110

Ulster, 69, 75
Union Pacific Railroad, 79
United Jewish Charities, 176
United Mine Workers of America, 111, 149
United States Congress, 33, 125, 221, 227, 231, 234, 235
United States Industrial Commission, 63
US Marine Hospital Service, 42
US Public Health Service, 57
Unonius, Gustaf, 240

Valachi, Joseph, 213
Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, 217, 218
Victoria, Queen of England, 115
Villard, Henry, 132
Villari, Pasquale, 198
Virginia, 21, 75
Virginius (ship), 37

Wagner, Robert F., 191
Wallace, George, 244
Walsh, David Ignatius, 89
Walter, Bruno, 232
War of Independence, 10
Warburg, Felix, 165
Warburg, Paul, 165
Ward's Island, 51-2
Washington (ship), 30-1, 38
Washington, George, 81, 157
Watchorn, Robert, 111
Watson, Tom, 189
Webster, Daniel, 80
Welsh immigrants, 98-100, 102, 113, 114
Weyerhaeuser, Frederick, 132
Whitman, Walt, 143
William Brown (ship), 35
Wilson, Woodrow, 117, 227-8
Winchester (ship), 38
Winthrop, John, 82
Wisconsin, 11, 84-5, 100, 109, 125, 126, 127, 141
Woodworth, John M., 42
World Zionist Organisation, 190
Wright, Carroll D., 153

YMCA, 158
Young, Brigham, 100
Young, G. B., 195

Zangwill, Israel, 143-4

Sources Sited

Chapter 1 The Golden Door

Davie, Maurice R., World Immigration, with Special Reference to the
United States, (New York, 1936)
Handlin, Oscar, The Uprooted, 2nd ed., (Boston, 1973)
Hansen, Marcus L., The Atlantic Migration 1607-1860, (Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 1940; London, 1961)
Jones, Maldwyn A., American Immigration, (Chicago and London, 1960)
Taylor, Philip, The Distant Magnet: European Emigration to the USA,
(London, 1971; New York, 1974) .
Wittke, Carl, We Who Built America: The Saga of the Immigration, 2nd
ed., (Cleveland, Ohio, 1964)

Chapter 2 The Journey

Bowen, Frank C., A Century of Atlantic Travel, (London, 1932)
Coleman, Terry, Passage to America, (London, 1972; New York, 1973)
Guillet, Edwin C., The Great Migration: The Atlantic Crossing by
Sailing-Ship since 1770, (Toronto and London, 1937)
Hyde, Francis E., Cunard and the North Atlantic 1840-1973, (London,
MacDonagh, Oliver, A Pattern of Government Growth 1800-1860: The
Passenger Acts and their Enforcement, (London, 1961)
Tyler, David B., Steam Conquers the Atlantic, (New York, 1939)

Chapter 3 Guardians of the Gate

Albion, Robert G., The Rise of New York 1815-1860, (New York, 1939)
Novotny, Ann, Strangers at the Door: Ellis Island, Castle Garden and the
Great Migration to America, (Riverside, Connecticut, 1971)
Pitkin, Thomas M., Keepers of the Gate: A History of Ellis Island,
(New York, 1975)

Chapter 4 Flight from Hunger

Adams, William F., Ireland and Irish Emigration to the New World from
1815 to the Famine, (New Haven, 1932)
Brown, Thomas N., Irish-American Nationalism, (Philadelphia, 1966)
Greeley, Andrew M., The Most Distressful Nation, (Chicago, 1972)
Potter, George W., To The Golden Door, (Boston, 1960)
Shannon, William V., The American Irish, 2nd edn, (New York, 1965)
Wittke, Carl, The Irish in America, (Baton Rouge, 1956)
Woodham-Smith, Cecil, The Great Hunger: Ireland 1845-49, (London and
New York, 1962)

Chapter 5 Cousins and Strangers

Berthoff, Rowland T., British Immigrants in Industrial America 1790-
1950, (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1953)
Conway, Alan, ed., The Welsh in America, (Cardiff, 1961)
Erickson, Charlotte, Invisible Immigrants: The Adaptation of English and
Scottish Immigrants in Nineteenth-Century America, (London, and Coral
Gables, Florida, 1972)
Rowe, John, The Hard-Rock Men: Cornish Immigrants and the North American
Mining Frontier, (Liverpool and New York, 1974)
Taylor, Philip A. M., Expectations Westward: The Mormons and the
Emigration of their British Converts in the Nineteenth Century,
(Edinburgh and London, 1965)
Thomas, Brinley, Migration and Economic Growth, (Cambridge, 1954)

Chapter 6 The Way West

Blegen, Theodore C., Norwegian Migration to America, 2 vols, Northfield,
Minnesota, 1931-40)
Faust, Albert B., The German Element in the United States, 2 vols,
(Boston, 1909)
Hawgood, John A., The Tragedy of German-America, (New York, 1940)
O'Connor, Richard, The German-Americans: An Informal History, Boston,
Walker, Mack, Germany and the Emigration 1816-1885, (Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 1964)
Wittke, Carl, Refugees of Revolution: The German Forty-Eighters in
America, (Philadelphia, 1952)

Chapter 7 The Myth of the "Melting Pot"

Gleason, Philip, "Melting Pot: Symbol of Fusion or Confusion", American
Quarterly, XVI, (Spring, 1964), pp. 20-46
Gordon, Milton M., Assimilation in American Life, (New York, 1964)
Hartmann, Edward G., The Movement to Americanize the Immigrant, (New
York, 1948)
Herberg, Will, Protestant-Catholic-Jew, (New York, 1955)

Chapter 8 The New Diaspora

Birmingham, Stephen, Our Crowd: The Great Jewish Families of New York,
(New York, 1967)
Handlin, Oscar, Adventure in Freedom: Three Hundred Years of Jewish Life
in America, (New York, 1954; Folkestone, 1971)
Higham, John, Send These to me: Jews and Other Immigrants in Urban
America, (New York, 1975)
Rischin, Moses, The Promised City: New York's Jews 1870-1914,
(Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1962)
Sanders, Ronald, The Downtown Jews, (New York, 1969)
Schoener, Allon, ed., Portal to America: The Lower East Side 1870-1925,
(New York, 1967)
Silverberg, Robert, If I Forget Thee, O Jerusalem: American Jews and the
State of Israel, (New York, 1970)

Chapter 9 The Italian Exodus

DeConde, Alexander, Half Bitter, Half Sweet: An Excursion into Italian-
American History, (New York, 1971)
Diggins, John P., Mussolini and Fascism: The View from America,
(Princeton and London, 1972)
Foerster, Robert F., The Italian Emigration of Our Times, (Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 1919)
Nelli, Humbert S., The Italians in Chicago 1880-1930, (New York and
London, 1970)
Williams, Phyllis H., South Italian Folkways in Europe and America, (New
Haven, 1938)

Chapter 10 The Narrow Gate

Bernard, William S., ed., American Immigration Policy -- A Reappraisal;
(New York, 1950; Folkestone, 1970)
Davie, Maurice R., Refugees in America, (New York, 1947)
Divine, Robert A., American Immigration Policy 1924-1952, (New Haven,
Higham, John, Strangers in the Land: Patterns of American Nativism 1860-
1925, (New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1955)
Solomon, Barbara M., Ancestors and Immigrants, (Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 1956; London, 1972)

Chapter 11 The Immigrant Heritage

Bowers, David F., ed., Foreign Influences in American Life, (Princeton,
1944; London, 1967)
Gerson, Louis L., The Hyphenate in Recent American Politics and
Diplomacy, (Lawrence, Kansas, 1964)
Glazer, Nathan, and Moynihan, Daniel P., Beyond the Melting Pot, 2nd
edn, (Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, 1970)
Handlin, Oscar, Race and Nationality in American Life, (Boston, 1957)
Rose, Peter, ed., Nation of Nations: The Ethnic Experience and the
Racial Crisis, (New York, 1972)
Weed, Perry L., The White Ethnic Movement and Ethnic Politics, (New York
and London, 1973)

Library of Congress Catalog Listing

  • LC Control Number: 75024999
  • Type of Material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.)
  • Personal Name: Jones, Maldwyn Allen.
  • Main Title: Destination America / by Maldwyn A. Jones.
  • Published/Created: New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, c1976.
  • Description: 256 p. : ill.; 25 cm.
  • ISBN: 0030167310
  • Notes: Includes index. Bibliography: p. 251-252.
  • Subjects: United States--Emigration and immigration--History.
  • LC Classification: JV6450 .J62 1976b
  • Dewey Class No.: 325.73 19
  • Geog. Area Code: n-us---
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